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RP: Darknose the Searat lord

Started by DandintheWarrior, April 16, 2012, 02:51:58 AM

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Wisteria Wild Cat

"I would like to join you. I couldn't stand to stay here and doing nothing! And if I'm lucky we'll pass my mines, so I can check on them." Crystal replied. Something red caught her eye, and she saw a muscular red fox standing behind Bartholomu. She stiffened visably, but tried not to show fear.
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!


"Well. Well. If you are going on a quest, then take Roger the Fox Healer and some of my fighters. You will be save around Roger. He is a mighty healer but also a great fighter." Bartholomu explained.
I will fight for your freedom,
I will fight for revenge.
No vermin shall enter Redwall,
For this is my will.

Wisteria Wild Cat

Crystal shifted her stance so that her weight rested on her left leg. "You wouldn't come?"
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!


"Well i could come, but i would be in a few days. I have to get with my other warrior leaders and leave one of them in charge. We hope in a couple days we have the Long Patrol come by to check up on us. That is what i want to wait for and see what happens." Bartholomu answered.
I will fight for your freedom,
I will fight for revenge.
No vermin shall enter Redwall,
For this is my will.

Wisteria Wild Cat

"Well, I wouldn't go alone with a fox. I'll just hang around for a while, until you go, that is." Crystal said in a whisper. She turned to walk away and found herself surrounded by curious Redwallers.
"Look at her eyes! They're creepy!"
"Well look at her fur! It's so... white!"
Crystal shrunk back like she was hit as the creatures whispered about her looks.
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!


Roger stepped passed Crystal and looked at the crowd of Redwallers and said, "Stop it! There is no need to make compliments on how crazy she looks. We call came here to Redwall like this. You know that. Don't be hurtin' this grateful, young, beautiful creature. You all knew me when i came in. You called me names and such until Bartholomu told you all not to and then you found out that i was actually a pretty good creature and a great healer inside. There is no need for this nonsense. We are redwall creatures. We help other creatures even if they look different. We have a long line of creatures who have done the  same for the other seasons of past. No stop being mean to this nice creature."
Roger turned around and huffed. He looked at Crystal and smiled and then walked back and sat down in his spot and watched to see what would happen next.
I will fight for your freedom,
I will fight for revenge.
No vermin shall enter Redwall,
For this is my will.

Wisteria Wild Cat

Crystal smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Roger. I don't know how I would have reacted if you hadn't done that. You have my thanks." And with that, the pretty mousemaid ran up the steps and sat on the walltop, gazing into the woodlands.
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!


Bartholomu turned and looked at Roger. He had never really seen Roger look into creatures eyes like that before. He knew he shouldn't bother his best friend now. So Bartholomu rushed off with his other leaders and began war talk.

Roger wagged his tail back in forth fanning himself from the crushing heat of sun rays. He watched Crystal as she watched the Woodlands below. He remembered when he first came to Redwall and watched the beautiful woodland nature below. He always wished to go back out to where he could be himself again. He liked redwall though, but he was glad Bartholomu was sending him with this beautiful mousemaid. He clearly began to like her when she first stepped foot into the Redwall abbey. Roger decided to take action and become great friends with Crystal. He began his climb up the stairs and towards her.
I will fight for your freedom,
I will fight for revenge.
No vermin shall enter Redwall,
For this is my will.

Wisteria Wild Cat

Crystal's ear twitched and she craned her neck to look at Roger. As she turned her gaze back to the woodlands, the white mousemaid began to talk quietly. "Hello there, friend. What you did for me back there, I feel I have to repay you. And I know how."
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!


Roger replied in a hush voice, "No need for repays m'lady. But if you feel that you must then I shall let you."
I will fight for your freedom,
I will fight for revenge.
No vermin shall enter Redwall,
For this is my will.

Wisteria Wild Cat

Crystal smiled and leaped up. "I'll be back in a day or so!" That was all he said before barrling down the stairs and ran for the east wallgate with only a purple cloak gathered in her arms.
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!


"She better back." Roger thought to himself. He stretched his arms and yawned. He wasn't going to tell Bartholomu unless he asked about her. He cared for the mouse maid, but he knew that they didnt have control of her life, so instead of going to tell on her, he headed to his bedroom for a good nights sleep.
I will fight for your freedom,
I will fight for revenge.
No vermin shall enter Redwall,
For this is my will.

Wisteria Wild Cat

Crystal pulled the cloak tighter over her shoulders as she walked down a beaten path through the woodlands. Her thoughts turned and tossed like an angry sea. She had just left Redwall, and was only a good walk away from it. Her thoughts changes again. Would the fox even like her gift? Most beasts would, but Roger wasn't a typical beast. Suddenly though, she was ripped from her thoughts as a stick cracked nearby. Crystal stiffed as somebeast whispered. "That fur'll make a good rug fer Darknose. Don't yer think Snaptail?" A voice hoarsely whispered. Crystal bolted up a tree with the agility of  squirrel, and she heard shouts and curses coming from the creatures below.
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!


Roger was in his bedroom when he felt something in his mind wasn't right. He felt someone was in danger. He grabbed his sword and rushed down the stairs and towards the gate she had left out of. He rushed into the forest to find her.
I will fight for your freedom,
I will fight for revenge.
No vermin shall enter Redwall,
For this is my will.


Unknown to the creatures, six pairs of eyes where watching the abbey and saw both Roger and Crystal leave. The pair of eyes near the middle blinked and a water rat emerged from the forest to  watch roger dissappear. "huh that one's sure gone out in a hurry chief." another water rat emerged. It was Thintail Streamer, the leader of a water rat gang who had done thier best to put the grip of terror on mossflower. the results were iffy at best. Things had gone well at first, they had captured an entire family  of mice and forced them to gather and cook good food and drink and te entire gang has lived the good life, living of the fat of the land. Than the day that Thintail still cursed had arrived! A crazed hedgehog with a walking stick had discovered them and ran at them yelling madly. He had left lumps and bruises on nearly all the gang members and had driven them of. Without the mice to gather and cook food, the water rats had suffered greatly from hunger and had trudged pointlessly on until they had come upon the abbey. They had spent the entire day watching it carefully.

Thintail shook his head slowly, "mayhap we should follow em eh? Might get us in that big red fort over tere!" Ragg, a massive tattooed water rat grinned lopsidedly, "Aye good idea chief!" A third water rat walked up to join them, "I dunno, how many creatures you reckon are in there thintail?" Thintail grinned wickedly and patted his rusty sword, "oh i reckon a good few, but ill show 'em this ere carver and i bets they'll be 'appy to give a few good water rats their due eh?

Chuckling the water rat gang headed of in persuit of Roger and Crystal