
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Overlord's Orders VI

Started by Tiria Wildlough, March 03, 2012, 05:01:42 AM

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OOC: I too, missed that in the rules. I assumed it was copied from the previous round. Oh my, I seem to have made a proper mess of things. ><


OOC:  I'm really sorry for the delay guys, but I think I need to drop out.  I've got some stuff coming up in the next few weeks, and I think I won't have time to put real effort into it.  Tiria, if you want to just say "Your excuse stinks, no soup for you!" that might be best. 
"For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to to teach, to convince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness." - II Timothy 3:16


When is the next one? Who's doing it?

Tiria Wildlough

OOC: I don't know who's doing the next one yet, but when this one finishes, you can sign up for the next one.
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I'm not a hipster.


K, but it's been a long time since it was played!  :-\

Tiria Wildlough

OOC: Yeah, I'm getting it started again in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

ANNOUNCEMENTSince this kind of petered out, I'll start this round again. I sent a PM to those of you who will be playing again.
I hope we can finish this.
~The Overlady

[copied from my first post in this round]

Later, the Overlady summoned her servants. She was in a bad mood.
'Since I don't trust you with serious missions anymore, your job is to go to the corner shop and get eggs.'
Later that day, the Overlady stood in front of her servants, who all had some kind of bandage on them. She spoke:
ToR, the bookcase that you got was not necessary. DanielofRedwall brought the eggs...splattered on his shirt. And Matthias came back driving a huge truck full of strawberry jam! I want explanations, and I want them now.'
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


OOC: I assume, as this explanation doesn't mention brainwashing, it would be okay for me to just paste it here again as my excuse. If you wan a new one, Tiria, just let me know.

"Well, my queen, we walked down to the corner shop, chatting about whatever. As we arrived, we found that there were in fact several corner shops! We decided we would each walk in to a seperate store to find the one selling the eggs and, if they all did, which ones had the cheapest price per egg.
"Well, I walked in and looked at the price of eggs. I opened them and turned them over in my hand to make sure they were all the best quality and weren't already cracked.
"I walked outside to the place we arranged to meet. We all met up and exchanged the prices. My store was the cheapest, so we got the eggs from my shop. For some reason, the others were all desperate to go back in to their shops, not sure why.
"Well, I bought the eggs and went back to our meeting spot. I was the first there, which was strange as I had to walk the furthest. Bragoon came next, then Matthias, who arrived in the truck and told us he'd give us a lift back. I found out later he had in fact hijacked the vehicle. Next came ToR, who had a very expensive book case with him.
Of course, we tried to get him to get rid of the bookcase, but he refused of course. Next thing you know, Bragoon threw a ton of bricks at it in anger. It fell back, hit the eggs I was carrying in and they splattered all over my shirt. I ran back to the shop to buy some more eggs, but all the corner shops had closed down by the time I arrived. I do not know what went on in my absence, but Matthias had Bragoon, ToR and his bookcase in the back of his truck with his strawberry jam. He was also cackling insanely. Well, I climbed in the back with the others and here we are!"
Received mostly negative reviews.


OOC: I too, will repost, from mine after Daniel's.

"Overlady, the bookcase is related to a very different issue. I am unsure why Matthias stole a vehicle. To be sure, me and Daniel are really the one ones who cared about your mission. In my shop, the beavers had invaded and ransacked the place. I was fighting off them from the customers, figuring it was the best thing to do. I had to go to the meeting place in service to you, but I soon rushed back, not to buy eggs, as Daniel's store had cheaper ones. The bookcase was a gift from the manager, for saving all their lives. Bragoon smashed it up very terribly. I tried to explain it was filled with gold books too, and it was a gift for you, as I believe you wanted such a thing, or at least I could offer it. It had a lot of sentimental value too. However, Bragoon, who had assisted Matthias, and in fact talked him into, hijacking the vehicle, destroyed that plan.
"Of course, Daniel got splattered with eggs because of these actions. Also, the bookcase didn't slow me down at all, so it wasn't a problem- at least compared to Bragoon slowing Daniel from reaching any store in time. The bookcase is just trash now. But that is not important, compared to the failure of completing your mission."
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away


When is someone going to finish this ~just wondering~ I've been waiting for forever.
Doctor Who
Beyond the Western Deep
Ranger's Apprentice
Lord of the Rings
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Book Thief
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
And many many more...


Woooooohoohoooow!mathias stole a vehical lol!!!!


@winifred: Soon. Things are planned.

Also, please no one spam this thread. Once the round is completed in the coming days than non-game posts are okay
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away

Tiria Wildlough

Okay, this round will be starting again with new stuff. ToR said he won't be playing, so that just leaves Matthias and Daniel.
The Overlady looked at her two remaining servants. 'For your last quest, you will be guarding my prize dandelion plants for a week. But you're lucky. To help you, I'm giving Matthias a magic icecream cone with which to shoot his enemies, and Daniel gets a jetski that goes on land. Use them well.' She handed out the magic objects. 'I'm going on holiday, and when I come back, I expect to see those dandelions without a scratch.' Then the Overlady stepped into her private jet and was gone.
One week later, the Overlady was back. She stared at the disaster which was her garden. 'What happened?' she demanded. 'I expected you to do better! I even gave you stuff to help you! So why are all my dandelions smushed into the ground? And why are there pieces of metal scattered all over the place?'
She snapped her fingers. 'Explanations. Now.'
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


OOC: I'm going offline now through Sunday, so I won't be able to post until then.


OOC: I assume "ToR" refers to me as you said ToR had pulled out.

BIC: "My Lady," began Daniel. "Matthias, if he is honest, should take all the blame. We were sitting and guarding the flowers, playing endless games of eye-spy, when it was my turn. Looking around, I saw an endless wave of beavers coming to attack us! I yelled 'Beavers!', but Matthias, who thought we were still playing eye-spy, said 'No, you're only supposed to say the first letter!'

Anyway, the beavers attacked, and I fought as bravely as I could with the jet ski. I got rid of many of the beavers. Matthias did practically nothing and, when the beavers escaped, he grabbed one, ripped its ray gun out of its paws, broke it in to pieces and sprinkled these pieces all over the flowers. Next, he jumped all over them. I'm not sure why he acted the way he did, but it certainly didn't help our mission."
Received mostly negative reviews.


"M'lady, do not listen to his words. Please allow me to explain how things really happened."

"While it is true that we were attacked while playing eye-spy, I was distracted from the game by attempting to remove some slugs from your prize dandelions, when the beavers attacked. If Daniel had communicated a bit more clearly, I could done more to help. However, by the time I noticed that we were being attacked, it was too late. A beaver had quietly crept up behind me and stolen the magic ice cream cone out of my back pocket and used the cone's ice cream headache ray on me. While I has fighting off the brain freeze, another beaver used a plasticification ray to turn your prize dandelions into cheap, fake flowers. Fortunately, I knew that the interior shell of the beavers' ray guns are made out of corbomite, which counteracts the effect of the plastic ray. I grabbed a ray gun of the nearest beaver, and proceeded to attempt to undo the damage, which coincidentally meant infusing the corbomite into the plastic flowers by jumping on them repeatedly. But before I could finish undoing the damage, Daniel drove into the flower bed on his jet ski, crushing them beyond repair."

"I wish to apologize for the damage to your dandelions. I trust your judgement in this matter, m'lady."