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RP || A Traitor Amongst Us

Started by MajorRagsdale, May 10, 2012, 09:30:47 PM

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 Gluttven was rubbing his stomach and trying not to think about it he started to run fast as he shouted ''Scoff here I come ''
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


OOC: I assume bragatogg sits down :S

BIC: Krandor paced back and forth in front of the weasel. He had always liked Bragatogg. He was experienced, cool tempered, and popular amongst the other warriors. Now as he sat down in his throne of precious metals and the pelts of woodland animals, he faced the weasel.
"There is bad news Bragatogg. One of my commanders, Graveclaw, plans on overthrowing me and starting a rebellion!" he lied. He had never liked Graveclaw, and only gave him the position of commander because if he had not, Graveclaw's tribe of warriors, who had joined with him, would be at unrest. Now, he wanted to get rid of him in a way that could never be traced back to him.
"I want you to pick 3 trusted fighters and go seek out Trugab the Healer. She lives in the woods near here and may be able to help us kill Graveclaw. If you do this and Graveclaw falls, you will replace him." A thin smile spread across the warlord's face as he awaited the reply...

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: Lookin' good! This is alot of fun! (even though I'm on vacation) Ploota is still just walking closer to the swamp... Be back as soon as possible!

"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


"Ye-yes s-sir." Bragatogg managed to stammer."On my way." at that Bragatogg trundled off to get his fighters.

"You, get up, and you two come with me." So they went into the woods.


 Gluttven was running then he saw a cooking pot with a fish that was half eaten he grabbed it stuffed it down and started to run again.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Trugab the Healer was a skinny little fox. Her fur was a silvery gray and she was dressed in purple, green, and yellow gypsy garb. She had once been tracked down by the Long Patrol for attempting to poison them and steal their supplies, but the hares found out and tried to kill her. She was saved by Krandor, however, when he hit the spear out of thin air with his mace and chain, and killed one of the hares who was pursuing Trugrab. Now, she owed him a favor. She heard the weasel and his crew marching through the forest, and was about to ambush them until she saw the mark of Krandor tattooed on one of the soldier's arms. She noiselessly stole out of a bush on the side of the path, and spoke to the party with a soothing voice.
"I am Trugab the Healer... I see you come from Krandor... he saved my life once... how may I serve you..."


"Krandor wants to see you. He said it was urgent. Please, come with us."


"Aye... and what will be in it fer me?" Her eyes glistened maliciously in the fading sunlight.


"the boss will tell you, miss. We don't now."


Trugab kicked a patch of dirt.
"Oh alright. Lead on"
She slung a bag of remedies and poisons across her shoulder and followed the weasel.


Bragatogg entered his master's tent. "Here she his master." at that he receded letting the vixen enter.


Krandor stood up and shook hands wth Trugab.
"We meet again" he said in a low but even tone.
"Yes, yes we do" said the fox as she smiled soothingly. There was something very untrustworthy about Trugab. Maybe it was her appearance, her attitude, or the mystery that surrounds healers.
"How may I be of service master..."
"I need you to poison Graveclaw" said Krandor shortly. Trugab looked up.
"Graveclaw, that spoiled oaf? Ill have no trouble with it..." And with that she walked out of the tent, right into Ardor, who was sprinting full speed.
"Uh, excuse me" he said, sounding very rushed. "Krandor, the scouts have sighted a rabbit on the northern shore! He seems to be a travelling bard of some sort."
"Capture him" Krandor said "and bring him back to me, alive."


Dloetea was walking towards the Badger Ruler's chamber. She wondered how she was going to present her self. Needy, soild, or normal. Thinking to herself she thought of how the officers of the Long Patrol wanted to be treated. She thought polite but stern would be the best way. She knocked on the door, two hard taps and then two softer ones.
A kind voice was heard from inside," Come in firend."
Doletea came in closing the door softly and bowing calling out," Hello marm."
Cructan the Badger Lady put down the book she was reading and looked the haremaid in the eyes. " Hello, I see you have an urgent look in your eyes, What is wrong? May I help you in any way?"
The haremaiden stood polietly with her paws next to her and asked in a calm clear voice," Marm, do you remeber the ferret that came to your mountain. Well now he is missing and I was wondering that maybe I could go out to look for him. He has been missing for a while and the kind hare nurse is getting worried. "
The kind Badger pondered for a while weighing out the odds. Seeing that there has been nothing bad happening recently she allowed the haremaiden to go. "Be careful!" she warned, "and dont' forget anything you've learned form the Patrol."
As Doltea smiled and closed the door she skipped to her chambers getting everything packed. This is going to be an adventure she thought to herself!
Fun. is a fantastic band.


 Gluttven was still hungry even thoough he just ate a full trout that was burnt so he kept on running toward the mountain they call Salamandastron .
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: Sorry, in a rush BIC:

Ploota could smell the swamp well before he could see it... It stank like nothing else! The cheetah slowed down to a stealthy wog, ready in case he needed to make a dash...
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This