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RP: A Tale of Reedbind: Voyage of the Blue Star

Started by BrookSkimmer, February 01, 2012, 09:36:42 PM

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Mad Maudie

OOC: would this count as a DP?

"So Searose where are you from?" Seamusic asked coming up to her.
"Holt Reedbind with my little sister."
"I wish i had a little sister..."
"Well it was not meant to be i guess...."
"Sooooo.... Are you and oakpaw married?"
"What!" Searose jumped up in surprise at the question.
"Well i thought cause..." Seamusic started then stopped herself .
"No! we are not!" searose said shaking her head and smiling to herself at the thought.
"Oh... what is reedbind like?" Seamusic, asked then searose, went to telling her all about it.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



Reefrudder and Ringald moved forward into the forest. the birds had done an excellent job of moving the tree weasels to a different part of the island. As the two moved, they kept their eyes peeled for the Tide Dance and for tree vermin.

"Looks like they pulled her pretty far up into the forest eh?" Ringald vaulted over a fallen log as he spoke to his brother.

"Aye, about as far as-" Reefrudder's words were cut off before he could finish.

Ringald laughed. "As far as what?" Then he turned and gasped in shock. Reefrudder lay on the log, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. A small arrow protruded from his chest, right where his heart was.

"Brother!" Ringald pulled Reefrudder off the log and behind some rocks for shelter. He cradled his brother's head in his lap.

Reefrudder smiled oddly at Ringald and spoke his last words. "Take a swim fer me matie and don't mourn me too long." Then his eyes closed for the last time and he died. Ringald ground his teeth together in fury and sadness. His brother was gone!

He fitted a stone to his sling and stepped out from behind the rocks. Spotting movement in a tree not far away he slung the stone. A sickening thud was followed by somebeast falling from the tree.

A tree weasel lay slain with a rock wound to the head. Ringald brushed hot tears from his eyes. "My brother is gone because of you! Scum!"

As he looked up Ringald spotted the Tide Dance moored in a water outlet of the stream. He no longer cared, Reefrudder was dead.


Shelly had heard the scream "Brother". Since the party had gone she had been watching or catching any sign that they were returning. She called over to the other ship, "Did you hear that? It sounds like somebeast is in trouble! Should we go help or not?"
Fun. is a fantastic band.

Mad Maudie

Seamusic, Had been assigned to go with reefrunner, and ringald, she raised her bow but ringald, had already killed the weasel she looked at ringald, thinking what it would be like to have gerard, die she ran up and hugged him. saying that it was alright even though it wasn't anywhere near alright.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



Both of the birds keep up with the distraction. Dodging some of the spears and arrows fired at them and pecking and flogging the few brave weasels that thought they could get the better of the larger birds.

As the continues Saxon could have swore he saw some more otters and what looked like a small camp on this side of the island not to far from the ship that was captured and pulled in to the jungle/forest area by the weasels.

"Galin keep them busy I am going to check out something."

He yells and watches him go to work with precisions and quickness keeping the larges part of the body quiet busy.

OOC: if there is remaining crew of the Tide Dance and have made a camp this is my understanding from what I have read I am going to land and interact with them and they my have to fight if a few of the vermin follows me.

OOC: (BrookSkimmer) Sounds good to me!
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.

Troy Troodon

Gailen swerves side to side, even spinning around. Just to grab there attention.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


Ringald pushed Seamusic away. He didn't want anybeast near him, not now.

"Leave me." The words came flat from his mouth as the otter's eyes narrowed to slits. "I have something I need to do." With that Ringald bounded forward, his sling swinging in his paw.

Many tree weasels died a short while later. There was no stopping the otter Ringald who had lost his brother. The others in the search party could easily follow in his wake as he left no enemy behind.

Soon he had fought his way to the inland part of the stream. There was the TideDance. She was listing slightly to one side but looked completely intact.

Ringald tried to slow his breathing and waited to see if Seamusic and the others would catch up. He wanted to apologize for pushing the otter maid away. She was only trying to be kind.

On the TideDance six otters huddled together. They were chained to the walls and guarded by numerous weasels. These weasels had poison darts and would use them if the otters did not obey.

The guards raised their heads as the sounds of Ringald's approach came nearer. Three stayed to watch the captured otters, the other went out to investigate.

Mad Maudie

Seamusic, was hurt by Ringald pushing her away. After a couple minutes of thinking she fallowed him, even though he didn't want her to be near which puzzled her, if her brother died she would be devastated and want comfort...but then she had never had to go through that. she crashed through the woods fallowing his trail. She met up with him at the tide-dance. the normally forgiving reasonable otter was glaring at Ringald for accidentally driving a thorn into her paw when she fell over.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



(Ratbane, i wasn't talking to you i was just making a silent comment to myself about the lack of stealth)
Oakpaw watched as the others made their way towards the island, he sighed feeling he should be going even though he had just recovered from his injury. Oakpaw jumped over the side of the ship and swam under the water gazing at the fish, he emerged from the water and waded the last few metres, Oakpaw looked at the tracks and followe dthem at a steady lope whilst keeping an eye on where he was going.

Troy Troodon

Gailen continued swerving, dodging arrows, asking himself; "Gah, what it taken' evrybody so long?"
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


Upon landing at the camp sight he could now clearly see that it was abondon and pillaged. He quickly turned and took flight before any of the vermin could noticse him on the ground.

"Gailen we given enought of are time with this lot time go and help out at the ship."

Saxon and Gailen both did a few more dives and circle and then doubled back on the vermin leaving confused and looking twords the sky for the 2 birds.

Both land near Seamusic as Saxon sides up to her.

"Hello there girly so I hope we have not missed the show, now worries me and Gailen took care of them vermin they'll be looking up and spinning in place for a while I think we made a few of them pass out from getting dizzy."

Saxton see her paw been hurt he gently takes in in his wing and  pulls out a small but fine piece of cloth wrapping it and using his beak to tie it in a nice neat bow.

"Thy you go girly that should help so Ringald he going to be alright? I mean I heard and kind check back when his brother fell and from the looks of things he been a 1 otter wrecking crew."
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.

Mad Maudie

seamusic doesn't say anything but takes the bandage off her paw cause it hurts.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?


Troy Troodon

So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.

Mad Maudie

"All of you are despicable!" Seamusic grumbles out loud.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



Oakpaw made his way through the bushes to where the birds were gathered and roared out laughing at Seamusic's comment
'Yer probably right aswell!'
Oakpaw stopped and saw the sad look on Ringald's face, he had head about Reefrudder but he had thought it was a lie, he made his way to Ringald and said to comfortingly with a friendly arm around his shoulder
'If you wish we could take him back to reedbind and bury him there, I'll leave you to think about it'
Oakpaw took his arm of Ringald's shoulder and turnd to the others waiting to hear what they had found.