
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Redwall Abbey Vermin

Started by Redwaller, June 06, 2012, 12:16:11 AM

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he saw the craziness going on but was too weak to do anything so he just sat down and watched, sadly.


KREASTLE!!" Maximus was looking around desperatly.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.



she walked calmly down the docks. Muth saw her master from a distance and started to walk towards him. she had a smile cross her face and sat right down next him, she put her arm around him and hugged him for a long time.


Barbossa looked around the deck of his ship. his men were scampering around then he asked his men, "Where's miss Muth?"
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.



"glad to see you made it here fine, chili." he said while looking at the boat off in the water.


I asked you a question men! Where is she?!"
"On..n..n shore cap'n."
"I hope she is ok... Bulk take the wheel!" said Barbossa jumping into a longboat with four of his best pirates and headed for shore.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.



"argghh!" she yelled while waving her rapier into the air, signaling for the captain to come. Finiet shook his head, a smiled crossed his face.. he missed chili.


geronimo was sitting apart, feeling a bit awkward. He was saved by the captains arrival. "Over here!"


Barbossa saw her and yelled to his men who were paddling, "C'mon men! Hurry up!" Then they got to shore and Barbossa took off his tripoint hat and bowed low.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


OOC: Muth, Finiet and Geronimo are at the same spot!


Oh.. uh who are you?" said Barbossa stepping back strangly when he saw Geronimo. He clearly had some rum that night.  :D
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.



Muth smiled, helping up her master the to of them got on the paddle boat. "thanks mate." she said with a fake sailor accent. Fineiet got in the boat "dont rock the boat." he said silently


"I am Geronimo the Brave! Father of Timbalisto, who was a friend of Maximus!" He said, pulling out his sword and looked at his reflection.


Uh... right... well i'm going back to the boat." said Barbossa getting in the boat and popping the cork off a bottle and drinking some rum.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.



Muth reached for the rum bottle and tried to snatch some for herself. Finiet slapped Muth's hand faster than her reach. his look told her enough, and she sat back down.