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RP Adventure to Loamhedge

Started by Dannflor, May 15, 2012, 08:16:31 PM

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   Barktref was young for his season's. He had lived in a tree all of hisl ife with a friend of his Treefhleaf . He was young and rebellious and his favorite thing to do was read his favorite book was a book called Mattimeo . He decided to go see it himself and save all that pondering of like what is it like is it as big as the famed Redwall Abbey and so on and so on .
   Treefhleaf sat in a corner chewing on an oatcake as Barktref asked '' Treefhleaf how about a small adventure to the old Abbey Loamhedge ''

OOC I put it this way so it would start Ok  :D
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Treefhleaf was getting tired of just sitting around in their home waiting for something to happen. Jumping at the opprutinity she called," Of course Barkhef I'll definetly come with. I know nothing of the land so it'll just be a great adventure. I've seen you took a great intrest in that book... I never took a great intrest in being a scholar myself , but maybe we could use some of the information in that book to help us. You might be wondering how I know that but lets say you talk in your sleep sometimes. The land  will probably have changed alot and some of the other factors too but we'll know the faint outline I think. I'll go start finding some provisions."
Swining off into another tree she went ike a black fury looking for anything they could use later. Hopefully Barktref was putting some things ready for later.
Fun. is a fantastic band.


 Barktref put things away while Treefhleaf was away he went to his bed and pulled from under it two sacks where he put two blankets and six water canteen's full of water .
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Coming back as soon as she gathered everything Treefhleaf brought a back some travel worthy food and ready to go. Unfortauntly by the time she came back it was already night fall. Thinking of the samrtest course of action she told Barktref kind of disappoitdly," I know you really wanted to get started but old pal its too dark. WShat do you say for one last night here at the old home. We don't know how long it would take us and we dont want to get lost in the dark, even though we know this area well. We can barely dare to think what life would be life at nightfall."
Fun. is a fantastic band.


 Barktref lay down and saw the north star looming above him '' Tomorrow we will start '' he said as he nodded off to sleep
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


During the night Treefleaf sat up thinkning of waht was going to happen next. SHe rose early the next day o get there last breakfeast at home ready. SHe packed the last things in their haversacks splitting them equally. She waited for her companion to wake up and start out south for the day.
Fun. is a fantastic band.


 Barktref woke up with a sudden start he yawned '' yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah when is breakfast ''
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Treefleafstood up and slung her haversack on her back and started heading down the tree. She called over her shoulder to her friend," We'll eat breakfeast as we march. There's no time to waste you know."
Fun. is a fantastic band.


 '' Ok'' He said rather bitterly . They walked for about an hour with Barktref complaining about food the whole time .
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Treefleaf had put u with enough form her friend. She took a scone form her pack and started munching on it as they walked. She replied with her mouth full,"It's up to you if you want to eat I'm not stopping you. Though if you kep talking the whole forest will know we're here."
Fun. is a fantastic band.


 Barktref snatched the haversack took two scones and gobbled them down . As he ate he noticed a stir in the bushes .
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


"Rude," Treefleaf muttered under her breath as she watched him gobble up the food. "You better be careful with thoose rations we don't know how long we have out in the wild. YOu might give yourself a stomach ache."
Fun. is a fantastic band.


''Oh I am not at least a hare '' he threw himself on a tree and started to climb up as fast as he could then he saw it it was an adder not full size but still dangerous and it was coming fast toward Treefhleaf. he shouted ''ADDER.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


"Wha-" Treefleaf looks back to see the adder and scoops up the haversack s and the food and runs following her firends example. She climbs up the tree like an expert and says to Barktref,"Bit of a better warning next time!"
As the Adder circles the tree she sees its getting higher. They needed a plan quick to get rid of this adder. Unfortunatly she has no weapon. She wasn't the killing type. The best idea was to escape thorugh the trees, hopefully it wouldn't follow them. Uregently she called to her companion,"Through the trees come on mate."
Fun. is a fantastic band.


''ok but I am not so good at leaping through trees but I will do my best '' he sped up the tree right behind the best squirrel climber in all of Mossflower .
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.