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Overlord's Orders - Forum 10th Anniversary Special

Started by Matthias720, June 08, 2021, 11:08:32 PM

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*Booklover is typing*
I wasn't even in the same group as Corn or Verd, and besides, if I was attempting to do something, I'd do it right or at the very least get it back to normal. Suggesting otherwise is almost as bad as saying that our beloved Overstrator is imperfect!
Error. Error. Cannot compute.


*The lettuce cultgang leader is typing*

"Agreed, also, I don't know of any cabbage gang, but you have full support from the lettuce gang."
Cobb, Ember, Nutmeg, Pingvin, Diann, Celest, Cinnabon, Coco


As the staff chat erupts into chaos, the typing of their Overstrator quickly quells the quarreling into quietness. Over the course of several minutes, the staff hang on every second, awaiting their impending fate.

"Why must you try my patience so? Am I not benevolent in providing you this place? For giving each of you your authority? Yet you behave as though my generosity mean NOTHING! Therefore, I must make an example of one of you. Someone must take the blame for this debacle. And that person is..."

"Scott McLamok"

"It is by your actions, both sending Russa spiked orange juice and creating unbecoming drawings of me for a suspicious anonymous source, that are responsible for the lion's share of the blame. I strip you of your rank, and you are now only allowed to communicate via smileys for the next year. Begone!"

With that proclamation, Scott was disconnected from the staff chat, never to return.

"Now, as for the rest of you. I am thoroughly dissatisfied with your results too, but I am willing to give you a little more time. Clean up the mess you made! And then, by working together, bring me two ideas for events, and this time they better be GOOD ones! I hope that the eight of you can count that high! I will be most displeased with any further failings. DISMISSED!"

Four days later...

"GET IN HERE NOW! Why am I getting complaints about spambots posting 'RP mods stink' everywhere!? Why are my precious forums being trashed by people from lesser fandoms!? AND WHY ARE PROFILE PICTURES ALL BUNNIES NOW!? Who's responsible for this!? Answers, NOW!!!"

OOC: Round 1 is officially over. Sorry, Scott McLamok, but your defense needed to be a little more substantial. There's always next time though. Thanks for playing!

As for everyone else, a few quick reminders:

  • If someone says something happened, it happened. Denying it is against the rules. If you don't like what someone said you have done, try re-contextualizing it instead. For example, if someone said you attacked someone else with a knife, you could offer more information about the knife itself (maybe it's less harmful than it appears), your reason for attacking (that person is bad because...), or even why what your accuser saw was a misunderstanding (it was all faked). Remember that the challenge isn't all about blaming someone else, it's about not getting blamed yourself.
  • I know it's not easy to be around when a new round goes live, but even a minor post can go a long way in helping you do better later in the round. You can always pass the blame later if you need to, and a post is still a post.
  • On the other side, I know it's exciting to post a response to your latest accuser, but try and show a little restraint. I don't want to say "Stop having fun" (because that's no fun at all), but I also don't want to have to post a reminder to post. If you're pushing half a dozen post on the first day, maybe trying to consolidate your posts into one longer post instead of 5-6 short one. Quality over quantity.

All in all, this was a great first round! I'm looking forward to what shenanigans you get up to this time. Good luck everyone!

lass of something much

OOC: UUGGHH!!! Matt whyyyyy!! Don't you know him well enough to know that he will actually only post in emojis?? He is the most stubborn, persistent, adorable guy I've ever met.. If he sees that, he will actually do it! I'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO TALK TO HIM AGAIN AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!
𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱


*Booklover is typing*
I don't know who confused the forum anniversary with the Easter event, but last time Verdie wanted the kitten profile pics, so maybe he knows something.

The blame for the people from lesser fandoms lies partially with me. I invited a few trusted people who I knew had read and loved Redwall, in order to have more subjects to worship you. However, that doesn't account for anyone else who joined. I'm suspect Lass invited some people from other fandoms, as she's the most likely to be involved in anime fandoms.

I was unaware that the spambots existed as I was, at the time, trying to stop certain new members breaking the rules, and the spambots were only in the roleplay thread, apparently, which is somewhere the new members weren't going.
Error. Error. Cannot compute.

lass of something much

*Lass is typing*

"I invited two friends, but they were massive redwall nerds! One of them even has a Martin poster, signed by The Great Overstrator..
Also, it was your friend who wrote an essay on why the Overstator is a horrible person! It was full of lies! I was the one who deleted it!"

PS: Corn what on earth did you do to the forum emojis?? And WHY are they all butts?!?!
𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱


Yet again, everyone was letting me down. Right off the bat, I came up with two awesome ideas for the events. The first was, logically, going to be Matthias720 day, to be celebrated on the day of your joining the forum, which of course closely aligns with the anniversary of the forum itself. All the board names would be renamed to be Matthias720-themed, we would all change profile pictures to something celebrating you, and of course there would be a toasting topic for us all to celebrate your great successes. I figured, after shooting out such an excellent idea, I could delegate some of the planning. I put Verd in charge of the profile picture swap, which I guess confirms Booklover's suspicions.

The other great idea would be a roleplaying tournament. Unfortunately, I thought Corn and Wort would be capable of handling that. Next thing I know, Wort changed all the security settings to open up the forum to spammers, and then momentarily closed posting to all topics except roleplaying so it was the only place for spammers to post. I guess they thought participation numbers would mean everything. By the time I worked out what happened and re-opened the other boards, the spambots had run rampant and cleaning up the mess became hopeless, although of course I am doing my best to delete all the posts. Would be nice to get some help, of course, but the rest of this crowd are pretty useless.
Received mostly negative reviews.

Captain Wortshire

"TheCaptain is typing a reply"

"Don't worry, I'm not going to blame a typhoon this time"

"Yes, I was trying to gain traction for the RP tournament, done is the style of Roman Gladiatorial fights in honor and for the entertainment of our glorious (Emperor) Overstrator. Corn pointed out to me hardly anybody was applying, and she suggested that I lock all the other topics in order to gain some sot of traction and attention."

"I found it strange that she told me to do it instead of doing it herself, and being clueless, (as I am, as you know, the newest mod in the forum, O Great Overstrator, and still learning the ropes), asked her how to do it."

"Instead of giving me specifics, Corn gave me very obscure instructions. And trusting her, I did it."

"Suddenly, there was a flood en masse of spam posters, so I tried to contact Corn, but she was offline."

"When I tried to fix the problem myself, I found somebody limited my moderator abilities, so I was unable to undo the problem."

"Fortunately, I was able to contact Verd, who helped reinstated my mod abilities, but the damage was already done."

"What I found curious, was that little to no one was posting at the time, and as soon as the topics were locked, suddenly everyone started posting in the RP thread."

"Scanning through the RP topics, most of the posts were memes from Avatar: The Last Airbender, Boku No Hero Academia and My Little Pony. That and also the Stinky Cabbage Matt picture that spammed my PM box last time."

"Also, there was another thing prominent throughout all the spammers that posted, all their signatures had lettuce in it..."

"I believe that this entire situation had been planned for some time."

"I don't like pointing fingers, but I believe that Ally and Lass have something to do about it. (And to some extent Corn, but I'm not going to blame her.)"

"It's so sad. Nobody understands you. But the truth is you're the one who finds everyone & everything to be a pain in the butt."
"The moon tide is tugging on our hearts right now."
"Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul"
"We're making the mother of all omelettes here. Can't fret over every egg"


*Booklover is typing*
Ah, so that's why they pmed me afterward and asked why a purely sarcastic, completely untrue on purpose essay they wrote to show why doing anything other than worshipping the Overstrator was a ridiculous idea. You must have forgotten to read the small print. Though of course if there was any confusion you were right to delete it (we don't want anyone getting the wrong impression of our benevolent, most wonderful Overstrator, do we?). I will of course make sure that they are clear on what is acceptable on our forum, and why they must be certain to obey the rules at all times.
Error. Error. Cannot compute.

Russa Nodrey

Prior to the spammers arriving, I received the same cryptic message from Verdauga, Lass, and Ally. It said:
QuoteThe lettuce people are coming. This forum must die. Matthias720 looks like a dumpster with a face.

I was both disturbed and offended on your behalf. I immediately warned the others, but they wouldn't listen to me.

lass of something much

*Lass is typing*

"Corn told me to PM that to all the mods and active members! I  did question it, but she claimed it was from the Great Overstrator himself! How could I refuse? I would never ignore The Great Overstrator's orders. That's why I did it.. How was I supposed to know that he didn't?? "
𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱


Sowwry, I didn't see Lass response before submitting, soooooo...idk...
*Ally is typing*

"Ah, you received these messages from a mysterious hacker group that has been messing with the forum more noticeably recently.

We all remember the unknown number that contacted Scott?  We have reports that suggest this message was from the hacker group.

The hackers slipped up when they mentioned Verd, as he is not in any way a 'lettuce person'.

Further reports have shown that the main goal of the group is to drag down the regal overstrator, dirty his name, and bring ruin to all that is his.

The hacker group gained rather dangerous footing in the forum while it was defenseless, and evidence points to the fact that the hackers may have introduced many, if not all, of the bots into the forum.

I doubt we have seen the last of this group and their destruction, I will not let them succeed, and will continue collecting intelligence."
Cobb, Ember, Nutmeg, Pingvin, Diann, Celest, Cinnabon, Coco

Captain Wortshire

"TheCaptain is typing a reply"

"Oh, is that why you started a topic last week asking people to join your 'exclusive' discord server called 'MatT sTiNKs' with the 'Stinky Cabbage Matt' photo as the icon?"

"Of course my account was blocked from entering it."
"It's so sad. Nobody understands you. But the truth is you're the one who finds everyone & everything to be a pain in the butt."
"The moon tide is tugging on our hearts right now."
"Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul"
"We're making the mother of all omelettes here. Can't fret over every egg"

Cornflower MM

*Corn is typing*

Wort and I did start working on the RP tournament, however, I quickly grew busy trying to keep the hacker group that Ally mentioned out of my account. Wort ignored this when I told him and kept bugging me about what to do - I was very short tempered and very sarcastically suggested that he lock down every other topic - I assumed that he would see how sarcastic I was being and how stupid of an idea that was. I was still very distracted when he pressed me about how one would do that and I never thought that he was asking so he could actually lock most of the forum, and I was so irritated I didn't put much thought into it and gave him the basics.
After that, I was kicked out of my account for a few hours by the hacker group - during this time Wort broke everything and couldn't fix it AND they used my account to PM Lass, Verd, and Ally and tell them to spread the message that Russa received, as well as messing with the forum emojis.

lass of something much

Quote from: Captain Wortshire on June 17, 2021, 12:57:06 PM
"TheCaptain is typing a reply"

"Oh, is that why you started a topic last week asking people to join your 'exclusive' discord server called 'MatT sTiNKs' with the 'Stinky Cabbage Matt' photo as the icon?"

"Of course my account was blocked from entering it."

*Lass is typing a reply*

"I was making a server about teapots, but I gave Daniel admin powers on accident, and he changed everything. He deleted everything but the cricket channel, and replaced them all with "Matt sucks" channels, the server name and pic too.."
𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱