Duel: BrookSKimmer vs. RatBane (locked)

Started by BrookSkimmer, April 09, 2012, 11:04:45 PM

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Who do you think should win this duel? Please base your choice on the moves made during the thread, not on which character you happen to like better. Thank you!

Tak> the lizard
Multa> the cheetah


OOC: This thread is for myself and RatBane alone. I shall delete any posts made by anyone else.  ;D


The sun had set. Flickering lanterns had been placed at odd intervals around the area. The cheetah made his way towards arena, dust puffing up where he placed his footpaws. It was dry, hot, and no breezes disturbed the air. Crickets began to chirrup in the scant bushes. Multa ran his tongue over his lips and spat onto the ground. This would be his night.

The male squatted near the outside of the dirt ring that made up the fighting area. He pulled a long knife from its sheath at the small of his back and tested the edge on his paw pad. It was a keen blade, designed for a quick kill. He picked up his his javelin and tested its weight in his paw. The shaft was decorated with beads and feathers, the tip keenly fire hardened and sharpened to a deadly point.

Multa stood and watched the fire light play off his weapon before sheathing his blade. He held the javelin easily in one paw and stepped into the ring. The cheetah brushed down his simple attire. A light leather jerkin, belted about the waist, that reached down almost to his knees. He was ready. All he needed now was an opponent... 


A male lizard comes walking up slowly he has a long tail and slender body. He carries a trident that only came from the toads that live close to the fire mountain. To his side he carries a small blade that is curved. He is a light green and a ridge of spines/spikes run from the middle of his head between his eyes and all the way down his back to the base of his tail.

His tongue is snake like and he taste the air around him as he spots the cheetah sitting around the make shift fighting ring.

"Weeellllsss Cattsss I seeeess youssss want to fightssss."
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


Multa had known the lizard was in the area long before it made its appearance at the ring. The smell of reptile was strong and unmistakable. The cheetah stood and held his spear loosely in one paw.

"Weeellllsss Cattsss I seeeess youssss want to fightssss."

The cheetah nodded once and did not speak. He had not had too many dealings with cold blooded races and the ones he had been involved with had not ended well... for the lizard.

Multa waited for the lizard to come into the ring and make a first move. This would be an interesting fight.


He shrugs at the cat and steps into the ring. Tak has dealt with cats before wild cats but this one seemed different. Faster and smarter the look in his eye was bright and watchful he will have to be very careful if he wants to make it out of the fight.

Tak tilts his head at him and his long tongue licks his left eye and then it move around his mouth and to his right eye as he holds the trident in more of a defensive stance pointing the business end at the cat in front of him. There was a grin on his face.
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


The cheetah's face remained emotionless. He sized up his opponent as the lizard ran his tongue over his eyes and mouth. This lizard appeared to be of the venomous variety. He would have to avoid all bites and protect his face from lizard saliva as well. It was a difficult challenge and Multa liked a challenge. The cat's eyes hardly moved, appearing mostly black in their dilation. The flickering light of the lanterns illuminated the fighters as both stood in the ring.

Without a twitch the cheetah lunged forward and to the side. He swung his spear up in a short arch, hoping to catch the lizard's trident haft and slam the weapon into the lizards face while his tongue was out. Perhaps he would bite off his tongue. The cheetah knew this would most likely not happen, his main reasoning for this move was to test the reaction of his opponent. 

After his first strike Multa dodged backwards, out of range. He stood lightly on his footpaws, ready to counter a retaliation.


In a blink the cat was upon him he quickly moved allowing the trident to drop lower in his grasp as the spear head came at him with speed. He twitches his arms and wrist and hit it with the shaft of the trident deflecting it off and a way as the cat passed.

He didn't turn with him as he continued on only swung his tail around to snap at his tail with a quick whip like movement in and attempt to nick the cheetah's tale tip. He then turned as he reposition the trident in his hands to his original defensive stance and grinned.

"IIsss thinksss yousss losss somesss thingsss." His tail whips the ground and a little cloud of dust rises from it and he nods to the spot between them and the small tuff of fur that lies there.
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


Again, Multa did not respond with words. The cheetah stood his distance from the lizard and lashed his tail forward. Not a hair was out of place. His eyes narrowed as he realized the tuft could have been plant matter or possibly fur from some other creature. He knew better than to let his tail go unguarded.

The cheetah circled slowly to one side, keeping his eyes firmly locked on his foe. He moved forward slowly, holding his spear haft ready in one paw. He dodged in suddenly and struck at shoulder height, hoping to draw the attention of the lizard's trident.


He moves quickly out of the way if spear and side step the thrust at him and then spun the trident quickly returning the trust back at the same height of the spear.

He was hoping the cat would walk into one of the points but he will not be that lucky. He circles around hi enemy trying to stay in his blind spot if he can.
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


The lizard was fast! Multa found himself countering the trident thrust almost as soon as he had delivered his own attack. He sucked in and moved his shoulder back just slightly, trying to avoid the lethal prongs of the lizard's weapon. The trident narrowly missed the cheetah's body however, this time some fur did fall to the ground. A furrow showed through the fur on Multa's shoulder.

The cat continued the backwards shoulder motion and swept his weapon back. Then, as the lizard finished his thrust attack Multa swung his spear forward, hoping to connect the haft of his weapon in a blow with the trident handle. Perhaps he could knock the weapon away and provide an opening for further attack. He then moved the spear tip forward, seeking the lizard's throat.


The lizard grins and see his move but acts as if he does not he moves his claws and arm up to allow the spear to connect with the shaft. The spear point dug in and with that he allows him to pushed him back and he releases using his force against him and then twist the trident in his his claws.

After moving out of the way of the thrust watches the cats feet and sweeps at them with his tail. He hopes that it will cause him to fall flat on his face and possibility end up with 2 weapons insted of one. 
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


Multa felt the lizard allow him to push forward. There was something not right about the situation. The lizard was far stronger than the cheetah. There was no way Multa would be able to push forward if the lizard did not want him to.

The cat slid his weapon down and away before the trident prongs flipped in the lizard's claws. The cheetah was ready when the tail sweep came. He took a leap over the attack.

Multa kept his eyes on the lizard, seeking an opening. He lunged forward with his spear as the lizard finished his tail sweep. He hoped to catch him in the side as he finished the sweep movement.


As his sweep finished he was nicked by the spear tip and growls low at his clumsy mistake and thrust forward with the trident as the cats stomach. Hoping to catch him off guard being full extend out on the thrust. once he finishes the thrust he leaps back and put his claw to his side and looks at the small droplets of blood that are there.

His eyes narrow and he hiss and growls ignoring the pain of the wound and ready himself for another assault. He lets lout a blood curdling scream and roar and charges the cat with full force.
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


Multa gasped as the trident thrust took him through his leather jerkin. One prong of the weapon cut into his side. He moved quickly backwards, ripping free before the trident could do more damage.

The cheetah could see he had inflicted a blow in the lizard. He sucked in a breath and put pain from his mind. If he lost fcus, he would die. Then the lizard charged forward. It was the chance the cheetah had been waiting for.

As the lizard charged, Multa waited until he was almost within spear reach. Then he side stepped and turned with the lizard. He hoped the charge would keep the larger beast moving forward. Multa thrust out fast and heard. He aimed his spear point for the place just to the side of the spines running down the center of the lizard's back. A dead on hit in this spot would most likely kill a beast. Multa hoped it would at least slow the reptile down.

After the thrust he flipped his spear around and stepped to the side. He used the spear to protect himself from oncoming blow.


As he ran passed there was a slight grin on his face seeing the cat move. He quickly turned to the side to avoid the spear tip and lashed out with his tail wrapping it around his ankle. As he did he turned and jerked in and attempt to pull him of his feet.

Unlike most lizards his tail don't pop off. As he tries to jerk hard he resorts to letting lose a ball of his spit aimed for the cats face as his spine flair. The pain of his wound causes Tak to cringe a bit but he tries to keep it unnoticed to his opponent. He tosses the trident to the side and pull his short sword/knife hoping his spit hit its mark.

((Brook I am sorry for some of the short rushed posts I have a lot of work I am doing so computer time is limited and I feel I am rushing through but not trying to please forgive.))
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


OOC: Ok, so you've autoed again... I'm gonna go ahead and change what happens to my character.


The distance between the cheetah and the lizard was such that the cat had plenty of time to avoid the sweep at his ankles. Multa stabbed out again as the lizard turned to the side in attempt to pull him off his feet. The move would not work as the tail had not connected with Multa in any way.

When the lizard spit, the cheetah was ready. He dodged to to the side, avoiding the projectile. Multa stepped in between the lizard and his now discarded trident. He stabbed forward with the spear, seeking the lizard's knife arm.