Escaping the Redwall Universe (All May Join)

Started by Lutra, June 09, 2012, 01:20:59 PM

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Tiria Wildlough

A giggle escaped from Shade's mouth. She couldn't help it any more, and fell to the floor, laughing.
Then she looked up at the otters. 'S-sorry, I, um...'
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Whitewater looked at the shrew who had bumbled into the large room, laughing uproariously.  She's laughing at us! he thought, well I guess that's better than questioning us to the nth degree.  "We were just about to return to the dining room," Whitewater announced to the shrew, hoping she'd get the message and be on her way.  They were going to go back to the dining area, but Whitewater desperately needed to know first whether or not Lily would work with him on this.  This wasn't going to be something any one otter could pull off on his or her own.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


Lily was just about to agree whole-heartedly with Whitewater when Shade made her grand entrance. She wondered how much the shrew maid had heard. Jhdging from her reaction, enough to make her think that both of the otters were at least a little bit crazy. Well, there's not a lot we can do about that now, thought Lily. Taking Whitewater's paw, she headed back in the direction of the dining hall. "Yes, the dining hall. Why don't you join us?" She winked secretively at the other otter, hoping that was enough to let him know that she was happy with his plan.

Tiria Wildlough

Shade tagged along behind the otters, feeling terribly embarrassed. She didn't feel like laughing at all now. The shrewmaid slunk over to a table and tried to drown her mortification in strawberry cordial.
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I'm not a hipster.


Daniel was far too busy talking to the wonderful abbey folk and stuffing his face with the delicious food to notice the disappearance of the two otters and the shrewmaid. Even if he had noticed, however, he most likely wouldn't of thought much of it. He did notice them returning, though, as he had stopped eating for the time. Wonder where they went to, he thought.
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Whitewater took Lily's paw as they walked back into the dining area, everyone still immersed in their food to provide much notice to them.  This time though, Whitewater found an area with two empty chairs next to each other, so he could be next to Lily, rather than across or away from her.

"May as well sit together if they intend to start asking questions again," he murmured.  "No point in having us singled out if we can make this work together.  Plus we need to look like a couple."  He grabbed a pitcher at the center of the table.  "More cordial for you?" he offered, pouring the mugs next to them.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


Matthias was still eagerly eating everything he could as the two otters returned. He looked over at them and winked. "Couldn't resist all this wonderful food, eh?" he said, as he nonchalantly helped himself to another generous portion of everything. As he filled his plate, he looked over at Whitewater and asked, "So matey, you never answered my question; are you from around here?" He went on. "I'm not from around here myself. Where I come from is, eh, rather far from here. Can't get there from here, if you know what I mean."


OOC: This is my last reply before I leave.  Mods will take over Whitewater until I return. :)


Whitewater had barely taken his seat, carefully moving his tail aside when the mouse addressed him again.  The otter took a sip of cordial, thinking this one over.  The mouse had spoken as cryptically as he had.  Whitewater responded quickly, "Oh I just go here and there, I don't really have any place of residence around here."  He picked up a couple of pieces of bread, one for him and for Lily.  "Have you wandered all around too? Maybe we've been to the same places."
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


Lily accepted the bread from Whitewater and broke a piece off to give her time to think about her answer. She decided vague was best where there was a chance they might be overheard. "I don't really have a home either, I just travel where I like and sleep where it's comfortable. I recently came from the, er, south."


OOC: if I did something wrong please let me know. I haven't posted on this for a while!

BIC: Barbossa watched them feasting and was muttering to himself, "So wonder where exactly these newcomers have come from.." He didn't eat with them because he wasn't hungry.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


OOC: Alf, you're fine.


Whitewater dipped his bread into the strawberry cordial, hoping this didn't appear too unusual.  He listened as the otter spoke, but didn't seem to know where she came from.  She was as uncomfortable as he was.  Whitewater decided to take a huge chance, and decided this would pretty much determine if this otter was simply a confused otter of this world...or something more.   "South you say...." he said, steadily, adding "south of the Mason-Dixon line?"
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


Lily had no idea what the Mason-Dixon Line was. Something about it rang a bell from high school geography, but apart from the vague notion that it had something to do with the USA, she was stuck. "No, er, more like the southern... hemisphere." She hoped Whitewater would understand what she said while the rest of the inhabitants would just think it was a place in the distant south that they'd never heard of.

Tiria Wildlough

Riella the ottermaid looked at Shade. 'So, what happened? Why're you looking so funny?'
'I burst in on 'em,' muttered Shade. 'This has to be the most embarrassing moment in my life!'
Her friend grinned. 'But what about the time when you spilled that strawberry cordial all over--'
The shrewmaid kicked her under the table. 'Shut up!'
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Whitewater looked at Lily and knew she wasn't of this world for there was no way these simpleton animals from the past would be able to know what modern scientific terminology was.  Only someone who lived in it could know it.  She had no idea how much more comfortable he felt, knowing he wasn't the only lost soul stuck in some odd time warp.

"Tell me Lily," he asked holding her paw, looking as if he was far more interested in her, and to keep further questions at bay,"how did you get this far north?  It seems like somehow I fell asleep, woke up, and suddenly I had managed to travel this far!" he laughed with a small chuckle.  Whitewater really hated discussing this around the dining table, but striking conversation among the other animals seemed plenty normal.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


Matthias couldn't contain himself any longer. "So you two are from where I'm from, too. I knew it!", he said as quietly as was possible for someone who was as excited as he was. Lowering his voice even further, he glanced from one to the other. "The feast looks like it's slowing down. When everything is done, we could find a place where we can talk privately. I have so many questions."