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The Outlander

Started by SandyB, May 31, 2012, 03:17:22 PM

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1939 - 2011

A Quick Note From The Author

To start off I would like to explain why I wrote this. I had been a fan of Brian Jacques' Redwall series for many years and after reading a majority of them I realised that the set pieces were beginning to repeat themselves a bit. No matter what adventure you read, more than likely it would be about the same mouse, otter or squirrel set in the same setting with the same villian to fight.
   So first and foremost I wanted to make this adventure different from any other Redwall story. So I thought instead of the hero being the "bog-standard" mouse hero, why can't the hero be a fox? Instead of setting it somewhere predictable like Mossflower, why not set it somewhere completely different? In this case a Redwall-like view of Fuedal Japan. As well as being an avid Redwall fan I also have a fascination with the Samurai. At the time of the medieval period of history in Europe, the Samurai were the most sophisticated warriors in the world. So this is pretty much the combination of two things that I love.
   This is the complete final edit (print - whatever) after having some feedback from people who read this and going over it to pad out the story some more and to edit the more redundant dialogue. Also to scale back the creative license as to not make the hardcore fans turn their noses up at this and to resolve the gaping loopholes in the plot.

Also, one last thing, this story contains some aspect of the Buddhist religion. Please remember these are representations only - NOT facts.


This story takes place between MATTIMEO and THE PEARLS OF LUTRA

I am Ikkit Claw, Master of the Eshin Celestial Realm and ruler of five hundred thousand subjects.
My empire stretches from horizon to horizon.
To the east of me is an island kingdom with a long and proud warrior heritage.
My army of wearets and Stormvermin are undefeatable,
and these warriors, these Samurai, have the gall to challenge me?
Let them come and they will soon learn to resist my will is a grave mistake.



It was dusk and the bright orange sun had now started to turn blood red as it all but disappeared below the horizon, bathing the stones of Redwall Abbey with the last remnants of sunlight. Rollo Bankvole, the abbey's recorder, was hard at work teaching his new apprentice how to organize the assorted jumble of dust covered books and manuscripts. The young mole Borrlo held up a lantern as Rollo busied himself with the various piles trying to sort them out in chronological order, just as his mentor Tim Churchmouse had shown him many seasons ago.
   As he moved each document great swirls of dust danced in the air. Dust motes began intruding up Borrlo's nose, "Aaaachoooo!"
   Rollo hardly looked up from his stack of books as he addressed the young mole. "You've got a cold coming?" asked Rollo.
   Borrlo sniffed and wiped his snout with his heavy digging claws, "Nay zurr Rollyo, it'm be all this dust get'm roight up moi nose." Rollo stood up from the pile he was kneeling over and clapped the mole heartily on the back, "Ah, when you become abbey recorder you get used to it. Now where was I? Ah yes! Autumn of the Late Chestnut... Winter of Mourning... What's this doing here?" Rollo produced a thick black leather bound book. He opened the cover and, adjusting his spectacles, read the title page aloud. "Ahem, An observation of the language and culture of the island kingdom of Jima by Tim Churchmouse. Sourced by Sandokhan, based on his great grandfather's memoirs."
   Rollo's voice trailed off to a light murmur as the name sparked memories in his mind. Burrlo placed the lantern on the study table as he attended to his friend whom had gone into a trance. "Zurr? Zurr Rollyo?"
   "I wonder if it's here somewhere," the old recorder mused as he bussied himself with the various piles. "You can help me here Borrlo. Look through those stacks over by the window and look for anything dated from the Summer of the Orange Buttercup onwards." The mole simply returned a nod and set himself to his task. Burrlo was halfway through the first stack of papers and books before Rollo found the literature he was seeking. "Never mind, I've found them," he called.
   The mole scratched his head puzzlingly, "Wot's ee Sandy koon Zurr?"
   "Well, that in itself is a long story my apprentice. Tell you what, we'll go down to the kitchens and see if the cooks will allow us to have a few mushroom and onion pasties. Then I think we shall ask old Jube Stump for his best October Ale and I'll tell all."

The abbey itself was still bustling with some activity, Badgermum Auma was shooing the dibbuns off to their beds while others were finishing their supper in Cavern Hole. The coolness of the cellars was refreshing compared to the hot humid air of the abbey kitchens combined with the warmth of a midsummer's night. Jube Stump was sampling his latest batch of herbal tea when he spied the two visitors with a plate of mushroom and onion pasties dripping with vegetable gravy. "Evenin'," the cellarhog said. "What can I do ye for?"
   "Ah Jube. A couple of tankards of October Ale please."
   As Jube tendered to a huge wooden barrel he conversed with the recorder, "So what 'ave you two got there?" Rollo toyed with the thick book under his arm. "Well when I was sorting out my study today, look what I found." Jube took the book from his friend and read the title page with curiousity. He glanced up before handing the book to Burrlo and filling a tankard of ale for himself before sitting down on his stool. "Sandokhan... now there's a name I 'aven't heard in many a season." Burrlo sipped his tankard of October ale before enquiring further. "You'm knowed 'im too?"
   "Well young one, I did promise you a story," said Rollo as he pulled up a stool alongside the hedgehog. "Now pin back yur lugs, 'cause this story's a good un," said Jube as the recorder took up a narrative posture. "I suppose it all truly began with the Autumn of the Late Chestnut, for it was a very sad time for the abbey. Our warrior Matthias was dying from an illness and made his son Mattimeo warrior of Redwall. After his father's death, Mattimeo became very withdrawn from those all around him; other abbeydwellers, his friends and even his own wife and son. A few season's later, from the silk lands of the far east, came a fox. Now foxes have a reputation around here for being very dishonest creatures, but Sandokhan was different. He was a fox who was bound by a word seemingly forgotten by his kind; honour."
Problems in life are never resolved by distancing yourself from them. Escape is never the safest plan nor the safest place.




Extract from the diary of Tim Churchmouse, recorder of events at Redwall Abbey in Mossflower country.

The Autumn of the Late Chestnut has almost drawn to a close and it is a sad time for the abbeydwellers. Last spring both Old Constance and Abbot Mordalfus passed away and now I fear to write that Matthias, father of Mattimeo, has fallen prey to a powerful illness. The apothecary and the infirmary sisters have tried potion and poultice with no clear success.
   Sister May our apothecary said it might just be old age catching up with our once strong and wise warrior. Mattimeo is taking it very hard and I must confess, I worry about my best friend's mental state. I know he will be alright with my sister Tess and his son (my nephew) Martin to comfort him. Abbot Sedge, our new Redwall father has said that our will must be strong in times like these. However I have seen so many of our old friends come and go; Basil Stag Hare, Sir Harry the muse and even Orlando the Axe has left our abbey for the life of a badger lord at old Salamandastron.
   We cannot all be sad, sometimes we just have to take things as they come because that is the way of life. I'm sorry that I have nothing happy to write about, there is a sense of dread here. Dread that the next time the bells will sound shall be a death toll. I think I will leave my writing now and see what I can do for Mattimeo and my sister. If you are ever passing Redwall, please come. We all need some cheering up. I know I do right now.

Tim Churchmouse, Abbey Recorder

The fire burned low in the sitting room of the gatehouse cottage as Sam Squirrel stood gazing into the dancing flames, shut off from the atmosphere around him. His trance was broken when his friend Elmtail placed a reassuring paw on his shoulder. "Are you alright Sam?" he asked. Sam shook his head slightly, "I just wish there was something I can do. I feel so helpless."
   "We're not like the seasons friend, we can't go on forever. We all knew this day would come sooner or later,"
   "It's not that, It's Matty," replied Sam. "Don't worry about Mattimeo, he's a warrior after all." Sam couldn't help but smile a little at his friend's remark. Just then, an infirmary mousemaid accompanied by Tess walked by with a pan full of cloth smeared with puss and phlegm. They strolled through the sitting room without saying a word. All eyes were studying them to see if they knew something the others didn't. The infirmary mouse just opened the door and casually walked out into the still night towards the abbey. Tess closed the door and sighed heavily.
   Upstairs, in the master bedroom surrounded by his family, Auma and Sister May, Matthias the warrior lay on the bed. His whiskers had turned a silvery grey, his rugged fur and long beard adding to the haggard look of the once grand warrior mouse. He peered sadly through sunken eyes feeling his strength ebbing away. Cornflower could hide the tears for her husband no longer, she sobbed heavily and began weeping piteously. Matthias held out his paw to his wife as she knelt down next to him caressing it. "Do not grieve," the old mouse said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Soon I shall join Martin."
   "I don't want you to go," Cornflower sniffed. Matthias stroked her ears lovingly, "Oh my dear Cornflower. You always loved me more than anyone. I'll always love you more than anyone." Cornflower rose from the bedside and kissed her husband on his elderly brow. Matthias then turned his gaze to his son who was standing with his back to the door paws folded. "Mattimeo..." the old warrior called. Mattimeo approached his father's deathbed desperately trying to fight back the flood of tears staining his eyes and cheeks. "Come closer son, everything's getting darker."
   Mattimeo then knelt down beside his father and took his paw. Matthias then placed his free paw to Mattimeo's face and stroked his whiskers. "Now you have to be brave, son. I name you Mattimeo, Warrior Mouse... Protector and Defender of Redwall and my sword is yours. Trust in Martin and follow your heart. I have been... and always shall be... proud of... you." Matthias's voice trailed off as his paw fell from Mattimeo's face and landed limply on the mattress. His eyes drooped and closed slowly. Mattimeo gripped the lifeless paw tightly, as he fought through the wave of shock he uttered, "I love you father."
   The great badger Auma stepped towards the now lifeless form and raised the bedclothes to cover the body. "I'll call for a stretcher," she said as Sister May accompanied her from the room. Mattimeo raised himself from his fathers' deathbed and exited the room without saying a word. Out on the landing he looked up and saw his wife Tess, her face a picture of concern. She stepped forward and took her husband by the paw. "Is he sleeping now?" she asked. Mattimeo nodded solemnly as he embraced Tess and, unable to fight the feeling of immense grief, broke down in tears and wept freely on her shoulder.
   All the beasts that were present downstairs looked towards Auma as she broke the news. "We have just come from his bedside. Matthias, warrior of Redwall, is dead." A sigh of mourning arose from everybeast present. Auma then turned to Cynthia Bankvole, "You know what to do." The abbey bell-ringer just nodded and left the gatehouse cottage. Upon closing the heavy door, Cynthia sighed heavily with sadness. The walk to the bell tower seemed more arduous and difficult. Just as she walked past the orchard she bumped into Tim Churchmouse. The kind recorder looked into the bankvoles' tear stained eyes and hugged her tight. "I'm sorry," Tim whispered, "I'm so, so sorry."


Far to the east of Mossflower country, over the eastern coastline and across the sea lies the great continental landmass cartographers have named Osea. There on the far eastern side of that continent, sandwiched between the East Sea and the endless waters of the Emerald Ocean lie the islands of Jima.  The country itself was split into three island domains, Yoshino Island in the north, Jinkai Island to the south and the Mochizuki Domain in the centre; the largest of the three islands. Everyday and night, all three domains were watched by the Shogun's elite; the much feared and respected warrior order of the Samurai. Legend says that the Samurai were old when Lord Brocktree was young. Although the moon had risen over Mossflower country, the sun shone high in the sky over Jima. Cherry blossom trees lay bare after shedding themselves of their small pink blossoms that spring.
The great hare Akito Krinz was part of this legendary order. His appearance was proof he had faced many battles, with a long scar covering his left eye socket and half of his right ear was missing. Not only that, it was rumoured he once wielded the most ancient sword known throughout the land, the Starfire Katana. One season, he decided that the warrior's life was too much for him and dedicated his life to teaching budding warriors the way of the sword.
   Sandokhan the fox was one of these budding warriors. He sparred with his friend, the otter Wataru, using wooden bokkens for you were not considered a full samurai until you earned a real katana sword. Wood clonked on wood as the pair parried and dodged each other's blows. Akito stood with his paws folded as he watched the pair spar. On one advance, Wataru was caught off guard as Sandokhan's wooden sword whacked against his left shoulder. Wataru yelped with pain as the fox tended to his friend, overcome by guilt. "Sorry Wataru. Are you alright?"
   The otter then made a lunge for Sandokhan and bowled him over to the ground. The pair then rough housed together as Master Krinz applauded slowly chuckling. "Hehehe. A little sloppy but an interesting technique Wataru!" The pair then raised themselves from the ground dusting off their giis. Krinz turned to Sandokhan. "You must let go of any feeling for remorse when you are in battle Sandokhan. If he were an enemy armed with a real sword you'd be dead by now."
   The fox bowed respectfully to the battle scarred hare. "Yes master. Sorry master."
   "You shouldn't be. The initial attack move you did would've severed the paw off. I'm surprised you didn't see that coming Wataru. Your eyes must've given you away."
   "But Master, if I close my eyes I cannot fight!"
   "Become unpredictable. Strike from your subconscious mind. Even the most skilled opponent shall fall from a move that has no history or reference. The moves created through your own individual essence may surprise even yourself." The wise hare could see that his students were deep in thought as they pondered over his advice. A smile passed over his scarred face. "Now come you two, we must get prepared for supper. Wataru, go to the well and fetch some water. Sandokhan go get a sack of rice and don't waste the day away chatting to Ritsuko. I know you have a fondness for her but do not let that get in the way of your duty."
   The pair both bowed again to their mentor and replied in unison, "Yes master."
   The sword school, or dojo, was nothing more than a big mansion house on the banks of a fast flowing river. Sandokhan looked quite the comical figure, donning his conical straw hat and wooden sandals, as he treaded gingerly through the heavily irrigated rice paddies on the opposite side of the river. He lost his footing and fell sideways into the shallow waters and soft mud. Just as he started to correct himself, a paw was extended in help towards him. "What's this? A young samurai that can't keep his balance?" Sandokhan tilted the straw hat upwards as he looked into the gentle eyes of a radiant vixen.
   He took the paw gently as the vixen helped the budding warrior back on his footpaws. "Hello Ritsuko. How are you today?" The vixen smiled, "Fine thank you. I take it Master Krinz has sent you to me for some reason."
   "Oh yes, a sack of rice grain, er, please," replied Sandokhan, trying to hide his blushing face under the rim of his hat.
   Suddenly, he felt something hit the back of his neck. He turned round to see Wataru tossing a small pebble up in the air and catching it with a single paw. "Ho there, mate. Are you going to talk with her all day? May I remind you that our master has given us duties to perform." A hedgehog maid approached them bearing a burlap sack full to the rim with dry rice grain. She slumped the heavy load on the ground in front of Sandokhan. The fox bowed respectfully to the maiden before he started heaving it in the direction of the otter. Sandokhan grunted with exertion as sweat dripped off his brow.
   Wataru hoisted the two heavy water buckets with both paws, knowing well that they would have to climb the fabled stone staircase back up to the dojo, a hundred and ninty steps. Already fatigued from their sparring match, the weight of their burdens took their tolls on the pair having to rest four times on the way up the seemingly never ending stone steps. However their efforts were rewarded with the welcoming sight of the dojo's front door. As they entered the massive front hall a ferret walked past them, eying the fox moodily. As they crossed paths the ferret sneered one word at Sandokhan, "Gaijin!"
   Sandokhan glared at the ferret as he exited the mansion into the autumn day. He nudged his friend, "What is his problem?"
   "I think it has something to do with your blood heritage, seeing as your great grand sire was once a corsair," the otter replied. "That's no excuse! Alright, he might've served under one of the most vile sea rats who'd ever lived. But I have as much right to learn here as you do, friend."
   As they continued on their way to the dojo's larder, Wataru comforted his friend. The otter could sense that Sandokhan was greatly upset at the ferret Jagee's remark. In Jima, gaijin can mean many things than just outsider.
Problems in life are never resolved by distancing yourself from them. Escape is never the safest plan nor the safest place.



Out on the heaving waves of the East Sea, a flotilla of massive junks travelled eastward being propelled by the winds and tides. On the quarterdeck of the flagship a big stocky built black rat stood over an assembly of his most fearsome fighters. His right paw had been severed and was replaced by one made of brass and steel . He was very intelligent and ordered an air of decorum from his followers. Meaning that they were to speak and pronounce words properly, Ikkit Claw despised searat patois. Surrounded by a host of searats clad in grubby rusting armour, their master peered out at the mass of murderers and plunderers assembled on the deck below him. At the back, stood a group of brutish ginormous creatures. Sinew and muscle bulged from their powerful physiques adding to the ferocity of their appearances. These creatures were clad in more heavier armour than their smaller counterparts, but nevertheless still in the same poor quality. This was Ikkit Claw's army, the Stormvermin.
   Massive pennants and banners, scrawled in their native language fluttered on the sea breeze. Claw breathed the sea air deeply before addressing his horde. "My brothers in murder, my congratulations to you for a very successful plundering of the principality of Lanka. You crushed the Maharajah's army as if they were insects! We will be arriving at the Mochizuki domain of Jima in only a few days, and I know that all of you are more hungry for slaughter than ever before. So rest while you can for we will have much to do when land hoves into view."
   There was a massive cheer from those assembled. Claw smiled at the prospect of more plunder, trinkets and land. More than that, he had his followers in a berserk frenzy with the promise of slaughter. The captain of his bodyguard an evil looking Stormvermin rat named Gash praised his warlord master. "They're in high spirits, Honoured Claw. If this Jima place is as much as a pushover as Lanka we'll take all three islands in very short order indeed."
   "Do not underestimate your enemy Gash. This order of the Samurai is supposed to be very relentless in their resolve. I once heard their sword strokes are as fast as the wind and can sever a creature from head to crotch in one blow. So it is better to urge on the side of caution. However, I leave total control of the army to you as I have always done," Claw muttered to his guard captain.
   "Thank you, Honoured Claw."
   The maniacal rat summoned the ship's boson. A young searat scurried to the warlord and saluted smartly. "Send a message to the rest of the fleet.  We will travel eastward for one more day, then we shall drop anchor off the coast of the Mochizuki domain. I want all captains and commanders to be present. Have you got that?"
   "Yes sir!" the boson replied. The sea rat scurried along the deck until he reached a chest beneath the foremast. He produced two small red and white flags and ran to the aft of the ship. There he stood on the aft guardrail and started waving them in a combination of arm movements to the other ships trailing in the flagship's wake.
On the banks of the river Oda behind the dojo, a small party of novices stood in the shallows spearing fish with their bokkens, whilst under the watch of a mouse named Ryu. Who was in the same senior class as Sandokhan and Wataru. With their duties completed for the day, both Wataru and Sandokhan sat on a large overhanging rock on the bank watching the fishing while sucking on their pipes of herbal mixture. The fox savoured the sweet tasting smoke in his mouth before expelling it in a thin plume of blue-grey that danced on the breeze. "Mmm, Bungler's Bane. The sweetest tasting leaf in all of Jima." The otter looked over in the direction the fishing party and shook his head as he commented on the proceedings. "Ah, they're doing it wrong," he raised himself and shouted at the novices. "Ahoy mates! You're doing it all wrong. Let a proper waterdog show you how it's done!"
   With that, Wataru shed his gii and handed it to Sandokhan before he dived head first into the flowing water. All present stood on the bank watching the waters with anticipation. It was always a spectacle watching an otter display his master skills in fishing. After a few short moments the otter showed his head above water with a large carp clamped between his teeth. He swam against the current until he reached the river bank, where he took the carp from his mouth and dropped it on the ground.
   All of the novices gathered around the floundering creature, it's mouth opened and closed as the fish fought to breathe. Ryu praised the otter, "Wow Wataru, with a fish that big we can have a quintuple treat tonight."
   "But there are six of us," said Sandokhan as he joined the others on the bank, throwing Wataru's gii at the otter. "Is there any chance of it becoming a sextuple treat?" The novices looked at the fox in confusion. Sandokhan started to feel embarrassed, he was about to rectify himself when Wateru held his sides as he shook with laughter, water droplets flew from his sleek coat. The other novices joined in, even Sandokhan couldn't help but smile. Just then a mighty screech rang out over the serenity and merriment of the six friends. They looked upward and saw a great eagle swoop over their heads. The massive bird perched itself on the broad windowsill of Master Krinz's dormitory, with a wooden tube grasped in it's massive talon.
   The hare looked up from his calligraphy and took the tube from the eagle and read the rolled parchment, written in Jima's native script.

   "Enemy abroad. Triad to assemble immediately.
   Come armed and tread softly."

   Supper that evening was a strange affair with the absence of their teacher. However, the meal was taken with the usual array of pleasantries and light conversation as the seniors knelt at the low dinner table. Wateru's carp was the centrepiece, garnished with bamboo chutes, water chestnuts, peppers, bean sprouts and drizzled lightly in a sweet sauce made from honey, coriander leaves and lemon juice. A very young mousemaid called Tigerlilly sat next to Ryu, who was demolishing his portion of carp on a bed of hot white rice with a pair chopsticks. The young one eyed the two bokkens thrust into the mouse's linen belt.
   "Why do you have two swords Ryu?" She asked.
   "It's just my style of fighting Tigerlilly. With two swords I can attack and defend at the same time and if one of my paws got cut off I can still fight. It's also good if I have to fight multiple opponents," the mouse replied. "I'm finished," said Sandokhan and he rose to his footpaws and bowed his head to the others who were still eating. "If anybeast asks where I am, I'll be at the temple on the hill," he added.
   "Off to see Tin-Jin again?" Wataru asked.
   "I don't know why you like the company of those monks," Ryu scoffed. "They're... well, odd," the mouse added.
   "Is it so strange to attain wisdom, inner peace and enlightenment?" Sandokhan replied, before taking his leave. As the others ate, they didn't seem to notice the absence of Jagee the ferret.
Night had fallen and the stars shone like white gemstones forming constellations in the blackish blue sky as crickets chirruped noisily. Jagee was not taking in the natural splendour of the night time, he conversed in hushed tones with a vicious looking rat wrapped in a swirling cloak of exquisite darkness and a leather mask shrouding his vicious visage. "Even if your master does make landfall, he won't be able to take the Niji Gate without savage resistance. But that's where I think I can help you out. I've studied the Samurai art of war for many years. I can show your soldiers what to expect on the battlefield and show them the perfect defense techniques," said Jagee. "So we have a deal?" enquired the rat. "When Claw rules here, there's something I want."
   "Gold? Gems?"
   The ferret spat at the suggestions, "I don't want any of that worthless rubbish! Rumours are circulating round the dojo that our master is the Shogun's Head-taker. If this is true, I want his sword."
   "Harharhar, a sword? Yer must be joking!"
   Jagee hit the rat on the side of his head with the flat of his wooden bokken, the ferret's voice seethed with contempt. "Keep your voice down, fool! That's right his sword, are your ears made of cloth?" The rat held the side of his snout as he glared at the ferret who continued to explain. "Our swords are the reason why we Samurai are so proud, they are part of our very soul and if I were to possess the fabled Starfire katana, my power and status would be absolute throughout all of Jima."
   "I cud get it fer yer now if yer want."
   "Don't waste your efforts. Master Krinz is an expert swordsbeast, he'll sever you in two with just one stroke,"  said Jagee. "Ha! Yer wouldn't believe 'ow many times I've 'eard that un," the rat replied.
   "Do not underestimate the resolve of the Samurai, rat. To us warfare is an art and we've become exceedingly efficient at it."
   As the meeting ended, the rat sharpened his pair of skinning daggers and tested the sharpness of the blades by running claws along the cutting edges before licking the bloodstains clean.
   Meanwhile under the same sky, Sandokhan made his way along a short dusty path heading south towards an ancient temple in the gently sloping foothills of a vast mountain. The architecture was similar to that of the dojo, sloping slate roofs with arching stone fishes on the corners of the roof beams where the adjacent slopes met. The fox slipped off his wooden sandals and placed them outside the entrance of the temple.
   As he entered, the powerful smell of incense and wild flowers filled his nostrils and the sound of the monks chanting their mantras was heard more clearly. One monk, a stoat dressed in a long yellow and red gown, approached the fox and bowed. "Welcome Sandokhan. Tin-Jin has been expecting you."
   "I had a feeling he was," the fox smiled.
   "May I offer you some butter tea?"
   "No thank you, I just ate," Sandokhan replied. The tinkling sound of tiny bell was heard behind them and there, accompanied by his two aides, stood the old blind mouse. Tin-Jin was old, very old. His beard was so long that one of his aides had to pick it up off the floor and carry it behind him. He carried a great walking staff which could also be used as a bow staff. The old mouse wore a pair of heavy brass studs in both ears making the bottom of them elongated. The fox's heart leapt with joy at the sight of his friend and he embraced him. "Hehehe, hello Sandokhan my lad!" Tin-Jin chuckled. "Come, let us proceed to my sanctum. I do not wish to disturb the brothers while in prayer."
   Tin-Jin's sanctum was out round the back of the temple. Here was the old mouse's private mediation space, next to a stone garden. The tinkle of wind chimes adding to the ambiance and peace of the cool autumn night. All four beast sat under an ornate gazebo, as Tin-Jin sipped at a small cup of herbal tea. "Is your mind troubled Sandokhan?" the old mouse asked. The fox knelt opposite to Tin-Jin as he voiced his concerns. "Well... graduation's in two days and I was thinking, what if I'm not ready? I mean, to actually go to battle when called."
   "All Samurai must answer the call, my friend. Do you feel that Master Krinz's training is not preparing you enough?"
   "Oh no, it's not that Tin-Jin. It's the thought of wielding a real sword that I can actually kill beasts with. It's a very daunting thought," Sandokhan explained. One of Tin-Jin's aides, a squirrel poured another small cup full of tea which Tin-Jin offered to the fox. "Have some of this tea, it'll clear your mind." Sandokhan looked at the blind mouse apprehensively. "Do you know if I'm going to take it?"
   "I wouldn't be very enlightened if I didn't know!"
   "But I have a choice to take it or not,"
   "You didn't come here to make a choice. You already made the choice when you joined the dojo. You're here so I can help you understand why you made the choice."
   The budding Samurai took the small cup and sipped at the hot liquid. "If you have doubts young one, remember the first two noble truths. Firstly, existence is suffering and secondly, the cause of suffering is desire. In this case, your enemy's desire is to conquer this land and to destroy everything you have accomplished. Samurai are not bullies or murderers. They are protectors and you must be strong, for I see dark things in the days ahead."
   Sandokhan raised himself from the floor and bowed at the old mouse. "Thank you for the tea. I will meditate on your advice Tin-Jin."


Also that same night, on the heaving seas to the west of the Mochizuki domain Ikkit Claw's flagship Black Coral, along with five others, sat at anchor on the high tide. In the captain's cabin, the rat warlord was surrounded by the captains of the remaining ships. Lanterns filled with fireflies donned the walls illuminating the cabin in a dim glow. On the table directly in front of them were old charts, stained creamy yellow by the onset of time. Claw rapped his metal claw heavily on the tabletop, bringing the meeting to order. "Thank you all for coming. I will now go over the final strategy for the invasion," he began running his normal claw over the drawn ley-lines on the parchments. "Listen carefully; Shraggs and Bloodclaw will take the Sharkblood and the Gabool's Folley and sail to the southern domain of Jinkai. Meanwhile, Venomtail and Drogg will take their ships and take the northern island. That only leaves my ship and the Condor to take the Mochizuki domain."
   Shraggs, the captain of the Sharkblood, voiced his concerns keeping a sense of decorum in the presence of his master, "Honoured Claw, would you be able to take the largest island with just two ships of troops?"
   "That's where the second part of my plan comes to fruition. When the two smaller islands are dominated I will ask that a garrison of no more than ten score shall remain behind. However, I will require all your wearet scorpion riders to proceed to the Mochizuki domain once the islands to the north and south are secure. With them we'll create a pincer movement and grind down enemy forces behind the Niji gate."
   "Can the spy be trusted?" Drogg, captain of the Seasnake enquired. "The ferret? I think he knows what'll happen if he betrays me."
   "He does, oh wise one." Mangetail, Claw's seer stepped forward from the shadows, dressed in a sweeping grey robe and a leather skull cap donned with ram's horns. "These fools cannot hope to stand against the mighty resolve of the all powerful Ikkit Claw! If you do not mind me saying so Lord."
   Claw features twisted into a maniacal smile at his seer's gutless grovelling. "And you Mangetail, are your visions clear? Will victory be assured?"
   "I predict that this kingdom will give great plenty to us. The foraging will be plentiful and all of those left alive will beg on their knees on the same day. Begging for their homeland that they have lost to the powerful Claw," the seer reassured his master.
   "I like the way your foul mind works Mangetail. Now my captains return to your ships and proceed with your orders. We shall make sail at sunrise."
As Drogg's row boat headed back to the Seasnake, he uttered nothing but contempt towards the warlord's seer while berating his oarsbeast. Claw wasn't in earshot so his voice returned to searat patois, ripe and abusive. "Row faster, put yer back into it! By the fang I 'ate that Mangetail! It makes me sick ter me stommick to see that tail-end suck up ter Master Claw! What about us, 'is real servants eh? Huh, we're the ones who do all the work!"   
Sandokhan lay on his futon bed reading the third volume of his great grandfather's memoirs by candlelight. The first book of his great grandfathers' diary was written in the script of the western lands, which he understood fluently as well as Jimanese script. The pages were illustrated with beautiful depictions of rolling lands, mountains, castles, fortresses, vast forests, plants, fungi - there were even maps. The faint sound of footsteps caused Sandokhan to look up from his book. Blowing out the candle he rose to his footpaws and crept to the dormitory door, hoping that his activity wouldn't wake his fellow students. The door slid open with a slight scraping noise.
   The next thing Sandokhan saw were the piercing eyes of Master Krinz. The hare was not taken aback even the slightest, "I knew you were awake. I saw the glow of your candle," said Krinz softly. Sandokhan sniffed the air curiously, "Master, I smell blood."
   "Yes, some fool thought he could defeat me in single combat."
   "Master, who would wan't to challenge you? Every bandit throughout the domain knows facing you is certain death." The battle scarred hare did not answer. Instead his teacher walked further down the corridor in the direction of his bedchamber. If the fox had looked closely he would have noticed the two skinning knives thrust into the hare's waistband.
As the sun rose in the east, all six vessels hauled anchor. Two headed northward, another two southward and the remaining ships continued to plow on their course dead east. All of them carrying a deadly cargo.
The next morning news had reached the dojo that the dismembered remains of a rat was found in a back alley of Edu village, the nearest town to the dojo. Being infuriated at the news of his contact, Jagee fixed a steel bolt to a small paw-held crossbow. He was going to settle the matter of who would own the Starfire katana once and for all. He heard pawsteps heading in the direction of the dormitory, he quickly leaned against the wall next to the door as he listened to the voices of the passers by. "Come on Shinji, do you expect me to believe that?"
   "That's what I heard Masaru."
   "That fox? I only thought a blade like that could only be passed on by right of blood,"
   "Well it sort of explains why Master Krinz opened this dojo, doesn't it? I mean he has no family of his own, and who knows how many generations have been under his teaching and he still didn't find anybeast worthy. He must see something special in him. Potential or something like that,"
   " Yes, but why Sandokhan? He's always seemed so... timid,"
   "Who were you expecting to get it? Jagee?"
   "Hahahaha! Definatly not Jagee. I mean he's got to be the most horrid student at this dojo!"
   "True, however I've seen you spar with him and his skill is considerably higher than yours,"
   "I can take Jagee, I'm not scared of him!"
   The voices faded away as the two novices walked down the corridor. Jagee sat teeth clenched with furious anger. The fox! The gaijin spawn of a corsair and a thief would inherit the fabled sword from the great Akito Krinz, not him. "I'll kill him," he spat out loud to himself, "I'll kill him!"
   Sandokhan was in the dojo's training hall practising his sword techniques, he thrust and slashed at the air while switching his fighting stance with each move as if adapting to fight a real opponent. When his father first left him there when he was two seasons out of infancy, Sandokhan became an apt pupil. He had listened and trained and practised throughout his whole life living there. He had his back turned to the door as it suddenly slid open with a loud thud. Sandokhan at first ignored the sound, but lost his train of thought when a gruff voice bellowed out, "Gaijin!"
   The fox immediately knew who it was, "Not now Jagee." Sandokhan swivelled his whole body around only to find his nose a hair length away from the point of the crossbow tip. He froze on the spot like a rigid statue. "As usual you dismiss me like a beggar asking for a coin!"
   "What's this all about and what's the crossbow for? If you think you can defeat me then use your bokken," the fox replied. Jagee struck out a savage blow with the crossbow butt that connected sharply with Sandokhan's stomach. He slumped to the floor resting on his side gasping for air, his bokken clenched tightly in his paw. "You idiot," Jagee spat at the fox. "I don't care about warriors' codes, honour or any of that philosophical rubbish Krinz spoon feeds us! I only care about claiming what is rightfully mine."
   The fox looked absolutely confused. "I don't know what you're talking about Jagee," Sandokhan protested. Jagee stood over him, crossbow bolt aimed at his head. "You surely must know, the Starfire katana is to be yours on graduation day! That's my sword!"
   Sandokhan saw his chance, he swung his bokken as hard as he could against Jagee's kneecap. The ferret released the trigger as he screamed in pain, the bolt missed Sandokhan's head by inches. "Stop it," said the fox as he rose from the floor, "you're acting like a fool."
   Jagee raised himself to his footpaws as he pulled his bokken free of the waistband on his gii. He winced in pain as he squatted into an attack stance while continuing to berate Sandokhan. "You're the dishonourable scum born of a corsair and a vixen-thief, you don't deserve to inherit that sword. Die!" Jagee then charged head long at the fox, wooden sandals making clacking noises as they thudded against the hard floor. His bokken was hoisted high above his head then he made a downward slash. Sandokhan mustered all his agility to dodge the attack with a quick sidestep motion. He whirled his bokken making it connect with the ferret's left eye.
   The bokken smashed with the force of the impact, leaving several large chunks of splintered wood in Jagee's face. The largest of which was the piece imbedded in his left eye socket. For a second rage compensated for the shock of pain as Jagee tried to bring himself to his footpaws. "I going to, ugh, rip you... to pe- Aaaaaaaaaarrrrghhh!" With that, he fell to the floor trying to pick out the large splinters. Sandokhan stood over the ferret, face twisted with scorn, "All this time I tried to treat you as my friend. Well no more Jagee. No more!" With that the fox carried what was left of his weapon in his paw as the exited the training hall.
On the western coast of the southern island of Jinkai, the sea otters of the port hamlet of Kimon were busy evacuating all who lived there. Ships had come into the port saying that they had seen a flotilla heading in from Lanka in the west. Everybeast there had heard at what happened in Lanka and were fearing the worst. The head of the otter sea guard, a strong male called Ken, watched the horizon from the crow's nest of his ship the Heart of the Ocean through a spyglass. He scanned the horizon a dozen times until he saw two ships like dots on the waves. The otter crawled down the rigging where he rang the ship's bell, the signal for impending danger.
   "Get the young uns out o' 'ere now. I see two of 'em comin' this way! Defence volunteers and otters, to arms," he bellowed over the melee of readiness. Pikes, scimitars, katanas, spears, javelins, yumis (bows) and quivers were given out with haste. Ken saw this delay as enough time to formulate a plan, but it would still be an agonising long wait. The sun was setting by the time the ships got into range of the archers. Soaking their barbed shafts with lamp oil the defenders set light to them as they stringed their bows. "We'll burn their ships ter cinders afore they even reach port, steady!"
   Every archer took aim, the heat from the flames made their brows sweat feverishly. "Loose!" The flaming shafts filled the sky like a bright orange cloud, some found their targets while others fell in the ocean. They could see the crew of the ship putting out the flames on the port amidships. "Take us in closer," Shraggs, captain of the Sharkblood shrieked over the dilly dally upon deck. "Stan' by for landin'! All soldiers and crew to arms!"
   The deck was soon swarming with armoured Stormvermin troops armed to the fangs with cutlasses, machetes and curved scimitars. The wearets came up from below decks, garbed in full armour. They stood behind the Stormvermin as another volley came towards them from the shore. "Shields up!" bellowed Shraggs. There was a short garbled noise of fumbling metal before everybeast on deck had their shield up in front of their faces. The volley found nothing but metal as all the shafts bounced off the heavy steel tower shields and fell into the sea.
   Ken looked on bewildered, his strategy with the fire arrows didn't work and there was too little oil to go round for a third volley. He looked back at all who were present on the quayside, "This is it, archers do everything yer can. Everybeast else get yer blade an' a shield an' prepare yerselves."
   Suddenly loud bangs rang out over the waters like a hundred claps of thunder sounding at once and several of the defenders fell down dead simultaneously. The remainder of Ken's force crouched on the floor, trying to make sense of what had happened. "Hell's teeth, what was that attack? It was like molten metal flying towards us!"
   The ships were now close enough to make landfall, nets dropped from the deck rails as the Stormvermin started climbing down them at a rapid pace. While wearets jumped over the rails and landed in a clang as they ploughed towards the defensive line. The invasion of Jima had begun.
Problems in life are never resolved by distancing yourself from them. Escape is never the safest plan nor the safest place.



Graduation day had arrived at the dojo and everybeast was in high spirits. Today was the day they were going to be made full warriors of the samurai order. Jagee had spent the night in the infirmary with his injuries. The left side of his face now obscured by bandage dressings. The healer had said that he would never be able to see out of his left eye again. Akito Krinz was wrapping the katanas in coloured silk, each one was masterfully crafted from the finest steel of his own personal forge. As light as feathers and can cut through armour with ease; the most beautiful swords in the civilized world. His pupils were very lucky to receive such weapons.
   In the late morning all students in the senior class were asked to come up to Master Krinz's dormitory. There, surrounded by his students, the tattered hare sat cross-legged with his back to his prayer shrine, with an array of differently coloured silk packages each containing a katana and the shorter wakizashi swords. Krinz looked at the array of faces staring back at him. Like every graduation Krinz was so proud to have raised them yet sad to see them all leave. "Today, you are about to receive a distinctive honour. From today, you will have no more use for your bokkens. What lies at my feet are the badges of status that will elevate you above the levels of mundane warriors. But remember, what I am to give you are tools, not toys. Whether they can be used for either good or evil depends on the will of the beast who wields them." Krinz lifted the first sword and held it out in front of him calling out the name of the creature who would receive it. "Shinji..." a young squirrel rose from his floor and knelt in front of his master. Krinz placed the silk package into the squirrel's paws. Shinji then rose again and bowed to his master, thanking his teacher for the years of guidance.  The old hare then followed suit with the others. "Masaru... Wataru... Ryu... Jagee." When Jagee rose to collect his sword, he turned and glared at Sandokhan. Krinz held out the package of silk. Jagee seemed to stare at it for a while before begrudgingly taking it from his masters' grasp. He then bowed like all the others and sat down. The squirrel Shinji noticed there were no more packages before their master. Shinji spoke up in concern, "Master, er, if I may? Sandokhan didn't get a sword."
   "Indeed he didn't, for I have something very special," with that the hare rose from the floor and opened the door of a grand wooden weapons cabinet. He produced a red velvet package embossed with the shape of a star constellation in black material. "Sandokhan..."
   The fox rose to his footpaws and approached his master trembling with anticipation. "You are to receive the blade that our first Shogun forged in the old days for the mouse samurai Kenji. I have never raised a family and I see great promise in you. Wield it with utmost and reverent pride." The fox unwrapped the package carefully. The Starfire katana was an object of beauty and sublime craftsmanship. The red scabbard was encrusted with seven small diamonds forming the shape of the constellation Ursa Major. The small oval hilt was made from gold, the velvet lining of the grip criss-crossed and overlapped making a row of rhombus shapes done its length, a fine weapon indeed. Murmurs and whispers spread like wildfire.
   "The rumours were true,"
   "Yes, indeed they are,"
   "Does that mean... he's..."
   Sandokhan looked vaguely at Krinz, "Master, I cannot accept this. This sword asks duties I cannot perform. I can't be the Shogun's Head-taker, there must be some mistake."
   "There is no mistake Sandokhan," the hare replied. "I didn't forge a sword for you for a reason. Take it." The fox looked distant for a second as he remembered Tin-Jin's advice, "Samurai are not bullies or murderers. They are protectors and you must be strong, for I see dark things in the days ahead." Sandokhan then tucked the sword into his waistband. "I accept this great honour," he said in a sturdy and confident voice. There was an applause from all others excluding Jagee, who was not at all moved by the scene. "One last thing, then you are all free to go," Master Krinz said raising his paw to silence his students. "Of all the things you remember after all your time here, remember this. Remember me and remember who you are." The hare then bowed to his students. "I wish you all luck and courage."
   Afterwards, the graduates lounged around in the slightly overcast afternoon as they displayed their swords to the junior novices. All the young ones were in awe at the beautifully crafted blades. The rippling effect of the steel, the keen cutting edges and the comfortable pawgrips. However Sandokhan was not with the others, he was at the fringes of a bamboo grove on the other side of the river displaying his sword to Ritsuko. The vixen adored her friend's blade. "Is that really the Starfire katana? It's gorgeous, just gorgeous. I'd be so proud if I had a blade that magnificent. May I?"
   Sandokhan passed the blade to Ritsuko who unsheathed it in one swift motion. She balanced it in her paw while tracing the thin blood channel with her claw. She then hoisted it and the blade disappeared in a twirl above her head. Sandokhan was taken aback by the vixen's skill. She then squat into an attack stance and severed several bamboo stalks with ease. As the stalks fell with a loud creaking noise, she sheathed the sword back into its scabbard and passed it back to Sandokhan. "Where did you learn to handle a sword like that?"
   "My father taught me,"
   "Your father was Samurai?"
   "Yes, but it is something I do not feel comfortable talking about," she replied.
   "Why is that?" Sandokhan asked.
   "After my own mother died, my father thought I should know how to defend myself. In the beginning, he would only teach me little things, some unarmed moves and holds. But as I grew older, he taught me the way of the sword. However, when he did this he was breaking our clan's code. A female must never learn the way of the Samurai. It will bring shame upon her parents, her mate and her children.
   "Then one day, some Samurai came to our house. Someone had seen father teaching me. The Samurai ordered that honour be restored to our clan. My father committed seppuku right in front of me. Before he drove that sword into his belly, he turned to me and said; 'Never look away.' Afterwards I was sent to live with my grandmother in the hills. After she died, I felt like moving on."
   "I'm sorry. I didn't know," Sandokhan said. "I've had my own share of sadness. My mother and my three brothers. All dead and gone." Sandokhan then thought to lighten her mood a little. "Speaking of fathers, I was just about to go and see mine. Would you like to walk with me a little?" Ritsuko smiled slightly, "All right."
   As they walked on the path westward towards Edu village, a township nestled in at the foot of hill, the pair conversed about Sandokhan's new position of status. "When is it going to be made official?"
   "I mean when are you officially going to be made Head-taker?"
   "Oh. Er, tomorrow. Master Krinz and Tin-Jin are going to escort me to the Shogun's pagoda and also to make sure I don't make a fool of myself in front of his lordship." Ritsuko giggled lightly at her friend's remark. "Hehe. This is why I enjoy your company Sandy. You make me smile so much." Sandokhan blushed furiously from ear tip to tail and twiddled his paws awkwardly. "You don't need to worry. I'm sure you will do his Lordship proud."
   Ritsuko had departed from Sandokhan's company further up the path, saying she had to get back to her duties. Along the dusty streets the good creatures were busying themselves with their daily concerns. The fox was somewhat embarrassed with nearly every creature bowing respectfully to him as they eyed the katana. Sandokhan's father lived in a modest dwelling on the edge of the village. It was nothing more than a small cottage made from wood and dead bamboo stalks built on a foundation of stone. The fox knocked heavily on the door, there was pause followed by the shuffling of paws before the door opened. Sandokhan's father, Christos, was a venerable looking fox. His fur was still orange-brown but grey fur was starting to show in his roots.
   Sandokhan uttered one word, "Dad." Christos took some time to recognise the creature before him. "Sandokhan?"
   "It's me father, I've come home." Both father and son then embraced each other. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming home after graduation? I would've prepared your old room. Well don't stand out there until winter rolls around, come on in!" Once inside father and son conversed over supper and Sandokhan related his stories of growing up with Master Krinz. Sandokhan's mother, the vixen Nanya, died after his first year out of infancy and his three brothers had left the village to fight sea rats in the coast guard, but none returned. Christos examined his son's blade, his eyes brimming with tears of joy. "Head-taker? Your mother would've been so proud... and your brothers would have been so jealous! I take it you've heard about Jinkai?"
   "No, what's happening?"
   "Jinkai has fallen! The sea guard weren't able to hold them and now they're overrunning the entire island. Rumours are saying that Yoshino in the north is in no better state and that an army of rats were seen coming ashore west of here."
   At that point, Sandokhan remembered the night in the passageway with his master and he recalled the scent of blood. There was an enemy and war had arrived.

Problems in life are never resolved by distancing yourself from them. Escape is never the safest plan nor the safest place.



The Shogun of Jima, the great badger Lon, was known as a great protector of his subjects. His rule was stern, but fair. None of his good-beasts were under the whip or the chain, they were free to live as they wanted. However the one thing Lon demanded out of his Samurai above all things was loyalty. The great badger lived in a fabled palace built from white limestone with a pagoda tower spiralling into the heavens. The palace had its own allotments for growing crops, the Shogun's personal forge for making weapons and a most magnificent oriental stone garden for meditation and spiritual healing.
   The massive throne room was donned by silk drapes hanging off the walls, with brass ornaments burning incense over the high beams of the door frames. The council of the triad were three great warriors from each island. The sea otter Ken was one of the triad, however having heard of the distressing news from Jinkai in the south, it seemed Ken would never participate in another meeting. Also with Krinz hanging up his sword and a replacement about to be sworn in, it seemed the perfect time for Claw to launch an attack.
   Lon was in an audience with Krinz and an albino wolf named Fujokai, the last remaining members of the triad. Fujokai's strength was in the bow. He had become such a master of the art that acts of his daring and skill were legendary throughout Yoshino province. The wolf however was not in a happy mood. Having Krinz to appoint a pupil, who had not seen a single battle, as his successor was unprecedented and the news of Claw's troops landing in Yoshino and overrunning the domain unsettled him even more.
   "One of your students?" the wolf spat at Krinz, "How can you even justify such a decision?"
   "Sandokhan perceives much and he is a most promising student,"
   "Is he even aware of the responsibility about to be thrust unto him?"
   Lon rapped the armrest of his throne with a heavy paw. "Friends, please. I know you have doubts Fujokai but Akito has never let me down before. I trust his judgement and so should you, my bow." Lon then turned his gaze to Krinz, "Is your successor prepared yet Akito? I would like to see him now."
Tin-Jin stood with his two aides as Sandokhan emerged from behind a dressing screen, every inch of him a fearsome sight. He was clad in Samurai armour, mainly fashioned from thick leather with plates of metal overlapping the gaps in the layers. The greaves, pauldrons and gauntlets were studded and plated with steel, while the cuirass was covered in a thick coat with lotus flowers embossed on the fabric. Sandokhan adjusted the gold sash across his chest with the Starfire katana fastened securely to his waist. "How does it feel wearing armour?" asked Tin-Jin.
   "It feels quite strange. But it doesn't make me feel fatigued at all," the fox replied. The blind mouse smiled, "That's a good sign, but I'd prepare myself mentally now. I can hear Fujokai coming." Sure enough the white wolf stood in the sunlight of the slightly cloudy morning. "Come fox," he called. Tin-Jin placed a reassuring paw on Sandokhan's shoulder. "Sandy, ahhh, good luck!"
   The fox then stepped out into the courtyard and followed Fujokai towards the pagoda. "Have you ever been in the presence of the Shogun before, vulpine?" asked Fujokai, his voice had a hint of authority.
   "Actually now that you men-"
   "Why do you use a string of words when only one will do?" Fujokai growled.
   "No," Sandokhan replied knowing it was better not to annoy the wolf. As Sandokhan was escorted down a corridor to the throne room Fujokai expressed the importance of etiquette. "Speak only when spoken to, if he stands you must bow, if he bows you must bow lower. If your intentions prove false you will be cut down by the blade you carry. Is that clear?"
   "Yes," replied Sandokhan.
   The massive wooden doors slid open revealing Lon sat in his throne holding a mighty double-pawed dai-katana. With his old teacher stood to his right. "Remember what I told you," Fujokai voiced through the side of his snout. Sandokhan bowed respectfully to the great looming badger who had beckoned him to approach.
   Sandokhan treaded gingerly towards Lon. Inside the fox began to feel out of place amid the regal splendour of his surroundings. A total fool hobbling in all that armour. He bowed once more in front of the badger and then knelt before him. Lon then unsheathed the massive dai-katana and placed the flat of the slightly curved blade on Sandokhan's shoulder. "Akito Krinz, can you vouch the loyalty of this beast?"
   "His loyalty is absolute and his faith is strong," the battle scarred hare replied. "Sandokhan, disciple of Akito Krinz, your master has vouched for your loyalty but I must hear it from your own lips. Will you follow me even if the path you must tread meant your demise?"
   "Will you follow me to flames, to darkness and to the grave?"
   "Rise." The great badger lifted the massive sword and pointed it's stabbing edge towards the fox. Sandokhan then rose to his footpaws, his eyes level with those of Lon. "Shed your right gauntlet and grasp my blade." The fox did as he was bidden, he grimaced slightly in pain as he felt the cutting edge slice lightly into his paw. Now Sandokhan had to recite an oath that Tin-Jin had taught him only hours before. The old mouse had made sure that Sandokhan knew it word for word. "I, Sandokhan, son of Christos and Nanya offer my blood and soul to the service of my Shogun. For the noble truth for which he stands; one great cause for the hope and future of all Jima." He then pulled his clenched paw free of the blade, his blood smearing the edge. The pledge now a blood oath. "Then I hear by accept you Sandokhan into the circle of the triad. My head-taker. My sword!"
On the western coast of Mochizuki, the Stormvermin general Gash stood among the corpses of dead beasts; formally defenders of the western coastline.  The wearets had done most of the slaughter with their ferocious toughness and tenacity. Huge black scorpions were being waded ashore from the ship Black Coral with a clamouring din of hissing and clicking. Their stings were removed eliminating any threat to their riders and adding to the indignity of their captivity. Gash looked around at the red stained sands and could see pockets of stormvermin still fighting with defenders who were determined to fight on. A large wearet, the tribe's chieftain, saluted smartly at Gash. "We's gorrum almost done."
   Gash hardly turned his gaze towards the lumbering juggernaut beside him. "Roygel, round up any still alive and finish them as quickly as possible. We march for the Niji gate tonight."
Problems in life are never resolved by distancing yourself from them. Escape is never the safest plan nor the safest place.


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Pretty nice I wrote a story between Mattimeo and the pearls of lutra. It's called the blade of Noonvale you should check it out.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.



Lon had heard more distressing news. Jinkai had fallen, Yoshino was all but conquered and the enemy were now on his doorstep and heading towards the Niji gate. So it was that he assembled the remainder of the triad council. Sandokhan stood to the badger's right while Fujokai was at his left. The wolf had argued his case constantly for a massive mobilization of the entire army. However the decisions concerning Mochizuki Domain were up to Sandokhan. All three stood round a grand oak table with charts and maps of the domain in great detail. "I will assemble as many fighters from Yoshino as I can. But their numbers will be low. My beasts would die rather than be slaves to the Stormvermin," explained Fujokai. Sandokhan studied the charts closely. "If you bring any archers, I say we divide them into two groups and deploy them on both sides of the valley. That should get them a clear shot of anybeast coming down the road. Meanwhile, I have spoken to the other samurai clans. Nine will join us, three will not."
   "Why, my sword?"
   "Because the future of the clans will be at stake. If those small clans become involved they'll be crushed."
   "Sounds like cowardice to me," Fujokai sneered. "They should be proud that their clans were wiped out in battle. Their glory would live on through the ages."
   "We will need defence volunteers and Mochizuki troops to form a defensive wall in tront of the main gate, which of course will be barred from the side facing the townships."
   "But that means we have to alert the commoners fox,"
   "We have to anyway, my bow," replied Lon. "Besides my goodbeasts have a right to know. My sword, you will need to send messengers out to spread the word. Meanwhile my bow, gather as many fighters from the northern province as you can." The pair bowed before setting themselves to their tasks.
   Wataru was very eager to help a good friend in a time of crisis and Sandokhan had made the otter his second. However the fox made it clear that in fact the otter would be in service of the shogun. Both Sandokhan and Ryu stood by a dressing screen at Wataru's house, waiting for the otter to finish donning his armour. "Come on waterdog! Mochizuki will have already fallen the time you finished," Ryu remarked. Wataru hobbled out clumsily, "This armour's heavy!"
   "Of course it's heavy, duck feathers won't give you much protection," Ryu replied. Sandokhan tapped the floor with the tip of his scabbard, "Right let's get going. I trust that you have spread the word amongst everybeast?"
   "Don't worry Sandy, we did our part," Wataru said reassuringly. "We saw the square on the way over. Impressive turnout," said Sandokhan.
   Sandokhan was taken aback when he saw the huge crowd that had gathered in the centre of his village. Ryu sounded a small gong to bring a sense of order to the crowd. As the fox stood forward everybeast bowed. Sandokhan rolled his eyes into his head. "Thank you all, however I bring sad news. The armies of the Eshin claw have invaded Jima, Jinkai and Yoshino have fallen. The Shogun has requested us to ask you for help in our defence effort." A stunned silence fell over the crowd, whispered conversations spread and many were feeling frightened. Ryu banged the gong numerous times until order was restored. "We are not here to ask you to die," Ryu shouted. "We're here to ask for your help. Help us to wipe your homeland clean from the scourge that threatens it. So we ask you, will you good beasts aid us, your shogun, your country in protecting it from those who strive to conquer us?" After the mouse had finished speaking the first volunteers started to step forward. The three samurai exchanged smiles between themselves. "Nice speech," Wataru commented. "You need a common touch to deal with these beasts," Ryu smiled.
   Just then, the crowd started to part to allow a mouse to stagger past. Sandokhan pushed himself through the crowd to get to the injured mouse. The fox caught him just as he collapsed to the ground. An arrow shaft protruded out of the mouse's back. "What happened?" Sandokhan asked. "Stormvermin... gate, two days..." the mouse went limp in the fox's paws, Sandokhan then rose off the ground and beckoned Wataru to his side. "This information could be invaluable to our effort. I must address the Shogun at once. I want these beasts capable enough to wield a blade in two days. Then I want to call every disciple of our master together at the gate. We can work on an effective strategy when the time comes."
   "You better have a good battle plan otherwise most of us probably won't live to think up another one," the otter replied.
   "Don't worry Wataru, I already have a plan forming in my mind."
The Niji Gate spanned across a steep, narrow valley to the west of Edu village. The gate itself was constructed of light grey rock with fragments of quartz crystal embedded in it. Depending on the weather and season the sun would reflect off the stone radiating a aura of bright colours. Giving it the name Niji, eastern tongue for rainbow. General Gash stood on a hill further west of the gate, surveying the battlefield and calculating the best vantage point for his troops. The massive gate was just visible through the gap in the valley. "Hmmmm," Gash thought out loud to himself. He reached inside his knapsack for his spyglass and held it up to his eye. The sloping valley would prove to be a problem, if the defenders were planning of moving archers to the valley slopes they would have the perfect vantage point. The valley could become a death-trap. "Those troops had better show up when they're supposed to," Gash muttered.
   "That's it your Lordship, you've heard the whole story and I hope it helps us in some way." Lon reflected on what the fox had related to him, "You did well telling me this information, my sword. It appears Claw has wasted no time in his war effort. Have you and Fujokai agreed upon a strategy yet?" Sandokhan bowed politely as Lon rose from his chair, "We are still formulating a plan. Fujokai agrees with turning the valley into a killing field. He doubts if that alone will be enough to deter the Stormvermin."
   "You will have to make a convincing argument. I believe your strategy is capable of holding them back, my sword. However, I don't want your plan to sour on us on the field."
   "Us? You're fighting with us, Sire?"
   "Of course I am!" the great badger barked. "It has been many a season since I've tasted battle. Ten pieces of gold for every head you take," he added. Sandokhan smiled and bowed before he exited the chamber in search of the white wolf.
Problems in life are never resolved by distancing yourself from them. Escape is never the safest plan nor the safest place.



The two days passed slowly, the training of the volunteers was proving difficult. Many of them were peaceful folk who had never seen a sword let alone wielded one. However, some were more suited to the bow than the blade. Sandokhan thought it was probably the rumours and legends of the great Fujokai that had attracted many to the cause. However, to the west of the Niji gate the forces of Ikkit Claw were busy making plans of their own. Dawn was coming and weak sun rays appeared in the east as the Stormvermin army were separated into their battalions and regiments. Their chieftains and captains stood next to charts of the battleground. "Pay attention, you 'orrible lot! This is where the battle really starts. We will be moving out for the gate in an hour, so this is the plan. This battle is merely to see the extent of the enemy's defences. Now, I'm sure that you've all 'eard about these warriors that the enemy put so much faith in, don't believe it! They are mere beasts, they may be tough but they are not invincible. You spear rats will be at the front, while the musketeers will lay down fire to subdue any archers. So, prepare for battle!" Weapons were being sharpened, spearheads and lance tips were driven into scorpion venom glands tainting the points in the venom. Cuirasses, gauntlets, pauldrons, helmets and greaves were being fitted. The Stormvermin army was now ready to march to war.
Sandokhan was also going over his battle plan. Samurai from clans across Mochizuki were mixed in with defence volunteers and surviving warriors from the other domains. "The archers themselves will be split into two groups," Sandokhan began. "One group will be positioned onto the north slope of the valley whilst the second group will be placed on the opposite side. Remember, the first group fires on the first signal. This should confuse the Stormvermin and when the second group opens fire that'll close the trap on them. We attack from three sides: left, right and in front. Lord Fujokai has agreed to lead the first archer unit."
   "Good luck, you'll need it!" Ryu scoffed. Sandokhan scowled at his friend. "Is there something you would like to add to my battle plan Ryu san?"
   "No, Your Lordship. I'm just anxious to get out there and kill some vermin."
   "This is no rabble of mindless sea rats." Everyone present looked towards the voice came from. Jagee stood on his own away from the others. "These are Stormvermin. They are disciplined and organised.'
   "Jagee, glad you could join us!" Wataru sneered. Jagee turned towards Sandokhan, his pale dead eye moving around grotesquely in the socket. "I know you don't like me Lordship. However like you I am Samurai, a servant. I may be half blind, but I've been learning to adapt and my right eye sees more than it ever has."
    Sandokhan then remembered the words he had spoken back in the dojo's training hall. 'All this time I tried to treat you as a friend. No more!'
   "I appreciate your concern in this matter Jagee. I do remember the confrontation at our old dojo, however I am willing to overlook that event if it means you coming to the aid of your country. Your courage is welcome and your skill will be greatly needed." The ferret bowed respectfully to Sandokhan before joining the war host.
When morning had fully broken the defenders were massed in rows before the massive gateway that spanned across the valley. The front rank was occupied by spear beasts and samurai, with Lon standing alongside them. The badger's armour was white and trimmed with shimmering gold. The massive beast loomed over them all with Sandokhan standing at his left. The air was heavy with anxiety and anticipation. A faint rumble was heard in the distance that grew in volume with the passing of time and there, half a league in front of them, the Stormvermin army stood. Brandishing their weapons in the most ferocious manner. "There's so many of them," Wataru gasped. Lon reassured his brave fighters, "Take heart, tell the archers to stand ready." Ryu held up a red paddle and waved it at the northern slope.
   On the northern slope was an ecstasy of fumbling as archers notched shafts to their bows. Then, the columns of armoured rats parted as two figures one small and another much larger creature, emerged on the backs of giant, black scorpions.
   Both Lon and Sandokhan walked out to meet them. Lon stood unmoved by the sight of the large Stormvermin army. "Why won't you go away?" Lon asked. "I am General Gash, supreme commander of the Forces of the Claw. We are here for the glory of the Eshin Dynasty. This land is now a domain of the Eshin Celestrial Realm."
   "This is my land! You are breaking my law and trespassing on the domain of the Shoguns!"
   "Surrender stripedog. Surrender your land and the Honoured Claw in his infinite patience and mercy will allow your creatures to live,"
   "Tell the 'Honoured Claw' that he can boil his 'Honoured Head'!"
   Gash shook his head in mock disappointment, "Very well. If you are so eager to die, we shall oblige you."
   "Any paw that tries to sweep across my domain shall be swiftly cut down."
   "We's shall tell der 'onoured claw of yer disobedience," sneered Roygel. Sandokhan grew bolder, "Do so, but be quick! For already we grow impatient!"
   After that, the mind games ended and the respective generals returned to their armies. Lon was taken aback by his servant's actions. "I hope that wasn't all bravado, my sword."
   "Do not worry Lordship. I have confidence that my plan will work."
Ikkit Claw refused to ride beasts as unclean as scorpions. Instead, when overseeing large battle, he sat atop a massive throne decorated with trinkets of silver and gold carried by twelve chamber slaves. The sun was starting to get higher and the humidity was building when Gash and Roygel reported to their lord, who was fanning himself under a great silk awning. Claw shook his head with annoyance. "Why are these creatures being so difficult? I offer them absolution and peace and still they refuse. Gash, I have only one order; crush them. Quickly and without mercy."
   "By your command," Gash replied before assembling runners to tell his troops on the front lines. Roygel was also rising to leave when his master suddenly raised his brass claw to halt him. "Not you Roygel. I want you to take your kin half a league behind the front line there you are to stay until called for."
   "But, Moi Lord, oi thought..."
   "His Lordship told you to wait!" Mangetail shouted. Then the massive looming wearet grabbed Claw's seer and lifted the rat up to his eye level with his neck in a strangle hold. "You's don't tells me wotta do." There was a shuffling of metal as Claw's bodyguard poised the points of their halberds and spears to Roygel's neck and throat. "Enough of this melodrama. Roygel release him!" Roygel obeyed. Mangetail fell from his grip and landed hard on his bottom. The slaves had to stifle their giggles, Mangetail glared at them evilly which stunned them into silence. "Your bickering is pointless. Now Roygel, you follow orders." With that, Roygel brushed the spear points aside and mounted his scorpion muttering obscenities under his breathe.
Problems in life are never resolved by distancing yourself from them. Escape is never the safest plan nor the safest place.


Nice. 8) I really like it. I wish I could write as well as you did.



The wait was becoming unbearable for the two armies. Sandokhan had sent Jagee up to higher ground to keep an eye on the battleground below him. Fujokai was growing impatient, however many of his archers were neither frightened nor anxious. Less could be said for the forces defending the gate. The air was heavy with unsettling feelings. Then the orders from Gash came through. The Stormvermin army musicians banged drums and blew horns. The spear rats banged heavily on their shields with the shafts of their spears and halberds. Lon drew his ginormous dai-katana and fastened his armour's faceplate to his muzzle. Sandokhan needed no second bidding to draw the Starfire katana which he held in the ready position. Spears protruded through the front ranks of the defending army. As suddenly as it started the clamour and noise stopped. The army of the claw charged forward, trumpets and horns sounding fanfares to the advance.
   "Remember this day, remember this fight," Lon barked loudly. The attacking army drew closer and closer to the gate. Sandokhan was trying to guess the distance between the Stormvermin and the archers up in the valley. The fox now saw his chance, "Now Ryu!" Ryu held up the red paddle then swiped it downwards. The archers' aim was accurate as the first two ranks were cut down by a tremendous volley of hissing shafts. Encouraged by the sight of their enemy being mown down, Wataru grew bolder. He drew his katana and stepped forward, "C'mon rats. Show us what you're made of!"
Behind the line, Gash overlooked the scene through his spyglass. Stunned by the quickness and timing of the ambush attack, he started to form a new strategy in his mind. "This will prove to be difficult," he voiced out loud to his standard bearer. "The 'Onoured One himself did say it wasn't going to be easy." It was then he decided on deploying his elite troops. "I did hope that we would have no need for them, but it appears we have no choice. Deploy the rifle-beasts immediately."
"Your ambush is successful, my sword. The enemy's confused, now is our chance," Lon said as he lowered his dai-katana in front of him. "I look to the east and see a red sun rising..." The massive badger squatted into a ready stance before leaning his head back screaming. "For the red daaaaawwwwwnn!!!"
   The mass of brave defenders now charged forwards towards the army of the claw. When the two armies collided, Samurai cut down Stormvermin paw soldiers, spearbeasts gouged at the enemy ranks as they pushed the invaders back with a great surge of strength. The battle was joined. Sandokhan fought with Wataru by his side, the two warriors slashed, parried and stabbed. The ground under their foot-paws was saturated with pools of crimson gore however the Claw army was still surging forward. The archers on the valley slopes released volley after volley with deadly accuracy and still they kept coming in wave after wave. Up on the high ground Jagee looked on with anxious eyes. For a second he doubted the strength of the invading army. Just then he saw movement in the foliage. It was Gash's rifle-beasts coming to flank the archers.
   Fujokais' archers were growing bolder with every blow they dealt to the Stormvermin. The white wolf was notching another shaft to his bowstring when all of a sudden there was a deafening boom to their left. Fujokai threw himself to the ground and looked around him. Nearly everybeast in his group was dead, several others turned and ran for the safety of the Niji gate, but they did not get far. Fujokai thought of a plan. He took an arrow from his quiver and snapped the arrowhead off. He then slashed his paw with the sharp point and rubbed the wound over his armour, staining it with blood. He then lay still in the foliage waiting for the rats to pass by.
   Meanwhile, safely behind the line, General Gash witnessed the demise of the enemy archers through his spyglass. He chuckled evilly with satisfaction when one of his captains reported the progress of the battle. "Hehehe, excellent. The enemy has lost the advantage of the high ground."
   "We's got word from the front," the Stormvermin captain said. "The wearet cava'ry are in position and awaiting your orders."
   "Tell them to hold," Gash replied. His standard bearer looked at him puzzled. "Yer not orderin' the wearets to attack?"
   "My orders come straight from the Honoured Claw himself. The cavalry is only to keep them from retreating, make that as clear as you can to Roygel. He's a ferocious fighter but his ferocity is not needed at this moment." Gash returned his gaze back to his spyglass watching the carnage below unfold.
When the wearet chieftain, Roygel, heard his orders from Gash, he became infuriated that his tribe was being left out of the fight. The huge wearet clenched and grinded his teeth. "Rrrr! I'm not gonna let sum rat tells my tribe wotta do," Roygel barked as he snapped the visor of his helmet shut. He raised his mace at arms length in front him and shouted, "For'ard!" With a mass noise of clicking and hissing the massive creatures scurried their charges into the fray of battle.
With the absence of their archers the defenders were at a disadvantage. The massive surge of invading troops was beginning to push them back towards the gate. Like many badger lords of the western lands, Lon was on the verge of blood-wrath. With every kill the badger grew more and more berserk. He decapitated the nearest rat and held up the severed head in front of him. "Where is this wise leader of yours? Tell your master to come out and face me!" Lon bellowed.
   Just then, the sound of horns broke over the sound of battle. In the distance a mass of black creatures charged over the horizon towards the defenders. Stormvermin troops were bowled out of the way like ninepins as the arachnid cavalry charged forward, hacking and slashing as they penetrated the defenders' ranks. The shock of the charge was terrible, feeling their will to fight ebbing away some defenders turned and ran. They banged on the huge timbered doors begging to get inside the gate. Sandokhan witnessed the demise of a samurai clan as the two survivors were trampled by a scorpion. Then he heard a loud roar to his right, he saw Lon take a spear in the chest from a mounted wearet. The great badger cut through the spear shaft with his sword, and leaped onto the scorpion and stabbed vertically into the rider. The wearet shuddered and sat limp in the saddle as his mount bucked and reared in it's death throes. Lon withdrew his sword and leapt off the carcass. Sandokhan saw his lord doubled over in pain and hurried over to him. "My Master are you all right?"
   "That spear was poisoned. It's the venom from these creatures," Lon looked around and saw mayhem everywhere, he grabbed Sandokhan. "My Sword," he barked, "promise me one thing,"
   "Anything Sire,"
   "Avenge my death." With that Lon heaved himself upright shed his helmet and charged headlong into a group of wearet cavalry. Sandokhan watched as Lon dispatched one after another, but the poison came into effect and the badger dropped to his knees. The wearet chieftain Roygel took his club and brought it down hard on Lon's skull with a sickening crack.
   Behind him, Sandokhan heard Wataru shouting, "The Shogun is dead! Retreat! Retreat!"
   Sandokhan grabbed Wataru, "No! We fight on!"
   "Sandy, Lon is dead and our numbers are dwindling. We must retreat back to the gate or all is lost." The fox realized the otter was right and started shouting with his friend, "Retreat! Back to the gate!" Sandokhan allowed himself one last glimpse behind him and saw the remnants of the Stormvermin starting to regroup. The fox then started to run with the others. Ahead of him, Wataru noticed the absence of his friend. The otter turned his head and saw four scorpions rear up behind him. "Behind you Sandy! Behind....!"
   Up on the high ground Jagee let out a dry laugh as he saw the fox vanish from view under his attackers.
   "Sandokhan, Nooooo!" Ryu bellowed as he threw himself into the four mounted wearets. One made a lunge at Ryu with his spear and made a hit. Ryu staggered backwards and fell to the ground nursing his chest as his killer advanced. The massive hissing beast reared on it's hind legs over the wounded mouse, the wearet rider grinning insanely as his mount drew closer over Ryu. "Harharhar! Feast on 'iz flesh moi preshuz!" Suddenly, Tigerlilly came out of hiding and took up both of Ryu's katanas, brandishing them nervously at the monstrous sight. "Get away! Get away from him," she called. Ryu's eyes went wide with shock and pain. "Tigerlilly, get out of here... while you still can!" Suddenly the scorpion made a lunge, then it writhed in pain. Bucking and flailing its pincers wildly in its death throes, it collapsed in a heap on the ground. The wearet rider hit and kicked at his arachnid mount yelling obscenities before he jumped down and turned on the mousemaid. Tigerlilly was forced back by the great hulking beast looming over her. Then, the wearet's eyes clouded over as his head fell from his shoulders. As the lifeless torso hewed to the ground the young mousemaid saw a Samurai warrior fox in blue armour, the faceplate of the helmet obscured the fighters' identity. He sheathed his katana and knelt in front of a bewildered Tigerlilly.
   "Why are you here little one? You could've been killed," the fox said in a firm yet mildly feminine voice. The mousemaid didn't reply, she just stood silently with both of Ryu's katanas in her paws. "Ryu..." she uttered at last. The samurai's eyes turned sad as he replied, "Ryu is dead. The poisoned lance did its work. However, your work is about to begin. Run! Go south of here, seek out an old monk called Tin-Jin, he can help you. Go little one, run!"
   With no second bidding Tigerlilly was off in a trice back towards the gate. From there she would head south in search of the old mouse and the refuge of his temple. She turned back and saw the black silhouette of the samurai in blue armour against the sun. She burned the image into her mind, so for seasons to come she could remember the bravery of the mysterious one who helped her that day.

Problems in life are never resolved by distancing yourself from them. Escape is never the safest plan nor the safest place.



The battle was lost, the defence volunteers had put up a brave fight. However their efforts were in vain against the ranks of scorpion cavalry, and rifle-rats had all but wiped out the archers with their black-powder weapons. Jagee was up on a patch of high ground when he saw Sandokhan disappear from view under a trio of wearet cavalry. He was sure he had died, but the ferret had a suspicion in the pit of his stomach that the fox wouldn't die so easily. Jagee had asked Gash to spare him four Stormvermin and a rifle team, comprising of an additional two rats. Just in case, Jegee thought to himself, just in case. It was long past midday before Jagee returned from the battle to his master's dojo. He had come to settle business with his old master.
   Krinz was sat in his dormitory meditating at his shrine. His ears had picked up no sign of battle but he did hear running pawsteps along the corridor. There was one, no! More than one and there was a stench of saturated fur and poisonous orchids. The door slid open and Jagee stepped inside, still garbed in full armour hardly a speck of dry blood on him. "Krinz, the Shoguns' Head-taker is dead! Claw's troops slew him with ease. When you chose Sandokhan as your successor I knew you had made a mistake and I was right!" He then unsheathed his katana and placed the flat of the blade of the hare's shoulder. "Get up! I challenge you to a contest of skill."
   Krinz didn't move a muscle instead he spoke in a calm tone, "Skill is nothing without perception. For perception is the key that unlocks the door to the mind. Sandokhan perceived much, you perceive nothing."
   The ferret spat contemptuously at his old teacher. "Ah, don't hide behind your metaphors and philosophies old hare. Sandokhan is dead!"
   "Your point?" Krinz replied. Jagee raised his blade from Kinz's shoulder and paced around him. "Now I'm the holder of the Starfire katana." With that Jagee spun around, katana unsheathed and cleaved through the prayer shrine in one swift motion where it fell apart in two halves. Krinz then rose from the floor and glared at Jagee. "Why did you do that?"
   "At this moment, my skill has reached its' apex. There is nobeast more deadly than I am."
   "Maybe, but skill without perception is useless to a warrior and has no true value,"
   "Useless? Hahahaha! Krinz you are a stupid old rabbit. Any skill is useful if you know how to use it. Admit it, I was the only one worthy to wield that sword. I should've been chosen as Shoguns' Head-taker." Krinz stood and looked at Jagee with a hardened glare. "I don't agree... and I never shall. Go and do what you must Jagee, but never set foot in my dojo again!"
   Jagee suddenly felt shock at his master's words. Then anger, an anger that turned into a seething cauldron of rage the ferret could feel boiling inside of him. The ferret raised his katana and made a sideways slash through Krinz's neck. Jagee sheathed his weapon and stood over the head of his master, smiling evilly. The evidence was in place, all that Jagee needed now was the scapegoat to take the blame. He knew just the beast in mind.
The moon had fallen behind the horizon and the white sunbeams could be seen in the east as dawn broke over the scene of the Niji gate. The defenders had pulled back to make the gate itself their final stronghold. Gash's Stormvermin were still eager to fight, but fatigue had gotten the best of them all. Sandokhan had returned from the valley just as the first glimmering rays of dawn had yet to kiss the blades of grass and the trees. He carried three severed heads, the heads of the wearets who had tried to slay him. He had killed all three of them and their scorpion mounts, hid under the carcasses until nightfall and made his way back under the cover of darkness. He thanked the gods that Stormvermin seldom stop to check their dead. His mind was a muddle of what to do. His first duty was to Lon but he was thinking he should go to the temple and see if Tin-Jin and the refugees were all right. It was then he turned his glance towards the dojo's stone steps and saw a plume of smoke coming from the top. The fox cast aside the heads and bounded up the steps.
   The place where he grew up was ruined. The windows were smashed and a small fire was blazing away on the front porch. Inside was dark and there was a chill along with the stench of vermin. What the fox found next was a massacre. The otter Maseru lay with his own katana thrust into stomach, next to him were a pile of dead novices still clenching their wooden bokkens in an iron grip of death. Sandokhan only thought of his former master. He raced to Krinz's dormitory as fast as his footpaws could carry him. The shrine was destroyed, the forge had been looted and the blood on the floor had congealed to a sickening brown colour. The fox fell to his knees in shock in front of Krinz's head. Sandokhan stared into the pale dead eyes before he felt his stomach wretch with nausea. He rose quickly and staggered to the door frame where he vomited onto the floor.
   Just as he regained his composure, Sandokhan knew he was not alone. Sure enough Jagee stood before him, his face a picture of accusation and mock shock. "Sandokhan, what have you done?"
   "I, it... I just found him like this," Sandokhan stammered.
   "You will be no more after this!"
   "I did nothing. Jagee please believe me!"
   Jagee had to bite his lip to stop his face twisting into a smile. "So, he was dead when you found him? That's not going to go down well with the others, and the novices, did you have to kill them as well fox? What did they ever do to you? Or was it you were going to come after the rest of us? Was that your plan, so you could be the only disciple of Akito Krinz still alive after your new master reigns over us?"
   "No," Sandokhan protested, raising his voice. "This is monstrous Jagee! What proof have you got that supports these claims?"
   "You're here aren't you? I found you standing over the body of our teacher and there's the massacre downstairs. I have plenty of proof," Jagee sneered. Sandokhan felt hot tears roll from his eyes. "Wh, what should I do?" The ferret's reply came back cold and unsympathetic. "Run away Sandokhan. Run and never return here for as long as you live. Or... if your shame is too much to bear, commit seppuku here on this spot!" Sandokhan drew the Starfire and gazed through his tear-blurred vision at the finely crafted blade. "What are you waiting for? Preserve whatever dignity you have left. You failed all of us," Jagee sneered. The fox trembled before he leapt off the floor, "NO!" He bellowed before pushing Jagee out of his way, nearly bowling the ferret off his foot-paws. Sandokhan then ran to the his old student dormitory. He took a knapsack and filled it with some personal effects he had left behind, his smoking pipe, thin wooden sticks encrusted with incense and his great grand sire's journals. His mind was racing, where could he go? It was not safe for him to stay in Jima any more. He thought of following the River Oda south until it reached the ocean, but what then? Maybe his status could help him out in some small way.
   Jagee watched from the shattered window of his late master's dormitory as the fox ran awkwardly in his armour with a knapsack over his right shoulder. The ferret then turned to the Stormvermin who had materialised from the shadows behind him, "Kill him! Bring me his sword." The rats then took Jagee's leave and scurried off to give full chase.

Problems in life are never resolved by distancing yourself from them. Escape is never the safest plan nor the safest place.


Hey just for the future you might wanna put the chapters in one post. The moderators don't like double posts.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


OK. I will try.

But I must warn you guys it is QUITE long.
Problems in life are never resolved by distancing yourself from them. Escape is never the safest plan nor the safest place.

Captain Tammo

I have to say, after reading only the intro, I can see you have a talent! Ive also been working on my own fan fiction for quite a long while that's similar to your idea of being different from a regular Jacques story. But I won't go into that too much, this is your page.
I couldn't help but notice the kingdom of Jima. As in Iwo Jima, Chi Chi Jima, or HaHa Jima? in my fan fiction, I have an island that's a spin-off of Iwo, I love Japanese history!
Another thing I found neat: SandoKHAN. As in Genghis Khan, the Mongol leader. I do not know if that was your intent, but I think it's an amazing name for a leader.

If you enjoy Japanese history, I'd suggest reading some books by James Bradley. Flyboys taught me a ton about it. ;)

Again, I think you have a gift for this, a little influence is always good, but putting your own twist to things makes it special.i can't wait to read the rest!
"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior