
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Redwall Elimination #4

Started by Matthias720, February 02, 2012, 12:32:58 AM

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Martin the Warrior 8 (+1)
Pearls of Lutra 5
Long Patrol 2
Lord Brocktree 5 (-1)

Dibbun Against Bedtime

Martin the Warrior 8
Pearls of Lutra 5
Long Patrol 1 (-1)
Lord Brocktree 6 (+1)
"An' if on an empty tummy I'm slain,
Then I'll jolly well never get killed again,
So pass the pudden an' fetch those pies,
An' I'll give the foebeast a rotten surprise!"


Martin the Warrior 9 (+1)
Pearls of Lutra 5
Long Patrol
Lord Brocktree 6

Dibbun Against Bedtime

Martin the Warrior 9
Pearls of Lutra 4 (-1)
Lord Brocktree 7 (+1)
"An' if on an empty tummy I'm slain,
Then I'll jolly well never get killed again,
So pass the pudden an' fetch those pies,
An' I'll give the foebeast a rotten surprise!"


Martin the Warrior 10 (+1)
Pearls of Lutra 4
Lord Brocktree 6 (-1)


Martin the Warrior 9 (-1)
Pearls of Lutra 5 (+1)
Lord Brocktree 6


Martin the Warrior 10 (+1)
Pearls of Lutra 5
Lord Brocktree 5 (-1)


Dibbun Against Bedtime

Martin the Warrior 10
Pearls of Lutra 4 (-1)
Lord Brocktree 6 (+1)
"An' if on an empty tummy I'm slain,
Then I'll jolly well never get killed again,
So pass the pudden an' fetch those pies,
An' I'll give the foebeast a rotten surprise!"


Martin the Warrior 10
Pearls of Lutra 5 (+1)
Lord Brocktree 5 (-1)


Martin the Warrior 10
Pearls of Lutra 6 (+1)
Lord Brocktree 4 (-1)
Quote from: NarratorIn a world, where floating cupcakes rule over all, one stallion and his magic bucket is our only salvation!


Martin the Warrior 10
Pearls of Lutra 7 (+1)
Lord Brocktree 3 (-1)

James Gryphon

Martin the Warrior 10
Pearls of Lutra 8 (+1)
Lord Brocktree 2 (-1)
« Subject to editing »


Martin the Warrior 10
Pearls of Lutra 9 (+1)
Lord Brocktree 1 (-1)

James Gryphon

Martin the Warrior 9 (-1)
Pearls of Lutra 10 (+1)
Lord Brocktree 1
« Subject to editing »


Martin the Warrior 10 (+1)
Pearls of Lutra 10
Lord Brocktree 0 (-1)