
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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Started by Griffen, May 29, 2012, 09:28:26 PM

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Almel had recovered quickly and was able to pull the dart from her neck. "I'll be stiff for a while, Keen, but I'll live. Keen?" She shakily punched another enemy native and another villager finished her off.



his body twitched. the natives had hit his nerves and rendered him motionless. (since you native to the island you should have some herbs that will make him well in a day or so.)


the natives were chasing him so he ran around the village for his life, the villagers would pick them off one by one till only the last one remained. Treeflyer picked up a harpoon and stabbed it into the last native, finishing them off. "what happened?" he asked out loud while running to Keen.


Almel checked Keen over. "Hit a nerve, he won't be able to move for a day or so, I have to give him some herbs, but he'll live."



"is there anywhere we can put him for the night?" he asked

OOC: it will be dark soon. (three hours)


"Certainly, if you can drag him over to that tent over there." Almel pointed to a tent a fair distance away.



he gently pulled one of Keens legs and slowly dragged him over to the tent and placed him on a bed. "wow he heavy, lay of all those vittles!" he joked while looking at Keen who was still not moving. "do you have anything to help him?" he asked Almel


Why yes." Almel limped over to the bushes surrounding the village and came back with an armful of long stems, "See this one with big leaves and a white stem? If you take the juice from the stem and make a drink of it with some more herbs, that'll have him dancing in no time!"



"now thats a sight i think every one wants to see." he smiled while helping make and feed Keen the juice.

OOC: spending the day with my pops for fathers day, post later.

Dannflower Reguba

The squirrel smiled weakly at Kindles' outstetched hand and grated out, "I'd willingly take it my friend, but my mouth is far to dried out to eat."
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This



"your right, we need some water. as soon as Martin gets back tell him to start a fire.. i'll be back soon."


"what?" Eveth asked, he was asleep, or pretending to be during the comment on helping Ferien get out of the hole. 



"i said if you give me a boost then i can reach the edge, run and get some help... or we can stay here till they boil us alive."

OOC: Redwaller you can have your charactor back ^_^


"okay." Eveth said, while doing the suggested.

OOC: i suppose since you are suggesting it, that Eveth is allowed to at least try?


OOC: yes im not that touchy about my charactors.



he looked around the little village noting the surrurondings. he saw rope and went for it. the sun was almost all the way down making him nearly invisalbe.Ferein tied knots then threw it down the hole. "new plan" the Devil whispered while tieing the other end to a tree.


"a good new plan."  Eveth commented as he climbed up the rope.

OOC: Empty post, but one can't be perfect.