
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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RP:getting back to Redwall=somone jump in plz

Started by rakkety tam, May 03, 2012, 07:21:16 PM

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Buck ducked down silently as a Tazmanian devil passed by on a patrol of the camp. Acting quickly Buck grabbed the Tazmanian devil and pulled him into the water, he waited until the body went limp then cast him away down stream, hoping he hadn't drawn any attention.

Tiria Wildlough

OOC: I'm back. Can I have my character now?
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.

rakkety tam

rock'n'roll  will survive

25% nerd 25% redneck 25% rocker 25% Redwaller  100% me

If war must come, let it come during my generation, so that my children will know peace


East side: Shagu Do hit a pike, wounding his shoulder, and knocking his head on a bar. Four foxes came running and picked up there fallen leader, carrying him away from the battle. The second in command shouted. "Retreat, retreat, back to the base, back to the base."

rakkety tam

West side: ''haha yes they are retreating alright regroup in the center we need to fortifiy''. sakon said. ''sakon my reports say that the enemy reinforcments are almost here lets go''. keiji said.

east side:bendeck was already at the battlefield ahead of his men. it was a graveyard. east soldiers lay slaughtered all over the battle field. he went straight to the main camp to talk to shagu do. ''shagu what is happening''. he said

Redwallers at the zoo: ''whoa look those men seem to be retreating. lets see if we can go talk to one of them to see what is going on''. balock said. as he went in the direction of the west army.

OOC if u plan on joining the east army feel free to get lost and go to the east army  ;D :)
rock'n'roll  will survive

25% nerd 25% redneck 25% rocker 25% Redwaller  100% me

If war must come, let it come during my generation, so that my children will know peace


East side: "We attacked the gorilla cage, we were about to win when HE arrived!" Shagu Do sighted heavily, at the same time grunting in pain.

Redwallers at the zoo: Treeflyer was about to follow Balock, when he saw movement. Following the creature he arrived at the edge of a camp, he saw the creature enter the tent. Making his way silently towards the tent, he entered. "Hehem! Could you tell me where we are sir?" he ushered timidly.

West side: "Harr harr harr!" Shogen Lu laughed. "They are only cowards. We showed them who was the leader."


Chad watched the other two go, shrugged, and headed in the direction of the east camp.

Tiria Wildlough

Avta nervously looked around. She had never seen animals like this before.
The pine marten called out 'Somebeast? What do I do?'
She felt a shadow fall over her, and turned around.
Standing there was a wolverine holding two revolvers in her paws and a knife in her teeth. Avta screamed and tried to run, but slid on the dirt and fell over.
The wolverine giggled. 'You don't need to run away like that. Who are you?'
'I'm Avta Wychfur. Are you going to kill me?'
'Not unless you work for the West side, which I don't think you do. I'm Hayley.' said the wolverine.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


East side: "Come in little one, What his your name." Shagu Do called to Treeflyer.
- I'm Treeflyer, what is happening here, why is there so many dead beasts.
- It's called war, young Treeflyer, do you want to be with us, to fight the bad ones?
- I don't have another choice than fight, so, let's do it!
Shagu Do laughed silently. "Come with me little one, come and choose your weapon."
At the armory: "I'll take this machine gun and those pistol and curved sword, if that's okay."
"Good choice Treeflyer. Now, you must always obey your leaders, if you don't, you will be executed as an example to others." Shagu Do said harshly. Making his tone softer he said. "We don't want this to happen, don't we?"
"No sir!" Treeflyer said in a soldier's tone.
"Will you obey us?"
"Sir yes sir!"
"You are learning well, little soldier. Now, let's see you fight."

rakkety tam

East side:whoa u realy can fight said bendeck you will be a asset to this army

West side:''look there someone is coming''. sakon said as balock walked in. ''hello what is happening''. balock said. ''we are in a war a war against the east havnt you heard of it''. sakon said. ''nope should i have but um anyway''. balock told the story of how he got there. ''well years ago there was a myth that if conflict was in the zoo the chosen ones would come to stop the conflict''. sakon said. ''so i guess you are the chosen one''. said keiji. ''hey wait where is treeflyer and chadbrook ugh oh great well i'll see if i can find them''. balock said. ''no wait i'll send some men to look for them''.saokn said. ''alright then''.
rock'n'roll  will survive

25% nerd 25% redneck 25% rocker 25% Redwaller  100% me

If war must come, let it come during my generation, so that my children will know peace


West side: "I'll lead them" Shogen Lu told sakon. "Come with me, men." He went away, searching for the lost Redwallers.

rakkety tam

East side:''alright enough jibber jabber. lets get on the move we need the gorrilla cage for the next assualt. lets get marching''. said bendeck. ''i will go ahead and kill off any sentrys so they wont see us coming. i'll try to get inside of there ranks and see what i can do''. said Hanzo.

West side:''alright we have regrouped now we make some more defences. but you know a best defence is a good offence. so keiji your up again go with your men and hide behind the trees once they are coming ambush them''. sakon said. ''yes sir''. said keiji. ''ok balock are you willing to fight''. sakon said. ''i guess but i dont have a chance against any of them unless i have one of those weapons''. balock said. ''alright i'll take you to the armory''. saokn said. ''these look good''. balock took 2 pistols. ''i'm ready to fight where do i go''. ''you'l be not on the front lines but right behind them with me come along then''. sakon said.
rock'n'roll  will survive

25% nerd 25% redneck 25% rocker 25% Redwaller  100% me

If war must come, let it come during my generation, so that my children will know peace


East side: "Let's see you fight Treeflyer, we'll see if your a good fighter. Now, you shall lead the attack of the gorilla cage, do you feel up to it?" Shagu Do asked Treeflyer.
"Sir yes sir"

West side: Shogen Lu was making his way through shrubbery and bushes when he saw Treeflyer with one of the ennemy captains. Deciding that the time wasn't ripe to kill them, and knowing that it was Balock's friend he went to report back to his leader.

rakkety tam

East side: hanzo was on the move he was a silent assasin oving like the wind but only more quite 8)he jumps in there air lands behind a enemy soldier and slits his throte then moves on

''alright men get ready for the attack. we will be attacking as soon as hanzo  gives the signal''. bendeck said.

OOC its night time BIC

west side: keiji was in position for the ambush when hanzo the silent assasin came up behind him and took keiji to bendeck.

sakon and balock were ready for them to attack.

East side: hanzo had keiji he was taking him to bendeck. ''bendeck i caught this guy trying to ambush us when you guys went out there i brought him here and the men he had ran off''. hanzo said. ''good work hanzo take him to the jail house we will send him to the capital''. bendeck said as hanzo went off with keiji.

''alright men its time chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarge''. bendeck ran with his men to the enemy incampment. bendeck was in front. coming to the enemy front lines sluaghtering any beast in his path.
rock'n'roll  will survive

25% nerd 25% redneck 25% rocker 25% Redwaller  100% me

If war must come, let it come during my generation, so that my children will know peace


East side:Treeflyer climbed up a tree and took his machine gun. ratatatatata
Enemies were falling down like leaves in autumn.
Shagu Do was further behind; he took his sniper and went at killing all enemies trying to charge his camp.

West side: Shogen Lu took his bazooka and fired; he was rewarded by the screames of his agonizing foes.
Konka was in the front. Seeing an enemy up in a tree, he aimed and fired; but as he fired he was swept away.

East side: Treeflyer took the shot in his right arm; he fell down right on top of Bendeck.