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Escaping the Redwall Universe (The Mods Anniversary Role Play)

Started by Lutra, June 09, 2012, 01:05:44 PM

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Hello all.

The staff felt, based on a suggestion from one of the members, that mods/admins should do a role play that they are involved with.  Well, we listened, and decided we would make a role play based on the fact that somehow all the mods got trapped in the Redwall universe and were trying to find our way back to our usual human lives in the modern era.

How this is going to work:

Its plainly obvious the mods cannot all get on as often as some members here.  Most of us have other responsibilities such as jobs beyond this board, so the frequency that we can post and reply is limited.  Therefore, if you wish to join in and help us around Redwall, make one post and abstain from posting again till at least two mods have made a post following yours.  This will prevent the story from going so far ahead of the mods that its almost impossible to catch up or it makes for awkward moments.

An example of this scenario would be:


Its just an example, and there can be hours between when us mods actually post.  You'll have to be patient, but that's the fairest way to work this out so everyone has the opportunity to join in.  If you're posting too rapidly, it will be pointed out.

Anyone is welcome to join in -- no prior approval needed.  But--and this is big--nothing outrageous.  No crazy monkeys, aliens, zombies what have you, will be in this RP.  It is strictly Redwall based.  If Mr. Jacques wouldn't write it into a Redwall story, you shouldn't either. ;)

Please post character names and species so we are aware of who is playing whom and what they do.

Have fun!
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


I will be playing Whitewater, a river otter, of about 15 seasons (3.75 years old approx).
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


Read the first post---it says anyone may join. ;)  You must follow the posting guidelines outlined in the first post.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.--Billy Sunday



I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.

Dannflower Reguba

"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


I'll be Daniel, a mouse of about Dandin's age from Mariel of Redwall.
Received mostly negative reviews.


So let me get this straight, the Mods are the ones somehow transported to the Redwall universe, and then subsequently transformed into redwall creatures, so the rest of us are normal Redwallers, jah?


Sounds like fun.  I'll play as my OC Brigg, a rat of 20 seasons and a Brother at Redwall.
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer

Tiria Wildlough

Awesome! I'll be Shaderinne, a shrewmaid, who's 13 seasons.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.



Quote from: Galedeep on June 10, 2012, 05:44:35 AM
So let me get this straight, the Mods are the ones somehow transported to the Redwall universe, and then subsequently transformed into redwall creatures, so the rest of us are normal Redwallers, jah?

Something like that. :) I liked the idea when I heard it.  Its just finding the time to reply--hence the posting restrictions because the mods are not around as much as some of you homeschoolers are.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


Can I be a guy I like? His name is Barbossa Sparra. He is a pirate mouse about 25 seasons
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.