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RP: To Paradise

Started by Galedeep, May 23, 2012, 07:02:00 AM

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Quote from: Redwaller on June 16, 2012, 01:55:53 AM
OOC: Alright then. Come back soon :)

The Mouse spat out some sand as he ran forward and yelled back, "Long Patrol"

"Company halt! Folgrim, see anything!?"

A young hare hopped out of the settling dustcloud and pulled out a tube with glass in it and bout a paw long out of his travel sack. After peering through it for a few moments, "Spotting a group of five or six beasts, sah. About a twenty minutes run from here, but moving quickly. Orders, sah?"

A large hare, scarred from many battles, and well sized from many meals, strode towards Folgrim. He stared at the tiny dots in the distance and stroked his curled whiskers in deep thought. He smirked,

"I've no idea what those funny hooded mice were up in arms about, lookit 'em, scurrying like little bugs. Those look 'ike dangurous assassins to you Folgrim?"

Folgrim vigoursly shook his head, "No sah!"

"Oh well," The hare jingled a bag full of coins and winked at the younger hare, "Yeh sometimes hafta take the boring with the good, am I right Folgrim?"

"Yes sah!"

"Company!" The group of thirty blue uniformed hares snapped to attention.

"Yes Lieutenant Dionaba sah!" They all shouted in well trained unison

"Full speed on the fugitives boys, get yer muskets ready for my order, let's get goin'."


Jester watched as the dust cloud dropped to reveal some blue garbed beasts. "Well, looks like we have company!" Jester caught up with the mouse. "Do we keep running? They seem to be gaining on us like nothing."

OOC: Questions. Why are we running from the long patrol?
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


OOC im not sure but i think i have an idea what might be happening.
Diana wasn't sure what to do. She looked back at the creatuers following her. Form years of trying to survive she knew that you shouldnt always trust new beasts. The only reason she trusted this lot was beacuse they were going to a nice place,Redwall. Deciding to stay what they were going to do she waited for a reaction.
Fun. is a fantastic band.



Mota glanced behind to see the dust cloud.  He broke into an easy lope, keeping in the rear of the group to help any who could have trouble.   The coyote was greatly surprised that beasts which had just looked so weak could go so quickly.  He had been drummed out of a couple towns before. 

This, however, was a new experience.  He still didn't know the name of the mouse who was leading them, nor did he know to where they were headed.  And now, to top the whole thing off, the mouse had managed to attract some sort of following that didn't like either the mouse or the company he kept.  As Mota was a part of that company, he began to feel quite disgruntled.   He would get the answered he needed to keep following, and soon.  Or he would leave.  For now, he would stay in the back.   For better or worse, he had been reared with the command to help others when he could.  While most of the time he was grateful for his parents upbringing, there were times he wished that certain characteristics hadn't been so thoroughly ingrained within him.

He glanced back again, catching sight of the color of their uniforms.  A blue color.  Fantastic.  Every other militia was some shade of blue.  He had no idea who or what was coming.  "Fred," Mota shouted at the mouse, using the name he had made up by accident, "you have some some questions to answer as soon as we're safe!" The coyote growled softly, adjusting his clothing for easier running and access to his weapons. 


The mouse frowned, this was pointless, he slid to a halt and glanced at their rapidly gainlng pursuers. There was to many to take head on, the coyote's silver tounge might help in this situation, unless their commanding officer was who the mouse thought he was. If that was the case, well...

He untightened his back straps, it might become a long afternoon.


Seeing the mouse stop, the coyote followed suit.  "Fred," he muttered under his breath, "what have you gotten us into?" The words 'Long Patrol' had finally sunk in.  Supposedly hailing from that mountain of Dragons, they were known for great deeds of heroism, the most noble beasts in the land, protecting one and all under their great banner!  But there were other so-called Long Patrols, known as worse than vermin, pillagers, thieves, murderers.  They would sooner shoot you and take your gold than look at you.  Or worse, sell you to the rampant slave trade that was this part of the country.  He sincerely hoped that this particular Patrol was the heroic kind.  He had no desire to be a slave, nor did he wish to die against overwhelming odds with no beast to sing the story.  But if it came to it, he knew his way around a fight.

He drew up to the mouse's side.  "This doesn't look like a happy time for us.  Is there something we should know?"  He shook his head slightly in an almost nervous anticipation.  "Those hares will be here in a second."


Jester stop along side the coyote. "Well, we have a pretty mess to clean up here, don't we?" He grinned as he searched the ground for a weapon. He may not have weapons, but he could use anything that came to paw. He spotted a couple rocks and a hefty looking stick. "Well my friends, looks like we will give these beast a thing or two to think about." He chuckled to himself.
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


Diana gulped nervously then pulled out her fathers sword. She was terriefied but managed to stop ehr paws form shaking. She too had hear dof the infamous Long Patrol nad the good kind. Stnaidng near the back of the group Diana waited for the clash.
Fun. is a fantastic band.


Tugged along behind the running hares was a creature, led by a rope halter.  The layers of dust and mud that caked his fur made his species difficult to determine.  He panted raggedly as he kept up running as best he could.  Hares were terribly fast.  He was mostly being dragged along, stumbling over his footpaws and trying to keep the rope from choking him too horribly.

Finnegan Glor was having a miserable day.

One minute, he'd been cooking up a meager breakfast over his fire, roasting a few apples he'd found.  Next thing he knew, the roof of his little burrow was being caved in on top of him and he was being dragged about at gunpoint.  It had been a long day of marching then, thinking longingly of lazing in the cool grass with his mate while his little ones ran about and played.

Finn missed them something fierce.  Who knew if they'd starved to death back in their little hovel, or if they'd all been put to work in the Baron's fields.  He had no way of knowing.

But for the moment, all he could do is put one leaden foot in front of the other and pray the running would soon be over.  
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer


The mouse remained stotic and focused on the incoming dust cloud now only one hundred yards away. "Stay at ease," He said, then added after a moments thought, "But be ready."

The company was now a mere twenty yards away, near enough to hear the officer's strong voice call out, "Company Halt! Formation C15!"

The dust cleared to reveal thirty hares in three neat lines muskets leveled at the travelers. The mouse's face stayed as flatlined and unimpressed as ever. Lieutenant Dionaba strode forward, a wide grin on his face and a swagger in his step.

"Ah, if it isn't the main mouse of the hour himself! Howyadoin Mister... eh... whatcha callin' yourself now? The Warrior? Ratsbane? The Swordsmouse? I dunno, you've been through so many of yer crazy names it's hard to keep track. Oh wait I know!" He stood in front of the mouse, leaned forward until their noses almost touched and the said with his rancid breath, "Martin"

Martin's eyes narrowed


Jack slowly pulled out his pistol and hid his hand behind his back, ready in case of signs of hostilities.


slowly searching his bag for his rifle, Steve, when he found it, asked the nearest person to him "Do you know how one uses this?  I couldn't afford the instructions."


"Pull the trigger and fire!" Said Jack.


Steve, looking annoyed, replied "I meant how do you load it."


Jester looked from the encounter towards Steve and Jack. "Could yall keep down the racket? I can't hear myself think." Jester directed his gaze back to the two talking in low tones. He then noticed that the mouse got serious. As if the hare had said something that triggered him. Looking at the layers of hares kneeling, rifles ready to fire, he dropped his useless rocks and sticks. "Well, I was always good at tricking beasts. Ill use by old classic..." Jester smiled craftily. 
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman