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DEMO The Ranger's Adventure

Started by Redwaller, June 06, 2012, 12:53:02 AM

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Yea but it is better are you going to do Redwall Abbey Vermin or whatever it is called
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


I'm making a book with the RPs Redwall Abbey Vermin is part of it!


My favorite people: Obi Wan, Satele Shan, Jek 14, Kai, Longtooth, and Kili.


Do you want to join the story? The sign-ups are open!


Chapter 4

        Kreastle was waiting outside the infirmary, Sister Amabel got out with her finger on her lips. “How is he?” Kreastle inquired.
“He won’t die! It was just a poison that makes him lose conciousness and forget what happened since his last sleep.” Amabel said reasuringly. “But he won’t be able to walk for a while.”
“Is it bad?”
“The dagger only pierced the muscle, the bone is safe.”
“Can i see him?”
“He’s sleeping for now. But as soon as he wakes up, i’ll send someone to get you.”
“Thank you Amabel! Well i’ll go and see Skipper.” She hurried outside but stumbled on Skipper. “Skipper! I need to talk to you!”
“Well than, let’s go sit down! So... What is it?”
“I want to know everything that happened last night!”
“Well, we were patrolling the walls, when suddenly, one of my otters yelled. We went to see what it was; it was a dark shadow running away! We chased it and he arrived at a dead end. We were going to capture him when he killed one of us. So we fired at him and a sttone caught his leg! He jumped down the battlements and ran away, we gave him chase. We were searching for him, when we heard Maximus yell, we ran towards the noise, but Maximus was already on the ground, with no signes of the shadow! That’s all i know.”
“Thank you Skipper!”
“Your welcome! If you don’t need me anymore, i’ll go back to my business.”
“Of course, see you later!”


I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


        Kreastle went to the kitchens and walked up to the abbess. "I need to talk to you!" She whispered. "In private!"
"Then let's go to my studie!" she whispered back. They hurried upstairs. They entered and took a seat. "Now, what is it?"
"Their was a shadow last night! And i checked my papers, and the plans for the attack have been stolen!"
The abbess gave a gasp of surprise. "But, who was it?"
"I talked to Skipper, and he said it was a shadow!"
"What will we do?"
"We need a new plan! And organize our defenses differently!"
"I leave it in your hands! Do what is necessary!"
"Yes, mother!" Kreastle went out to prepare a new plan.
"Kreastle! Kreastle!" A young otter came running up to Kreastle. "Sista 'Mabel wanna see ya!"  Kreastle ran towards the infirmary. She bounded up in front of sister Amabel.
"What is it sister?" she panted.
"He's awake and wants to see you!"
Kreastle ran inside the infirmary and kneeled at Maximus' side.
"How are you feeling?" She asked anxiously.
"Pretty good, except i can't move my leg."
"Sister Amabel said you'll be alright; you won't be able to walk for some time. But everything else is okay!"
"That's okay!"
"What happened?"
"I can't remember anything except i had a dream and i woke up here!"
"You need rest! I'll be back later!"
Kreastle went to her room to prepare plans for defense and offense.


Chapter 5

It was a scorching summer day, when Deathtail decided to train the troops to keep them fit. “Defense position!” The front rank kneeled down, lowering their spears. “Attack position!” The troops lowered their spears and charged at the dummies along the wall. “the troops are learning well with you! I wish i could say the same about Garrtail!” He said, pointing at garrtail naping in a corner. “Well, continue what you’re doing!” Rofnard walked up to Garrtail. “Are the weapons ready?”
“hu! What? Ho! Yes milord!”
“Good! Now, your troops are napping about, why don’t you wake them up and make them run around in full gear!”
“As you wish!”
rofnard walked back to his throne, wich had been brought outside. He slumped down, watching his captains train the troops.

Maximus was walking about, searching for his sword. He went down to the cellars to searching. After searching for an hour, he was beginning to give up hope; he kicked some crates over, making much noise. “Huho! That’s not good!” He said, searching for a place to hide. He heard voices coming towards him, quickly, he hid inside a barrel, popping the cork off to see what was happening. The cellar-keeper and Timbalisto the mouse arrived. “Look! There’s some crates knocked over!” The cellar-keeper said. “Someone is here!”
He looked at the barrel Maximus was in. “I saw that barrel move!” He whispered to Timbalisto. They walked away slowly, rounding towards the barrel; they pounced at the same time, knocking the lid over and grabing Maximus. “What were you doing here?” timbalisto asked.
“I was bringing a barrel of october ale to Kreastle, but i got lost and bumped on these crates.” Maximus lied.
“Well, take your barrel and be off with you! And i don’t want to see you here alone again, understand?”
“Yes sirs!” He took a little barrel and ran off, hiding it behind a board. He ran ouside towards Kreastle’s cottage. He looked around to see if anyone was watching, and entered. He went straight to the attic. Danjosal saw him enter, silently, he crept inside, trodding silently up the attic stairs. “Haha!” He said, bounding out. “What are you doing here?”
Maximus whirled around. “Nothing! I was just... Kreastle asked me to get something for her!”
“Hmmm! Sounds suspicious to me! Let’s go ask Kreastle then!”
“Ask me what?” Kreastle said, walking up the stairs. “What are you doing here?”
“Okay, okay! I’ll tell you all! I was searching for my sword!”
“What!? Why would you want your sword?”
“Because it’s the only thing left of my father! I need it back!”
“I told you we would give it to you when you would go away!”
“But i want it now!”
“I already told y...” Kreastle couldn’t finish her phrase for a crashing sound drowned her words.

“Heeeeeeeeeeeeyyyaaaaa!” a scream rent the air.
“What was that?”
“Let’s go see!”
They bounded outside, only to see a huge rock fall in the pond.
“Everybeast inside!” Kreastle yelled. “Maximus, Danjosal, let’s go see what it is!”
“I’m coming with you!” Timbalisto said, running up to them.
“Then let’s go!” They hurried up the walls. A huge catapult was positioned in the grassland, the rocks were so big that it took a score of beasts to move them. A hole had been dug for the catapult’s head to rest in, so they  just had to roll the rocks inside it. Another rock came crashing in the orchards, destroying it completely. “What is that?” they said together. Another rock came towards them. “Jump!” they all jumped, but Timbalisto wasn’t fast enough; the rock came crashing down, crushing Timbalisto’s leg. He screamed out in pain, losing conciousness a second later. “Quick! Get him to the infirmary!” The bombarding stopped as suddenly as it had started.

Further down the road, a wearet named Grimmer was making it’s way towards Fort Blood. It arrived, booming on the door. “OPEN THE DOORS!” He thundered. Bartel hurried to the door, opening it quickly. He went sprawling over as the wearet entered. “WHERE IS YOUR MASTER?”
“Right thi-this way!” Bartel stammered.
“Who’s your leader?”
“I am, the mighty Dranfor Rofnard!”
“I have come to crush the redwallers, and you too!”
“Put him in the catapult and fire him in the abbey!” Rofnard whispered to Bartel
“Yes milord!”
“We shall give you a little treat before you crush me!”
“Follow me!” Bartel said, showing Grimmer the catapult. Grimmer was as dumb as he was stong.
“Huh! Okay!” He went flying into the abbey, landing in the pond. He got out, roaring is rage. Kreastle and Danjosal jumped on grimmer, along with a few redwallers. Grimmer fought as best he could, bringing a few redwallers with him to Dark Forest. Kreastle cut his head right off. “What... was... that?” Danjosal panted.
“I don’t know, but it’s strong!”
Maximus hurried over. “What happened?”
“That happened!” Kreastle said, pointing at the headless wearet.
“Ugh! What’s that?”
“I think it’s a wearet!” The abbess said. “And you were lucky not to get all killed!”



Chapter 6

        Kreastle, Danjosal and Maximus were kneeled besides Timbalisto’s bed.
“How are you feeling, mate?” Danjosal asked anxiously.
“I can’t feel my leg anymore.”
“After the rock crushed it, i would be surprised you could! And i don’t think you ever will!” Maximus said gloomily.
“Don’t be such a pessimist, Max” Kreastle said. “We’re all sorry for you and wish you heal quickly!”
“I’m afraid Max is right!” Timbalisto said sadly. “I’ll never be able to walk with it again!” he closed his eyes.
“You should let him rest for now!” Sister Amabel said. “Come back later when he rested a little.”
“Let’s go patrol, guys!” Kreastle said, trying to change the mood. “We don’t want to get killed!” they went outside in direction of the walls. “You shouldn’t have said that Max!”
“What? I was just stating a fact!” He said innocently.
They arrived at the top in time to see a rain of rocks hurtling down on the walls. They got down hurriedly. The rocks came crashing down on the doors, destroying it to pieces. “Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarge!” Vermin ran towards the abbey.

        At the opposite side of the abbey, Badrang and his horde heard the shout. “Chaaaaaaaaaaarge!!!” They pounded there way towards the action. “Go get reinforcements, Max! Ho, i almost forgot! Your sword is in your room. I hid it there, knowing that you would never think of searching there!”
“What!? All that time i was searching and it was in my room!” At that, Max was gone.
“Redwaaaaaaaall!!!” Kreastle and Danjosal jumped into the mêlée, battling fiercely.
“Help! Help! We are being attacked!” Maximus shouted. “Everybeast, take your position!” He ran up to his room and grabed his sword.He hurried outside and charge the vermin. Badrang and his horde entered the abbey with a yell. “Badraaaaaaaaaang!” Maximus charged Badrang, chopping him in two. He whirled about in time to take a sword in his chest. Maximus the Ranger, son of Marchellius the Warrior, died.
Kreastle saw him fall. She screamed, crying unashamedly; her eyes became red, her blood roused, she became full of the Bloodwrathe. She yelled, chopping down vermin like grass. She ran to Maximus, giving him her sword and picking up his. “Your blade shall kill the vermin!” She went back to battle. Danjosal was inside, protecting sister Amabel against the vermin. “Come sister, we need to get out!” They jumped down on the battlements and ran out in the woods. Rofnard was inside with Deathtail and Garrtail. “Kill all in the abbey! I shall take care of the abbess!” He said, running towards the place where the abbess was hiding. “Come out me beauty! If you get out, nothing will happen to you!” Seeing he had no replie, he broke the door and punched the abbess, leaving her unconcious.

        Timbalisto got out of bed and picked up his sword, walking painfully towards Dranfor. “You shall pay! Vermin!” He swept his sword downwards, but Rofnard blocked him and plunged his sword in Timbalisto’s throat. As Timbalisto fell down, Maximus’ eyes opened, blue radiating from him. He got up and made his way towards Kreastle. He swept Kreastle up and ran outside, leaving the vermin inside the abbey. He took his sword back and gave Kreastle Martin’s sword. “We lost a battle today, but we didn’t lose our lives!” A battle ended and a journey began.

The End


So... how is it?

It's not the real story, it's only a demo


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


did you read the actual book?

Only the prologue and chapter 1 finished though


My favorite people: Obi Wan, Satele Shan, Jek 14, Kai, Longtooth, and Kili.
