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RP: A Tale of Reedbind: Voyage of the Blue Star

Started by BrookSkimmer, February 01, 2012, 09:36:42 PM

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Troy Troodon

So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


Vissaru cringed as two of his crew was belabored by the attack of the albatrosses.

"Since when der the sea birds fight fer other beasts?" He glowered at the sky, wondering when another attack might rain down on them. As soon as he finished the thought a shower of ocean water feel on them from above. An albatross wheeled away, leaving the fire arrows hissing with steam.

"Git us over there as fast as you can! We'll have no chance if we can't board the ship!" The small crew took to oars. The skiff reached the side of the Blue Star but they were being attacked from all sides.

It now seemed to Vissaru that his idea had been a bad one. The rails of the Blue Star teemed with otters. All showing steel or swinging slings. But there was no turning back now. When they were close enough, the polecat launched himself at the rat lines and began to haul himself onto the deck. A ferret followed his captain to the Blue Star's deck.

Shuffer nodded to Oakpaw. "Aye, I'm game fer this! It appeared these beasts didn't know there were so many of us ready and able to fight on ship!"  

When he finished speaking the ferret and the polecat jumped over the railings. "Reeeeeedbind!"

The war cry tore from Shffer's throat. He moved forward quickly and struck out with his sling at Vissaru's head. The polecat drew his cutlass and the sling wrapped around the weapon. Shuffer moved forward as the polecat tore the sling from Shuffer's paws. The otter reached for his belt and drew his dirk. He began to circle Vissaru, his eyes hardening for battle.

"Have at ye vermin!"

"Big words fer such a soft otter. Tell me are you the chief cook around here? Perhaps I'll keep you on as my personal cook!" He slashed with his cutlass. Shuffer gasped at the weapon cut him across the arm. "Or perhaps not!"

"Yer not worth the scraps we throw to the fishes!" Shuffer countered the attack and swung at Vissaru's sword paw. The hit connected, causing the polecat to drop his blade. The polecat launched himself tooth and claw at Shuffer.

While this was happening the ferret was advancing on Oakpaw.

Troy Troodon

Just then gailen also manages to raly a pod of dolphin to the ship. The blew spouts from their blowholes and with it came a shower of water rinse the ship deprived of the flames completely.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


Oakpaw put his sling away as he watched the vermin retreat, out of the corner of his eye he saw shuffer fighting with what seemed  the vermin leader, he set off but was soon tackled by the ferret.Oakpaw cursed as his head hit the mast ducking swiftly he managed to avoid the vermins twin scimitars. backing up Oakpaw grabbed the first thing that game to reach; a wooden staff. The ferret twirled his blades and shuffled forwards, Oakpaw smiled grimly and launched himself under the ferret, seeing the ferret turn around hw whacked the staff knocking one of the scimitars out of the vermins hand, Oakpaw was a blurr as he thought the vermin, he whacked the vermin on the head stunning him, he grabbed the fallen scimitar and charged. Oakpaw admired the blade taking them for himself, he then heaved the carcass overboard realising Shuffer was still fighting.

Troy Troodon

Gailen made back to the ship by Oakpaw's side alongside Saxon.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


Out of the corner of his eye Shuffer saw Oakpaw dispatch the vermin that had come towards him. He did not have time to react though because Vissaru was intent on making a kill.

"Come on then vermin! Make your move!" Shuffer growled and held his dirk firmly in one paw.

Vissaru lunged forward, trying to stab Shuffer with his blade. the otter danced to the side, narrowly missing a death blow.

"Stand still otter. I'll skewer you and leave you to the gulls!"

Shuffer ignored the taunt ad watched the polecat's eyes. Perhaps they would show him the vermin's next move. He was awarded by a swift glance to the right. Vissaru snarled and lunged forward at Shuffer, striking quickly at his torso. The otter moved fast to the left, stabbing his dirk into the pole cat's side.

"AAAGG!" Vissaru screamed as the dirk left his body and blood began to spread from his side. He panted hard and turned to face Shuffer again.

"Try that again! Come on!" The enraged polecat moved forward, striking his blade in front of him. The blow caught Shuffer off guard causing a wound on his right shoulder. The otter gasped but tried hard to keep focused.

Vissaru laughed and drove his blade forward, hoping to catch Shuffer through the gut. The otter made a leap to the side and slashed Vissaru with his dirk on his other side. Then he let the pole cat keep moving by and booted him over the railings oft he ship.

All the vermin had been taken care of. Shuffer turned to Oakpaw. "Well, the crew made short work of those vermin." He gasped and clamped a paw to his shoulder wound. "Is there a healer aboard?"

Troy Troodon

So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


Oakpaw gingerly touched a wound on his head and winced 'Aye, i belive Searose has some experience' seeing on of the albatrosses volenteer he told him to go with Searose and gather the stuff he needed. Oakpaw rounded up the injured beasts and sent them to Searose and Gailen before going there himslf


Shelly gathers her strength and leaps aboard the vermin ship. She grabs her weapon feeling a new strangth surge through her vains. She hacked down as many vermin as she could before the numbers started to overwhelm her. Shelly was now completely surronded she could barely move her blade they were that close.
Fun. is a fantastic band.


He looks over to Shelly after following her to the vermin ship.  "Well what shall we do with there ship. It could be good to keep." He helps Shelly with the weapons. "I suggest that we look and see if we cans find any medical supplies and then deside what to do with the survivors."
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.

Mad Maudie

"who was injured besides me? i got my pack it has what i need," She said her left led bandaged and red, noticing Shuffer's shoulder she walks over.
"Hmm I'll need some dock leave," She said reaching into her pouch "And some elm sap" She took out a bottle of a glue like substance "Here, Hmm, No a little finer." She said grinding up the leaves and mixing it with the sap. "OK this will sting a lot but you will have to endure it, i have it on my leg Stupid ferrets! the thing had a huge sword! here you go." She said applying the sap, and a bandage, "Do not move that arm have some other cook do it but do not move that arm! Ok who next?"
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



Shuffer held still and let Searose finish bandaging his shoulder. The dock leaf polticr burned for a while but at least te wound would heal well.

"Ah, thank you Searose. I'm sure it will heal much netter now. Ill supervise Aza and Fingol to do the cooking."

The otter looked over the railings as Shelly leaped onto the pirate skiff. There were a few vermin left but the albatrosses took care of them. Shuffer turned to Oakpaw. "I think we should keep the skiff. Perhaps Shelly could pilot it and stat along side the Blue Star?"


shuffer's journal writings:
we are still at sea. It has been two days since the pirate skiff attacked the Blue Star. We have sent the albatrosses out to see how far it is to Tonnet Island. They say we will reach it by tomorrow!

"land ho!" the lookout's words rang out over the deck. They were about to reach Tonnet Island!

Troy Troodon

"Blue Star?" Gailen had heard many tales of the blue star, eversince he was a clutchling, but  grew up to the assumption that it was all Typical Sea-Folk talk, and Children's tales. "Oh but guys, how exactly do we know that sucha thing even exists, and even if it does indeed, how will we find it, and where will it lead us?" Gailen had many questsion to be answered for this truley got his attention in sea-fairing.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


OOC: Make sure you read the posts before you make your own.  :)


Shuffer sighed as he eyes the albatross. He had perked up at the name Blue Star.

"I take it you have not seen that Blue Star is in fact the name of the ship you are aboard right now. I'm pretty sure it does exist, and hopefully it is carrying us nearer to Tonnet Island."

As the otter said the words a mass of land appeared on the horizon.

"Land ho!" The lookout cried.

"Speaking of which, there it is! Too bad there has been no sign of the Tide Dance yet. Captain, perhaps we should send the skiff in ahead of our ship to make sure everything is safe?"

Troy Troodon

So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.