
"Beep-Bloop" -Verdauga, 2024

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Official Role Play Contest

Started by BrookSkimmer, March 02, 2012, 09:08:59 PM

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Dawnflower's ears perked up at his comment. She had simply assumed that they would all end up in the fight. True, she hadn't wanted to be a part of it, but it didn't feel right to stay out of it anymore. She waited for the General's answer...
Living in peace, aye many a season,
Calm in life and sound in reason,,
'Til evil arrives, a wicked horde,
Driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
The challenger rings then, straight and fair,
Justice is with us, beware. Beware!


Kodlak patted Daniel on the back 'I suppose you have more reason than any of us. I say, do you know how to fight?' Colour Sergeant Longblade reported what he had seen to General Haley 'I went to investigate something the recruits had spotted, turns out it was the foxes abandoned camp, there was a dead fox, heard the other two whispering something about it being alive eh Wot' Kodlak stood smartly to attention still keeping an ear open for Daniel's reply about if he could fight, Kodlak promisd himself that he would clean his blade straight after they had taken care of the foxes.



The posts below are part of the week three.  ;D


Marm, please, I am the one the foxes attacked. Surely I might be allowed to fight them, I have a score to settle!

The General turned and walked a few paces away form the group. She thought through their situation and then came back. She nodded to the vole.

"You may come Daniel. I can't give you orders, you are not part of the Patrol. Therefore, you can do as you wish wot!" She turned to the others. "The rest of you will stay put! Longblade will come with me to scout the situation. We'll do our best to get rid of the foxes. Two Long Patrol hares should be enough to send a few foxes packin'!" She eyed the group, wondering if any of the new recruits would challenge her.

When no challenge came she nodded to her Sergeants. Wildpaw, stay here with the recruits, keep them in line. We'll contact you if things get messy. Longblade, Daniel, follow me. Weapons at the ready."

The group moved off towards the fox encampment. As they made their way into a densely wooded area the smell of campfire smoke became unmistakable. The foxes were right ahead of them.

"Let's come at them quiet like. I'd like to send em' packin' and not slay all of em'. Not the done thing to slay beasts that are unaware."

One of the fox group, a tracker named Skulla was listening to what the hare said. She snickered quietly and loaded a stone into her sling. "Not the done thing eh rabbit... well, see if ye take a likin' to this!"

The stone flew from Skulla's sling and took Halley on the back of her head. The General's eyes rolled back and she collapsed to the ground!


(Use this post for judging)
Kodlak turned his head automatically as General Haley went down, he made a split-second decision and called out to Daniel 'Looks like we've been spotted ol' boy, give 'em a good eulalia, that should make there fur stand on edge Wot!'
Kodlak bounded out of the bushes and cracked Skulla's jaw with the hilt of his sabre, he grabbed the crumpled body of the fox and shoved her into the foxes smiling grimly as they fell down, he swiftly grabbed a fallen spear and put his sabre in his belt whilst swiftly dodging a sword swing from a snarling fox and shoved the butt of the spear into his stomach 'Eulaaallliaaaaaaa!' He gasped as a sword handle hit him in between the shoulder blades and fell down as another slashed their sword across his leg leaving a long jagged line, Kodlak kicked out sending an oncoming fox into a small tent. Kodlak rolled about tripping over a female fox who cursed as her axe hit a rock instead of her target.


Phireem jumped when he heard Sergeant Kodlak yelling Eulalia. "What in- that sounded like Sergeant Kodlak! Sounds like they've flippin' got themselves into a fight!" He grasped his rapier hilt and looked at the others. "What are we goin' to do!?"


Daniel was caught between two minds. Would he go back and help the injured General and Sergeant, or get his revenge? At this moment of hesitation, the band of foxes started to come at him. Scared, Daniel loaded a stone in to his sling and fired. It hit his target in the stomach. The fox double back and fell on top of a fox behind him. Daniel rapidly reloaded ad sent another stone flying, this one hitting his target on the paw, causing the fox to drop his weapon. But still the foxes advanced. As they walked forward, Daniel started walking backwards.
As he retreated the foxes started to split. One of the groups kept advancing at him while the other group doubled back and went to come at him from behind. Daniel had anticipated this maneuver, but acted like he hadn't noticed anything. So, as the back group got close enough, he swung his loaded sling back, cracking it in to the jaw of the fox behind him. The foxes stopped suddenly, confused. Daniel used this moment to get back to the General and Sergeant and pick off the foxes one by one.
Received mostly negative reviews.


Dawnflower glared in the direction the officers had gone, "Do you suppose they underestimated the foxes? It doesn't seem flippin' likely, but maybe we should find out. It would at least give us something to do other than just sit here."
She turned to the one officer left, "What do you say, Seargent Wildpaw? May we scout out the situation?"
Living in peace, aye many a season,
Calm in life and sound in reason,,
'Til evil arrives, a wicked horde,
Driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
The challenger rings then, straight and fair,
Justice is with us, beware. Beware!


The healer was not far from the 2 LongPatrol hares and the vole when he was going to warn them of the tracker but before he could one hare went down and the rest went off to fight.

The fox makes his way to the general. He is bent over her and is caring for her head wound with some bandages. His face is covered by his cloak hood and all you can see is is silvery/gray tail and his paws. One of his paws looks very mangled and crooked.

Hearing the vole he turns to him looking at him directly.

"I mean you no harm and I am not part of the group that attacked you I only wish to assist we need to get her out of here and back to the others I can carry her if you can lead the way."

Menzy ear perks up in the direction of the fight and noise. she grips her javelin hard and stands.

"Seargent Wildpaw request permission to assist the general and seargent longblade with dispatching those bally foxes wot!"

Her face and manner has gone very serious as she waits for her orders. she gets ready hearing the movement coming closer from the direction where the officers had gone off to.
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


Kodlak threw a swift uppercut with his left paw and bounded over to the fox shaking a sabre at him 'Clear off scum! we already have healers. Now go before i use force.' Kodlak slipped as a fox grabbed his footpaw he kicked out and  huried over to assist the general, he grabbed her under the arms and dragged her back whilst calling for daniel to follow him. Kodlak glanced back at the long scar down the back of his leg and grimanced, he concentrated on shifting Haley into a more comfortable position and yelled out insults to the foxes, he picked up a few sharp stones by Haleys foot paws and threw them acuratelly grinning as he was rewarded by a yelp and some squeals.


The healer fox was pushed aside but noticed the long gash down the hares leg and manages to duck and dodge the throws as the other foxes came the healer ducks away out of sight blending in with the surroundings and follows them to where the others are.

As the general,Sargent, and vole arrive the fox comes out and lands on the rock next to the rest of the hares.

"I stated I was not going to hurt any of you however if the wounds of those 2 are not treated properly they might die. Now are you going to let me help. My den is not far from here and is well hidden or you can stay here and have the foxes coming deal with you."
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


Kodlak turned his head and stated 'I told you fox, we already have healers Wot!' he lifted the spear he had taken and readied it for a throw 'I told ye before i'll use force if you don't go away ye mouldy old fleabag!' Kodlak stared at the fox, his eyes were hard and you could tell he would throw the spear if this nonsense continued.


The whole situation was so astonishing to Dawnflower that she piped up without thinking, "A bunch of greenhorn healers, sah! Maybe he can help!"
Then she quickly added, "But why should we trust you, fox?"
Living in peace, aye many a season,
Calm in life and sound in reason,,
'Til evil arrives, a wicked horde,
Driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
The challenger rings then, straight and fair,
Justice is with us, beware. Beware!


"Healers huh?" he looks around at the hares and before Kodlak could do anything he grabs the spear from his paw and uses the butt of it to thwack him right where the gash was on his leg  and watches him fall being burden by the general weight. AUTO> This will not count against your RP contest score, however, you can only move other player's characters with their permission.

"Clam it up floppy ears. Your hurt and to proud to show it, I swear you have to either trick a hare with food or treat them harshly. I never said trust me I said listen to me. If I was here to harm you I would have brought more with me, not that I need them from the looks of things."

Menzy gets angry with the fox and his tone then she speaks.

"How dare you attack are Sargent and speak in this manner you blighter! 'Eulaaallliaaaaaaa!' "

Menzy moves swiftly at the fox but before she could even get close to him he spins the point of the spear around to just right under her chin stopping her in her tracks before she ended up on its point. the fox speaks very calmly.

"Lady Stonepaw both your parents would frown upon me if I had to harm you because of a misunderstanding."

Menzy holds very still as the fox slowly moves the spear away from her but makes his point clear.

"Make up your minds your time is running short."
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


Fay looked at her companions around her. They were all taught not to have anything to do with vermin except killing them. Thinking intently she couldn't decide what to do. On one hand the fox might become dangerous and kill all her comrades. On the other hand she could save the Sargent.

Uncertain she replied, "Alright we will let you help us under a couple circumstances if everyone agrees.One you must give us all your weapons. Also we will guard you in case anything happens to us from your little "friends"."

She looked around at her comrades waiting if they agreed.
Fun. is a fantastic band.