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The summer solstice

Started by Griffen, May 31, 2012, 05:47:12 PM

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start the second book?



okay, i need help, however, unlike last time, an adviser, not an writer.  


yes it is. thats why i made this RP so far north, so anyone can be any creature. where the RP is taken place the creatures have only heard legends of redwall abbey. it a place where species doesn't matter what side your on. to join you just need to make a very interesting profile and wait for my approval. best of luck :)

@Psybox: what do you mean? for your profile?


i mean, small ideas at a time, and i should be able to turn down ideas if i don't like them.  And yes i mean with my second character.


ok, no one ever said you have to keep any ideas. thats why their called ideas, their not set in stone until the the RP starts.

maybe he could use a two handed long sword?


@Psybox: i just re-read some of your post. if you dont like your first character just change him and wait for my new approval . i dont want you to play a character you dont like, i wouln't and i would never ask anyone to do so.


it's not that i don't like him, i just can't understand some parts, and i'm probably the person who needs to understand him the most after you, or maybe before you.  The point is I don't understand whether or not your saying if he's smart but hides being smart, or if he's smart enough to hide a certain capability.  If the latter, what is the mentioned capability?


Name:Razer(to raze means to destroy. Therefore, a razer is someone who destroys)
Age:14 seasons
Clothing:Vest, shorts, and swordbelt
Weapon:A small sword. It is crafted out of simple wood and metals, but is rather sturdy nonetheless

Appearance:Big and muscular for an otter, and she has many battle scars. She is also quite fast and agile. Her fur is thick, making it easier for her to manage in the cold northlands, and it is colored reddish-brown, like autumn leaves. Her eyes are stormy gray. Her appearance is intimidating to the point that it's scary, but despites this she manages to look somewhat pretty.

Personality:Serious, tough, quiet, solitary, strong, unpredictabe, and clever. She hates taking orders and would much rather give them. She is affected by Bloodwrath, though she's not a badger. She is dubbed as "emotionless" because she has never laughed or even smiled once in her lifetime.

History:Abandoned by her parents as a babe. An evil tribe of foxes found her and raised her to be evil. The training they gave her was harsh, but she endeaured it. Eventually, she grew rebellious of their giving her orders. Wanting to do what she wanted to do, she left, wanting to be simply a loner. But when she got invited to the Academy she decided to go, though a bit unwillingly.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


im sorry for not making it clear enough. yes he is smart, really smart. he hides his skills form others so if they do attack him they wont know what they are getting into to. and if you want to know his skills we can PM about it to keep them from the other players. does that make it clear enough?

PS: yes you should understand your character better than i do.

@Skyblade: LOVE IT!!! your accepted. any question? because i have the answers if you want/need to know anything :)


Quote from: Griffen on June 19, 2012, 12:26:35 AM
im sorry for not making it clear enough. yes he is smart, really smart. he hides his skills form others so if they do attack him they wont know what they are getting into to. and if you want to know his skills we can PM about it to keep them from the other players. does that make it clear enough?

PS: yes you should understand your character better than i do.

@Skyblade: LOVE IT!!! your accepted. any question? because i have the answers if you want/need to know anything :)

thank you!!!(btw Razer does that too, pretending she's not as strong as she is) and no, I don't have questions at the moment.

EDIT:wait, yes I do! why is this RP called the summer solstice?

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Name: Schrodinger
Species: Cat
Gender: Male.
Appearance: brown fur with streaks of grey. long haired, red eyes.
Clothing: kilt and so forth.
Weapon: two-handed longsword.
Description: despite his clothing, he doesn't have any accents.
probably next thing I'll work on/ask for help on is a bit more than just not having an accent on the description.
And because it takes place on, and starts on the summer solstice.


Oh. Thanks to you for answering my question ^^

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


two days and the RP starts, so get ready, get your second character ready for my approval if you want one. and to every one who hasn't made a character yet, im not allowing any late joins till the end or beginning of each chapter.

yes thats right i said it, chapters. im deciding to use chapters. i will tell you when a new chapter starts and ends. i will put the name of the chapters on my blog/website. for now i only have the first two chapters names ready. (after a chapter is done and you have a better name for it please PM me, im open to suggestions :) )

chapter one: students
chapter two: summer school

@psybox: looking good, almost done. lets see.... because he is using a two handed long sword he would have some type of experience in fighting (that type of sword its hard to master or even use fairly well)


i think it would be interesting if each player contribute one character from another RP as an NPC, if good, then target of a mission, if evil, a teacher/non-important student, even if just as a cameo.   


thats a great idea!!! because the RP is taking place sooo far north that there are only legends of redwall abbey. so we can have good guys from other RP's as missions. please post your good guys Profile so i can make him a NPC. also i will need help with this idea so if you want to be a NPC for another players mission please PM me, thanks. i will personally start this off by putting up one of my own characters... Andrew i know you gonna want to kill this one because you dont like him that much.

PS: make sure when you put good guys profile up to add three years onto their life making them older thanks :)

Name: keen
Age: 35
Gender: male
Species: rat
occupation: boatswain
Size: large
Description: large and in charge, keen keeps all of the passengers in check. although he is a rat he is natural for both sides. He is widely know as a bounty hunter when ever in port, however any revenge on him for past events have been.. futile.

Dannflower Reguba

Nah, he just drives me nuts some times.  ;)........ But what if I don't want other people running off killing my RP characters! That's like saying I don't care about them.... I'm very attached to my characters.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This