RP: A Tale of Reedbind: Voyage of the Blue Star

Started by BrookSkimmer, February 01, 2012, 09:36:42 PM

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Shuffer walked towards Oakpaw and put a paw gently on his shoulder. "Captain, perhaps you should rest? I can watch over things out here if you let Searose lead you to your bunk?" Shuffer hoped Oakpaw would respond well, he did not want to force his friend to be in confinement.

The otter called across to Shelly on the skiff. "Ahoy Shelly! Two others will be coming with you to scout the island. You stay aboard the skiff. Saxton will scout from the sky. Ringald and Reefrudder will do a fast scout of the beach area."

The twin warriors Ringald and Reefrudder bounded from the Blue Star onto the Reedbind 2. They nodded to Shelly as they boarded. Reefrudder winked roguishly at her. He spoke in a deep tenor voice. "Righto me bold captain, steer us towards that there island and we'll make sure tis safe fer the rest of the crew!"

Shuffer went to stand near the mast. "Right! Everybeast prepare to drop anchor! We wait here for the all clear from the Reedbind 2!"


Oakpaw groaned slightly and replied 'aye, perhaps that would be best' he put a paw to his head and awaited Searose trying hard to keep his eyes open. Oakpaw's head throbbed as the world turned black for a couple of seconds before he managed to open his eyes

Mad Maudie

Searose put his arm on her shoulder and headed him towards his bunk glancing back at shuffer. "It is all right captain if i do it correctly you should be about in not too long, here get some rest I'll get you a glass of water," she said laying him in his bed and heading off to the galley she stopped by shuffer "It is worse than i thought he reacted very quickly normally it takes a few hours this was instant." she said, and headed of for the glass of water.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



feeling the soft blanket from his bunk Oakpaw sighed a pleasant sigh and he drifted slowly of into the land of dreams, he dreamt of happy times but they soon turned into dust. Oakpaw tossed and turned fling his wound burn

Mad Maudie

coming back to oakpaws bunk she heard thrashing, coming in with the drink of water she put it down and calmly helped oakpaw to calm down, even though she was screaming and crying inside. "It is Ok I've got some water here drink some?" she said as she put it to his lips, and hoped he would take some, 
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



Soon the Reedbind 2 held pulled into a bay off the coast of Tonnet. The albatrosses had not reported back yet but the twin warriors decided to scout the beach area.

Reefrudder smiled handsomely at Shelly. "Mayhap ye should wait her captain. Wouldn't want anything to happen to a beauty such yerself. Myself and ol' cod face 'er will go and make sure it's safe!"

Ringlald cuffed his brother as they both jumped into the shallows and waded ashore. "Cod face eh? If ye paid half the attention teh scoutin' that ye do to that otter maid we'd have already scouted this whole beach!"

The warriors held slings in their paws as they began to walk up the beach towards the interior of Tonnet.

Mad Maudie

Coming out of the tent Searose walked to  shuffer "He drank some but not a lot can you make some kind of porridge? Something that will go down easy, and he might not recover" she said crying quietly at the thought.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



Shuffer felt bad for Searose. He could tell how much she cared about Oakpaw just by the way she spoke of him. "I think he will make it. We just need to watch him carefully and take care of him the best we can." The otter left to make some food for the captain.

Not long later Shuffer was back with a bowl of steaming porridge. He had mixed in some green sap milk and some honey to make it taste good. He passed the bowl to Searose. "Here, he should be able to eat this. Don't worry too much Searose, he will pull through. We just need to make sure he has enough water and food."

He watched her re-enter the captain's quarters. "It should be you that cares for his needs. He recognizes you the best and will trust you the most."


Shelly was in high spirits as she went aboard the skiff. She started inspecting the craft form  top to bottom. The cargo of the vermin was mainly slaves which she freed immediately. Her main concern now was how she was going to feed the slaves.
Fun. is a fantastic band.

Mad Maudie

Searose smiled slightly at shuffer as she took the porridge to him,"Here some food you need to eat... I should have told you before..." She said something very quietly and gave him the food.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



The twin warriors Ringald and Reefrudder looked over their shoulder as Shelly freed the slaves. The skiff was a small vessel. They must have been very quiet to have not been heard until now. There were three slaves. The otters hoped Shelly would let them wait on the skiff until they returned to the Blue Star.

Ringald walked between the pine trees that were the fringe of the heavily wooded center of Tonnet. There was no news from the albatrosses yet.

"Hey, cod face." He smirked at his brother. "Why don't you wait here for news from the birds and I'll scout inland a bit."

"Call me cod face again and I'll make sure yer wearin' yer whiskers in yer hat!" Reefrudder smiled charmingly as he jested with Ringald. "Sound alright to me mate!"

Reefrudder went back to the shore and looked up, hoping to catch a glimpse of the albatrosses. Ringald stepped further into the trees. It was quiet within the green confines. Ringald stepped on a twig and a snapping sound issued. He glanced around, wondering if it had been heard.

From somewhere further into the forest many sets of amber eyes glittered in the darkness of the leaf cover...

Mad Maudie

Seamusic heard talking two otters, male from what she could tell she walked over to fallow the voices in the woods"Hello? is anyone there?" She asked looking though the gloom.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



Shelly was looking over the slaves, there was one hare, and two mice. The mice were obviously twins about five seasons old.
Fun. is a fantastic band.


OOC: Maudie, the male otters are not near the ship. They have entered the forest. I will have them meet Seamusic near the forest if that's ok?

BIC: Ringald and Reefrudder both heard the voice of a female somewhere nearby. Their gaze shifted from trying to figure out what they eyes were to where the voice had come from. Eventually they spotted the female otter. They walked quickly over to her and exchanged words in quiet tones.

"'Lo miss! Fancy finding an otter in the forest!" Ringald winked at her.

"Aye, perhaps ye should go wait with Shelly at the skiff eh? There seems to be some beasts watching us." Reefrudder turned his eyes back to the glittering eyes in the forest. "Get a goin' miss, before there's trouble."

As if on cue the beasts began to take up a chant. "Reeeesvaaaaa, Reeeeesvaaa, chack chack, chack!"

The otter warriors drew their swords. "This could mean big trouble mate! You ready?"

Ringald held his blade level. "Aye, let's give em' something to sing about!"

Mad Maudie

OOC: are they rats? like the painted ones? just so i know seamusic has been here a while so she should know what they are

"Oh these coots!" she said in annoyance "crazy vermin live in here that is what i wanted to tell you." she said drawing her dagger "the easiest way is to back out of the forest and into the water, they wont come near it!"
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?
