RP Adventure to Loamhedge

Started by Dannflor, May 15, 2012, 08:16:31 PM

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Barktref sighed ''And the glutton ate ALL of our food except an apple''
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Mad Maudie

"Wait all OUR food?" Ice yelled pinning the hare to the ground.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



The hare grunted, and struggled against Ice. " Get off, you bounder. I didn't eat anything, I just nibbled a bit here and there, Yowch, gerrof me, you stinkin slimepit, you brainless buffon, Youch."
My favorite people: Obi Wan, Satele Shan, Jek 14, Kai, Longtooth, and Kili.

Mad Maudie

"Oh can't we kill him?" Ice asked she could be sweet but also could kill anyone who annoyed her
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



Jark gulped." Hehehe, I will be good. Please, you chaps just standing back there, help me. You wouldn't see a decent hare killed by a mad squirrel, would you? I'll be good, and I won't eat too much. Help, chaps."
My favorite people: Obi Wan, Satele Shan, Jek 14, Kai, Longtooth, and Kili.


''Kill him that should make the glutton stop eaten'' Barktref Grouled.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


"Nooooooooooooooo"the hare cried piteously.
My favorite people: Obi Wan, Satele Shan, Jek 14, Kai, Longtooth, and Kili.

Mad Maudie

"I would but i don't have a weapon," Ice sighed she wouldn't of killed him anyway and she did have a weapon a throwing knife that she was an expert at.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



The hare grinned. "Hahaha, you couldn't kill a fightin hare anyways, treewhiffler. See?" He booted Ice off with his belly shooting forward. Then he got up and dusted himself off, saying" Well, let's get going to this bally Loamhedge, wot."
My favorite people: Obi Wan, Satele Shan, Jek 14, Kai, Longtooth, and Kili.

Mad Maudie

"How'd you know where were going spy!" Ice yeled.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



The hare grinned mischievously, "Oh, just a bit of ducking and weaving before I introduced myself to you, wot. Superb, aint it?"
My favorite people: Obi Wan, Satele Shan, Jek 14, Kai, Longtooth, and Kili.


"It wans't so superb when we have no food!" Treefleaf said berating the poor hare,"We con't just stay here forever though. Are we going to keep arguing or go to Loamhedge?"
Fun. is a fantastic band.

Mad Maudie

"Loamhedge we can argue on the way." Ice smiled sarcastically.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



Jark started running, calling over his shoulder, "Forward the buffs, chaps, wait a minute, where are you buffoons going, Eh?"
My favorite people: Obi Wan, Satele Shan, Jek 14, Kai, Longtooth, and Kili.


"Loamhedge you glutton! Unfortanutly there might not be any food ther though!" Treefleaf said walking after the hare.
Fun. is a fantastic band.