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Started by Matthias Martin, December 18, 2011, 12:38:32 AM

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Matthias Martin

the topic is Graves. where do they buried the dead? and jsut like the tomb of Martin the warrior and Abbess Germine, do you think that the other founders of Redwall were place in tombs? was Goff and his family buried at redwall or at the church?


I don't think it was ever mentions where Gonff was buried, but if it was my best bet would be it being mentioned in Doomwyte. Gonff is mentioned a lot in there. It's been ages since I've read it, though, so I can't say for sure.

Now, a lot of the time, they were buried where they liked being. I think Rose was buried at or near Noonvale (or was it on their journey?) and I can remember a lot of people were buried by the Abbey pond. Swiffo, for example, from the Rogue Crew.
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Matthias Martin

i don't believe that the location of Goff's grave is ever given. the most tha tthey talked aobut him in that book was saying how he stole the eyes and that his family was kicked out of the abbey for stealing.

Rose was Buried at Noonvile. in the book Martin the warrior. at the end. Brome takes her body back with him to be buried there. and on top of her grave is the Rose bush.

i think that it would of been neat if they found some more tombs or hidden rooms in the Abbey


thy did mention in the taggerung that constance was buried under a tree or something and they mentioned mother mellus getting buried but i cant remember what book that was in

Matthias Martin

i think that i remember that. i know that Mellus was in the books, Mariel of Redwall, and The BellMaker.

Matthias Martin

and another thing that i wonder too, how big was the tunnel to Martin's tomb? if i remember correctly in the book the tunnel i small and the room is small but int eh cartoon the tunnel is huge and the room is not big big but it is still big. any thoughts?


It's been awhile since I watched the series, so I can't remember.

Redwall page 134, US Firebird edition.
To the astonishment of the watching mice, the [fourth] step slid smoothly outwards on the greased stone. It turned completely over to reveal a dark opening with a downward flight of stairs running off into the blackness below.

Redwall page 141, US Firebird edition.
Below the newly discovered steps, a pair of lanterns cast pools of golden light into the inky blackness. The two mice made their way gingerly down the secret entrance.
The friends pressed onward. They could not estimate how long they had been following the course of this ancient winding corridor.

Redwall page 143 US Firebird edition.
Lanterns held high, the two mice advanced through the doorway.

It was a small, low-ceilinged chamber. A stone block rested squarely in the middle.

So, probably small, short tunnel that ran quite a long distance, and then the small room of the Martin's grave, located near the bottom of the Abbey's foundation according to this part of page 141:
"Yes, we must be nearly underneath the Abbey foundation," Matthias replied.

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In Salamandastron, Lord Brocktree didn't have a grave.  He had a final resting place, by the Badger Lord Treasure.
baby turtle forever

Matthias Martin

sorry, i didn't see the modify button until now. i will do that next time

i always thought of that room as Brocktree's grave but in the open.
the tv series had the tunnel as being around 15 to 20 feet tall with a small room.


Friar Hugo had a grave.
I won't be on this forum much anymore, but I'll pop in to say hi every now and then.


Alot of them got buried under the old oak tree, or by the abbey pond. Some of them were also at the church, or random locations having to do with the book.
Yeah, I do stuff sometimes.

Captain Tammo

I feel like they had a separate area that was a cemetery-like area. Also, I think that since they probably didn't use coffins, the bodies decomposed quickly, which is why so many are buried beneath the tree over time. And I doubt that there's only be oak tree also. So I guess all of this makes sense
"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior

Rollo the Baby Bankvole

I think the Redwallers got buried in a peaceful place, like under a tree or near some place they loved.
I've read Mattimeo, Salamandastron, The Pearls of Lutra, The Taggerung, Triss, Eulalia!, Lord Brocktree, The Legend of Luke, The Bellmaker & The Long Patrol! xD
??Just close your eyes, the sun is going down, you'll be alright, noone


Does anyone gather that any of these graves have headstones to say who is there?  I don't think there is any mention of this, but it doesn't seem that the characters don't often revisit the graves of lost ones.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


i think only a couple had headstones like mother mellus, but they have some at loamhedge, they had lots of graves probably with headstones, we know some did like the first abbess their, which is where he cure was supposed to be for Martha