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Funniest Redwall moment

Started by Captain Tammo, July 01, 2011, 01:12:00 AM

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Tiria Wildlough

Maudie: Gorbadge in sick ratata bestray, and you red him to broughtwall?
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More from Maudie:

"Yah, gerroff, you swoggle-toothed bounders! If I could jolly well get free I'd biff your snouts off! Just you wait, I'll poison your porridge, I'll sabotage your salad, I'll destroy your duff, I'll...I'll... wahoo!"

....and she's tossed into the room, stuffed in a flour sack. XD Love this gel!
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


Anything with Grubbage or Bungo. :D
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Tiria Wildlough

When Bargle and Mayon are ragging Florian over him sitting on a salad fork.
Florian: A frog's feather for you lot!...I will not stand here to be insulted!Bargle: Then sit down if y'dare!
I always laugh at that bit!  :D :D
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"Calm down, I'll not have language like that under my roof."

Argument between Tammo's parents... not exact, but never fails to make me smile. :D
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.

Tiria Wildlough

Hahaha! :D
Yik: 'Flippin' bloomin' wotwot, I wanna go wiv 'er!'
That whole part always makes me smile.
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Redwall Musician

Some funny moments (to me at least), was with Jukka the Sling and Grood. It was funny.

Jukka: What think thee, Grood?
Jukka: Watch thou tongue Grood!

He only said one line, and he wasn't saying anything bad, but she told him to stop using that language. He usually never got to say anything though.
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


LOL I liked Grood. He was always getting smacked for language - apparantly too heinous for we, the readers, to see - but Dotti was better at that sort of thing. One wonders where these kiddos learn the stuff! ;D

It's not really meant to be funny, I don't think, but in Rakkety Tam, when the captain, Wonwill, and the patrol are marching out to meet the vermin - Fortindom and Wonwill are just then making their battle plans. As they are marching onto the field. Wut? XD I LOL whenever I get to that part, haha.
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.

Tiria Wildlough

I was just reading Triss, and it was funny when the Dibbuns are hounding Memm Flackery and Sister Vernal, and then Log-a-log comes in and says, 'A big rat ran down the stairs with a bag of strawberries! We can't 'ave that, can we? Get 'im!'
That bit made me smile. :D
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This part from Mattimeo:

It was difficult for Mattimeo to ignore Vitch. Now the rat was wiggling a paw to his snout end at his enemy. The young mouse straightened his back from the pile of baskets. "Right, that's it! I've taken all I can stand of his insults." Quickly Tess doged past Mattimeo and ran towards Vitch, who was still grimacing impudently. Angrily, the young churchmouse picked up the first thing that came to her paws. It was a pliant rose stem. "Look out, Vitch, there's a great big wasp on your tail," she cried out urgently. "Stay still, I'll get it!" Startled by Tess's warning cry, Vitch obeyed instantly, turning and bending slightly so she could deal with the offendng insect. There was no sign of a wasp behind Vitch. Tess swung the rose stem, surprised at her own temper but unable to stop the swishing descent of the whippy branch. It thwacked down hard across Vitch's bottom with stinging speed. Swish, crack! Yeeehooooooowowow!" The rat straightened like a ramrod. Leaping high in the air, he rubbed furiously with both paws at the agonizing sting.
Cornflower came hurrying over. "Oh, dear, the poor creature. What happened, Tess?"The young churchmouse looked the picture of innocence, though she felt far from it. Blushing deeply, she stammered an excuse. "Oh golly. Vitch had a wasp on his bottom, but I couldn't brush it off in time. I think he's been stung."Vitch was thrashing about on the grass, tears squeezing out onto his cheeks as he rubbed furiously at his tender rump. Cornflower was genuinely concerned. "Oh, you poor thing. Don't rub it, you'll make it worse. Go to Sister May at the infirmary and she'll put some herb ointment on it for you. Tess, show him where it is please." Scrambling up, Vitch avoided Tess's paw and dashed off, sobbing. Tess turned to Matimeo. "Aaahhh, poor Vitch. It must be very uncomfortable," she said, her voice dripping sympathy. Mattimeo tried hard to keep a straight face. "Indeed it must. It's a terrible thing to be stung on the bottom by a churchmouse, er, wasp, I mean." Cornflower put her paws about them both. "Yes, of course. Now you two run off and play. There may be other wasps about and I don't want either of you stung."

So hilarious! The best part is, they didn't even get punished for it! Hahahahahahaha!  :D ;D
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Skalrag of Marshank

Love that part. Too bad it wasn't in the show...
"With great chocolate comes great responsibility."
  ~ Larry Boy


It wasn't!?!?!?!?!?!  >:(  >:( >:(

Now I'm never going to watch the Mattimeo cartoon show.  >:(
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Skalrag of Marshank

"With great chocolate comes great responsibility."
  ~ Larry Boy


It'll probably ruin my impression of Slagar. Then I'll never like him as a villian again. And I think Slagar's awesome. It would probably ruin his voice. I liked the Martin the Warrior cartoon, though.
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Tiria Wildlough

I like everything that goes on between Kurda and Plugg Firetail. :D :D I love Plugg. He's my second favourite villain.
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