The summer solstice

Started by Griffen, May 31, 2012, 05:47:12 PM

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start the second book?



he said wildcat's, not the wildcat's.  He was referring to your username being Wisteria Wild Cat.  Again, i could be wrong, but...

Wisteria Wild Cat

Oh. OK.  :) As for what you said Abbot, I think I will, if you don't mind. She can just be coming to the Academey.
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!


yes i was talking about you, and you are sharing a room with Redwallers character.

ignore that, you can share one with Devil


so... who would like to play as a good guy in the sequel?

ok so we have been calling them chapters (when the next chapter ends and what not). but now were are gonna call them parts instead. the reason why i am making this change is because the "chapter" which are now called parts are gonna be split up when i post them as a story because its easier for me, thought i'd let y'all know... oh and answer my question up there  :D


Like you mean only a good guy?

Dannflower Reguba

No, he means both.... Man I can't tell them SOOOOO much! It will make alot more sense later on. I'm planning on having a additional good guy next RP. (But you should know that already Griffen  :))
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Theen yes. I'm going to make a good guy.


Here's my secod character

Name:Fangor(totally took this name from gregor the overlander)
Appearance:He has very dark gray, almost black fur that he never grooms. His eyes are a sickly type of green-yellow. He wears a vest and loose pants with holes in them. His weapon is a longsword which he's always holding firmly in his paw.
Personality:Rude, cynical, and mean. He only cares about himself and his precios longsword. He seems to hate everyone, especially those in higher authority of him cause he's jealous.

All i can say is, its hard to like him! and razer's not very likeable either

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


accepted, please wait till i say he can enter, thanks  :D


Age: 18 seasons
Species: Fox
Gender: male
Description: He has black fur with silver stripes
Weapon: dagger and brute strength


Name: Olfear
Age: 25 seasons
Gender: Female
Specie: Badger
Weapons: spear
Description: all black, with a white spot on his muzzle.

He's for killing


fail... your profile says female but then you said "he's for killing" hahaha


Name: kindle
Age: 24 seasons
Gender: female
Species: mouse
occupation: spy
Size: smaller than the average mouse
Description: well she is a spy so her personalty and everything like that changes like the wind.

oh and shes a target


Name: Orleaf McLud
Age: 25 seasons
Gender: Male
Specie: Mouse
Weapons: dagger
Description: Dark brown fur. black head.


is he your second person? i need more info if so