Official Role Play Contest

Started by BrookSkimmer, March 02, 2012, 09:08:59 PM

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OOC: I was just thinking their leader died fast!

Dawnflower stood on the outskirts of the fight for a moment trying to determine where she was most needed, when she was hit by a stone. Her entire left arm went numb at once. She turned just in time to duck another stone. Then, she spotted the fox on the edge of the forest. She grabbed her own sling and tried to load it. She quickly discovered it was quite difficult to load a sling with one arm while trying to dodge stones. Finally, she managed to get the sling loaded and took aim at the fox...aaaaannnd she missed. However, Dawn took advantage of his confusion to rush forward and thrust him through with her sabre. She reloaded her sling before returning to the fight.
Living in peace, aye many a season,
Calm in life and sound in reason,,
'Til evil arrives, a wicked horde,
Driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
The challenger rings then, straight and fair,
Justice is with us, beware. Beware!


OOC: Ok, no one post... I have to get some posts in order...  ;) Don't worry, everything will be fine.


Tirzen saw the Menzy coming. He dodged the javelin she threw and swiftly moved to the side as she came at him. The fox took a few steps back so that the hare and vole were in front of him.

For instance, I don't go around stealing food from the defenseless, coward! And yes, my food it good, it always is.

The fox laughed wolfishly at the comment. "Well, my thanks for letting me know vole. Once I slay ye I'll send me crew back fer the rest of it!"

Then Daniel slung a stone. Tirzen tried to move but the shot was at such close range he couldn't move completely out of the way. The stone took him on the shoulder. A deep growl built in his throat as he spoke.

"So, you want to play do you little one? I'll show you and your rabbit here a thing or two about fighting!"

As he spoke the fox pulled two long skinning knives from his belt. He stalked forward and then slung one of the knives at Menzy. He hoped to hit the hare in the chest with the throw. Next he moved forward and slashed at Daniel. Right to left at neck height.

General Buckpaw remained almost unconscious as some of the hares lifted her onto the stretcher. She opened her eyes briefly.

"Give em' blood an' vinegar wot!" the words came quietly as she fell back and was still.


Phireem had been watching most of the events after he had spoken up about the fox in silence with a grim look on his face and a paw firmly grasping his rapier hilt. He, like Sergeant Kodlak, had not wanted the fox near them from the start and was a little mad that he was still alive. He glanced at Dawnflower's problems. she can take care of herself, he thought. Randomly he turned his gaze to behind him, where noone had been looking before.
"Hey! Over there! Three more foxes!" And they had gotten pretty close to the hares without being noticed. He drew his rapier and rushed over there, hoping someone would back him up. He figured that if no one did, he could handle it by taking one out very quickly and deal with the other two.
He reached the foxes who had their weapons drawn and were ready for him. He quickly reached down and grabbed a pawful of sand and scattered it into the eyes of all three. They staggered back, rubbin their eyes. Phireem took advantage of this to run the first fox, who was carrying an axe, through. Jerking his blade out, he turned and faced the other two. Clearing the sand out of her eyes, the second fox growled and leaped forward with her sword. Phireem dodged and cut swiftly to the third fox which was still trying to get sand out of his eyes.
Off went his head. The sword bearing fox leaped toward Phireem and before he could do anything cut deeply into his sword arm. With a roar of pain Phireem switched hands and locked. Blades wih the fox. Breathing heavily, he performed an excellent twist, disarming the fox, who quickly found out the color of her own insides.
Groaning in pain and with blood spurting from the open wound, Phireem limped back towards his group.

Ooc: please use this for judging.


Krookidpaw and Kodlak swiftly took off with the general on the make shift stretcher. Under his breath as they ran he spoke. "I called you floppy ears you." then stayed very  quiet as she guided them to his den.

Arriving at a large deaf tree he sits his end down and looks about to see if they were followed. being satisfied he moves some brush away and a door is present.

"This is my home hare and I am just taking a big risk to show it to you I hope you will have some honor after I have showed you kindness not to later come back with your friends and repay that with a sword."

He picked up the general and carried her inside waiting for Kodlak to follow.

The inside of the den was much larger then what it looked like on the outside. There were a few beds beside his own in the back. A desk and chair a coat rack which held a white looking garment. On the desk were book scrolls and a book along with a quill and glasses. 3 book shelf lined the wall with various thing and jars on it. Along the other wall was a little harth with a fire and a tea kettle and beside that was 2 storage cabinets 1 looked for food and the other bandages and saves for healing.

The entire area was very clean much like you see in Redwall's area for the sick.

After he places the general on one of the beds her offered a chair to Kodlak then he took off his cloak and placed it on the rack and put on the coat and glasses. Watching him you can see he looks much younger and his fur of gray/silver was very well keep. The only thing that stood out was his mangled /burnt paw that was crooked and bent in and unnatural way.

"Once I finished with her I'll deal with you." He places a cup of tea beside him. He goes to examine the general but keep a watchful on him.


Menzy has managed to dodge the knife but not completely as it sailed through the air it took a bit of her ear with it and ended up in a tree behind her.

"Eeeooow!!" she screamed as she ducked a fox with and an axe trying to finish what the knife could not finish. She rolled to the side and jumping up in time to move to the side as the axe got stuck in the log beside where she was laying.

"Take this you fleabag vermin!"

picked up a near by log an hit him across the back of his skull with a large log just a the base of his head thwack and a large crack was hear as his neck was broken and his lifeless body laid across the log. She then touch her ear where the knife had taking bit of it as she walked over and pulled the skinning knife out of the tree.

Oi! you lost some thing. I think I should pay you back for cutting my beautiful ear Don'cha know?.  Give em' blood an' vinegar wot!" she yells and charges the leader with his own knife.
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


Pain was beginning to replace the numbness in Dawnflower's arm, but she just gritted her teeth and kept moving knowing that it could mean death if she tried to stop and deal with her arm. As she fought, she held her loaded sling in her left paw and her sabre in her right alternating thrusting her blade into vermin and thwacking them over the head. Then she noticed a fox sneaking up on one of her comrades.
"JUNE!" She yelled, "BEHIND YOU!"
She saw that June wouldn't be able to do anything in time, so Dawn sent her stone flying in his direction. The stone hit the fox in the center of his forehead and he fell backwards. Dawn glanced down at her left hand in some confusion thinking, "How did I manage to hit that fox with my useless arm and miss the other fox with my strong arm?"
The sound of a sword whirring through the air towards her brought her back to the present. She moved just in time to save her life, but the sword still sliced the right side of her face. She quickly parried with her own blade inwardly seething at her foolish mistake. Blade clashed on blade as the fox hacked at Dawn and Dawn blocked each blow. As they fought, Dawn circled until the fox had his back to a tree. Then she quickly locked hilts with the fox and twisted, wrenching the blade out of the fox's paw and then thrust her sabre into his stomach.
Living in peace, aye many a season,
Calm in life and sound in reason,,
'Til evil arrives, a wicked horde,
Driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
The challenger rings then, straight and fair,
Justice is with us, beware. Beware!


Kodlak gently put his end of the stretcher down and looked around as the fox did to see if they were being followed, Kodlak entered the foxes den and looked around silently seveying the foxes belongings. Kodlak looked as the healer asked him to sit 'No thanks, i'd rather stand' he leaned against the wall and as the fox spoke to him about his scar he replied smoothly while pawing his sabre hilt 'You'll go no where near my scar vermin' Kodlak watched carefully at what the halr would do about healing the general.


Panting, Phireem made it back to the general area where his comrades-in-arms were situated. He sat down and looked at the wound, still spurting blood.  Gritting his teeth and inspecting the wound closer, he muttered, "It's pretty bad. Cut almost to the bone." He ripped a large strip from his tunic and bound the wound tightly, stopping blood flow. Sitting for a few moments, he caught his breath, then tested his arm.
"Aggh!" It still hurt very badly. he tried lifting his blood-covered rapier with it. It was almost impossible to move it at all, let alone fight with it. He glanced around at all the others.
Kodlak with the fox.
Dawn killing a different one.
Menzy and Daniel off fighting.
the others standing around.
He went over to Wildpaw, grunting as he held up his bad arm. "Sah, What should I do to treat this besides what I've already done?"

OOC: Please use for judging


Dawn glanced around as she wiped blood from her cheek. The fighting seemed to be almost over. Their leader was the only fox left! She watched Menzy and Daniel fight him for a little bit ready to jump in if they needed help.
She walked over to where Phireem was sitting and took a look at his wound. She grimaced as she said, "Ug! Let's try cleaning that up a bit." As she helped him, she said, "Maybe we should have that healer fox take a look at this."
"Assuming he was telling the truth..." she thought.
Living in peace, aye many a season,
Calm in life and sound in reason,,
'Til evil arrives, a wicked horde,
Driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
The challenger rings then, straight and fair,
Justice is with us, beware. Beware!


Daniel ducked under the swinging knife, but he wasn't quite quick enough. The knife sliced off the vole's ear clean of his head. Screaming in pain, he momentarily dropped his guard as he clutched the rapidly bleeding hole at the side of his head. He staggered before losing his footing and falling to the ground.

OOC: Please don't come to help Daniel, or if you do make them not arrive on time.
Received mostly negative reviews.


Phireem let Dawn tend to his wound, although when she mentioned the healer fox, he shook his head vehemently. "I don't trust that Bally fox in the flippin' slightest! There is no way I'm lettin' him get anywhere bloomin' near my arm!" He winced and groaned in pain. "Aagh, it hurts even to talk loudly!" He looked at it hard and wondered if it would ever heal completely. 
Suddenly he heard Daniel's scream of pain. He jerked his head up and tried to take in the situation when Daniel fell. He stood up to go help, but sudden jolts of pain shot down his arm, spreading. "He gritted his teeth and pointed. "Someone needs to help that vole!"


Menzy was charging the leader fox as the fox was on the vole. She missed the fox as he struck the vole with his knife. SHe attempted to turn around only to meet up with the remaining foxes that were left coming to help defend there leader. Menzy was holding off the foxes ad taking a few blows from staffs and dodging about any bladed weapons that were thrust at her. 

"GET UP DANIEL!!" being slightly distracted in and attempt to help one fox got a luck strike and hit her square in the head sending her into a near by tree trunk and knocking her out and causing her to drop her weapon.

Then fox turn there attention on the vole deciding they come back later for the hare.
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


OOC: So, Daniel, do you intend to die? Just wondering how to play the rest of this scene.

Dawnflower jerked her head up at Daniel's scream. She quickly drew her sabre and raced over just in time to see Menzy hit the tree. She reached Daniel the same time the foxes did. The first fox came at her with a staff. He swung it at her in a rather clumsy manner. She easily dodged the blows and then chopped the staff in half. While he was staring at the broken stick in his hand, she thrust her sabre into him. The next fox was a bit more tricky. She actually proved to be good with the rusty sword in her hands.  As they matched each other blow for blow. After a little while the locked hilts and, with much straining, Dawn pushed the vixen against a tree. While the fox was distracted, Dawn turned and yelled to her companions, "Would you please quit standing around and actually help us?"
Unfortunately, this was just the opening the fox needed. Dawn turned just as the fox struck her with the hilt of her sword. The blow missed her head, but landed on her good shoulder knocking her off balance and rendering both her arms useless. She looked up as the fox raised her blade....

OOC: New question! Do we take over one of the inactive characters to save me or do I die tragically?
Living in peace, aye many a season,
Calm in life and sound in reason,,
'Til evil arrives, a wicked horde,
Driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
The challenger rings then, straight and fair,
Justice is with us, beware. Beware!


        Following Dawn, Phireem jogged behind, ignoring the pain crawling throughout his wounded limb. So his arm wasn't moving so much, he manuevered his tunic so that it supported his arm. Speeding up, he headed straight for Menzy. He circled around the foxes while they were fighting Dawn and reached Menzy without raising his rapier above his waist.
        Phireem kneeled in front of Menzy, looking for wounds. He murmured out loud what he saw. "A piece of the ear missing, and it looks like she took a blow to the head. I don't see any other major wounds..." Phireem stood again and turned, putting Menzy between the tree she had run into and himself. Sword raised, he was as prepared as he could be to protect her.
        The newbie Long Patrol hare had barely been standing for five seconds when he saw Dawn disarmed. He thought he might be able to get over there in time to save her, but that would leave Menzy defenceless. He pointed his sword at the fox who had a blade poised at Dawn.
        He made a small noise of aggravation, torn by what he should do. Keep Menzy safe? Or try to rescue Dawn? What to do?
OOC: please use this for judging.


Mod by BrookSkimmer: Moved to question thread. Don't post OOC's with no IC posts in this thread.
Living in peace, aye many a season,
Calm in life and sound in reason,,
'Til evil arrives, a wicked horde,
Driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
The challenger rings then, straight and fair,
Justice is with us, beware. Beware!