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RP || A Traitor Amongst Us

Started by MajorRagsdale, May 10, 2012, 09:30:47 PM

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        After days of travelling along the shore, Ardor reached the edge of a large woodland area. It seemed both dark and gloomy, but strangely homely and inviting. Checking his haversack, he found that he had but a few days left of food, and a forest would be a good spot to replenish his stock. He trudged along through the woodlands until the sun was high overhead, at which point he stopped under a gnarled pear tree to rest a while and escape the scorching summer heat.
        When Ardor awoke, it was pitch black. It took him a moment to remind himself where he was, but he quickly recalled his search for food, and his peaceful sojourn that eventually turned into a few hours sleep. Unsure of wether to stay the night and hope for little danger, or treck onwards and risk getting lost in the vast labyrinth of trees and undergrowth. He chose the latter, and proceeded to crash and stumble his way through shrubbery and patches of nettles, until he luckily found a path. Following the trail was no easy matter, however, for the night was made darker still because of the leafy canopy that enveloped the woods like a chilling embrace.
        He stopped suddenly, and whirled around! Voices. He vaguely heard some beasts in the distance conversing with each other around a glowing speck not too far from his location. Ardor crept closer, until he could make out the sight. It was a huge camp, filled in every corner by every vermin you could imagine. The stench of stoats, weasels, pine martens, ferrets, rats, and foxes filled the air like a cloud of pungent smoke. Then he heard a word, a signle word that he had grown up around, a word that he treasured as much as a chest full of gold. Salamandastron. It was spoken by an enormous dark ferret, wearing a long silk tunic of a creamy blue hue. As he crept closer, he realized that this beast was the leader of the horde of vermin, and he heard more words being spoken, words he detested. Attack... Invade... Revenge... The young ferret put two and two together and discovered with a jolt of horror that the horde was planning on marching on Salamandastron! A plan was quickly hatched in his resourceful mind, and he strutted into the enemy camp, plain as day, right up to the fearsome warlord...


 Gluttven was a typical hare he was traveling . Acutely he traveled all of his life He could eat an Abbey out of house and home . He was singing a song about food and chewing on a raw Dandelion

  Oh Pasties and Pies
  Tis No surprise
  To feed a bright young Hare
  You leave em bright and bear
 Gluttven decided to head south to the mountain they call Salamandastron were there were Hares like himself ''So if there are other Hares wot wot then there will be a lot of scoff wot wot''
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: Hmmmmmm.... Nice intro by the way, you're really good at this. I'm not sure how to enter.... Also, I'm going on a 16 day vacation tommorow... How far are you planning on being by then?
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


A weasel named Bragatogg called out: "Hey you! Where do you come from? Chief there's a stranger in the camp!"


 Gluttven polished an apple on his fur as he asked it ''Hey you speak up sah do you have worms wot wot'' He bit into it he felt good after that long trek from the kind Doormouse that let him eat and sleep in his log that was hollowed out. '' I wonder if  at Salamandastron they have my favorite Candied chestnuts ooh with raspberry pudding with cream on top ah yes and strawberry cordial and a mushroom pastie with gravy dripping on it wot wot '' He headed south again hoping to get to Salamandastron before two day's .  
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Quote from: danflorreguba on May 10, 2012, 10:58:24 PM
OOC: Hmmmmmm.... Nice intro by the way, you're really good at this. I'm not sure how to enter.... Also, I'm going on a 16 day vacation tommorow... How far are you planning on being by then?
Thanks, and before you leave, we will probably still be doing the meet and greet, but when you get back, we will be full swing into the RP, if not more than halfway done. Do you have a laptop/iPod/iPhone you can use while on vacation?

BIC: Krandor heard the call of the Weasel, and whirled around to face the intruder, brandishing his fearsome mace and chain. Ardor instinctively brought his paw to his rapier, before adressing the warlord.
"Stay your hand, friend, I wish only to serve you."
Ardor slowly brought his paw off of the hilt of the weapon and extended it towards Krandor.
"My name is Ardor of the North."
Krandor's paw met with that of the younger ferret.
"Welcome Ardor, its always good to see a new face. I am Krandor the Savage, ruler of this army! On the morrow, we begin our march to the mountain of the Badger Lord, do you wish to accompany us?"
"Yes, my lord" Ardor replied.
As the warlord turned back to his charts, Ardor walked over to the nearest fire and sat down next to the weasel Bragatogg.
"Hello, my name is Ardor, who are you?"


"I'm Bragatogg" he said. "have a bite to eat."

Dannflower Reguba

Ploota the Cheetah was wondering again... He was not sure where to go next. He had visited many places.... Southsward and Castle Floret, he had been to Salamandastron briefly, far North to the caves, even a day-long visit to that Red Abbey. He decided to visit Salamandastron again, the hares were quite polite. The yellow creature was checking his traveling pouch: Pear, two slightly stale scones, small package of hotroot pepper (he likes spice), and a decent quantity of walnuts.. and a n acorn too! Checking for dandelions and edible tubers along the way, Ploota noted the heavying vegetation, "*sigh* Sun'l be gone soon." He said to himself.

OOC: My sister has an Ipod (I doubt she will let me borrow it even if she gets a connection, and we also have some PSP's but you need internet codes to use em'.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


OOC: Idk, do you want me to PP as your character while youre gone?

BIC: Ardor looked at the weasel with a look of curiosity.
'Bragatogg...' he thought to himself, 'what an odd name...'
He then turned to the fire and saw a rosted seabird turning on a spit. He pulled it off and munched on the tender meat thoughtfully. He needed to find a way to repay the hares of Salamandaston for all they had done for him, but there were many soldiers here, and he could do nothing against them.
        As dawn stretched her rosey red fingers across the sky, Ardon stared up. Another scorching day, to be sure. He gathered what little belongings he had, and started marching south with the horde, next to his new friend Bragatogg...


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: I guess there's nothing else for it... You're going to have to, though I'm a bit worried he might develop differently than I was planning.... Oh well.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


 Gluttven was sleeping he was having a dream about a young ferret in Salamandastron telling them of an attack on Salamandastron.
Gluttven woke up and started to sprint toward the mountain that was a small dot on the horizon

OOC Hey Dannflor 2 tryy to get your sister to let you use it
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


OOC: You can message me some plans you had for the character if you want? Also, I will be posting a map for the RP soon


 Gluttven was running fast he stumbled on a rock and fell right in the vermin's camp
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Dannflower Reguba

"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This