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Movie: The Hobbit

Started by Redwaller, May 16, 2012, 12:14:50 PM

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Did you read The Hobbit

What's that



A few things.

Firstly, early reviews on the film. They have been pretty positive, but with a few mixed opinions on some things here and there. The 48fps has gain a lot of attention. Critics have stated that it leaked things look absolutely stunning, but fake things, such as some sets, will really stand out. Still, no headaches, so that is a positive. Also, critics have stated the first half of the film drags quite a bit. I guess that is expected considering this is a Peter Jackson film we're talking about.

Secondly, New Zealand have released a set of Middle-Earth related coins, which will become legal tender. Funnily enough, the actual face value of the coins is nothing compared to the prices collector have been paying for them- one of them has been getting prices upwards of $3000! These coins, along with the giant Gollum statue at Wellington airport and the Air New Zealand Hobbit-themed plane, as well as the air flight safety video posted by ToR a few posts ago, certainly shows NZ's love for these books and the movie franchise, and how much they want to pay out on the anticipation of the film. Next thing we know they'll completely rename the country Middle-Earth.
Received mostly negative reviews.


I HAVE to go see it. It looks so epic. I tried reading that book so long ago, but I didn't understand anything. But I'm looking soooo forward to seeing it before Christmas.


I'm so excited about seeing the hobbit too!!!!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


THE BOOK WAS EPIC!!! I hope the movie is half as good as the book!

Quote from: MatthiasMan on December 10, 2012, 02:10:38 AM
I HAVE to go see it. It looks so epic. I tried reading that book so long ago, but I didn't understand anything. But I'm looking soooo forward to seeing it before Christmas.
*Gasps* You never read the book!? You absoballylutely have to read it!!!


Quote from: Redwaller on December 10, 2012, 02:18:48 AM
THE BOOK WAS EPIC!!! I hope the movie is half as good as the book!

  If the movie is half as good as the book is, then the movie would have to be absolutely perfect.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!



Its gonna be awesome
roads where were going we dont need roads----- doc brown from back to the future


The reports I'm reading say there will be three hobbit movies!!! I'm happy I love having movies to look forward to!


My friend and I are going to have a Lord of the Rings marathon and then go and see The Hobbit this Saturday. I'm not sure how they're going to get three movies out of such a short book, but right now I'm too excited to care too much. :D

Also, check out this amazing dress someone made:
Middle Earth map dress!



  That's awesome!  I'd definitely wear that dress if I had it lol.
  So, I suppose you all know that there's a concert on Friday that I'm performing in, and that kinda stinks.  :(  It turns out, though, that I'm going to be going with friends on Saturday to see it.  :)  What also stinks is the fact that my friend's brother is getting married on Friday.  Well, that doesn't stink for his brother and his fiance, but still.  You don't get to go see the Hobbit on opening day!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


I'm going to go see it tomorrow! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!!!!!!!!! This is gonna be so awesome.


I have the soundtrack and I love it!!!

My mom and I are planning on catching a matinee next Thursday, since the public schools are still in sessions and most people still at work (I took off a couple of extra days from work to start my holiday vacation early).
Can't wait!
The knitting, crochecting, Zoo Tycoon playing, frog loving member!


  I can't wait to see it tomorrow!  I can't wait!!!!!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


I saw it. It wasn't as good as LotR. Too silly.

(please do not send me the pm game messages)