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[Planning] Peace To Protection: The Return Of Redd Mórtach

Started by Trigoma, May 12, 2012, 10:15:45 PM

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It has been a long time since the creation of "Peace To Protection", so I have decided to make another RP. This will be the sequel to the successful, original RP. But first, some rules.

1: It is mandatory that the previous characters from "P2P" be back in this thread to make it a logical sequel. I am there-fore private messaging the original players of those characters to see if they wish to continue in their journey. If they to not reply in three days, or tell me to give someone else their character, I will do so.

2: There will be NO first person RPing. Example: "i draw my sword and i kill everyone. umadlol." This will be a Third Person only RP. First person just makes it all the more confusing.

3: There will be NO god modding. Example: "Trigoma calls on Zeus and shockes everyone to a crispy crisp." You get the picture.

4: Last rule. Have fun. I made these rules to keep things orderly. Do not view them as restrictions.

[More Info on the first rule] Since my first rule seems a bit "Demanding", I am creating a way to get around it. You are allowed to create your own character like other RP's. But as stated, the original characters will be seen as "Pending" while I wait for a reply on them. Now enough of my babbling, lets get on with it.

Character list:

1. Skipper Webbtail (Webb for short)-Skipper of otters,age unknown,uses javelin and sling.
Larcius-Barn Owl, Male, Talons and Wings,

2. Redd Mórtach-Vermin in Crantors Horde, Weasel, Captain
    Andro-Squirrel, 17 seasons, good with a staff but very clumsy
Redwall Musician
3. Diamond Orchid-redwall musician, age 14, hare, carries short sword

4. Brother Barlom-abbey recorder, mouse, age around 40
   Flinn-Guosim warrior, age unknown (young), shrew, slingshot
Tiria Wildlough
5. Bluestrype Verminslayer-Badger, age unknown, battle axe

6. Balock-age 17, hare, wanderer, katana
Fellam-Black Ferret, 25 seasons, Male, Broad Sword and Poison Dagger

7. Nightfire-Squirrel Queen, age 21, longbow|dirk|blowpipe

8:Carl Galedeep-Captain of the hotroot, age 44, otter, twin cutlass's

Additional Characters:

Taggalott-Otter, 23 seasons, Male, Slings and Javelins

Furke-Squirrel, 17 Seasons, Female, Anything is a weapon to her

Vas-Pine Marten, Unknown age, Scimitar|Poison|The occasional oddity he may find

Darkfang-Male, Fox, Two Steel daggers with bow and arrows

"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


Remember, if you want to join not using an original character, go ahead! There are plenty of slots to be filled.
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


Seems fun, mind if I tag along? Just let me know if there are any particular spaces you want me to fill :P


I'll definitely do my characters again. (Brother Barlom and Flinn) I was wondering, is there any particular plot?
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.--Billy Sunday


Skipper Webb will make a return! Sounds great! Just wondering if I can also join in as an owl? Two characters?... And I'm assuming you'll make a new character after the death of Trig last time?
Received mostly negative reviews.


Yes, the owl is a fine idea! I will modify my post and label your names under your previous characters.

Yes you may tag along Major! Just post your character preferences, or wait for an open slot in the original character list!

As for the plot, it will center on the return of Red Mortach. As you all know, he was the second paw bad guy with Crantor in the previous RP. Well he escaped alive and is now gathering up a force to try and take Redwall again. After years of regaining his courage, he will come back with a force even bigger and stronger then Crantor's. As for how the plot with unfold? It is up to the posters imagination!
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


Alright, here is my owl:

Name: Larcius (pronounced LAW-CI-US)
Species: Barn owl
Age: The age of Sir Harry the Muse in "Mattimeo"
Gender: Male
Weapon: Talons and wings
Strengths: Strong fighter and flier, keen eye sight
Weaknesses: Quick temper, injury at start
Role in RP: A member of the vermin horde fires an arrow at him. He is wounded badly and flies off to find help. He lands at Redwall and is attended to there. He decides to stay and help them defend, but more to get revenge on the vermin than to actually help the Redwallers.
Received mostly negative reviews.


Would it be okay if i was a vermin in the horde? Not like second-in-command but a high ranking captin.



Yes Skipper, you may be what you want.

Yes Redwaller, you may join. Just post your character as DanielOfRedwall did, and I will add you both to the list as soon as possible!

Forgot to add. I will make a character soon. For now I am waiting for the slots to fill up.
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


Thanks!  :)

Name: taggalott (pronounced tag-a-lot)
Species: Otter
Age: adult
Gender: Male
Weapon: sling, and javelins
Strengths: best in water-fight and long range
Weaknesses: short range and high places. ex: trees, buildings
Role in RP: he's a traveler that goes to the Abbey and helps them to fight Redd Mòrtach and his horde.


I will join as balock, and I would also like to join with my own character.

(I am stealing this from the Mountain under Seige RP btw.)

Species: Completely Black Ferret
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Weapon: broadsword for when all else fails, but prefers to use poison dagger.
Strengths: very stealthy, and fast.
Weaknesses: He does not work very well with others and is therefore likely to be isolated.
Role: a spy in Mortach's army.


Alright, character list is updated for you. After today, one day remains for the original players to reply. If they do not, all Pending slots will be opened.

Thank you for wait patiently!

"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


ill fill a spot if thats ok

Name: Furke
Species: Squirrel
Age; 17 seasons
Gender: Female
Alliance: Redwall
Appearance: reddish brown
Weapon: Anything redwall has for her
Strength: great tree climber and able to do almost everything to help Redwall
Fun. is a fantastic band.


Here is my character, Ive been dying to try him out:

Name: Vas [Pronounced Vazz]
Species: Pine Marten
Traits: Devious, brash, traitorous, quick, stealthy, will do most anything for money
Appearance: A creamy white color that gives a deceptively harmless impression. Wears a brown patched cloak and a green rustic tunic. Vials are strung on his rope belt alongside a rusty scimitar and a pouch of coins.
Affiliation: Evil
Occupation: Traveler/Poisoner
Age: Unknown, but around 20 seasons
Weapons: Scimitar, poison, the occasional oddity he may find
Gender: Male
Role: Traveler, may (attempt to) poison an important character.