
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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RP: To Paradise

Started by Galedeep, May 23, 2012, 07:02:00 AM

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"Me name's Jack The Miner"


 With Jolhert's sling across his waist and a pouch full of stones he traveled light and fast.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Shly (she was about to leave) Diana looked to the floor and muttered a hasty, "Diana."
Fun. is a fantastic band.


"my name is Steve."

OOC: why the 1337?



OOC: 1337, or leet, is a language in which you replace letters with other character that look similar to the letter.  she apparently changed it so its not relevent anymore.


OOC; yeah sorry that happens when i type im not perfect at it so i accidently hit other keys
Fun. is a fantastic band.


OOC: never said there was anything wrong with 1337, just wanted to know why you used it.  another fun fact about 1337 is during July 2008 the number of defined valid AI activities in ai_activity.h of the source engine was 1337.  getting off topic though...


Jester was waiting at the back door. Having no weapons, he had to move quickly. Creeping inside the tavern, he headed straight for the performance. Luck was on his side. The whole tavern itself seem captivated by the magic tricks from this beast. Jester sat by a mouse that looked to be out of town. "Quite a show, isnt it?" Jester said.
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


The mouse had tactfully ignored and avoided the inquiries of many creatures as he made his way to the bar, and was a little annoyed when yet another racoon adressed him when he had finally made it there.

"Aye." He muttered, he ordered a drink from the bartender and pulled the brim of his hat down a little lower


Jack sitted himself at the other side of the mouse. After ordering a drink he watched the mouse piercingly, thinking to himself. 'Why doesn't he reply?' He stopped watching him and asked in a friendly tone. "Where do you come from?"


Mota smiled at the chipmunk, admittedly partially from amusement at her state but mostly to make her feel welcomed.  He had a personal dislike of seeing anybeast feel so out of place that they fled.  He had experienced that himself when he had been a younger beast.

Jack he had seen before and recognized, though he had thought the miner's name was Mack until just then.  Mota nodded at him.  

His sharp ears picked up the snatch of conversation behind him.  Something about his performance and a grumbled agreement.  The mouse he had seen earlier had been sitting there.  Mota turned around to see the expression of the creatures who had spoken.  After all, it does no performer well to have his work degraded, even worse while he is still in the room.  The mouse still looked odd.  Mota's agile mind recognized the mouse's demeanor quickly.  The mouse, whom Mota had decided to call Fred until he knew otherwise, was obviously a traveler, judging from his carriage, a fighter of some sort.  While ignoring the social graces, Fred had checked every beast in the room for their fighting potential and was continuing his monitoring.  Much to the coyote's annoyance, Fred had found the locations of his concealed firearms with accuracy and speed. Having learned in his travels that such beasts could be dangerous, he decided to let the mouse be unless Fred decided to talk to him.

Looking over Fred's shoulder, Mota noticed Jester.  The Uncatchable Thief himself, here?  Just sitting there?  There would be trouble tonight.  Last time he had encountered Jester, the wily raccoon had framed the coyote for a theft!  Mota had talked his way out it, managing to bribe the officials and then run from the town.  Mota made up his mind on the spot.  It was time for him to sing a final song and leave,  Quickly. Before the master thief could include him in his plans again.  Before starting his song, the coyote shook his head.  Jester was infamous, having the death sentence in at least five towns, and yet he sat here in the open, no disguise at all.  Talk about boldness.  Jester wasn't famous with out reason, clearly.

"This is the tale of Flink Greenleaf.  It is also my finale for the evening.  Please, sit back and enjoy yourselves.". Mota announced it grandly. It was one of his favorites. He sang,

"Once there was a bright red squirrel, who's name was Flink Greenleaf!
He came from the woods in search of food, his name was Flink Greenleaf!
He saw a mole carrying a basket, and thus followed Flink Greenleaf!
Stopped did the mole by the great Redwall, and gasped did Flink Greenleaf!
For who should come to answer mole's call? It wasn't Flink Greenleaf!
But the prettiest squirrel you ever did see, so said Flink Greenleaf!
She bade them enter, both mole and Flink Greenleaf!
They had come, just in time, for the Midsummer feast, she said to Flink Greenleaf!"

The song went on to describe the feast and the eventual romance and wedding of Flink Greenleaf to his love, all within the confines of Redwall abbey.  When Mota had finished, he bowed, enjoying the applause.  He stepped to the bar to get one last drink before leaving, hoping that Jester hadn't started anything and he could leave before anything big happened.


Jester watched as the coyote finished his song. "Havent I seen this animal around before?" He thought. Once the song had finished, Jester went into action. Walking slowly over to the bar table as if he were drunk, he spoke to the bar tender. "My fellow man...I was uh...uh huh..uh wondering. You see uh...I look drunk, but in all reality, I am nut. Er, not. You see, I am wondering where you keep this splendid stuff. Is it some big keg you keep some place?" Jester spoke to the bar tender being careful not to show his identity.
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


 Jolhert walked fast through the woodlands jumping over branches and bushes.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


"Out of town." He muttered to the other Raccoon, the bartender placed a shot glass and a bottle of whiskey before him. He silently popped off the cork and poured the liquid into the glass, all the while he kept his eye on the first Raccoon. He was clever, but obviously up to no good. The mouse took a quick drink while subtly loosening his back straps.