
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Peace to Protection

Started by Trigoma, January 30, 2012, 03:23:17 AM

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  Well I finally did it. I promised this along time ago, but never came through with it. Not even sure if the people that were in this RP even remember this.
But non-the-less, here it is. A quick history...

  This RP, that was titled "Peace to Protection", was created by yours truly. This was way back in the beginning of this forum when there was just one forum section. I made it as a learning RP to get in the flow of RP'ing, but it turned out, in my opinion, to be one of the best RPs ever made. From the humorous first chapter, to the gripping second chapter. Well, enough of my babbling. The first chapter will be posted in its entirety in the next post.

Character list:

1. Skipper Webbtail (Webb for short)-Skipper of otters,age unknown,uses javelin and sling.

2. Friar Saulyle(Saul or Lyle for short)-Cook, age around 40, mole
   Redd Mórtach-Vermin in Crantors Horde, Weasel, Captain
   Albern Frilton-watervole, abbeybeast, sling, clumsy

Redwall Musician
3. Diamond Orchid-redwall musician, age 14, hare, carries short sword

4. Trigoma-otter in skippers crew, javelin,

5. Brother Barlom-abbey recorder, mouse, age around 40
   Flinn-Guosim warrior, age unknown (young), shrew, slingshot

6. Carl Galedeep-Captain of the hotroot, age 35, otter, twin cutlass's
Tiria Wildlough
7. Bluestrype Verminslayer-Badger, age unknown, battle axe

8. Crantor-Main baddie, age 30, fox

Rakkety Tam
9. Balock-age 17, hare, wanderer, katana

10. Nightfire-Squirrel Queen, age 21, longbow|dirk|blowpipe

There it is. And now...our feature presentation...

"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


Chapter One: A Feast To Remember
The excitement is up! Everyone bustling to prepare for the summer name feast! With beasts packed in the kitchens and Friar Saulyal yelling commands at the top of his lungs to be heard by no one. Diamond Orchid is weaving through the throng of beasts to get a few gluttonous mouthfuls. it is the very picture of peace and prosperity. Friends together, dibbuns playing, happiness everywhere. Abbess Meriam watching this unaware of the evil surging outside this beloved place.
     Trigoma walks into the kitchen "Well Webbtail told me to stop being lazy and to get some work on mah paws! So what should I make friar?"
     Saulyle had just finished shooing some dibbuns out of the kitchen (along with a few older beasts) for swiping strawberries out of their basket. As he returned to the kitchen to start again on the feast when he was interrupted once again by an otter that he recognized as Trigoma, one of Skipper Webbtails's lot. "Well Webbtail told me to stop being lazy and to get some work on mah paws! So should I make friar?" the otter asked. "Well, you'm can add a few more o' them shrimps to yon pot o' zoop an' then--get yer theivin paws outta yon cake, moister Friggle!"
    He stopped talking to Trigoma and suddenly shouted at a mousebabe who had decided to taste the icing on the Great Cake. His attention quickly drew away from the otter as he noticed some more dibbuns loose in the kitchens."Bansl! Coom back 'ere weth  those chesknutters! Aggins! Stoop playin in yon oven before ye burn yer tail off! Friggle, did oi not just tell ye to get outta of yon cake! Out, out, the lot of ye!" He grabbed a big wooden ladle and chased the laughing infants out of the kitchens.
Returning to the kitchens, he rubbed the sweat from the heat off  his face and got to work on a mushroom flan that he had been preparing before the dibbuns arrived, paying no attention to Trigoma.
      Diamond Orchid licked meadow cream from her paw. She had been able to steel a few handfuls before she was chased away. "Top hole scoff! Friar ol' boy don't take kindly to taste testers though. Just making sure it wasn't sour, wot!" She began to dig through her wooden chest. Finally she found a violin and it's bow. She began tuning it. "Now, what should I play first? The Tail Tune, Jumping Jig? Ah well, might as well play both, wot, wot!" She continued to talk to herself as she practiced the songs. "Practice makes perfect" she thought.
     Trigoma looked around the kitchen for some work to attend to and saw an unfinished bowl of hotroot soup. "Hmm mah specialty!" he thought to himself, and went over to it. He grabbed five pawfuls of the spicy root and threw it in. "Hmm maybe a little more." he said aloud. Then suddenly a violin bow came back and forth to the tune "Tail tune" and suddenly hit the bag of hotroot dumping it all in! But this was not seen by Trigoma has he fought for cover from the gluttonous hare.
      Diamond saw the bag fall into the soup. She was about to warn him, but decided not to. After all, she thought, a good joke never hurt anyone. Diamond took her violin and ran off to the orchards, where she could practice in peace. On reaching the orchard she heard something.
"What is that noise?" she said to herself as she ran to see what it was. She ran straight to the Abbey pound and saw a complete scene of chaos.
On being sent away from the kitchens, the Dibbuns went to the pound. Friggle the squirrel had fallen into the pound.
"Help! Help! The babe has fallen into the pond!" Diamond shouted at the top of her lungs. "Eulaliiaaa!" and with that she jumped into the water, to save the babe.
The Dibbuns watched and yelled, hoping that Diamond would save Friggle.
        Unaware of the commotion outside, Trigoma regain his composure and thought about trying the soup. But then one of the cooks bumped into him and sent him sprawling. "Soorry aboot that!" said a mole assistant cook. "Yeah well watch were yew put your paws!" complained Trigoma. the Abbess Meriam came bustling in, not common for her. "Is the feast ready yet? We will like to start soon." She looked expectantly at the friar.
      Skipper Webbtail was next to enter the kitchen. His wife, the pretty ottermaid Wisteria was helping there, and he was getting restless waiting for the feast to start. He had never been to a Redwall Abbey feast before, but he had heard stories of the amazing food from the gluttonous Long Patrol hares at Salamandastron. The first thing he noticed as he entered the kitchen was the lovely smell coming from all the pots and pans. The next thing was the bag of unguarded candied chestnuts sitting on a shelf. Sneaking silently so nobody would notice, he managed to snatch three big, plump chestnuts before his wife caught him. "Not stealing the chestnuts, are you?" She yelled at him, causing him to jump.
"No, me darling, I wasn't at all, me tatercake. I was... uhhh... helping the friar in the kitchens, he wanted me to get the chestnuts for him. Yeah, that's what I was doing!" Webb stammered.
Wisteria wasn't fooled. "Go, clear off, go keep a lookout on the dibbuns at the pond!"
Webb slouched off to to what he was told.
     Completely under water and unable to swim Friggle went down deeper into the pond. Diamond was no otter at swimming. She ducked deeper underwater and finally found the squirrel. Grabbing him in one arm she swam back to the shallows. Diamond lay the limp little body on the grass. Just then Skipper came running up to the pond.
     "Is the feast ready yet? We would like to start soon." the abbess said, looking expectantly at the friar. "Can't be rushin' them foods, abbess." he said. "They be's ready when they be's ready an' no toime before." He turned to the hotroot soup. He got a ladle and started to taste it. "Such as this zoop fer in'zanze. One needin's to be given proper care to Zuch a delicate di--WOOOOOOO! 'OT! 'OT! 'OT! BOI ME DIGGIN CLAWS! WHO PUT ALL THOIS 'OTROOT PEPPER IN THOIS ZOOP?!" He grabbed a nearby bucket of water and drank until it was washed away. "It was Webbtail who doid thois, yes zir. He's always addoing too much pepper to yon zoop. Aye, Webbtail." And with that he grabbed his ladle and darted out of the kitchen to find the otter. Finding him walking over to the pond. "Webbtail, oi'll teach ee to mess woith moi cooking!" the fat mole shouted, running at him with his ladle, not noticing Friggle or Diamond.
     "You flipping babe! You could have nearly drowned! How could you do that!" Diamond yelled at Friggle. He was wet to the bone, and barely able to breath. He sucked in great amounts of air, and spat out water. He payed no notice to Diamond. Diamond, though herself in a similar condition grabbed up the Dibbun and head toward the dormitory. The band of Dibbuns followed her.
"Miz Dime save Friggle!"
"Dimer help him outa the water!"
"Aye and not be hurted!"
Diamond walked past Skipper and the Friar. "And I needed no jolly help from an otter. That's the way us Long Patrol hares get thing done, wot. Quick the word sharps the action." She walked off with the crying Friggle and with an air of pride. But since when were hare humble?
      "Hahahahaha oh hohohohoh" laughed Trigoma in the kitchens. He recalled the look on the friars face after he tasted the soup. "Oh the was sure 'nuff funny! Cant take a little hotroot eh?" He walked over to the soup and started ladleing in the soup and downed it at alarming speed. "Sigh wut good stu...stu...O_O" suddenly he was crying in fits as he rushed hither and thither wailing at the top of his lungs. "Ahhhh save me Im melting! Murder! Iv been poisoned!" Then he ran smack into the abbess bowling her over. But unoticing he ran to the pond and dove in with his mouth open in hope of satisfying the burning.
      Webbtail sat by the pond, watching the dibbuns play, with a saw hide and a damaged ego. Despite his protesting, Friar Saulyle still whacked him with his ladle.  He had tried telling him it was Trigorma and not him who put too much hotroot in the soup, but he didn't listen and whacked him anyway. Sighing, he kept watch over the dibbuns, who were splashing happily in the shallows without a care in the world.
     Diamond had taken Friggle to the sick bay. He had stopped crying and was very happy at Diamond. Even after she left to practice once again, he followed her. Always following. He watched her tune her violin. And Diamond felt a bit annoyed. She had saved, and befriended Friggle somehow. Now he followed her like a shadow.
Diamond stood there answering his questions.
"My mater taught me about the violin. No, she has never been here at the Abbey, wot! My pater's the one who taught me about fighting. He's also the one who entered me into the jolly old Long Patrol. No, Friggle. My father taught me to say "wot", wot!"
And She continued to answer his silly questions. Diamond now had a noisy and questioning shadow named Friggle.
      Unnoticed by any of the workers, when Trigoma knocked over the abbess, she accidentally bumped against the soup, causing some of it to spill into a pot full of icing for the cake which at that moment was being stirred by a Mouse named Aiden, who was too busy staring lovingly at a nearby mouse name Petunia, who was working on a magnificent trifle for the feast. Her ears were so pretty, like a--"Aiden! Ois that oicing ready yet?!" The fat friar said, helping the abbess back to her feet after returning from the pond. "If the oicing's ready then spread oit on yon cake!" Aiden clumsily snapped back to his task and, not noticing the extra ingredient that was accidentally added to the icing, started to spread it on the cake.
    Back at the pond, Trigoma swam faster then he ever had. The clean pond water washed through his mouth. As he started relaxing he saw a flash of silver out of the corner of his eye. He paid no attention to it when suddenly his throat was choked on a fish. He dove out of the water choking miserly when a poorly aimed ladle smacked him on the back of the head. "Cough cough!" the fish tumbled out. Rubbing his head he looked up at the friar. "Careful with that ladle tubby chops. This is the only head ah got!" And with that Trigoma stormed back to the kitchens.
      "Friar me dear chap. Can't you give this little blighter something to do? I cannot stand it any longer, wot. Every minute it's a question from Friggle. 'Do you play the horn?' or 'Why aren't you part of the Long Patrol any more?'. It becomes to annoying to flipping well stand!" Friggle stood behind Diamond during her outrage. He just smiled. He always thought it fun when she was angry. She waited as the friar thought about it.
      Webbtail saw the friar whack Trigorma with the ladle. "Serves you right, matey!" He said, sticking his tongue out at him, before running off before Trigorma could catch him.
He ran straight in to the abbey, accidentally knocking in to Friggle as he ran through the doors, who was on his way to the orchard to help the friar after Diamond Orchid had complained about him. Friggle immediately fell flat on his back, screaming and crying. Not wanting to make a scene, Webbtail picked him up and took him to the infirmary. "Not having a great day with injuries, are you, mate?" He whispered to him.
Friggle, who had stopped crying but had a big lump on his head, whispered back, "Why do they call you Skipper?"
Skipper sighed. Now it was his turn to be annoyed by Friggle!
     Now that the cake was done, all that was left was the trifle. "Moiss Petunia! Ois yon troifle ready yet?" he shouted coming over to where the mousemaid was working. "Yes friar," she said, adding the final ingredient to it. "Ok, now the feast ois ready moiss abbbess." Saulyle said, as the food was brought out of the kitchens and taken to Great Hall.
     Finally without Friggle on her heals, Diamond came to Cavern Hole. She looked at the food being set out on the table. As hungry as ever, she walked by and grabbed a bowl of candied chestnuts. She then heard the Skipper taking the annoying Friggle up to the infirmary. "Ha, about time someone else had him, wot. Wonder why he ask so many blooming questions and falls into the jolly pond?" said Diamond as she at some more nuts from the bowl.
     While no beast was looking, Bansl the squirrel and Aggins the hedgehog had each stuck their fingers in the cake and got two small samples of icing. Hiding their fingers from every other beast, they made their way to the orchard near a harvested apple tree. They both smiled at their success and started to eat the icing. "'OT 'OT! BURING! BURING!" they both shouted and immediately stuck their mouths into the pond, and drunk the water until they had gotten rid of the hot flavor. They each sighed and thought about the icing and how terribly hot twas.
Quietly slipping back to the feast that was about to begin, they swiped a chestnut and snuck back into the kitchens that were now empty, where they went to see if there was any remaining icing. Finding the pot that that twas mixed in still had some remainder in it, they took a wee sample of it. Finding that twas still hot, they took it down and took a knife and a plate, and covered the chestnut with a good amount of the icing.
Taking the icing-covered chestnut back to Great Hall, they walked up to Diamond Orchid. "Scuse us Miz Dime! We want to give you this chestnut we made for saving Friggle!"
     After dropping Friggle off at the infermary, Webbtail got away from Friggle as quickly as possible. "Annoy the infirmary keeper for a while," he thought to himself.
Walking down to the hall he noticed the feast being set up. "Maybe I'm wanted 'ere," he thought to himself.
Walking in to the kitchen, he walked up to his wife Wisteria. "Need any 'elp setting up for the feast darling?" He asked her.
"Webbtail! I was just about to go looking for you! Yes, please, grap those plates over there and place them at the table!"
Webbtail grabbed a pile of the plates and walked over to the table. But as he walked out of the door, he walked straight in to Trigorma, who was walking in to the kitchen from the pond. Webb dropped two plates, which smashed on the ground. "Oh dear," he thought to himself, "I'll have to sweep that up!"
    "Tut, tut, young chaps, to you I'm not Miss. Only the Dibbuns and my pater call me Miss.  As for your chestnut. Looks top hole! I always knew saving babes would get you scoff," Diamond ate up the chestnut. Bansl and Aggins giggled. Diamond's whole face turned red. She glared at the two, anger bubbling in her eyes. "Murderers! Vermin! How dare you poison the innocent haremaid, with a chestnut! Blinking hot too! Wot!" And with that she stormed off, pretending not to mind the heat. Bansl and Aggins looked disappointed. As soon as she was out of eyesight, she ran screaming, "I've been poisoned with flipping hotroot! Help me Friar before I die!" Bursting with laughter at the gluttonous hare, Aggins and Bansl went back to there work.
     Both agreeing to do it again, Bansl and Aggins swiped more chestnuts and went back to the kitchens, got another plate, and spread the rest of the icing on the chestnuts before returning to Great Hall, where they quietly slipped the plate onto the food-covered table. Giggling to themselves they each took a seat and waited for the feast to begin.
Friar Saulyle walked along the tables examining the food. He noticed a plate full of icing covered chesnuts on the table. Strange, he thought. Who had made them? Shrugging his shoulders, he walked back to the kitchens.
    "Oh dear," he thought to himself, "I'll have to sweep that up!" said Skipper after he ran into Trigoma. "Watch were your going skip! Nearly gave meh an 'eart attack!" Trigoma still a little moody that he couldn't take some hotroot walked to sit down at the table by a pretty otter maid. "Well me darlin' how would you like to see me scoff that whole plate of chestnuts at this feats eh?" he said. The otter maid fluttered her eye lashes. "Oooo I do love watching you scoff stuff Trigy!" He was about to grab some when the abbess spoke above every beast. "When the friar gets back from the kitchens we will start this feast. Every beast rise for grace." Every beast rose quietly as the friar came back from the kitchens with a last adjustment to some fruit flans.
    After a small adjusting of some fruit flans friar Saulyle stood up. Upon seeing that everything was ready, abbess Meriam said the grace.

"Squirrels, otters, hedgehogs, mice,
Moles with fur like sable,
Gathered in good spirits all,
Round the festive table.
Sit we down to eat and drink.
Friends, before we do, let's think,
Fruit of forest, field and banks,
To the seasons we give thanks."

And thus the feast began!
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


Chapter Two: Signs Of Enemys
Webb, who was done with the sweeping up, was sitting next to Wisteria and across from Trigoma. Webb noticed Trigoma was obviously taken to the young ottermaid and he decided to put in a word on behalf of his friend to the ottermaid. "Old Trig 'ere is a champion scoffer, he could scoff that whole bowl of chestnuts before you could say 'is name!"
The ottermaid, who was obviously impressed, fluttered here eyelashes even more intensely. "Is that true? Oh please show me Trig!"
    "No, don't show her! The blinking poisoners are at it again. You shall die a horrible death, wot!" Diamond said as she sat next to the pretty ottermaid. She had downed at least a three glasses of water before she was better. She looked across the room, got up, and sat next to the to "poisoners" Bansl and Aggins. "Bet you an acorn to an apple he didn't hear a blooming word I said." The two laughed naughtily.
    "Er, wut was that Diamond?" asked Trigoma. "Nevermind, Ill just set my mind to these chestnuts..." Trigoma looked back at the otter maid fluttering her eyelashes. "Now my sweet water lily. Let me show you a great way to scoff faster than that hare over there. First with a piece of cake, then onto the chestnuts!" Trigoma cut a slice of cake and held it in one paw as he got Three chestnuts in the other. Then he looked at Diamond Orchid and said "Take notes mah friend, lets see some real scoffin!" Then with that Trigoma bolted down the cake, shoved the chestnuts in, took a big gulp of raspberry fizz, and went on with it. Soon half the plates of chestnuts were gone when he noticed the two "poisoners" sitting there laughing at him. "Er, wuts so!!!" suddenly Trigoma was gulping down raspberry fizz only to find the carbonation made it worse. "AHHHHHHH!' screamed trig as he ran back and forth looking for a drink to steal. He then ran out to the pond again for some relief! But the dibbuns seemed to think it a fun game and started copying him.
    Friar Saulyle was just tucking into a tasty mushroom and cheese flan when suddenly one of otters, twas Trigoma, he noticed with a small frown, had gotten up and started running around screaming, and then suddenly ran out, followed closely by several dibbuns laughing and screaming and imitating him. Friar Saulyle sighed and put his head on the table. "There goes the feast," he thought.
    Trigoma dove in the pond as dibbuns cheered on the edge of the pond with figgul leading them. When Trigoma was satisfied, he crawled out and plopped down on his back. "Wut are you doing triymo?" began figgul. "Are you wet?" "What does wet feel like?" Trigoma had enough he ran back to the feast with dibbuns in hot pursue.
   When Webb saw Trigoma rushing out of the room he burst in to laughter. "Can't be that 'ot, can it?" He thought.
Carefully cutting a small slice, he nibbled it gingerly. Then he shrugged. "Tastes a bit weird, but it ain't that 'ot." He said. Then it hit. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" He yelled.
Looking around desperately for a drink, he drank a whole jug of dandelion cordial to ease the pain. "Argh, that hit the spot." He panted.
    "See, told you. No table manners that otter, wot. Me mum always said you can scoff away, but you must use your jolly old manners." Aggins and Bansl giggled at there naughty trick with Diamond.
"Dia, bet you can scoff a whole bowl of chestnuts!"
Diamond stared at Aggins. "Alright, but no poisoning right?"
As she was about to eat the nuts, the abbess called out, "Someone go help the dibbuns!" A large group wet to round them up. Diamond somehow got wrapped up with the party as they went to the pond.
    Trigoma found himself under a pile of dibbuns. "'elp! murder! Im being suffocated!" Trigoma squirmed around under the dibbuns as the rescue party arrived. Soon Trigoma was hauled back to his feet by Webb. "er thanks matey, them dibbuns is wild ones sure nuff!" The rescue party started to head back to the feast when a stray arrow landed by Trigomas footpaw. Trigoma went pale knowing if he had moved a pace to the right, he would be dead now. Everyone started panicking and ran back into great hall as Trigoma was hauled in shaking with fear.
    Diamond looked up at the wall in which the arrow had been shot. Her face was unlike the usual pretty haremaid she was. Her face seemed different somehow, as if trying to remember or forget something in the back of her head. Then Diamond checked herself. The happy and normal twinkle was in her eye again. She touched the small ribbon she wore around her wrist, and silently said something to herself.
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


Chapter Three: Enter Captain Carl Galedeep
"... and so was I hoping, if it's not to much to ask Cap'n, that we could go and visit."
The young crewotter shuffled nervously as Captain Carl Galedeep and the rest of the crew of the Hotroot stared at him.
"Redwall, eh?"
The otter nodded quickly, "Yes sir, and my cousin also told me there's a feast this time of year, and the food is supposed to be legendary, and he said if I ever got the chance I should come and visit, Cap'n!"
Carl leaned forward and stared hard at the crewotter, "Did yer cousin say anything about Hotroot and shrimp soup?"
"He said it was their specialty, Cap'n."
Carl stood stone faced for a moment then broke into a wide grin.
"Sounds good enough for me, What do the rest of ye otters say?", the rest of
the crew cheered. Carl's grin grew wider, "Right then get to your posts me shipmates, and set sail for Redwall abbey!"

     Trigoma was in a wild daze. Never have been shot at before knowing it was to kill. Abbess Meriam was looking around fitfully asking questions for everthing that might help. "Webbtail did you catch sight of them? Trigoma where's the arrow that almost got you? Trigoma answer me, where did the arrow come from?"Trigoma looked helplessly at her as he was still shaking fitfully. Then Webb came up with the arrow after examining it.

   Captain Carl Galedeep inspected the map spread out before him. Redwall Abbey, he had heard of the place before, his grandmother told him of it. That the place was a paradise, that the cooks were masters, and the warriors, legendary.
Placing his finger on the map he traced their route. The best point of entry into Mossflower from were the Hotroot was at present, was the River Moss. Carl sat back an scratched his chin, the most difficult part was going to be the river. With all its branches, rocks, and rapids. On top of that they were probably going to have to drag the ship a ways across the beach....
"Laaand Ho!"
Carl stood up and rushed out of his cabin onto the deck. Looking up at the otter in the crows nest he shouted, "where'd ye sight land, matey?"
The crewotter pointed to the east and sure enough there was a black line in the distance. Carl listened as the crew gave a cheer, and grinned.
"Back te your posts mateys we still have a while to go yet!"

      Webb held the arrow so that the Abbess and Trigoma could see it. "Looks like a vermin arrow to me. I'll get me otter crew and we'll go out there and see if we can catch the beast who fired it. Trigoma, I know you're feeling quite shocked, so if you want to stay 'ere then feel free, but if you want to come with us, then come with us. It's up to you." Webb said.
With that, he went off to find the rest of the otters.
    Trigoma jumped up suddenly alert. "Of course I wanna go!" he said. Abbess Meriam look at him oddly. Trigoma went with Webb and started to round up the otter crew. He went to the wall tops first though to see if he could catch sight of the vermin, looking around carelessly not knowing he was in full view. Then he headed back down after not seeing anything. Maybe they would see more outside.
     Just then, there was a pounding at the door, as if somebeast with a very big paw was trying to get in. Everybeast rushed to see who it was.
A large female badger was half-lying on the ground. She smiled sheepishly. 'Oh, hello everybeast. Sorry to interrupt you all, but those vermin...we..ell, they got the better of me, I guess.'

    Captain Carl Galedeep wiped the sweat from his brow as he observed the crews progress. When they had reached the beach they tied ropes to the Hotroot and dragged it about halfway across the sands. Carl knew his crew was exhausted, so he had ordered that everyone take a long rest and meal.
A crewotter Carl recognized as the one who suggested that they go to Redwall in the first place rushed up to him.
"We found a tide pool full of shrimp, Cap'n!"
Carl Grinned and nodded, "Good job matey, why don't ye sit down an tell me about this Redwall place."
The otter sat down and rubbed his paws together, "What do you want to know Cap'n?"
Carl reclined against a nearby rock, "Well for starters, do ye know where the abbey is specifically?"
"My cousin said up the River Moss there's a ford, he told me to be careful there is quite a few pikes in it, on either side of the ford is a travelers path. He said to go south along the path a ways and abbey is impossible to miss!"
Carl scratched his chin in thought for a moment, then nodded at the crewotter, "Thanks matey, go see if ye can't get some soup from the cooky."
"Okay Cap'n."  , the otter said before rushing off to get in line with the rest of the crew for food. Carl began scratching his chin again as he stared at the not too distant mouth of the River Moss.
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


Enter Bluestrype
Barlom the recorder watched as they brought the badger inside. Rarely, she knew, did an animal of such girth and strength come to redwall. Barlom went to help the infirmary keeper get everything ready to treat the great badger. I will have to talk to that badger, she thought, and record all that is happening.
    "No, Diamond. Let the otters take care of things. They know their way around Mossflower," said the abbess. Diamond had asked if she could go with the otter crew.
"Mother Abbess, I think you remember that I am not from here. I can find my way around blinking Mossflower too. Besides, a hare can be rather useful, wot!"
"No! If you are useful, stay here in case you must protect the abbey," the abbess left, leaving Diamond to herself.
So Diamond went off, trying to find something to keep her mind off going with the otters. She found a female badger being taken to the infirmary. She decided to introduce herself.
"Greetings and all that, wot. Name's Diamond Orchid. Known as Dia, Dime, and just plain old Diamond. But to the friar I'm the thief of the kitchens. And who might you be, eh wot?" Diamond said as she followed the badger to the infirmary.

    "C'mon! Heave me shipmates, HEAVE!!"
The sixty-four otters that made up the crew of the Hotroot made one final shove against the solid timber hull of the ship. With a tremendous splash the Hotroot landed in the mouth of the River Moss and the crew gave a cheer.
Carl grinned and shouted, "Good job mateys. Now hop in before she drifts off on us!"

      The badger looked up. 'My name is Bluestrype, protector of the helpless in Mossflower, but I'm not ashamed to say that those vermin are too much for me.'
    Trigoma was shocked at the sight of a badger. he had always dreamed of seeing one and went to the infirmary to check it out. he stood there dumbfounded at the massive beast carring the Double bladed axe but chuckled to himself when the infirmary keeper prepared the physic for her.
   Webbtail had delayed going out to Mossflower to ask the Badger a question. "Evenin', Ms, me name's Webbtail, I beez the Skipper of otters here. Could you please answer me this one quick question, what was the vermin who attacked ya?" He asked.
Before the badger answered, he leaned over to Diamond, "I heard you want to come with us? It's fine by me, just don't tell mother Abbess!"
He then turned to the badger.
       Captain Carl Galedeep couldn't help but admire the scenery around him as the Hotroot drifted slowly up the River Moss. Trees, fruit, and dragonflies flitting this way and that wasn't things you normally see on the high seas. He turned around and noticed the crewotter that wanted to go to Redwall. Carl walked up to him and held out his paw.
"I never got your name matey."
Surprised, the otter turned around and seeing the paw took it and shaked it.
"Dagen Streambattle sir."
"Right then Dagen, who is this famous cousin of yours?"
Dagen smiled and said, "Skipper Webbtail, Cap'n."
"Skipper eh? A handsome title tha..."
Carl was cut off abruptly by a spear that had embedded itself into the deck, right in between the two otters!

    Bluestrype winced as a poultice was applied to her wounds. 'Yowee! Anyway, good idea, Diamond. Sneak off with the otters, eh?'
   "Of coarse I'm going with the jolly old otters. Never could stand staying still when there is vermin about. Father said that's cause I got Long Patrol blood, running through my blinking veins, wot, wot!" She smiled at the badger, "I once knew a badger quite like you. Called himself the Lord of Salamandostron!"
     Trigoma interrupted whatt Webb was going to say to the badger. "Er, when are we going Skip? Any time soon?" He was about to ask more questions when Figgul the dibbun bursted in. "There beez verminz at teh dooor skippy!"
      A warlord named Crantor a fox led the hoard of 5 score toward the back gates and told a nearby stoat, "Crush these blasted gates down or I'll use my blade to bring you the the Hellgates!" The stoat whose name name was Greasetail groaned, "I...I...I'll crush it Lord." At that moment...
      ...Trigoma took five otter crew with him to let Skipper get information off of the badger. They headed to the back gate (south gate) and stood there wondering where to go. "Alright we'll search around to the front. Ill take two. You there Planktail. Take two and we'll meet around the other side. "Are you sure about this? You didn't ask Skipper..." said Planktail. "Eh, whatever. Im smart enough for this stuff. Come on you go to the north gates and meet me on the other side." They departed. Trigoma took his two and opened the south wall just as the stoat laid a hard blow to the gate. Trigoma was to late to move and was felled as the two other otters ran for cover knowing the vermin could come in from the open gates.
    The otters guess was correct, as they fell for cover, a weasel and a ferret came in and called for the Abbess...
    The badger, Bluestripe, was a great beast, at least in Diamond's eyes. She remembered the badger a Salamandostron. Never really talked to him much, Diamond thought, then again, I never really talked to anyone. She began rubbing the ribbon on her wrist again. No one knew why she wore the ribbon. But everyone knew she rubbed it to comfort herself. Rubbing it was a habit.
Diamond liked Bluestripe, even though she had just met her.
   Crantor entered he looked at the Skipper then at Trigoma, when he set eyes upon Bluestrype he said, "A badger...wh...wh...who are you?
   Bluestrype gave him a funny look. 'I might ask you the same question, fox.'
She pawed her battle axe.
   Crantor paws shook. He answered, "Badger I'll slay you one day, you have my word." As   he said this he backed away to the open gates. The ferret and weasel followed. The ferret whose name was Rotgutt, grinned at Trigoma and threw his dagger, and missed. The ferret scowled and left growling.
  Bluestrype laughed. 'You? That's a good one, fox! Hahaha!'

   Suddenly arrows, sling stones, and spears flew the air at the crew of The Hotroot, Three crewotters were hit almost instantly and fell down wounded. As the rest of the crew took cover Carl immediately began shouting orders,
"Slings and stones out! I want a full salvo within ten seconds! And get those bows strung and firing within thirty! You four, get the wounded below decks!"
Out of the bushes a rat with a crude spear leaped onto the ship and landed right in front of Carl. It only took a moment for the sea otter captain to draw his twin cutlasses and in even less time the rat was sprawled out dead on the deck.
Carl grinned, "Now the party has really started vermin! Prepare to repel boarders shipmates!!"


   As Crantor turned back he grabbed and threw a spear over the wall into Bluestrype's paw.
Crantor camped out of fire range and he told Greasetail Cutthroat, "Collect more hoardbeasts east now! Rotgutt, Onearm, go west and get searats!!!"
   The badger was about to turn away from the fox when she noticed the spear. too late she ducked out of the way, and the weapon buried itself in her footpaw.
Bluestrype looked in disbelief at the wound in her paw, blood eking out of it onto the ground. Then she gave a roar as the pain hit home. 'Yeeeaaaaaaarrrrrrrhh!'
    Webb saw the spear in Bluestrype's paw. "Miz Bluestrype, hold still, I'm not much good at all of this medical stuff, but I know somebody who is. The infermary keeper has gone to tell Abbess what happened, but I'll be right back!" He told her.
About a minute or two later he was back with Wisteria, who immediately rushed Bluestrype's side and set to work on removing the spear and fixing the paw. She muttered to her as she spoke. "Amazing it hasn't done much damage! If it was anybeast else but a badger we would have had to remove that paw! But you are a badger, and it pretty much scratched! IT won't take long to heal at all, don't worry!"
Bluestrype could not wait. She leapt for the red fox, but did not get far enough.
'Uuhh.' Her head sank to the ground.
    Rotgutt and Onearm saw twin paths and decided that they will go together to one path but woe to them for they were going toward Salamandastron!
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


The Vermin Break In
The fight was over.
Captain Carl Galedeep, looked at the aftermath of the skirmish. Several vermin lay dead upon the deck of the Hotroot, he sighed, he knew what he had to do but he didn't like it.
"Dagen, causality report!"
Dagen frowned, "Nine wounded, two... dead Cap'n."
Carl growled, "Give the two a proper ceremony, then tell everybody to pack up and prepare to jump ship."
Dagen hesitated, "Cap'n...?"
"You heard me, I have a feelin' that those vermin will be back, in greater numbers. Now get to it!
"Right Cap'n!"
Carl watched Dagen run off  to complete his tasks, then sighed and  looked at The Hotroot.
"Sorry I have to leave miss, but i'll be back for ye."


   Trigoma sat up from his dazed position. He remembered the look of the vermin that had thrown the dagger at him. He grabbed the dagger making a promise to himself. "Ill kill you with your own weapon evil scum." With that he rounded back to the abbey completely forgetting that the other three otters were still out there.
   Bluestrype flexed her claws. 'Grrrr, that fox! I'll get him one day, then we'll see who's the helpless injured beast!'
   Webb had learned all he could from Bluestrype and there was no need to find out who the vermin were, so he decided to help his mate, Arnold Shortspike, at the cellars. He often went down there to clear his mind up and do some thinking. Besides, the cellars were a great place to have a cool, refreshing glass of october ale. As he walked down the steps, he mumbled to himself, "been a long while since I've seen a vermin. Stinking lot, they are. Boy, if they come back to these Abbey doors, I'll give 'em a thing or two! Ah! 'Ey Arnold! Need any 'elp, shipmate?" He asked.
Arnold was a short, fat hedgehog and one of Skipper's best mates. He poured him a cup of october ale and showed him some work to do.

   Crantor called his Captains Redd Mortach, Chokebrain and Prankface and commanded them, "Each of you! Take quarter of the hoard and go around the Abbey." Chokbain answered, "Aye, Lord." Prankface scowled, "Around I'll be dizzy!" Crantor told him, "Do it now!!!"


    Skipping along, not noticing a single thing, Diamond went to the kitchens. She had left the badger and Skipper to talk.
"Any scoff for a young haremaid?"
"Get out! Don't you know we have vermin at our door!" yelled one of the workers.
She left the kitchens, ran across the yard and bounded the wall steps. Diamond peered over the battlements. She saw vermin camping out of shooting distance. And it so happen that the Abbess came hurrying along. She bumped lightly into Diamond.
"Diamond, what are you doing up here! Get down now!"
"Sorry Mother Abbess. Just thinking about how we don't got any blooming guards up here! Better get some sentries. And take stock of the food. We may be held under blinking siege! And..."
"Diamond! No talk of such things! I just got done tending Bluestripe! I do not need any more of this!"
"Need to take proper actions, wot!" Diamond replied.
"Your father was a general in the Long Patrol. I'm going to trust you. You be in charge of guards!" And with that the abbess walked away.
    Just as that happened some vermins' arrows were coming at the Abbey. Crantor yell at the rats, "Don't shoot at the battlements at the beasts, scum!" One rat shot an arrow at Diomond and...
   ...It took her through her ear. Quickly she ducked avoiding other arrows.
"Heads down everybeast!"
As Diamond said that all the beast on the walls ducked their heads. Taking her hankie Diamond quickly rapped her ear. Mago the vole was passing by, he had with him slings and stones.
Signaling a few on the walls she passed them slings. Most of the ones with slings knew not how to shot them. Carefully they watched Diamond.
"Swing it to gain speed, find a target, jump up and shot!" Diamond said to them. Following her directions they shot and ducked.
     As the stones rained on the vermin, three of them fell dead, two injured. Crantor was quick dodging here and there. He ordered, "First rank. Fire!" Then a stone hit a weasel whose arrow got through a stoat. Crantor shot out, "Scond rank. Fire!" Crantor called a vixen, "Sorela, dig into the Abbey with 10 hoardbeasts on the southwest corner."
      Trigoma came busting into the cellars. "Skipper were in a full fledged battle! What are we gonna do?!" Not waiting for a reply, he ran out of the cellars, grabbing his bow and arrows, ran up to the wall tops. "Hey Diamond, just dropped in for a little visit." He then adjusted himself by her and started firing rounds careless and took down two. But he didn't realize that other vermin had him in there sites...
     Some, rats had the Skipper on their targets and got him in a thigh. Crantor saw a weasel climbing the Abbey wall and yelled, "Get down you filthy knockhead!" The weasel fell from a hard blow. Crantor took a good aim and hitting of the tip of Trigoma's tail.


The crewotters of the Hotroot stole quickly and quietly through mossflower, well as quickly and quietly as they could. Most were unused to woodland terrain and they had wounded which slowed their progress a bit. But it wasn't long before one of the otters spotted something,
"look a tower, do you think that's Redwa...."
Carl tackled the crewotter and clamped his hand over the otters mouth.
"Keep silent matey, no point in announcing our presence te every nearby vermin, aye?"
The crewotter nodded and Carl let him go,
"Right then, Dagen, Barr, and Ram. Your with me, the rest of stay here and be ready for anything."
Carl and the three other otters he chose moved silently into the bushes


Onearm and Rotgutt continued until they saw vemin Onearm called "Ho ho vermin becha don't have..." Suddenly Onearm saw an arrow in his heart and fell dead. Rotgutt saw who shot so he called, "Hey, how dare..." Suddenly, Rotgutt changed what he was saying and called, "Slicecrank? Slicecrank ol' matey!" Slicecrank answered, "Rotgutt, yu ol'l scalawag! We'd be fighting otters." Rotgutt said, "I noticed, cum on lets have roast otter!"


Crantor had noticed a stoat and weasel running into the bushes and heard a faint cries. He got to the bushes too late.
    "Blast it Ram! I told you not fire yet!"
Ram looked sheepish as he glanced down at his bow, "Sorry Cap'n."
Carl was furious that the element of surprise was lost and even more frustrated that vermin had surrounded redwall making it more difficult to get in, "Don't you sorry Cap'n me! Dagen, go and see if you can get your cousin to let us in, Barr and Ram cover Dagen! Be careful! I'm going to gather the crew, Charge and clear the gates from the vermin! The gates better be open by then, understood?"
The three crewotters nodded.
"Right then, go, and hurry!"
    Crantor was ready. He called the the hoard, " C'mon mates! Only otters! Fire!" The otters pressed ebven if some got hit. Crantor yelled, "Fire!"Crantor saw even if otters were wounded the came closer, so he said, Fire at will!" Then the otters charged...
     "Harhar mates, Clear the gates the and send 'em packing!"
The fight was fierce but the valiant crew of the Hotroot pressed on, cutting and hacking through the vermin as fast as they could to the gates. Carl grinned as he heard the fox yelling orders constantly.
"Someday fox," said Carl, "There'll be nobody for you to order around, and it'll be jest ye and me, jest ye and me...."
Meanwhile Dagen, Ram, and Barr had found a small gate on the other side of Redwall. Dagen began knocking on it while the other two otters kept an eye out for vermin.
"Cousin Webbtail? It's your cousin Dagen Streambattle! Hello? anybeast there? Hello?"
    Crantor drew his sword for he saw Rotgutt coming, "Rotgutt, ye'd be a slowbeast!" Rotgutt gulped. "I have a hoard, Lord." "So you do. Rotgutt. I want this crew around the whole Abbey!"
Sorela, had dug until she was right under the orchard's tree roots. She waited until the steps were gone. 11 vermin were in Redwall!
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


Chapter Six: To Lose A Captain
"Anybeast at all? Let us in!"
Dagen flung his fist at the small gate to be rewarded with a bruised paw. He groaned in defeat.
Barr frowned, "It's hopeless matey, I don't think they can hear us. Say wait a moment where's Ram?"
As if on call Ram poked his head around the Southwest corner, "Hey shipmates guess what? The vermin were kind enough to dig a nice entrance for us!"
Captain Carl Galedeep looked up at the main gates of Redwall Abbey.
"Any day now shipmates." He muttered. Then he leaped back it into the fray with a roar,
      Diamond heard the yells. Leaving the others to fight, she went. Only too late did she see vermin below. Knowing that everyone was at the main fight she went down to the orchards. It was then she noticed a loud roar outside the gate. She saw the vermin. "Eulaaliiiia!" And she charged the vermin laying two down with her dirk. Another two wrestled it away form her. She kicked, boxed and yelled. But her voice seemed lost to the noise. She was bound tightly to a rope when some otters came from the hole....
     The three otters of the Hotroot burst out the tunnel that Sorela and her vermin had dug and upon noticing the lone hare fighting the many vermin, charged. They took the vermin by surprise with loaded sling, bow and arrow, and blade. Quite soon there was only four of the vermin left, and seeing there chances were lost retreated into the tunnel. But not before Dagen let off a slingstone only a few centimeters from Sorelas head. She snarled at him and ran into the the blackness of the hole. Dagen frowned and nodded at the hare,
"I'm Dagen Streambattle miss, my crew is outside and we need to let them through the gates quickly!"  


    Captain Carl fought on oblivious to everything around him. In his mind the only thing that mattered were his twin cutlasses, the vermin that fell before him, the gate, and his crew. It was only a matter of time....


    Webb had fought through the pain in his thigh from where an arrow had hit him. He had ordered all the ottercrew to fire stones and arrows at the vermin horde and was doing so himself, when he noticed an otter walk through the small gate on one side with help from Diamond. He looked oddly familiar. "It couldn't be," he muttered.
Keeping his head low so he wouldn't get hit, he made his way over to the gate. It was. "Cousin Dagen! Where've you been keepin' yourself, matey!" He yelled, tackling him to the ground.
"Diamond, let this rogue's crew come in! 'Is me cousin!"
During this moment he forgot he was in the middle of a battle.
      Opening the gate quickly Diamond let the otters in. Before the vermin could get inside she closed and locked it.
     Wrestling around with his cousin, Dagen didn't notice the entering crew of the Hotroot was short one captain....
In the midst of the battle Captain Carl Galdeep noticed the gates open but he was cut off. He grinned with relief as the rest of his crew made it inside the walls of Redwall, then he watched the gates close slowly. He looked upon the incoming enemy and dived into the forest of blades and spears. As he did he let loose one final battle cry,
Inside Redwall, Dagen laughed and joked with his cousin as he checked on the crew. As he did he got a horrible sinking feeling as he realized something,
"Cap'n? Has anyone seen the Cap'n?"
That was when he heard the battle cry outside then the reality hit him.
Captain Carl Galedeep was lost.

    Crantor yelled blaming his hoard, "Sorela! I told you to wait for me! Dingcrule, look for Greasetail or your going to the Hellgates! Rotgutt...ahh!" Crantor had been hit with a stone sharply on skull.
Just then Greasetail arrived with 100 more vermin, their leader was another fox, Rantainian.
Rantainian wished to kill Crantor while he was unconscious, though he never talked about it openly, he knew if he killed the warlord, he will have a great hoard to destroy Salamandastron, or so he thought. Sorela watched him closely, she knew though his vanity he will be killed soon. She told Crantor as soon as he had his senses back,"Rantainian seeks to kill you." Crantor replied, "Bring me my sword!" Sorela disagreed, "Why will you strain yourself, Lord? Let the Redwallers do it." For the first time in his life, Crantor listened to one of his vermin, "Yes. Yes! Let the weaklings do..." Crantor fell into a deep sleep.
     Trigoma raised a hearty cheer inside Redwall as they saw they had successfully beaten them back. "Redwaaaaaaaall!" But it was to late. An arrow aimed at him could not miss. It went through his left arm and he fell back over the wall into the retreating horde. He was quickly taken prisoner and tied up on a stake next to the enemy's tent.
     Crantor stared at Rantainian and shook his paw and said slyly,"Rantainian, come with me. I want you to take that Abbey over yonder." Giving a wink, Rantainian, Aye, Crantor, mate." As he left Crantor snickered, " That's the end of him! Rotgutt, what in the name? An otter! You and  Blackback watch him!"

     Webb was having a great time joking around with his cousin, introducing his wife and his friends. "You've got to meet me ole mate Trigoma. His a real top beast. Let's see, where is he? Trig! Trigoma! Anybody seen Trigoma?" he yelled.
    Trigoma had fallen, and some of the archers and sling throwers had seen him fall. "Where's the blighter Trigoma?" Diamond asked to Aggins. She had gone back up to join the fight.
Replying with a look of sorrow Aggins said, "He..ff-fell."
"What do you mean jolly well mean fell?"
"He fell to the ground!" Aggins said.
"Dear me! How could he? I'll be back in a moment, wot!" Diamond left and headed towards the Abbey.
"Friar! Be a good beast and take stock of the food. Make a meal for our brave fighters up there, wot!" Diamond said as she hurried pass.
"Arnold! Do you have a bow?" she asked the cellarhog.
Handing her a bow he asked, "What on earth is the rush?"
"I need to get the archers in line. They fell behind when I left them. And we are running out of stones. Oh better tell the moles! But they are..."
Quickly cutting off her thoughts Arnold said, "You might wan to take a breath, and see Mother Abbess at the infirmary about your ear."
But Diamond dashed off. She hated the infirmary.
    Dagen smiled politely and tried to laugh along with his cousins jokes. But many things were running through his mind. He couldn't help but feel he was the reason for Captain Carl Galedeeps assumed death. The young otter looked upon the crew of the crew of the Hotroot now numbering fifty-eight. He was the one who wanted to go to Redwall, if he had just kept his mouth shut none of this would've happened.
But then he was drawn out of his thoughts by Webbtail shouting  for one of his crew. They would still haunt him though...
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


Chapter Seven: Rescuing Trigoma
A sack was taken off Trigoma's head as he drifted back to consciousness. He looked around dazed, trying to get his bearings. Then it hit him. He knew were he was. He looked around frantically for a way of escape but it was all blocked. There were four guards on his sides, each heavily armed with swords and spears. He was bound paws to a stake. It was useless. He look at redwall and it seemed so close yet so far, but he couldn't focus because of a will to sleep. He drifted off thinking "Ill get out when I wake up. 'Tis all a dream..."


   "What is bothering you, Mother Abbess?" asked Arnold as he approached the infirmary. The abbess was looking out the window.
"Oh, nothing really. Just look at Diamond out there. I'm a little worried about her. She is very young. Is she really able to lead? Perhaps you and Skipper should take over," replied the abbess.
"You know me fighting days are behind me."
"Yes, but Skipper knows what to do. Send Diamond to me, and ask Skipper to take over. Besides, I heard they were retreating."
Arnold went off to do her bidding.
    Arnold had told Skipper what the abbess had said. "Seems to me like Diamond is copin' quite fine ta me. But I'll 'elp 'er out." He said.
Walking up to Diamond on the wall, he asked if she needed help. She looked at him with an accusing look.
    Friar Saulyle and his assistants had just brought up some food for the fighters on the wall and were serving them their meals. "How's you'm'ses doing?" he asked Diamond.


     Rantainian and Crantor led the great hoard to Redwall, Crantor said: "Calcrap go over to the east gate with your stoats, when I give the signal start the decoy." Rantainian followed behind until he got to  the ditch told a rat, "Grarfat, you with me take your charge, I want terror in their minds!" Crantor, watched for Sorela, she was zig-zagging across the field, "Soela I want you to visit the slave. Slicecrank , get the ropes ready!" Calcrap waited, Crantor gave the signal. The decoy attack had begun!


     Before saying anything to Arnold, Diamond said kindly to the friar, "Keep you head down. I must attend some bussiness now, wot!" She turned to the cellarhog and asked sharply, "Why are you worried 'bout I sir! I know my ropes of war and fighting better then most hear!"
"It ain't me! It's the abbess!" Arnold said.
"Your in charge Arnold. I need to see the abbess!"
The Abbess sat in the infirmary, feeding the injured ones. Diamond came in. "Ah! Diamond! Here sit down and I'll bandage that ear for you," Abbess said cheerfully.
"Rather not abbess marm! Came to see why you are worried about me! You know my father is in the jolly old Long Patrol, wot! Taught me to sword fight and to shot arrows. I know how to fight!"
"And he asked me to protect you, not to let you fight!"
Saying something to herself, Diamond fought back tears. She bowed politely to the abbess, and to left her room. "But my father would have liked to see me help," said Diamond when she reached he room. She began searching through her wooden chest.

   Trigoma had heard everything of the vermins attack. "If only I could get it to them! Arg!" He growled in frustration. It was then that he noticed a little rip in the rope to his right paw. "Hmm" he thought "If only I could cut it a little more, I might be able to rip it" The guards were not looking so he quickly searched the ground with his eyes for a piece of flint.


     Diamond tightened her belt. It held her dirk. She checked the bandage she had put on her ear. Putting her bow on her shoulder, she left her room. She saw the good friar on her way out to the orchards. "If any beast wonders where I am, tell them I'll be back soon. Please lock the door behind me, wot!" She didn't wait for an answer. Opening the door she left.
She made her way to the woods. She was careful of vermin, watching her step and looking around every tree. She finally made it to the vermin camp, where she saw Trigoma tied by ropes....


    Calcrap, led his stoats shooting arrows and stones, C'mon mates, make Crantor proud of ye!". Meanwhile Rantainian, was banging on the west gate with a log he had cut, "Give it to them! Arghclange, you and some others climb up, if you can! Harharhar!!!" Crantor waited, "Greasetail, you have those ropes ready?" The reply was quick, "Yes, me Lord Crantor!"
Rotgutt continued watching Trigoma. Blackback was snoring. Sourtooth, a ferret, looked into the bushes there was something there, "Hey Rotty, you see that?" Rotgutt answered, "What do you see?" Sorela joined the conversation, "It's a hare. I think." "Come on fellas," this was Blackback awake from his slumber "if it's only one we'll take on it!"
    "Right ho old chap! I'm a hare! Usually get called rabbit by scum like you. Good day, wot!" said Diamond as she left the scene. She ran as fast as she could. "Wanted to save old Trigoma. Ah well. He knows how to take care of himself." She ran down the north path so quickly it would pride any hare.
    Sorela could be heard not far away from Diomond. She was followed by Sourtooth, "C'mon we're close now, Sourtooth!" Panting Sourtooth called from behind,"Slow down rabbit!" Blackback and Rotgutt were left watching Trigoma.
    Some evil will drove Sorele forward. Diamond began to think of her first encounter with vermin. She had been very scared and foolish. Diamond remembered that she had made her father shamed of her, being a coward. He had sent her to Redwall.
The breathing of Sorele made Diamond realize Sorele was right behind her. Diamond drew her dirk. Suddenly she tripped on her dress hem. Sorele and Diamond both went head over tail....
     Sorela, drew out her lance, "So it has come to this rabbit! Prepare to die!"
     They went at each other, Diamond with her dirk, Sorela with her lance. Ducking her head Diamond avoided a blow. Slashing out with her dirk Diamond cut Sorela's leg. Falling to the floor, Sorela cried like a mad beast. A knock from Diamond's dirk handle had her out cold. Still breathing heavily from his run, Sourtooth looked at Diamond.
"Unless you want blooming cut like that, you better run scum!" Without looking back Diamond continued down the road, at a slow pace. She didn't notice Sorela open her eyes....


    Webbtail was now in a panic. Not only had Trigoma disappeared, but so had Diamond. He tried to calm himself down to think of a plan. "Okay, okay, think think," he thought to himself.
Then it struck him. It was so easy, but effective. All he needed to do was bring his otter crew, go out to mossflower, track the Redwallers down and save their lives! Maybe even a feast would happen to celebrate the return of the Redwallers! He quickly went off to tell the Abbess his idea.


     A small figure moved in the bushes. Diamond turned to the woods. She was standing on the path. For a while some creature had been following her.
"I've had enough of this, come out whoever you are!" But the creature didn't come out.
"Come out!" Diamond yelled.
A small squirrel came out from the bushes. Diamond knew who he was. It was Friggle the squirrel babe.
"What on earth are you doing here?" Diamond asked.
"Sista Gemmy not let us outa the dormitory. She beez very mean. But Friggle very smart. I sneaked pass her to the orchards. And nobody knows! I founded big hole that the vermin came through. And I go outa the hole to find you. Friar said you be left. And I found you! Naughty little hare! You go back to the abbey right now."
"No you go back to the abbey. I'm just fine."
"Why did you leave?"
"I wanted to save Trigoma, but I couldn't, wot!"
"I don't know my way backa home. Can I go with you?"
Grabbing the Dibbun Diamond put him on her shoulders. "Okay, but no noises, wot?"
"No noises, wot!"
"And no blooming questions?"
"Wot! No bloomin' question!"
"Top hole! Now off to the flipping river!"
"Why we going to the flipping, top hole river?"
"When we go back to abbey?'
"Friggle! No more questions, wot!"
"Right, wot!" Friggle copied Diamond. She sighed. At least she would have some company.
     Webbtail and his crew didn't need to search long to find Diamond and Friggle. Sneaking up on them, the skipper was able to walk right along side them without them even noticing. He heard the whole conversation. "Well, yah can't save Trig without help, matey!" He said.
Diamond jumped in shock. "Me and me crew came to find you and Trig, but if you're saving him from something, then we'll help. Ain't that right, mateys?" The crew came out from the trees surrounding them and replied, "Aye!"
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


Chapter Eight: Vermin Do Not Quit
Bluestrype silently moved through the bushes. She had been able to get out of the Abbey through all the confusion. Her aim was to find Diamond and help her.
The badger shouldered her battle axe, muttering to herself, 'It'll take more than a vermin spear to stop this badger warrior!'


    "I say Skipper old thing! Watch where you sneak up! As for helping Trigoma. Yes I need some help. You see I forgot to bring scoff, so I'm heading towards the river to find get water and search for some blooming food, wot!" Looking at the good Skipper she said, "You don't happen to have a scone or two on you? I'll settle for anything donchya know. Scoff is scoff all the same." She fluttered he eyelashes at him.
    Webb wasn't prepared to stop until they reached the water. "Aye miss, we 'ave food, but we ain't stoppin' ya see! Once we reach the water we'll set up camp for a while and 'ave some afternoon tea. But not until we reach the water, so if ya want some scoff then ya better march a lot quicker then you are! Ahoy, Wisteria me darlin', how about a marching song ta keep us in line?" Webb called out.
Wisteria had a lovely singing voice. Straight away she nodded to Webb and launched in to song.
     "I say Skipper old thing. Is that the flipping river up ahead?"
Not waiting for an answer, Diamond ran up ahead. It was the river.
"Hurry along everyone! We are almost there. I myself am rather hungry, wot!" she yelled back.
A member of Skipper's crew said under his breath, "Since when aren't you?"
Friggle, now walking along the side of the otter said, "Wot! Since when, matey?"
      Webb and his crew reached the river not long after Diamond. Webb sat down on a log and called afternoon tea. Everybody was grateful to eat, and eat the did! They attacked their rations with gusto. The food was simple, but filling. Scones with meadow cream and strawberry jam, russet apples from the previous autumn, various assortments of pastries and cheeses and boiling mint tea. Webbtail picked up a scone and spread it evenly with jam and cream. He was soon joined by Diamond, who asked to share his rations. "Sit down then, matey, but mind you go easy, marm!" He said to her.


    Trigoma looked around frantically. "Where in the name of Martin did that hare get too?" He looked down at the flint he was aiming to get, But it was too late, Rotgutt was watching him. "What you looking at frog face?" said Trig challenging. "Sherrup stream dog!" roared Rotgutt as he deal a hefty blow to Trigs stomach. Trigoma fought back tears of pain and fear and weakly kept up his onslaught. "When I get loosed from these bonds Ill use your own spear as a spit and roast you over a fire!" Rotgutt had enough. "Untie him! Ill teach him some respect!" Blackback untied him and Trig fell weakly to the ground, but it was a trick. "Harr harr Im gonna use your guts for belts!" Said Rotgutt and he drove his spear at Trigoma. Trigoma rolled over and jumped up avoiding it, calling on all the training Webbtail had taught him. The fight had started!
     Bluestrype was watching Trigoma's fight from behind a tree. She was debating whether to help him or not.
Suddenly the badger made her descision.
She swung her battleaxe in a wide arc, sending vermin flying. When she reached Trigoma, Bluestrype said, 'Are you alright, friend?'
    Trigoma almost fainted at the site of a badger flying into the vermin. He regained his composer and spoke. "Er...yes I am quiet well thank you. Those vermin nearly impaled meh! Where to now? I think we should find that hare Diamon. She might be in trouble!"


   Diamond's eyes fluttered sweetly at the Skipper. "Me take it easy? I shall indeed." And she eat as slowly as her tummy would let her, which was not that slow. "By the way Skipper old lad, who was left at the abbey to watch for vermin attack?"
   Skipper answered confidentally, "that badger, of course! She's a mighty warrior. Also, something not many beasts know, but Arnold was quite a fighter in his day. He sure knows how to swing a sword! Of course he retired when he became the cellarhog, but I'm sure he'll fight again if our dear old abbey is in too much danger. Don't threat, matey!"
    Diamond sighed happily. "That's good, wot!" she said. She had a full belly and was ready for anything now. "So Skip, what's our plan now?"
     Trigoma and Bluestrype ran into skipper bowling them both over. "Er sorry mate. This badger saved mah skin. Well now that were a big happy family, I say we get the heck outta here!" Trigoma got whacked on the back of the head by an otter crew member. "You do as our chief says Trig!" So everyone waited for skippers idea.
    "Say we get back to Redwall quick smart, who knows, there might be a feast to congratulate us!" Webb told the crowd.
With those words, a mighty cheer came from everybeast as they began to march back to Redwall abbey.
      Skippers wife sang a marching ballad as everyone joined in. Singing lustily, Trigoma started in "We march lalalala!" not knowing the words. A side ways glance from an otter crew member told him to shut up. Trigoma didn't have a singing voice. So the proud procession marched down the path.
     The side wicker gate of Redwall abbey stood silently. A sudden knocking broke the silence. Diamond hit the gate. She was looking forward to getting back. They had not ate since they were at the river. Her stomach grumbled. She knocked again. The creatures around her waited for an answer.
      As they waited, Skipper and Trigoma took the bearings as they looked at the scene. Vermin were camped all along the western flatlands, but both noticed they were edging there way into surrounding the abbey.
     Bluestrype tapped her paw impatiently. 'When can we get in?' she said. 'I don't feel easy with all those vermin.'


   Crantor continued the attack,"Greacetail, prepare the ropes, you three up!" Rantainian on the other hand was battering the gates of the south wall, "C'mon mates charge!" Twelve of the hoard in the decoy battled their way through the forest an yelled,"ATTACK, CRANTOR, CRANTOR, CRANTOR THE BLOODY, ATTACK!"

    The gate opened to reveal the Abbess. "Webb, you're back, and you found our friends!" She said.
"Actually, it wasn't all me, in fact, it wasn't much of me at all! But it's a long story, and we're all hungry!" Webb replied.
"Of course, come in and we'll get food for you all, then you and some of the others can tell me what happened," the Abbess replied.
Back in the abbey the good creatures of Redwall were eating their tea. Webbtail, Trigoma, Bluestrype and Diamond sat on one table, reciting what happened to the Abbess as they ate.
     'I snuck out of the Abbey to find Diamond, and I found Trigoma being attacked by vermin, so I helped him.' said Bluestrype. She wilted under the Abbess's stern gaze.
'Bluestrype, I thought you were wounded.'
'I'm not some Dibbun. I'm a full-grown badger, and I thought Diamond might need help.'
     "Why is it that you always think I need help?" Diamond said suddenly. "Is it because I am young? Do you not trust me?" She sighed sadly.
"We are just worried about everyone right now," the abbess said, "Please continue with your report."
And they told the abbess everything they could remember.
"Skipper! Skipper!" yelled a mouse. The mouse was a guard on the wall tops. "We can hear yells out in the woods! The abbey is under attack!"
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


Chapter Nine: A Time To Grieve
Rantainian cried at the charging hoard, "Give it to 'em mates! Ready. Aim Fire! Reload. Fire! Battering ram hit the gates." The vermin shot arrows like angry wasps stinging a dibbin.
Meanwhile, Calcrap and his stoats sent arrows flying toward the battlements. Greacetail arrived and complained, "Calcrap, you back stickin' hoolagan! Le' me take care of us now."
"You'd be chalengin' me authority?"
"What if I'm?
At the insults Calcrap got his spear ready, "If you are, you just found your ticket..."
"Look out!"
Slicecrank wobbled on his peg leg and shouted from one of the walls, "Pirate scum! Give me satisfaction!" Stones flew.
"Harr harr, mateys! They'd be dead hurry!"
But Captain the wall's to high to climb!"
Crantor looked at the ropes and yelled, you five up!"
They prepared and went half way waiting for their chief.
Crantor thought, "The badger she'll be mine! Beware, stripedog, BEWARE!"


    "Otter crew, grab your slings or javelins! Arnold, Diamond, Bluestrype and any other beast who feels they can fight, come with us, we're going to the walls! Grab a sling from me and head straight for the walls! We're not letting them enter our abbey!" Webbtail yelled above the panic that broke out.
    The abbess watched the defenders going up to the walls. She was worried terribly for all of them. But not letting her worries over take her, she left towards the infirmary.
Stones and arrows shot from both sides. Diamond shot out with her bow. Next to her Arnold fired his bow with great accuracy. All the able bodied beast fired and ducked. As Diamond shot up to fire again, five vermin were climbing up on the battlements. The one at the top of the rope cut deep into Arnold..
     ...And was promptly smashed across the head by a well aimed hit from friar Saulyle armed with a frying pan. With a small sigh he fell down off the wall and crashed into the other four, knocking them all down to the ground below.
      Trigoma shot with his bow and killed a rat. But a hail of arrows came back at him. He ducked and heard the commands of the rats. "Skipper they got a rhythm going. We can never fire under this!"
     Bluestrype aimed with a sling at the vermin. Her battleaxe was useless up on the walls, but she also knew how to use a sling, so she was helping to pelt the enemy with stones.
     "Skipper they got a rhythm going. We can never fire under this!" Trigoma said as another volley of arrows and stones flew at them.
Ducking just in time, Webbtail replied, "We'll keep the fight up for a little while longer, then retreat back to the abbey. Get in to ranks, all of you!" Webbtail yelled above the commotion.
After the creatures did this, Webb yelled, "First rank, fire! Drop down, reload. Second rank, fire! Drop down, reload."


   Thinking Trigoma was still at camp, Crantor gave orders  "Redd, come here I want you to go find the vixen, Sorela back at camp and bring the streamdog!
"Oh, Redd, if it's possible kill Rantaintian." As he said this he climbed like a salamanders in a skinny rock.
Calcrap and Greacetail rolled on the ground almost hit by a hail of stones.
"Matey, le' me and you go and teach to 'em something to scream about!"
"I'm with you mate!" So they shouted together, "Rank one, fire! Rank one, reload. Rank two fire! Rank two reload. Rank one fire! Rank one reload. Rank two fire! Rank two reload."
Rantainian shot out orders to his rats, "Make 'em taste the wrath of rats. Climb. Harr harr!"
     "Aye chief!" Redd said, running towards Rantainian. "Chief wants you an' me to go fetch Sorela and the streamdog." "Can't ye do it yerself?" Rantainian complained. "I'm busy co-OOF!" He clutched his stomach in pain, the breath knocked out of him by a well aimed strike from Redd. "We are to do as our chief orders us to do." Redd growled, adding emphasis to each word that described both of them. With a grumble that was half out of pain and half out of annoyance Rantainian complied.
As they got out of sight of the battle, Redd slowed his pace until Rantainian was walking ahead of him. Silenty drawing his broadsword, and without warning, he drove it through Rantainian's backside. As the life slowly ebbed from Rantainian's eyes, Redd leaned over and whispered some ill-timed advice.
"The secret to betrayal is knowing when to make your move. You have missed your chance for greatness; and now, as you take your last final breaths, you will die with nothing."
As Rantainian gave one last agonizing breath, Redd pulled our his broadsword and the fox's lifeless body fell foward onto the ground. Cleaning his blade on the grass Redd strapped it back to his back and, stepping over the dead body, made his way to the camp.
      Greacetail and Calcrap shot out orders, "Ready? Fire! Up! Fire Up! Fire!"
"You three...Huh?"
"Clalie! Stones!"
Just as Greacetail came, stones from the walltop came carshing on the stoats. Calcrap held his head, "Uhh. Greace, go take several stoats an' shoot some arrews now!"
"Don't get angry. Grumpy guts!"
"Hey, you'd be chalengin' me agin?"
"Harr harr, we'll see Calie, we'll see!" At that Greactail had gone.
The rats now saw their leader go into the forest so they turned to a weasel. Rantainian had met him since dibbinhood, his name was, Plankjack. Planckjack was a great bounder he could jump to ship to ship that was 4 feet away from each other.
"Plankjack wha're we to do?"
"We're gonna kill tha's what we're doin'. Batter that gate! We'll make ol' Rant proud of us!"
Crantor was near the top, "C'mon mates near as ever!"


   Trigoma got into the rhythm in rank two. Under Webbs commands, they made a slow retreat off the walls. When they were on the ground they made a run for it but were met with more arrows as some otters were cut down by the volley. They made it back into the abbey tired and with less numbers. "Webb we need to make a charge and beat them down. We cannot take shooting back and forth forever, they have double our numbers!" The whole otter crew went into cavern hole to discuss war tactics.
   "I think we need to take a few days off fighting to say goodbye to the good beasts we lost. But I do agree with Trig, we need to go out and charge them some day soon. Any other ideas?" Webb asked.
   'I'm sure I don't know,' said Bluestrype. 'But we must not leave the walls unguarded.'
She looked sadly down at the sling she was using. 'I'm not very good at this.'
    Webbtail nodded. "That is true, we need somebody guarding the walls. I'll take the first shift tonight, then how about Streamsight and Roland take the next shift. If any other beast wants a go, please tell me." Webb said.
"I'll come with you on the first shift," Replied Wisteria.
Webb nodded and excused himself. "Carry on, mateys," he said.

   Outside the walls of Redwall, a strong paw emerged from the mud, followed by another. Both reached across the ground until they found two cutlass hilts. Behind the paws a face grinned.

    Crantor saw his chance he climbed up until he got to the wall top. He ordered, "Get us directly under the big building. Now!" They all answered in perfect unison, "Aye, Lord Crantor."
Sorela stood up. Felling pain she went back to camp There she met Redd.
    As Sorela made her way back to camp she met Redd who barely gave a glance of acknowledgement and said nothing, too busy examining something on the ground. Sorela looked at the two guards who were knocked out cold, but still breathing. Nearby she saw the tracks of a badger. "Redd did you see these? They look like the paws of-"
Redd interrupted her as he quietly stood up. "A badger. I know. Seems it took the streamdog as well." Turning to her, he said, "Chief wants to see ye."  And with that he turned around and started walking back to the battle. Sorela stood there momentarily and then hurried to catch up with his quick pace.


   Diamond sat on the wall tops. She had not left with the otters. She watched the activity below. A sigh came from her mouth. A sling in paw, Diamond would throw a random stone now and then, to let the vermin know they were still there. Just as Diamond was about to throw another Skipper, his wife, and some of his crew soon came to the battlements.  
   Trigoma chose to take first shift with Webb. Walking up to the walls he saw Crantor standing on the wall. Crantor raised his sword to strike and Webb. "Webb look out!" yelled Trigoma.  
   "Uuuh..." Saulyle had accidentally walked in front of Webb right as the blade came down. Clutching his stomach the fat friar down off the wall to the abbey grounds below, dead.
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


Chapter Ten: The Return Of A Captain
Trigoma saw Saulyle fall from the wall dead. "Nooooo!" yelled Trig as he ran down the wall to look at the good friar. Seeing him dead, Trigoma felt a hatred burning in him he never felt before. He ran back up to the wall and saw Crantor still standing there with Webbs back still to him. Trigoma lunged at Crantor and ignored the cuts he got and pushed Crantor off the wall. Sitting down in pain and sadness he looked at the cuts on his paws. Then the dark embrace of unconsciousness enveloped him...
   After the moment of confusion Webb was feeling confused and upset. The Friar had died! Rushing from the wall, he yelled the news to everyone on the battlements. "Friar's dead! Ole' Saulyle is dead!" he cried. Reaching the limp form of the poor friar, he collapsed beside him. "I'll take his body back inside the abbey," he said between sobs.
Then an anger like no other came over Webb. An anger at Crantor and all he stood for. He muttered a promise to himself under his breathe. "That scum! I promise I won't rest until I see that rotten piece of filth gone forever!"
With that, he entered te abbey with the poor limp bundle in his arms.
    Bluestrype looked sadly at the limp body Webbtail was holding. 'What happened?' she said. 'Was it a vermin arrow?'
   "Nay, he was cut down by a sword." As they looked around to find the owner of the whispering shadowy voice, a black squirrel with two white streaks of fur down her left arm swung from the Abbey's ash tree, landing noislessly before them. "I am Nightfire, Squirrelqueen of Mossflower. I saw all that happened here, and I come to offer my services. I have twoscore squirrel warriors waiting but a mile away for my commands. We shall aid you in whatever way possible." She casually checked the waxen string of her longbow and adjusted the dirk that was concealed behind her belt. She carefully tucked her blowpipe under her vest, doing so in a way that none could see what it was.
   Trigoma stirred as a mole poured water on him reviving him. "There zurr trigymo.
You got nothing but cuts en burses burr aye. You will be foine." Trigoma jumped up. A little sore but feeling better. "Thank you sir. Now if you'll excuse me, I must pay my respect to our lost friar." Trigoma headed to the abbey.
   Nightfire fell in beside Trigoma, matching her pace evenly. "I shall come with ye. I have a mind to speak to the current Abbot or Abbess of this place. If ye've an inclination to, would ye bring me to him or her? After your done paying your respects, o' course."
    Albern fitted a pebble to his sling. "Take that!" he cried, releasing it. He had accidentally fitted it in wrongly however and it delayed, zooming behind him into one of the windows in Great Hall. "Oops!" he said, fitting another pebble into his sling in an attempt to get it right this time. He sighted a rat with a spear. "Take that!" he cried, releasing it as well. It zoomed sideways and knocked out a nearby otter. "Oops!" he said again, fitting another pebble to his sling. This time he would get it right! He sighted Redd and Sorela just as they appeared out of the trees. "Gotcha!" he cried, aiming for Sorela.
Amazingly, it zoomed at them. His aim was a wee bit off though and it struck Redd instead. Albern fitted another pebble into his sling as he danced a merry jig. As he aimed for Sorela he was still dancing, which caused his pebble to zoom straight up into the sky, and then came sharply down and bounced off his head, knocking him out.


  Redd came out of the woods, followed a few seconds later by Sorela. Stopping for a second, he surveyed the battle. Suddenly a pebble struck the side of his head.
It didn't knock him out straight away, but it did leave a deep wound where the pebble struck, blood slowly trickling out.
As he lay there bleeding, Redd gasped at Sorela. "" with that he let the darkness take him and fell unconcious. Sorela saw Crantor fall from the wall. She quickly rushed over to him.


  Webb turned to the mysterious Nightfire who had arrived. All sadness forgotten, he looked at her. "Hello, marm, pray tell me, 'ow did ye get in to the abbey grounds?" He asked.
  The black Squirrelqueen scoffed at him. "I'm a squirrel, o' course. I can climb that abbey wall as easily as if I'm walking on flat ground. Who's in charge o' this abbey? I've been gone a long time. Is old mouse Ash still Abbot?"
   Trigoma looked oddly at the squirrel walking by him. "Er nice to meet you friend. The abbess is right there. Abbess meriam." Trigoma kept walking and went up to skipper. "Poor friar. Ill dig him a grave and maybe we'll have a ceremony for him..."
   Webb nodded sadly. "I'll 'elp you dig a grave," he said.
    Bluestrype started to talk to Nightfire. 'So you're a squirrelqueen?' she said. 'I came here when I was attacked by vermin. I plan to help the Abbeybeasts defeat Crantor.'
   Albern had been hit in the head. With everyone else busy, Diamond took the vole back to the abbey.
"Abbess, Albern has hit his head," Diamond said when she brought him to the infirmary.
"I see. This is all that comes from war," said the abbess as she passed the vole to one of her helpers. "What's going on out there Dime?"
"You know I've never liked the name Dime. Reminds me..." Diamond started to say.
"Diamond! What is going on out there?" the abbess said angrily.
"Right! A squirrel queen came. She offered to help, I think."
Diamond then left to go back out to the wall tops.
   "Yeah, I'm a squirrelqueen." she replied to the badger. Nightfire turned away and approched the abbess slowly. "'Ello, marm. My name's Nightfire. I'm the Squirrelqueen that yore abbeybeast told ye about. I came to offer my help agin' Crantor. I have twoscore squirrel warriors ready an' waitin' to help ye."
   A dark figure moved silently through Mossflower. It stole stealthily towards the small wicker gate of Redwall, then pounded on it and waited.
   Nightfire broke off in the middle of a sentence. "Eh...I hear someone at the abbey door. Ye better go an' see who it is."
   Trigoma and Webb had dug the grave and had placed the friar in it. "Well webb. There it is. Lets cover it up and finish our respects. We have a war to do." They started covering the grave when Trigoma heard the pounding at the gate. "Might be vermin. Ill check it out." Trigoma went to the gate. "Identify yourself!" said Trigoma. The reply came back...
  A loud voice roared out from behind the door, "This is Captain Carl Galedeep, somebeast let me in quickly!"
Dagen looked from what he was doing with suprise. Then started running toward the wicker gate.
"Cap'n? Captain!"
  Bluestrype leapt up. 'Captain Carl Galedeep!' she exclaimed. 'But...but...oh, my goodness! This is wonderful!'
  Webbtail wandered over next. "Well, stike me rudder, if it ain't Captain Carl Galedeep!" Webb said, holding out his paw offereing a handshake, "Me cousin's told me a lot about you. Tis' an honour to finally meet you. Me name's Skipper Webbtail."
   Trigoma was dumbfounded at the huge otter standing in front of him. "Er hello there mister Galedeep. Mah names Trigoma, Trig for short. Welcome to this here abbey!"
   Nightfire just stood by quietly, a little annoyed at the interruption, but she was willing to wait for a bit. She looked the otter up and down, and immediately felt a kinship with him. Here was another warrior like herself, one who would fight to the very death if need be.
   Carl grinned as the numerous creatures of the abbey shook his hand. He was especially excited to see Bluestrype the badger,
"Bluestrype matey! How have ye been keeping yourself?" Carl said as he leaped forward and embraced Bluestrype. As if on que Dagen and the crew of the Hotroot dog piled on the two shouting and cheering!
   Nightfire laughed quietly to herself. Whoever this otter was, he certainly was loved by all of the Redwallers. She made a high-pitched chirring sound, and a pair of squirrels vaulted over the wall and landed in front of their queen. "Aye?" They asked as one.
"Stay with me for a bit. I haven't gotten a chance to talk with the Abbess yet, and util I do, I'll need ye two to act as a relay twixt me and the band."
"Aye," they said again. Nightfire waited patiently for a chance to approach the abbess again.
  Trigoma was caught in the excitement. "Woot! Galedeep! Galedeep!" The otter crew looked at him strangely. "What?" said Trig. He then went back to the wall to take a look at what was happening.
   A stone fell from Diamond's sling. She had been up on the wall tops, and there she still was.
While loading another stone into her sling she spoke to herself, "Got to keep throwing blooming stones at the foe. Better let them know we're still here." She sighed. "True blue and never fail, wot" Then she laughed. "Father said that to me many times. I wonder what he would say to me now." Diamond then fired another stone.
   "I think I'll leave and go to Salamandastron instead." Nightfire said. "Come on," She left with her two squirrels, never to be seen again by those at Redwall Abbey.
  Carl chuckled as he gradually made his way through his excited crew to the one who called himself Skipper Webbtail.
"When yer cousin told me there was a party I didn't expect vermin were invited matey."
   Webbtail laughed loudly. "Nah, matey, they just turned up uninvited!"
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


Chapter Eleven: Defending Whats Right
trigoma sat by diamond. "talking to your self again i see. u never did tell me about your life at salamandastron. while were fighting these beast tell me a bit."


   Crantor was losing numbers significantly. "Hmm we need to lead a massive attack. Though they lack in numbers, they have the heart." Crantor soon had an idea forming in his head...


   "Well, guess I could tell you," Diamond said, "My father was a jolly old General in the Long Patrol. He had always wished that his child become part of the patrol too. As soon as I was able to walk and talk, my father was teaching me. Taught me to sword fight, use a sling, and shot arrows. And in my free time my mother taught me how to sing, and play the violin, wot!  But my mother died not to long after.
"Everyone thought me to be spoiled. It was even worse when father assigned me to go on a patrol with some others. It was a mistake, because I was a coward as soon as I saw some vermin. I shamed father by running away from the fight. That's why he sent me to Redwall. He said I was to be peaceful, and when I grew older I could go back to Salamondastron."
   "Oh wow" replied Trigoma. "Never knew all that about you." Trigoma let loose another sling stone and was rewarded with a scream. "Well you seem pretty brave now. When do you plan on heading to the mountain again?" Asked Trigoma. But all conversation was cut off as the vermin restarted there attack fresh.
   Captain Galedeep heard the increase of vermin charging and he also heard something else; a loud sickening thud at the gates.
"A battering ram eh?" Carl grinned, "Sounds like the really want in on the party! Now listen here Skipper matey, I think I got us a nice little party favor planned fer your uninvited guests here..."


  Crantor looked on as the first part of his plan began. The battering ram didn't have much effect on the stout timber. But it was only meant to be a distraction anyway.
  Redd regained consciousness to the sounds of the battering ram hammering away, the anguished cries of deadbeast, and the warcries of those not at the point yet. Picking himself up he walked over to Crantor. "Any new orders, chief?" he asked.
  Crantor looked over at Redd and frowned.
"Done with you nap? Good. I want you to take a score of archers behind the abbey unnoticed and start firing, go!"
  "Aye chief!" Redd said, and walked off to pick his archers. After he had picked his archers, they crept unnoticed behind the abbey.
"On my signal!" Redd said, unsheathing his broadsword.
They notched their arrows.
They took aim at the abbey.
They pulled back on the string.
Redd raised his broadsword. "Fire!"
Arrows rained down over the battlements.


  Trigoma was in a state of panic. Not only had a relentless barrage of pebbles and arrows were aimed at them, but now they were battering the gates! He ran down to see what was going on.
  The Redwall defense was under heavy fire. They couldn't look over the edge in fear of death. Trigoma looked hopefully at Galedeep and Webb in hopes that they would have a strategy.
  Trigoma looked worried. Not only were they being fired on in the front, but now the back was under fire! Trigoma took a score of otter archers and went to hold the back of the abbey for all they were worth. Then seeing a gap in the firing they jumped up and gave it back to the vermin!
  Carl was about to put his plan into action when suddenly arrows came from behind. The captain turned to Webbtail and said,
"Take your crew and defend the back wall, hurry!"
Not waiting for an answer Carl rushed over to the gate where his crew was waiting. He put ear up against it and heard the vermin in charge of the ram give the order to charge.
"Open the gates now!" Carl shouted.
The strong otters quickly flung open the gates. Caught completely by surprise the vermin couldn't stop their momentum and came rushing in with their battering ram. Things happened in a rush after that the gate was shut behind the vermin and then they were swiftly cut down by waiting otters.
"Get the ram up on the wall quickly!" the Captain shouted.
The crew of the Hotroot picked the ram up a carried as fast as they could up to the ramparts. There, otters poured buckets of oil on it.
"Prepare te shove it over!" Carl grinned, picked up a torch, and lit it. "Let's give those vermin back their ram."
   To say that Crantor was surprised when a burning log came hurtling over the wall would be an understatement, and to say that he was angry when the log crushed or burned over two score of his troops would also be one.
"Don't stop you cowards! Keep on fighting!" He roared at his cowering army.
   Webbtail nodded. "Otter crew! To the back wall! Take slings!"
Webb rushed over and fired a stone, nodding with satisfaction after seeing it hit his target.
"Get in to ranks! Ready: First rank, fire! Drop down, reload. "Second rank, fire!" He carried this command on.
   Diamond came running to the back wall. She had with her a quiver of arrows and her bow.
"Thought you could use help, Trigoma, " she said.
Diamond took her place and fired arrows.
  Soon the tide turned for the otters side. With a wall on there side they instantly had the vermin pressed down hard. All the otters fought for all they were worth.
  "We've got them, mateys! Go! Go! Go!" Webb yelled above the noise.
   Diamond continued to fired arrows. She knew that she had to make every arrow count. "Come on we got them now. Give them blood 'n vinegar!" she said.
   Noticing the numbers down, Webbtail yelled above the noise, "Anybeast who wants any one on one combat, come with me! I'm going down there right now!"
Grabbing his trusty javelin, he went straight through the gate and launched himself at the enemy. He was a fighting machine. Jabbing here, ducking there, he was almost a blur. Many more creatures came with him through the gates, and they joined in on the fight.
   Carl grinned as he watched Webbtail charge out by himself. He turned to his crew and a yelled,
"Are we going to let our fellow otter run out on his lonesome?"
"NO!!" the crew yelled back.
"Well? What are ye waiting for? Let's get out there!"
The crew of the Hotroot yelled out battlecries and charged out of the gates, Captain Carl Galedeep leading them.
"Jest wait fox," Carl Whispered. "Pretty soon it'll be jest ye and me...
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


Chapter Twelve: The Final Battle
Trigoma drove into the fray with the two otter chiefs. Feeling the adrenaline rush of battle he instantly began beating vermin left and right. Soon the vermin were drawing back from the madness of the attack.
  Diamond joined in with the attack. She slashed out with her dirk, cutting through anything that lay in her way. She may not be as brave as other hares, but the perilous blood and fighting skill of her father ran through her veins.
  Bluestrype looked wildly around for Crantor. She swung her axe at a few vermin who tried to come too near, and then spotted the fox.
  "REEEDWAAAALLLLL!!!" Webb shouted.
He was a mad beast. His javelin was a blur as it sliced anything that got in the way. But as he was fighting, he wasn't aware a weasel had snuck up behind him. Snickering, the weasel swung his sword at Webb.
If Webb hadn't stepped forward at just the right time, he would have been sliced in two. His back was badly sliced as he went under a mob of vermin. He kept fighting on, despite slowly losing consciousness.
   Redd drew his broadsword and joined the fight. Taking down two otters he found himself facing Diamond. He charged forward and attacked her with several slashes of his blade.
  Redd's blade cut deep into Diamond's leg. She fell over, unable to stand. She rolled over to avoid another slash from Redd's blade. Diamond had to get back to the abbey. Slowly she began to crawl back to the abbey gate. But her hope and energy was fading.
  "Werenae thinkin' o' leavin' the fray na' were ye missie?" Redd snarled, stepping in front of Diamond. He raised he sword and brought it down onto the hare.


   Albern had woken up in the infirmary. Picking up his sling he returned to the battle, where he joined the fray. Seeing a dead rat's sword on the ground, he bent to pick it up. An arrow that had been meant for him went over his head and killed a ferret that had been about to bring his spear down onto Albern. He picked up the sword just as the rat who had fired the arrow charged at him with a drawn sword, only to charge right into Albern's newly aquired sword, killing himself instantly. Albern dropped the sword and went to pick up another, just as another arrow passed by overhead and struck down a rat. He stood back up again and sighted Redd attacking Diamond. He started to run over to help, but tripped on his own feet and fell down, bringing two ferrets with him.
  Trigoma had snapped his spear on the head of a vermin. Casting it aside he grabbed the sword of a dead vermin and went wild. He never fought with a sword before but found it quite easy. He dealt death to two vermin before he saw the events unfolding for Diamond. He quickly rushed between them yelling "You don't touch mah fre-ugh..." Trigoma took the full force of the sword blow to his stomach penetrating it straight through. Trigoma looked from the sword, and then to Redd. Then as his eyes clouded over he gave one last effort and and hurled himself and Redd away from Diamond to give her one last chance of escape.
  Redd snarled and cast aside the dead otter. Again he brought down his sword onto the hare.
  Albern picked himself up and charged at Redd, but a group of rats got in his way, and he ended up facing Crantor. He raised his sword and charged...and then tripped over a fallen otter and crashed into Crantor.
  Diamond pulled out her dirk and slashed out towards Redd. But she didn't wait to see if she had hit Redd. Though unable to stand, she somehow used her arms to pull herself away from the fight.
   Redd gave a cry of pain as Diamond's dirk left a deep scar across his face from his right eye down to the left side of his mouth. He clutched his face in pain as Diamond made her escape. With a roar he charged back into the battle. Sighting Galedeep he charged, and slashed down at him.
   The abbess saw Diamond barely escape from Redd. She ran over to the gate and helped Diamond inside the abbey.
"Hillgreen and Jatty, take Diamond and bind that wound. Oh, I knew it was a bad idea to let her fight," the abbess to her helpers.
"Mother abbess," Diamond said, "Trigoma, my friends, are all out there. I couldn't help them."
"Yes, I know Diamond. You tried your best," Mother abbess said.
Diamond's eyes fluttered. She passed out and was carried off to be cared for.
   Galedeep easily parried the blow from the weasel.
"Harhar!" Carl laughed, "Hey Matey could ye point me the way to a vermin like yourself, except very bossy and an even nastier face than your mug?
The Captain looked to the right and spotted Crantor.
"Never mind, off ye go!" Carl knocked Redd over and charged at the fox leader.
   Redd fell  flat on his back and hit his head on the hilt of a fallen stoat's blade. As he slipped into the dark void of unconsciousness, the noises of the battle faded away. In the midst of the chaos of battle, as beasts ran past him and died, he felt a strange calm come over him. He sighed and fell unconscious.
   Albern panicked and, after Crantor turned around, picked up all of his throwing stones and threw them into the air, where they came down upon vermin and goodbeasts alike. Throwing aside his sword he made a mad dash for the abbey, but tripped over a dead otter and crashed into Bluestrype.
   She let out a yell of suprise, and then one of rage.
   It quickly became obvious that Carl and Crantor were evenly matched. The duel went back and forth, their swords flashing in a deadly display of swordplay.
Crantor saw he wouldn't be able to win this way. He could see that his army was falling before the onslaught of the Redwall defenders. Thinking quickly the clever fox leader faked a fall, the otter captain raised his blades, giving Crantor the opportunity he needed. The fox hurled a pawful of dirt into his enemy's eyes then slashed him in the leg with his blade. Carl fell down dropping his cutlasses in the process. Crantor stood over him grinning.
   He was about to give the death blow when there was a deafening roar.
Bluestrype swung her battle axe at him, yelling. The fox leader ducked quickly, but not quickly enough to get his paw out of the way.
With a yell of pain, Crantor took his sword in his good paw, and slashed at Bluestrype with it.
She parried the blow, and tried to sweep his legs from under him. Crantor took a step back, and tripped on a body.
The badger stood over him and raised her axe. She snarled, 'I said I'd kill you one day, fox!'
Fear gave Crantor speed; he leapt up, and started to fight back.
Suddenly she jumped forward, yelling, 'EULALIAAAAA!!'
The fox was momentarily stunned, and paused for a minute. It was fatal.
Bluestrype pushed him hard, and he fell over backwards.
Straight onto his own swordblade!
   Captain Carl Galedeep pulled himself up and limped over to were Bluestrype stood. He looked upon the impaled body of the wicked fox then whispered,
"Told ye it would be jest ye and me, but don't blame me. I didn't realize ye already had an appointment with me friend here," Then the otter captain turned to Bluestrype and held out his paw. "Thanks mate, I thought that I was done for."
  'You're welcome,' Bluestrype said, smiling. 'I made a vow I'd kill him one day.'
  Webbtail awoke with a mighty slash in his back and a pile of vermin on top of him. "What happened, mateys?" he asked.
Then he saw the limp form of Trigoma. Holding back tears and the pain in his back, he rushed over. "Tr-Trig. Me- me matey," he broke down crying.
Then he looked up. "Trig was the best matey a beast could have, but with life lost comes new life. I haven't told anybody yet due to the recent events, but me and me wife Wisteria are having a babe. There are no winners in war."
Shaking his head, he managed to say before fainting, "Let's bury our mates and get back to he abbey."
With that, two otters carried him off to the infirmary.
   Redd woke with a terrible headache. Seeing the woodlanders standing around, he guessed that Crantor had lost. Seeing that nobeast's eyes were in his general direction he silently picked up his blade and attempted to sneak away.
   In the infirmary Diamond smiled for the first time in a long time. She knew war meant death and wounds. It was over! But the smiled faded from her face. So many of her friends, they were gone.
The abbess walked over to Diamond, "I see you heard the battle was over. Did they tell you about Trigoma?"
Diamond simply nodded.
"He was a brave creature. Tis okay to morn him," the abbess said, "Now we must get you down stairs."
The abbess helped Diamond down stairs. Diamond's foot paw was usless. "Abbess marm," said Diamond, "Once this foot paw heals up, I think I'll be leaving."
The abbess knew she would say this, "Going back to your father?"
"Yes, I think I shall."
   Carl looked over the battlefield and spotted that weasel sneaking off. The otter captain grinned and started to give chase, the made a yelp of pain and looked at his leg.
"Any other day weasel, you wouldn't weasel away from me." He said as he watched the vermin disappear into the forest.

"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


    It has been several weeks since that final battle. The abbey still in the rebuilding stage, with many still mourning the loss of our faithful Friar Saulyle, and a comrade, Trigoma. They were ceremoniously given over to Dark Forest. With special words from Webbtail the skipper of otters, they were then buried on the east side of the abbey.
    But what is done is done, life still rolls on. Diamond Orchid has become friends with Friggle over time. They are the most comical pair ever to enter this abbey! Diamond has decided to pass her musical talents over to Friggle. Who ever knew there was such musicality in a beast as young as Friggle?
   Well and then there's Webbtail and Wisteria. Their young, healthy, strong baby is growing up to be quite a terror! But such is the way of the Dibbuns. He is already headed to be the ring leader in the DAB (Dibbuns Against Bedtime) organization. And everyone knows that he will be skipper in his fathers footsteps. Captain Carl Galedeep says he is the spitting image of his father. Webb seems to be pleased with that.
    How is Captain Carl Galedeep you ask? Well and here I thought hares ate a lot! His crew is the black hole of gluttony itself! But I'm afraid they wont be staying with us long. They prefer to roam the seas and rid them of pirates and such. They have been repairing their ship, along with helping the abbey get into better shape.
    Well now I must be drawing this to a close soon. My mother calls me to help with setting the table for a victory feast. Although long waited for. Oh, and here comes Bluestrype. She has been acting strange lately. Ever since we finished burying our friends, she has been saying things like, "It is far from over. There still lives that weasel. He will be back, and with greater numbers too." Although I doubt the one they call Redd Mórtach will ever return after the beating he got.
     But alas, I must part. The victory feast awaits me. May your days be numerous, the wind at your back, and your harvests be plenty. I will lay a place at our table for you and hope you can join us, if not in body, then in the world of your imagination, where you can visit us anytime.

Brother Barlom. Recorder of Redwall Abbey
in Mossflower Country
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman

Dannflower Reguba

Yikes! that's huge! and I only opened the first 2 chapters. I'll have to come and read it some time.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This