The fall of Redwall..... The rise of St. Ninians......

Started by AbbotAlf0805, June 01, 2012, 01:15:25 AM

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I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.



Keen stuck out his bloody paw for a handshake.


It was a moonless sky that stood over the traveler. He had walked for several weeks now, and was weary and hungry. "I hope I'm almost there!" He told himself.


I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


OOC:I made another character.


BIC: Looking around if anybody was around, he sat down and started a fire.


Three shrews were bringing a cart full of sandstone for the new abbey saw a fire up ahead, "look mabye thats the camp of the redwallers!" then the other one said, "but you 'ould think there would be more than one fire eh?" then they went up to the fire.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


The traveler heard voices; quickly, he made his way up a tree unnoticed.


The shrews reached the camp and said, " i would have sworn i saw a creature here. oh well" and the moved on.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


"That was close!" He sighed. He put off the fire and continued is way through the woods.



Keen left the camp for a bit. The other creatures were still giving him dirty looks. "i'll be back in the morning." he said to no one. settling down far from the redwall camp, he started a fire... reaching into his backpack he grabbed some meat he stole from the camp and started to cook it.


Martin began too feel sorry for the rat and went over to his fire to eat with him.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.



He pulled out a dirk just as Martin came up. Keen got ready to use the knife... bringing it down he chopped the meat into two pieces.

OOC: gotcha hahaha ;)


Hello Keen how are you doing?" said Martin sitting down with him.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.



Keen tossed one half of the meat to Martin. "fantastic" he murmured, them smiled really big... his eyes got lost in the flicker of the flames

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: Your eating fish right? Redwallers will only eat fish based meat.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This