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RP: A Tale of Reedbind: Voyage of the Blue Star

Started by BrookSkimmer, February 01, 2012, 09:36:42 PM

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OOC: Welcome to the official thread of the second Tale of Reedbind! If you wish to join in please make sure you are signed in on the OOC thread for this RP first!

Please post at least two sentences when you add to the thread.
Please do not Godmod (write what other people's characters are doing) without permission.
Please roughly follow the storyline as stated in the OOC thread
If you need to say something OOC only please post in the sign up for this thread.
If you want to add OOC to an IC post that is ok as long as your IC is at least 2 sentences.
Have a great time!
A marsh bird's song trilled across the estuary lands. The air was warm and full of life. Outside of Holt Reedbind young otters could be seen, cavorting and sporting in the tidal inlets. Other otters were at work, gathering shell fish, mending nets, and tending to the tasks necessary to keep the Holt going.

A rush mat floated near then entrance of the main cavern of the Holt. It was here that a council of elders was being held. The term "elder" does not have to do with age at Reedbind. Otters are selected as elders due to their ability to reason, their skills, and their devotion to Reedbind and its statues.

Seven otters sat on the floor around a large rush woven table. A couple were quiet well on in seasons, their fur graying with time. One appeared the be of middle seasons, and two seemed much younger. Aside from these Shring and Eloyna presided over the council. They were the leaders of the Holt.

"Tides be with you my friends. Your discernment is much needed in today's council." Shring spoke in his deep tenor voice.

"Of course, you can always count on us!" One of the younger otters spoke up, his whiskers bristling.

"You all know why we have called council." Eloyna's voice of liquid gold poured out. "The Tide Dance has not returned. We sent her on voyage almost a season ago now, to bring back supplies and news from otters on Tonnet Island."

"Aye, their absence has become most disturbing." An older otter commented.

"Pirates?" The other young otter breathed the word.

"We can only hope to seasons nothing terrible has befallen the crew." Eloyna shuddered and turned to Shring. The male otter spoke out. "We need a course of action. The most sensible thing I can come to is to send the Blue Star after them. Perhaps we can find them and piece together what has happened to our crew and ship."

It was not long before agreement was reached. The Blue Star would be sent to Tonnet island in the wake oft he Tide Dance. Shring sent a runner to fetch two particular otters, Oakpaw and Searose. Once the otter arrived Shring spoke to them.

"You two are well trusted otters of this Holt. You proved that during your adventure to UnderSky and back, bringing our young ones safely home." He eyed Oakpaw especially as he added. "At the risk of your own lives." He nodded.

"Because of your deeds and your dedication to the Holt we have decided to have you lead this voyage. The Blue Star is to leave the Holt on the morrow. Shuffer has crewed and readied the ship. Oakpaw I name you Captain of the Blue Star, Searose, you shall be the first mate. Do you accept your duties in your new roles?"

Shuffer sauntered down the deck of the Blue Star. Provisions were ready, as was the crew. The otter could see the sea blue sails of the ship, furled tightly on the outstretching spars. Soon they would unfurl to take them to Tonnet Island and hopefully the crew of the Tide Dance.
Shuffer nodded to the otter standing near him. "All ready to go?"

Mad Maudie

"I except with honor."

"All ready shuffer! but Riverrose is sad to have me gone." Searose replied.

On the island Tonnet A young otter was preparing dinner Dried Fish, and Watercress stew, all she had to do now was wait for her friend Gerard, Gerard was almost like an older brother to her, Seamusic had no family she had been raised by an old hermit who had died a long time ago, then she found Gerard and they became quick friends, gerard looking after her for the most part but still good friends all the same.
"Gerard! Gerard! were are you? dinner time!" Seamusic new who would come pretty soon, he almost always did for food. she sat down at the back of the cave and sang a song one she did not know where she heard it she just had always known it,

"Hush hush my darling soon you will fall asleep,
to the world of make believe,
so hush little otter when you awake,
Your mother shall bake you a cake,
So hush little darling till you awake" 
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



Oakpaw was bursting with excitement but he forced himself to keep calm 'captin hmmm' Oakpaw mused and smiled to himself. Seeing Shuffer the cook ask the cew a question he shouted out 'aye aye shuffer!' Boarding the Blue Star Oakpaw gave a few experimental urns of the tiller and nodded  more then satifyed with the result.

Tiria Wildlough

Shennalynn was sitting outside, thinking about things. She was looking forward to the sea voyage, but it was her first big one. She wasn't sure how she would go.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


"I except with honor."

Shring nodded at the female otter and smiled. "We could not ask for better paws than yours Searose. You have shown great loyalty to our Holt."

Eloyna smiled at Oakpaw. "The same for you Captain Oakpaw. May the both of you guide the Blue Star safely to the Tide Dance and come sailing home to us soon!"

The council watched the two otters go to the ship satisfied that they had made good choices on leadership of the crew.

aye aye, Shuffer!

"Welcome aboard yer ship Captain Oakpaw! Everything is ready. Well stocked provisions, enough for a season and a half. Clean ship from deck to stern. All crew is making their way here as we speak." Shuffer saluted his new Captain smartly.

"All ready Shuffer! but Riverrose is sad to have me gone."

Shuffer smiled and responded to Searose with a salute. "Aye, First Mate Searose, we're all parting ways again too soon." He wished Riverrose could go but the voyage would be too dangerous for young ones.

The friendly cook noticed Shennalynn sitting not far away. She looked nervous about something. He trotted down the gangplank and came to the otter's side. He placed a paw gently on her shoulder.

"Well, you seem ready to go Shennalynn. How do you feel?"

Mad Maudie

Searose made her way to Oakpaw "Um oak paw can i tell you something?" she said looking anywhere but at him, without waiting for a yes or no she continued "You see er... i was not brought up on the ocean and well um... Ive never actually been on board a ship before i might get seasick are you sure i am a good pick for fist mate?" she asked looking up at the mast.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?


Troy Troodon

Gailen was flying up ahead. He could see the ship from far and beyond.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


Saxon watches as Gailen fly's over head as he sat on the ocean relaxing and wondered what his friend was up to and took flight coming along side of him.

"So old chap what has your eye this day? What What?" Saying this in a mocking tone of voice. He always like to pick on him for him being him.

He stays with him as they both soar through the are countering every move he makes.
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.

Mad Maudie

Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



OOC: Ok before you go OOC crazy. Me and Troy Troodon are the albatrosses that are on the open sea and off the coast.

Also I ask to keep the OOC and talk to each person to PM to keep the RP going.
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


Oakpaw smiled warmly 'im sure you'll be a great first mate! after all you are an otter' Oakpaw made his way off the ship and said is final goodbyes to everyone then boared the Blue Star and waited patiently for everyone else to finish.

Tiria Wildlough

'I'll be fine matey!' said Shenna cheerfully. She boarded the Blue Star in silence.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


'I'll be fine matey!'

Shuffer smiled as the female otter sprang up and went towards the Blue Star. He could have wagered that she was having second thoughts about the voyage. But she seemed to have everything under control now. The cook followed Shenna back onto the Blue Star and continued making preparations.

"How does everybeast feel about a good ol' pot of skilly and duff fer supper tonight?"

The otter asked the question to the crew in general before moving towards the galley. It was then that he spotted the two huge birds winging towards the ship.

"Albatross? What are they doin' in these parts?" Shuffer muttered to himself as he shielded his eyes from the sun to watch them fly closer.

It seemed most beasts were on board at this point and ready to go.

"Captain Oakpaw, I believe we are ready to make fer the sea on yer command sir!"

Troy Troodon

"Oh I'm just flying over head." Said Gailen. "Got nothin' better ta do."
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.

Mad Maudie

"How does everybeast feel about a good ol' pot of skilly and duff fer supper tonight?"
"that would be great! I'm hungry but I'll not eat much. When are we leaving sitting here makes me bored!"
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?
