
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Overlord's Orders VI

Started by Tiria Wildlough, March 03, 2012, 05:01:42 AM

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Clutching an ice pack to the back of his head and with his peacoat in tatters, Bragoon explained.  "Milady, we left your fortress promptly and arrived in the Beavers' domain in record time, in an attempt to reconcile ourselves to Your Majesty.  Upon our arrival, I found Kogle and delivered your offer to him.  He agreed, and as I turned to lead him back to your fortress, the Beaver Chieftainess leaped down from a flying bulldozer that was passing above me and hit me on the back of my head, knocking me out for a few seconds.  My fellow servants fled, pulling Kogle behind them.  The Beaver Chieftainess retrieved her personal flying bulldozer, tied me, stunned, to a long lead on the back of her bulldozer, and lead a charge after the other servants.  I saw the pursuit as I dragged along the ground behind her.  I blacked out just as we came in sight of the fortress, and I didn't wake up until the Beavers had departed, and I was untied outside your fortress."
"For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to to teach, to convince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness." - II Timothy 3:16


"Overlady, the Beaver Chieftainess hates egg rolls. Bragoon and Kogle were heading back, as he said, when she arrived. Her army of 200 beavers pursued us all the way to the fortress. It was admirable how well we five, minus Bragoon, blacked out, preformed. When we arrived at the fortress, a mysterious green portal opened up and sucked all the beavers and some trees into it. They all vanished, minus Kogle who was stealing some egg rolls before running off. Matthias woke up at that point, somehow managing to sleep, and pleased that the museum was still intact, blew a sigh of relief. But he had a sort of mineral in his mouth that caused the museum to explode! Bragoon had given him gum with the mineral just after we departed to go to the Beaver HQ."
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away


"M'lady, I most once again claim innocence in this terrible failure. The mission started fine, with no hiccups. As we approached the beaver's domain, Bragoon offered to give me a piece of gum. He said it was new, and when you chew it, the gum would spark. I thought this was pretty cool, so I accepted his offer."

"Things continued to go well. We made contact, and were almost home free, when were attacked. I was prepared to fight, but Daniel, in his haste to escape the beaver Chieftainess, knocked me over the head with a baseball bat. I passed out, missing most of the action, not waking until the end."

"As I looked around after I came to, I was satisfied that despite my absence, things didn't look terrible. When I sighed, the gum Bragoon had given me accidentally dropped from my mouth. As it hit the floor, it sparked, igniting the entire museum on fire! The flames quickly reached one of the bulldozers on display, and as you know, those bulldozers run on a highly combustible solid-state fuel. All it needs is a small spark to set it off. So it's no surprise that a huge fire engulfing the bulldozer would set off the fuel. The explosion destroyed the whole museum, leveling it within seconds. I ran out as quickly as possible, heading for the nearest pay phone, so I could call the fire department. I would have used my cell phone, but it wasn't in my pocket after I woke up. By the time I had finished calling the fire department, Musician was running up to me, saying something about the rest of team already being back at the fortress waiting for me. I hurried back as soon as possible, stopping only once to buy a newspaper with the headline "Museum Mauled by Fanned Flames". If you wish to read it, here it is, m'lady"


Daniel cleared his throat and said "Your majesty, I did not hit Matthias with the baseball bat on purpose. No, far from it. In fact, it wasn't really my fault at all, but rather Redwall Musician's. You see, I armed myself with the baseball bat so I could fight the beavers with it. However, Musician randomly ran up to me and gave me a hug. She then looked angry at me, and pushed me backwards. I fell and accidentally hit Matthias while falling back. Ask Musician to explain her actions."
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Redwall Musician

"Well, I'm not usually one to give hugs, now am I," Musician started, "And I didn't mean to give Daniel a hug, either. You see, ToR threw some random nasty thing at me. It got all over my hand. So I was running over to Daniel to wipe my hand on his shirt. Knowing he hated getting dirty, I pretended it was a hug. Then I stood back and whatever was on my hand was starting to glow. I pushed Daniel away from me because I got scared. I have no idea what the stuff ToR threw at me was, nor why he threw it at me."
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


"Musician was sneaking up on me, with good reason, having spotted a half-invisible beaver behind me. Bragoon gave me some gum too, but it started sticking to my hand and melted away the wrapper. I threw it off and it hit Musician. I later gave her a device that would safely eradicate it from her. It worked well. But her reasons for fear of injury were much less than mine, with my hand nearly being burned off."
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away


"Milady, both accidents with the gum were simple mistakes.  I have been chewing the sparking gum for some time now, and I thought ToR and Matthias would enjoy it as well.  I couldn't have known that ToR's gum would have malfunctioned."  
"For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to to teach, to convince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness." - II Timothy 3:16

Tiria Wildlough

The Overlady ate a banana. '(sigh) Why do I have to have such stupid servants?'
She thought for a minute, and then said, 'Look, you did your best. But I don't know if I can trust you with serious missions anymore.'
She clicked her fingers, and Redwall Musician walked forward. She couldn't help herself.
The Overlady pressed a hidden button on her desk, and Redwall Musician turned green and disappeared.

OOC: Remaining players:
1. Bragoon
2. ToR
3. DanielofRedwall
4. Matthias720

Later, the Overlady summoned her servants. She was in a bad mood.
'Since I don't trust you with serious missions anymore, your job is to go to the corner shop and get eggs.'
Later that day, the Overlady stood in front of her servants, who all had some kind of bandage on them. She spoke:
'Bragoon, why did you come back with a ton of bricks? And ToR, the bookcase that you got was not necessary. DanielofRedwall brought the eggs...splattered on his shirt. And Matthias came back driving a huge truck full of strawberry jam! I want explanations, and I want them now.'
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


"Well, my queen, we walked down to the corner shop, chatting about whatever. As we arrived, we found that there were in fact several corner shops! We decided we would each walk in to a seperate store to find the one selling the eggs and, if they all did, which ones had the cheapest price per egg.
"Well, I walked in and looked at the price of eggs. I opened them and turned them over in my hand to make sure they were all the best quality and weren't already cracked.
"I walked outside to the place we arranged to meet. We all met up and exchanged the prices. My store was the cheapest, so we got the eggs from my shop. For some reason, the others were all desperate to go back in to their shops, not sure why.
"Well, I bought the eggs and went back to our meeting spot. I was the first there, which was strange as I had to walk the furthest. Bragoon came next, then Matthias, who arrived in the truck and told us he'd give us a lift back. I found out later he had in fact hijacked the vehicle. Next came ToR, who was pulling a very expensive Smith & Johnson bookcase made of very high quality wood. It was treated to the best quality oils and resins and held together with the strongest quality superglue. You might of thought it costed over $9000, but NO! IT WAS ONLY $3540!*
Of course, we tried to get him to get rid of the bookcase, but he refused of course. Next thing you know, Bragoon threw a ton of bricks at it in anger. It fell back, hit the eggs I was carrying in and they splattered all over my shirt. I ran back to the shop to buy some more eggs, but all the corner shops had closed down by the time I arrived. I do not know what went on in my absence, but Matthias had Bragoon, ToR and his bookcase in the back of his truck with his strawberry jam. He was also cackling insanely. Well, I climbed in the back with the others and here we are!"
Daniel then started eating some of the shoe polish Bragoon had given him.

*Only at selected stores. Terms and conditions apply. See in store for details.
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"Overlady, the bookcase is related to a very different issue. I am unsure why Matthias stole a vehicle. To be sure, me and Daniel are really the one ones who cared about your mission. In my shop, the beavers had invaded and ransacked the place. I was fighting off them from the customers, figuring it was the best thing to do. I had to go to the meeting place in service to you, but I soon rushed back, not to buy eggs, as Daniel's store had cheaper ones. The bookcase was a gift from the manager, for saving all their lives. Bragoon smashed it up very terribly. I tried to explain it was filled with gold books too, and it was a gift for you, as I believe you wanted such a thing, or at least I could offer it. It had a lot of sentimental value too. However, the idiot, who had assisted Matthias, and in fact talked him into, hijacking the vehicle. Stealing it prevented three beaver-attacked customers from not being sucked into a portal. It was not a good day in town.
"Of course, Daniel got splattered with eggs because of these actions. Also, the bookcase didn't slow me down much, so it wasn't a problem- at least compared to Bragoon slowing Daniel from reaching any store in time. The bookcase is just trash now. But that is not important, compared to the failure of completing your mission."
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away


Matthias720 looked first from Daniel, then to ToR and Bragoon. An insane glint in his eye showed the instability he was experiencing internally. As he opened his mouth to speak, he suddenly sneezed, dislodging a small electronic device from the interior of his nose.

"Wha...? What's going on. Why am I back here? Aren't we supposed to be fetching eggs?"

As he spoke, he noticed the small device on the floor. He bent down, picked it up, and examined the device thoroughly.

He looked up and spoke to the overlady. "M'lady, I apologize for any poor behavior on my part. It seems that things are in a terrible shambles, and it is indirectly my fault."

"I was speaking with Bragoon just before you gave us our mission. I mentioned that I had a really bad cold, and I wasn't sure if I would be well enough for this mission. He told me not to worry about it, and handed me this device, telling me that it would help me feel better. I assumed he meant that it was a cold remedy, but upon inspecting it just now, the device has a small label on it stating that it was made by BLT Corporation. BLT, as in, Beaver Limited Tech Corporation. This is undoubtedly a nano-genetic mind alteration device. My guess is that this device was part of a beaver plot to control us, your loyal servants, and to use us to get to you. It would be prudent to scan Bragoon, seeing as he was the one who gave the device to me, and see if he has a device implanted in his nose as well. If he does, he's a victim like me. If he doesn't, he's a traitor. Of course, I leave the final choice and details up to you m'lady."

With that, Matthias720 stepped back, and he gazed silently at the floor.


*To be re-written ASAP
"For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to to teach, to convince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness." - II Timothy 3:16


OOC: *To be edited once the others have edited their posts*
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OOC: Brainwashing, sleep-walking ect. was outlawed starting in the last round. It's even in the rules posted in this topic.
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away


OOC: Ah yes, I see it now.  I went to check before I posted, but I only skimmed and missed it.  I'll edit my post as soon as I can, but I don't think I'll be able to until Monday.
"For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to to teach, to convince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness." - II Timothy 3:16