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RP: A Tale of Reedbind: Voyage of the Blue Star

Started by BrookSkimmer, February 01, 2012, 09:36:42 PM

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Oakpaw wearily eyed the albatrosses and tapped his sling reasuringly, he took to the tiller and replied to Shuffer whithout looking back 'thats good news and personly mate im not bothered since all your cooking tastes nice' Oakpaw licked his lips and waved goodbye cheerily to the otters they were leaving at the holt


Shuffer cast his eyes up to the birds hovering over the Blue Star. Well, they seemed friendly enough and it wouldn't hurt to have some beasts to act as scouts and lookouts for the ship. Shuffer planned to speak to Oakpaw about getting to know the birds better. If they tested out as helpful they would ask them if they would like to be lookout.

The sound of chains running into the ship could be heard below decks. Some of the crew worked the cranks to haul in the anchor that had kept them resting in the harbor. Other crew beasts ran about taking care of the sails and riggings. There was a whooshing sound as the main sail was unfurled to catch a warm breeze. Blue Star began to leave like a huge light blue bird taking flight.

Shuffer made his way to the prow, past where Oakpaw stood at the tiller. The sea breeze played through his bristling whiskers and he could not help but smile. It was time for an adventure!

As they rode the current at breeze into the open main the otter spotted dolphins leaping and playing around the ship. Sea birds called over head as the Blue Star cut through the waves. Shuffer loved the feeling of the deck rolling beneath his footpaws. He wondered if anybeast on the crew would become sea sick.

After a while the otter cook disappeared below decks and did not resurface until evening.

"Supper is served!" He called as he lugged a cauldron of skilly and duff up onto the deck. He began to dish out the delicious meal to the hungry crew. As he served the Captain, Shuffer questioned him.

"So Cap'n Oakpaw, how is the Blue Star handling fer you? Enjoying the open sea?"

Mad Maudie

Speaking of seasick Searose was not doing well at all she sat there staring into the blue green ocean and thinking of stuff Riverrose her sister, her mother and father who died when she was 10, her friends, she put her hand down and bumped something in her pocket, taking it out she smiled at the green Rose oakpaw gave her, He had carved it for her after she saved his life, smiling she put it in her pocket and felt better.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?


Tiria Wildlough

Shenna leaned on the rail, feeling better than she had in days. She was perfectly happy at sea, being a sea otter.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Oakpaw set the tiller on straight couse and hurried over to where the delicious skilly'n'duff was being served 'ho matey, couldn't ask for a better ship to sail the sea, i tell you i wouldn't mind being born a sea otter thats for sure!' he said cheerily. Oakpaw blew on his skilly'n'duff and leaned against the rail whilst staring out to sea, he looked at the crew and smiled glad to have everyone of them with him.

Troy Troodon

Gailen dived down on the ship below. Seeing what he can find.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


From the corner of his eye Oakpaw spotted one of the birds dive on to the ship 'REEEEEEEEEEEDBIIIIINNNNNND!' Oakpaw bellowed out as he wizzed stones amazingly acurately at the bird

Troy Troodon

"Ooh!" a reaction out of Gailen; "Oi, Cut that out!" Gailen fluttered back up to saxon.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


He watches Gailen take a dive twords the ship and hears the cry of 'REEEEEEEEEEEDBIIIIINNNNNND!' from the otter and watches a rock wiz by his friend. Ans laughs as he comes fluttering back to him.

"So my friend you find out that the otters are not as nice as they look. I do have to say what ever they are cooking smells good. Perhaps we should talk to them before dive bombing there ship".

Saxon shouts "Oi Otter mind not sling rocks in are direction of my friend!"
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


Oakpaw replied gruffly 'Then state your Buissness and don't attack us or else!' Quickly finishing his skilly'n'duff Oakpaw strolled over to the mast and leaned against it casually with his sling loaded and arms crossed he indicated for the birds to start talking


Shuffer grinned charmingly at Oakpaw's words about being born a sea otter.

"Aye matie, some of us have all the luck." he chuckled and ladled some extra food into the captain's bowl.

As he was serving Shuffer watched one of the birds wing down towards the deck. The sea otter had a feeling that the albatross' would end up being helpful to the crew. He had made towards Oakpaw's to stop him looseing a stone but it was too late. Shuffer left serving to one of his galley assistants and followed Oakpaw to the mast. He stood near the other otter and cast his eyes up to the birds.

"I have a feelig these birds could be useful to us captain. Perhaps we should take a different tactic with them if they speak to us! They don't look like they mean us harm. That one probably swooped down because he smelled the skilly and duff. However, a little caution never hurt." he glanced towards Shenna who was leaning on the ship's railing.

"Shenna, could you fill two bowls with skilly and duff and bring them over here please?"


Oakpaw replied 'i was being careful, for all we known that bird was attacking us, if they come in peace then i will not harm them' Oakpaw was still weary off the birds but decided not to judge them until he knew their intentions

Mad Maudie

the bird swooping down had scared Searose but she had gotten over it pretty quick, Listening to the talk of the ship she picked up a phew things from some otters who might be trouble in the future, she heard them conversing in low voices.
"We shouldn't be here!" One grumbled
"Yeah My Ma Sabin was captain of this ship before Master woodpaw came and took over!"
"Hey that is bad enough but that searose took my job! I was first mate I was second in command but no now we have the high and Mighty searose we must be safe on the ship! As if i could not do better!" Searose had heard enough to know the were not happy she needed to tell oakpaw she went looking for him.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



"My friend here was not attacking you ship. He was just simply getting a closer look at you and possibly seeing if your intentions were kind but sling rocks at us could mean other wise."

The smell of the stew is heavy now seeing the other otter with 2 bowls coming to the otter with the sling in his hand. Saxon watches the one with the sling and takes note of his stance and how he hold himself.

"I takes it sling otter your the captain of this ship yes? What brings you to the sea?" Saxon has to keep circling and only hovers in place for a few moments to speak. He leans in over to Gailen and speaks in a tone just between them.

"What do you think should we should do? That food looks really good and I am sure if we stay around they will feed us well. I not complaining but a steady diet of fish is getting old."
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.

Mad Maudie

coming to stand by oakpaw Searose whispered to him
"What do you think they want? I mean yeah they want to know what we are doing but what business of theirs is it?" she asked she had a hard time trusting birds after some took her sister.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?
