
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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RP: Slaved Hares

Started by redwallgurl, February 08, 2012, 10:56:16 PM

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Troy Troodon

While Damian waits for Roxas to return, Bullwing makes back to camp with the otters. There he notices Damian.

"Allo." Bullwing says; "Who are you and what are you doin' year?" Damian responds; "My name is damian, and I'm here to fight for the slaves." Bullwing chuckles; "Well huh, I trust that you know how to use whatever weapons you got?"; "Not exactly." Damian Answers; "But I will learn." Bullwing nods with a smile and replies; "Hmm, Good to hear." then he flies to the top of a tree to roost, Incase of invasion or to know when Roxas returns.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


roxas trots back to the camp. "well the foxes aint got tails no more''
wolves will slay whoever they want to.....*growl* "AGHH''

Wisteria Wild Cat

Frista was rubbing her throat as it was throbbing painfully, she glanced at one of the rats guarding the captured hares.
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!


Redclaw watched Scarback idle about 'Oi! i t'ought i told yer to tie der rabbits up yer piece of scum' Redclaw watched Scarback grab some strong rope and haul a ferret up with him. Redclaw strolled over menacingly watching them tie up the hares securely

Wisteria Wild Cat

OOC: Sorry I took so long. :-\

BIC: Frista struggled and tried fighting the vermin.
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!


Redclaw snarled 'give me yer whip t'ick head' grabbing the whip he shook it at the struggling hares 'unless ye want a taste o whip ye'll stop struggling ye long-eared, buck-toothed sorry oaf's!'

Wisteria Wild Cat

Frista croaked out, "I'd rather die struggling than starve to death by the claws of evil vermin sea-scum like yerselves! Roxas is going to come and you'll, (Cough cough,) be sorry! Redbum! Wot!"
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!

Troy Troodon

Bullwing, flying around in in scout, sees Frista dying at the hands of the vermin. He retaliates and bombards on them in hopes of savior.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.

Wisteria Wild Cat

Frista shouts and yells hoarsely as vermin start kicking, hitting, poking her with sharp things, and taunting her,
"Ya! Shtoopid rabbet!"
"Hehehe! Taker dis wabbit!"
"Get away from, yowch! Me! You, owwie! SCUM!" Frista cried out.
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!

Troy Troodon

Bullwing bombards upon them and snatches Frista away back to camp.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


OOC:1 Frista is too heavy for you 2 we were inside 3 she wasn't dying
BIC:Redclaw snarled and whipped Frista on the rump 'that'll teach you some manners you long-eared, flea-bitten scum!' he watched as the hares were tied up securely and he commented 'Yar not even a seadog could do better then that knot' Redclaw laughed cruelly and leant against the wall

Troy Troodon

So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


Moozy was glaring at her captors. She saw the younger ones were squiriming under her gaze. She smiled she found the crack in the wall.
Fun. is a fantastic band.

Troy Troodon

Bullwing, flew back to home-base to tell Roxas of the troubles.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.

Wisteria Wild Cat

Frista was enraged, "HOW DARE YOU SLOP-FOR-BRAINS BANG MY BOTTOM! WHEN I GET OUTTA HERE, HO HO! YOU'LL BE SORRY BUCKOES!" She said much much more, but it was so foul-mouthed that even some of the vermin looked surprised.
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!