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Overlord's Orders VI

Started by Tiria Wildlough, March 03, 2012, 05:01:42 AM

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Tiria Wildlough

This is Round VI of Overlord's Orders. If you aren't familiar with the game, skim over the other rounds:

Round I
Round II
Round III
Round IV
Round V

The Updated Rules:

QuoteThe Rules
We will have an overlord (or overlady), who will be all powerful and control the game.
Everyone else will be a servant of theirs to do his or her bidding, which will be a new assignment at the beginning of each round.
The game begins by the Overlord issuing a task, sending out their servants, and then summoning everyone before them and questioning them about whether they got the thing they wanted.
Any given round may have anywhere from a developing storyline and plot to pure and simple tasking. At times, the gamemaster (Overlord) may deviate from the general pattern and do something different at the end than just another task.

Example Round:
Let’s say the Overlord might have wanted a jeep to use.
Stage 1: Introduction
The Overlord sends out their servants on a task and they return, and the Overlord will question their servants and ask them why they failed to bring them the thing they wanted (which will invariable happen, no one ever succeeds).
Stage 2: Defenses
Players can then blame their failure on some random thing (like maybe an elephant destroying the jeep) or someone else in the game; anything to shrug themselves off from fault.
Everyone can then blame someone, themselves, keep silent, or introduce some sort of new feature that happened while acquiring the item (in this case, a jeep). Eventually, the Overlord will process the information and decide who failed, or might just get tired of the arguing and randomly select someone at random.
Stage 3: Punishment
The person chosen to have failed by the Overlord is then thrown out, vaporized, or something creative, by the Overlord’s orders. The idea is to not be this person, and to survive as long as possible.

Likely, the Overlord will be choosing the best defenses as survivors.

Inter-game rules: The winner of any round is given hostship of the next game. This can tie in with them going from servant to overlord, or it can be original.

General Guidelines:
Free roleplaying, or game spam, is fine. This means having yourself eat a banana, talk about the weather or river dance.

Whenever someone says something, it becomes fact. It is what happened. If someone says an elephant destroyed a jeep, then anyone calling that person a liar is for certain lying; the jeep was destroyed by an elephant. What's up for telling for someone else is, for example, who set the elephant on the jeep.

Godmoding pertaining to persons should be restricted to some extent, just try to keep things with at least a hand in plausibility. Powerplaying is allowed. However, it cannot affect players between tasks. For instance, you cannot have a servants contract a disease and be unable to speak, or even die. You can have them be sick during the task, but you cannot impede them during the Sessions before the Overlord.

Normally, the Gamemaster will have technology restricting servants to a base during the game to prevent physically roleplaying and keep the game focused on its purpose. Overlords can powerplay.
Also, you cannot use an excuse like being brainwashed or cloned during the task. You are you-and you are responsible for what you did wrong.
Remember to keep things civil, stay inside the board rules, keep all hands and legs inside the game until it comes to a complete stop.

If you have any questions, PM me and ask. If I can't answer it, someone else who plays this can.
Signup: Just post your name on the list.

1. DanielofRedwall
2. Trigoma
3. Mad Maudie
4. Bragoon
5. Redwall Musician
6. Matthias720
7. ToR

...and have fun. That's an order.

My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


1. DanielofRedwall
Received mostly negative reviews.


1. DanielofRedwall
2. Trigoma

Eh why not give it another shot.
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman

Mad Maudie

1. DanielofRedwall
2. Trigoma
3. Mad Maudie
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



1. DanielofRedwall
2. Trigoma
3. Mad Maudie
4. Bragoon
"For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to to teach, to convince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness." - II Timothy 3:16

Redwall Musician

1. DanielofRedwall
2. Trigoma
3. Mad Maudie
4. Bragoon
5. Redwall Musician
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


1. DanielofRedwall
2. Trigoma
3. Mad Maudie
4. Bragoon
5. Redwall Musician
6. Matthias720


1. DanielofRedwall
2. Trigoma
3. Mad Maudie
4. Bragoon
5. Redwall Musician
6. Matthias720
7. ToR

Starting time?
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away

Tiria Wildlough

You got it! ;D
Overlord's Orders is starting. Signups are closed.
1. DanielofRedwall
2. Trigoma
3. Mad Maudie
4. Bragoon
5. Redwall Musician
6. Matthias720
7. ToR

The Overlady sat at one end of a large room, tapping her fingers on the table and thinking hard. She kicked a button near her foot to summon her seven trusted servants.
When they arrived, she stood up, and said, 'I want a bow tie to give to my friend for her birthday. Trigoma and DanielofRedwall, you can go to the shops and get me one. The rest of you, get me a silvertoothed ferret from Siberia. If any of you harms the ferret, I'll punish you, and you won't like it.'

Days later, the Overlady stood in that same room, facing her seven shamefaced servants. She was not pleased.
'I wanted you to get me a bowtie, not a goldfish!' she thundered. 'DanielofRedwall, you came in here and poured the goldfish water all over me. Trigoma, why did you get ten kilos of fish food? What am I going to do with it all?'
She looked at the other servants. 'I seem to remember asking you to get me a silvertoothed ferret from Siberia. Instead, Redwall Musician came back with a piece of moldy cheese, Mad Maudie came in emptyhanded, singing something about paper necklaces, and Matthias arrived dragging a lot of hula hoops! Bragoon brought me the ferret, but it was frightened and shivering. What did you do to it?' She looked down at the ferret, cowering in her pocket. 'And ToR, why did you come back leading a horde of plastic death-defying beavers? One of you is going to pay for this.'

My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


"Overlady, I was tricked onto the wrong plane by Matthias. I arrived in Sicily. When I finally got to Siberia, I had been followed half way around the world by those plastic hordebeasts- I believe they're enchanted. I was not present to tell of any of the exploits underwent by my colleagues. The second I met up with them in Siberia, they were all for hastening back, since they had the ferret. I managed to protect it from being eaten by the plastic beavers, though."
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away

Mad Maudie

"Your Majesty! I came back empty handed cause Bragoon, took the ferret from me and was scaring it he tied me up so i could not help the poor thing i am sorry your majesty! but he knocked me out and the next thing i new i was being called here" Mad Maudie said bowing low.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



"It was simply my imposing demeanor, Your Majesty, in order to prevent my fellow, able, but admittedly sometimes blundering servants from failing the task and landing the poor ferret dead.  It was already shivering because of Maudie's mistreatment.  She put it in a wire cage with no covering or bedding for the bottom, and it's legs kept falling through into the icy, piranha-infested tank of water that she was keeping opened directly beneath the tank.  It was afraid of my terrible wrath, but I attempted to reassure it that you were a much kinder and more gracious person than I, and that it would be very well treated, Milady.  After knocking her out, for she was retaliating fiercely with her paper necklace weapons, I removed it from Maudie's care and placed it in the inner pocket of my warm peacoat, and then attempted to catch a ship back to your palace.  But on my way to the ship that I had chartered, I was assaulted by Redwall Musician with a cheeseknife.  I was able to fend her off by throwing my lunch at her, which was a piece of very fine Gouda cheese, which she immediately began to ravage with her cheeseknife.  I barely escaped with my life, and the life of the ferret.  The cheese must have molded on her way back to your palace.  I cannot account for ToR's plastic beavers, nor for Matthias' hula hoops."
"For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to to teach, to convince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness." - II Timothy 3:16


My master. It twas all Daniels fault. For you see, upon our arrival in the Bowtie shop, he got distracted by the owner of a booth side game stand. His prize, a beautiful goldfish with a life time supply of food! Well he just couldn't pass that one up. He entered into the game, and throwing a bean bag through a small hole (it, after all, was a bean bag game) and he was congratulated by the owner and took the fish as his prize. Being to lazy to carry the fish food, he asked me to do it. But we were to loaded up to get into the Bowtie store. And Daniel didnt want to leave "Bubbles" outside. So he suggested that we come back to the office and leave it all so we may return for the bowtie. As for why he dumped the water on you, that is beyond me.
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman

Mad Maudie

"The Parana's were a gift for Your Majesty, and the reason i did not put anything at the bottom of the cage is cause Bragoon, took the piece of cardboard and the bed and threw them out of the plane he also gave me a paper necklace gun to defend the plane from some dragon he was mumbling about, and the lid for the piranha cage would not close!"
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?


Redwall Musician

"I can easily explain the cheese. You see aliens were attacking me because they thought I knew some person named Happy Jones. And like all people know, when aliens attack, throw the CHEESE! I was throwing cheese at the UFO when Bragoon for no reason against me put a crab on my back. I was still running around trying to get it off when I saw Bragoon. I was screaming at him to take it off. Unfortunately, I still had a cheese knife in my hand and it appeared like I was attacking him.
"The moldy cheese was just something I found in my pocket when I got back here, Mi'lady."
Musician patted the crab that still clung to the back of her shirt. "I named him Bill."
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."