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Luke's Sword

Started by AbbotAlf0805, June 09, 2012, 03:33:32 PM

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i always wondered. Where was the sword of Luke and his forefathers made? And when?
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


i would think it was made in mossflower, and as for when, i cannot accurately guess, but before green eyes (forget his name) invaded mossflower,


Well ya but when? During lord Brocktree?
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


Oh, no. It was probably made long before even Brocktree's father was born.


Hmf. But it belonged to Luke's father? And before that, and before that.


If you're meaning to ask 'In which book was Luke's Sword forged' then there really is no answer that I know of. Brian left it a mystery--perhaps we can only imagine.

I'd say it was probably forged sometime when Luke lived in Mossflower at St. Ninians'. Then Verdauga Greeneyes showed up and drove Luke's family out and up to the North. Maybe they forged it shortly after they settled north...mice have rather short lifespans, so Luke's great-grandfather very well may have been the head of the Tribe or something. That's what I keep coming back to though, and it bugs me. It seems reasonable to me that Luke's family would have forged the sword after Verdauga drove them out, because they might've realised that they'd need to have some method to defend themselves. But it sounds like the sword was forged long before Luke's time, and that would mean that they already had the sword when living in St. Ninians'... somehow this doesn't seem right and now I've confused myself. lol
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


Forget that. I think it was forged at Noonvale. I mean really, it would all make sense.


We can't really know where it was forged, or who forged it.  What we do know is that Luke's father or grandfather (the first Martin) was driven out of Mossflower by Verdauga Greeneyes, so I would assume it was his.  I wouldn't venture to speculate beyond that.

It doesn't make much sense to me that it was forged in Noonvale, Matthiasman.  Martin the Warrior's ancestors lived in Mossflower, not Noonvale, and I doubt that a normal sword (I.E., not one made from a meteorite) would last long enough that their family would have had it forged in Noonvale, moved to Mossflower, forgotten about Noonvale (they must have, otherwise, why didn't they go straight there instead of to the coast where they ended up?), and then been driven out.
"For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to to teach, to convince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness." - II Timothy 3:16


Just saying. Think of all the traveling Luke's grandfather and father did. I mean ,they had to come from somewhere. Noonvale didn't have to be there yet, but it could have been forged at the place but not the time. If Luke's father was a warrior wouldn't you have a hunch he had an arch enemy? So he must have had some journey to somewhere and gotten something on the way, same for Luke's grandfather.


If Luke and his family were as good warriors as described by the books it wouldn't make sense that they origniated from Noonvale. Noonvale is a place of peace. Also Luke was eager to go to battle since he went to the rats. He wasn't that merciful either. It just wouldn't make sense.
Fun. is a fantastic band.


I agree, I can't see noon vale popping out swords and warriors doesn't fit


Luke did have a nemesis, Vilu Daskar. 
"For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to to teach, to convince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness." - II Timothy 3:16


But I said maybe the sword was forged at Noonvale before Noonvale was ever built, but in the process. Like someone or some group stumbled upon that area and decided to settle. So they could have known an evil guy that Luke's great-great-grandfather or somewhat, wanted to take revenge upon and built an awesome sword. 


Maybe after the Noonvalers to-be see the violence, they would renounce it, like Martin did, maybe when Lukes great-great-great-grandfather didn't renounce violence, they banished him, and he traveled to Mossflower, stayed there for a few generations, and were forced up north while Luke was head. Remember when the rules of Noonvale were so uptight?


Any answer to this question will be pure speculation of course, but I very much agree with Bragoon here.  The sword being forged in Noonvale makes no sense.  Noonvale was a remote location that not many beasts could even find in the first place.  The books say that Luke's family originated from Mossflower.  They could have quite easily forged weapons of their own there if they had access to metals; a forge is not a terribly difficult thing to build.  We have them on carts at our civil war reenactments and the tech is not so advanced that it wouldn't have existed in the Redwall universe.  I suppose there's a remote possibility all that about the being from Noonvale then banished  and whatnot is the case, but I think it is FAR more likely they are simply from Mossflower.  Noonvale is a nice place and all but just because it exists does not make it more likely for Luke's family to have ever lived there.  Mossflower is vast and there are many different settlements of creatures throughout it, so its perfectly reasonable to assume Luke's family lived in Mossflower until they were driven away by Verdauga.  The Noonvale theory seems too far-fetched to me.  But everyone is entitled to an opinion.
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer