
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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Overlord's Orders - Forum 10th Anniversary Special

Started by Matthias720, June 08, 2021, 11:08:32 PM

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lass of something much

*Lass is typing*

"Yes, I made the account, but it wasn't for me, it was for my little sister.
As for any accusations of me being behind the spammers, that is physically imposable, as at the time, I was getting the posts in my party board cleaned (There were a lot of swears)"

Quote from: Russa Nodrey on July 01, 2021, 12:54:32 AM
*Russa is typing*
I made a pretty awesome celebration board and was happy that I'd been able to fulfill your orders without any problems. I noticed all our new celebration boards were somewhat lost amongst the other boards, though. Some people hadn't even noticed they were there. With this in mind, I proposed the following:
Quote from: Russa NodreyHow do y'all feel about hiding all the boards except the celebration ones for about twenty minutes? That way everyone will know they're there and we can really start celebrating. What do you guys think? Also, if we decide to do this I'm gonna need some directions because I have no idea how to do anything.
Booklover objected, but Lass and Ally said it was a good idea. Ally even said she knew how to do it and would give me the directions I needed. With Ally's assistance I hid the other boards, and then left for about ten minutes.

When I got back I found that spammers had begun posting horrible things about our Overstrator. I assisted in deleting these posts and gagging the spammers. The worst of them all was an account called "BookIover". Just before I gagged this person they sent me this message:
Quote from: BookIoverIt's your good friend Lass!
I'm so very disappointed...

I was unsure how to bring the other boards back so I asked Ally for help. She refused, citing "personal reasons". I'm genuinely confused. How could she have any reason to not assist me in restoring the boards that she helped me temporarily hide?

"Also, you didn't read my full post, I said:

QuoteIt might be a good idea, but we need to ask the Overstator, and I have no idea how to do it for only a short amount of time, so I don't think we should do it.. Also, banning members is something you have to ask the Overstator about, Bookie.

𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱


*Booklover is typing*

According to rule 4b of the Moderators' Handbook kindly provided by our benevolent Overstrator, it's allowed for accounts that have joined within the past month, would continue being disruptive if not banned, and have very clearly broken the forum rules. In the case of the spammers, all of this applies. Therefore, I was well within my rights to ban them, and the rest of you should have been doing the same, or at least something.

It is also against the forum rules to impersonate another member, let alone a mod (and I hope no one has ever even considered impersonating the Overstrator, though his perfection cannot be mimicked). You may not have used the account, but you made it so you named it.
Error. Error. Cannot compute.

lass of something much

*Lass is typing*

"My little sister wanted the name booklover, but I told her you had that name so she improvised. Plus, she wasn't impersonating you, she her pet dog Lima as a profile pic. As for the hand book, I was never sent one, I've never even heard of it, I think you just made it up to cover your crimes. Also, I might just note that quickly deleted post of yours in the forum discord. How id it go again... Oh, I remember, I quoted it.

Quote from: BlueFin42Russa, are you ready for tomorrow? If we get there early they'll never see it coming.

What exactly won't we see coming, hmm? Seems awfully suspicious that you jump on Ally and I so quickly, doesn't it? Considering I was hardly on.. I posted in my party board, and help delete spammer's posts, but that's it. "

OOc: I actually wanna read the handbook now XD
𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱


*Booklover is typing*

Actually, I did see her having a profile pic exactly the same as mine at the time. And besides, clearly it was a good enough impersonation to fool even you, who made the account and knew it existed:
Quote from: lass of something much on June 30, 2021, 01:54:32 PM
*Lass is typing*

"Didn't Russa say something about hiding other boards cause no one was using the party boards? Now we have angry members spamming horrible things like: End the overstator, death to Mattias, and worst of all: Overstator's are worse than even Lass herself.
All of these are HORRIBLE things, and I was going to ask if I could ban them all for saying such awful things, but then I realized....Bookie was among the spammers...In fact, she was the worst of them all... I'm trying to delete the posts, but I can't keep up.. Ally, could you help?"
I find it interesting that you tried to accuse someone else despite knowing they couldn't be guilty and that, even though you think that the things were 'horrible' (they were, actually), you didn't just tell your sister to stop.

Also, I would like to point out that you were the one who started accusing people first (baselessly, might I add), whereas, until now, I've just stated the facts (instead of lying).

As for your other accusation, that was for a discord specific prank that wasn't even for the forum discord. It was deleted because I'd intended to dm it and I knew there were a couple of people on the forum discord also on the discord the prank was planned for (if you must know, it's a discord dedicated to fun games and writing that Russa and I happen to share).

The handbook is among the information all mods are sent when they become mods. It is also a pinned topic in one of the staff-only boards. There is no excuse for not knowing about it.

OOC: I mean, I did make it up, but anything we say happened, happened, right? Russa and I only share forum or forum adjacent discords irl (well, you know what I mean), that's something else I made up.
Error. Error. Cannot compute.

lass of something much

*Lass is typing*

"You just contradicted yourself there, you said it tricked even me, and then you said I could just tell her to stop. Even if I did know, do you honestly think I'd be able to stop her even if I did know? No one listens to older sisters.
I did honestly think it was you. I didn't think it was my sister because I remembered helping her set up her put up her profile pic and status and everything. (If you want to know, everything was about dogs.)

At the time of that post, you hadn't posted the hand book anywhere, and if you needed help gagging people, you should've just told me about the new rules rather than blaming me for not knowing."

(OOC: I mean, yes, but actually no... People only ever use it when it is on their side.. Also, you said I was lying despite that rule, and claimed my part about you making them up was untrue as well, it's an easty mistake to make.. (An other way you could've done it without breaking that rule would be saying something like: "Yes I made them up, but it was with the Overstator's full permission"))
𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱


*Booklover is typing*

Actually, I was pointing out your contradictions. You made the account, it shouldn't have fooled you, so you had no reason to blame me. As both a mod and an older sister, you also had a responsibility to do your best to stop her breaking any rules (including impersonation of a mod, which happened from the time the account was made). If you really were mistaken, then that just shows that an account with a similar name to another account shouldn't be done.

I did not post the handbook. Our benevolent Overstrator did. I assumed that, as it is sent to every mod and in a pinned thread mods are told to read, that you knew. These rules aren't new, they've existed for years. For that matter, I did in fact inform the Overstrator of the spammers and the possibility of it being a mod, and as I would not have told the other mods anything for fear of alerting the spammer, I wouldn't have said either way.

Also, did Ally ever give an explanation for locking the boards? And was the art bribery ever explained sufficiently?

OOC: I said you were mistaken, and later implied that you were either lying or you hadn't done something you should have. I also heavily implied you were lying when it contradicted events during the blaming. And just because something doesn't exist in real life doesn't mean it can't in game (an evil Overstrator would probably have a set of rules his minions have to follow, anyway). It's possible I went against the clone rule, though that rule also includes brainwashing, which was somewhat broken with Russa's orange juice in an earlier round. In the end, it's the Overstrator's judgement.
Error. Error. Cannot compute.


OOC: Since @lass of something much  and @Booklover  have posted quite a bit, and @Ally046  and @Russa Nodrey have only posted once each, I'd like Ally and Russa to each post once more to help balance out the round a bit more. After they have both posted, I will post the round conclusion.

Russa Nodrey

OOC: Very, very sorry about my minimal participation. I've been unusually busy the last two days.

Quote from: lass of something much on July 02, 2021, 12:33:35 AM"Also, you didn't read my full post, I said:
It might be a good idea, but we need to ask the Overstator, and I have no idea how to do it for only a short amount of time, so I don't think we should do it.. Also, banning members is something you have to ask the Overstator about, Bookie.
*Russa Nodrey is typing*
I only remember seeing the "it might be a good idea" part. I checked just now and it says your post was edited. Odd.

Also, Ally said she knew how to hide the boards for a short length of time, so I was confident that this would be alright and that the Overstrator would approve. Like I said, after she showed me how to hide the boards she wouldn't show me how to unhide them. Very confusing.


OOC: Same though, sowrry.

*Ally is typing*

Russa, I tried to warn you...

When Russ PM'd me asking how to suspend many boards at once, then release them all at the same time, I messaged back:

Quote from: Ally046Well...I of course know how to suspend one board at a time, but Russa...even If I did know, I wouldn't tell you. Not to be rude or unhelpful but, as you may remember, something like this has been attempted before.

I short...It didn't end well.  The overstrator spent many long, tedious days repairing as much damage as possible, and us Mods handled all of the consequential complaints about glitches, missing topics, and lag, among other resulting issues.

Apparently, even our great forum can't handle such changes. And, while this may have been the result of somebeast's mistakes I hope you can understand why I won't be helping you with this any further.

However, Russa just wouldn't drop it. She asked two more times if I had even the slightest notion how to accomplish such a task. I eventually messaged back:

Quote from: Ally046Russa, I stand by my statement that I advise strongly against this.

When she PM'd me yet again, I caved. I now regret this fully.

I gave her the instructions as best I could on how to suspend them all at once, and told her to PM me back when she wanted to attempt to release them.

I of course saw that my first instructions were fruitful, and two days later, she PM'd back asking for the next instructions.

But, by that time, my doubts about telling her any of this had grown. I had the thought that if we could inform the great Overstrator of the issue, he may be merciful and help us solve the matter without causing as much damage as the last time this was attempted.

My PM to the Overstrator was unanswered, so I assume he was still very busy with repairs. So I guiltily PM'd Russa trying to explain some of my dilemma, and why I couldn't give her the instructions she wanted.

I do believe that I did the best I could do with the situating from that point.
Cobb, Ember, Nutmeg, Pingvin, Diann, Celest, Cinnabon, Coco


"ENOUGH! My head hurts so much from trying to figure out which of you is the least competent, that I feel like my skull is about to crack open like an egg! I can not and will not let your fumbling cause me any more pain! Instead, you will solve my problem for me. With four of you left, you will split into teams. Convince me that the other team is worse and they'll get axed. You have until July 10th to sway me to your side. I don't care who you team up with, just do it! BEGIN!"

OOC: I'm really not sure who to pick this round, so I'm trying something different. Y'all made my job mighty difficult, but that lead me to a more creative solution. You have six days to pick who you will team up with and compete to get in to the FINAL ROUND. I don't have any particular guidelines for this round. As long as you can convince me that your team is the best (or that the other team is the worst), and you stay within the established theme and rules, anything goes. Good luck!

EDIT: OOC: I don't actually have a headache.

lass of something much

*Lass is typing*

"Deepest of apologies Great and Wise Overstator! Please, take care of yourself, we can't have our namesake unhappy! Have some peppermint tea, it'll help you relax, and heal. "
𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱


(OOC: Peppermint tea isn't just good for headaches.)

That Lass and I are always here (and posting within minutes of your announcement) shows how much better we are than Ally and Russa, who show no concern for their benevolent, most brilliant Overstrator (may he live forever).
Error. Error. Cannot compute.


*Ally is typing*

Actually, you just set yourself up, as, the fact of you being active more often means that you had more time to make mistakes and cause issues, as well as work behind other's backs and privately  tamper with the well-being of our great forum, however your intentions.
Cobb, Ember, Nutmeg, Pingvin, Diann, Celest, Cinnabon, Coco


*Booklover is typing*

Except we do not make mistakes even during the many hours of being on, whereas you and Russa make mistakes even when you're only on for five minutes.
Error. Error. Cannot compute.


*Ally is typing*

Me and Russa will consolidate a list to prove just how wrong you are.

It may take a while, as there are so many that we have to compact it.
Cobb, Ember, Nutmeg, Pingvin, Diann, Celest, Cinnabon, Coco