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Leatho Shellhound's Art Requests

Started by Leatho Shellhound, June 11, 2012, 09:47:51 PM

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 :o :o :o Those are so awesome! Especially Demi

If you wouldn't mind could you put Makintab in a background? If you will could it be a wintry forest and he's standing in the snow in some combat position? Maybe put some shadows of enemies at the front of the picture? ONLY if you wouldn't mind, it is, after all, called a request
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Leatho Shellhound

Quote from: MeadowRabbit on February 23, 2014, 01:20:45 PM
Really liking all the detail you've put into the Demi drawing! :D
Quote from: rachel25 on February 21, 2014, 04:28:22 PM
Great pictures! Well done!

Thank you very much!!

Quote from: Jetthebinturong on February 23, 2014, 02:41:31 PM
:o :o :o Those are so awesome! Especially Demi

If you wouldn't mind could you put Makintab in a background? If you will could it be a wintry forest and he's standing in the snow in some combat position? Maybe put some shadows of enemies at the front of the picture? ONLY if you wouldn't mind, it is, after all, called a request

Glad to! Only it may take longer.
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  Hey, Leatho, as THoR team is back together and it's been awhile since you've drawn the Wildfire family, I was wondering if you could possibly draw the whole Wildfire family?  (I can go seek out the descriptions for you; you don't have to find them all.  I won't be that cruel.  ;)  I just don't wanna go and clog up your thread with a bunch of characters if it's not needed.)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Leatho Shellhound

Quote from: Rainshadow on February 24, 2014, 03:41:34 AM
  Hey, Leatho, as THoR team is back together and it's been awhile since you've drawn the Wildfire family, I was wondering if you could possibly draw the whole Wildfire family?  (I can go seek out the descriptions for you; you don't have to find them all.  I won't be that cruel.  ;)  I just don't wanna go and clog up your thread with a bunch of characters if it's not needed.)

Most certainly! Last time you asked for them was July 30, 2012, so I think a re-due is long over due.  :D
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  Great!  Thanks!  I'll try to get the descriptions up tomorrow.  :)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Leatho Shellhound

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Hey could you draw a picture of the entire THoR cast? Like all the main characters in like one big family photo kinda deal?


  Ze list:

The Wildfires
Jag Wildfire
Name:  Jag Wildfire

Gender:  Male

Species:  Wildcat

Weapons:  Jag carries a staff and a silver hand and a half sword.

Appearance:  The tom's body structure is tall and strong; the warrior's build.  He's rather muscular and handsome, with long, creamy white fur covering most of his body.  The only sections that are different are his ears and paws, which are black.  Jag has kind sea blue eyes, and he wears a black sleeveless tunic.  His sword is strapped to his back and held there with a grey shoulder belt.  (He also has a grey belt on his waist, which the shoulder belt is connected to.)
 Also, the wildcat has several seafarer's tattoos on his arms, signifying countless seasons of sailing.

Other: Kind, charming, and funny.  He almost always has a twinkle in his eye.

Shadow Wildfire
Name:  Shadow Wildfire

Gender:  Female

Species:  Wildcat

Weapons:  Shadow uses a black bow and arrows, as well as a black dagger.

Appearance:  The queen's body is lithe, as one might imagine a dancer's to be. This makes for quiet hunting and swiftness, but means she isn't very strong. Short, smooth black fur covers her body, with the exception of the tip of her right forepaw and a flame mark running from her nose to her brow, which are white. Also, her tail is gone, leaving a white-tipped stump. Her eyes are a stormy grey. Clothing-wise, Shadow is clad in a faded purple tunic, and she wears a black cape on top, which ends at her tail stump. Black leather boots cover her footpaws, and there's a single blue earring in her left ear. A black belt wraps around her waist, with the dagger fastened to it, and a black quiver is strapped to her back. And lastly, she wears a leather necklace with a white translucent stone tied to it.

Other:  Not very trusting, but loyal when she finally does come to trust you. She's quiet around those she doesn't know, but tries to be kind to all.

Shade Wildfire
Name:  Shade

Gender:  Female

Species:  Wildcat

Weapon:  She has several throwing knives (which are pretty useless now), a dagger, and a staff.

Personality:  Shade is a rather annoying creature, very suspicious of others, rather cranky, and doesn't like speaking to others.  These traits got worse when she had acid thrown at her face, blinding her.  She enjoys being by herself, not hanging out with others.  She doesn't follow the rules well.

Appearance:  Shade has dark grey fur with black stripes and amber eyes, which are covered in scars.  The fur around her eyes is blackened, and some is missing.  Her fur is rather short and rough.  She has soot or ash on her face at all times, and she refuses to clean it off.
 As for clothing, the she-cat wears a black tunic with a black belt and black hooded cloak.

Other:  The wildcat is blind.

Talon Wildfire
Name:  Talon Wildfire

Gender:  Male

Species:  Wildcat

Weapons:  Tal carries a spear and a large warden's shield, as well as a dagger, which is fastened to the belt at his waist.

Appearance:  Talon is of a strong build, like his father, but his colouring is almost the opposite.  While he has the same long, soft fur, it is black with white paws and a white chest.  His eyes are bright blue, also like his father, and he wears a blue tunic with chain mail underneath.

Other:  Cheerful and merry, but can be serious when the time calls for it.  He loves practical jokes and pranks, and has more than once joined in on pillow fights with the Dibbuns.

Children of Talon
Ash Wildfire
Name:  Ash Wildfire

Gender:  Female

Species:  Wildcat

Weapons:  Ash uses a hand and a half sword, usually held in her right paw, (though she mainly uses both paws to swing it).  Also, she has a small dagger, which she holds in her left paw.  It's used on rare occasions, but when it is used, beware!

Appearance:  The wildcat has dark brown fur, with a light brown muzzle, neck, and chest.  Her fur is sleek, not poofy, so she looks rather slim and malnourished.  Her tail is especially thin, and some creatures mistake her as an odd-looking mouse.  They don't do it often.  She has grey-blue eyes, which some say to be the exact same eyes as her father does.  She begs to differ.
 Ash wears a tan tunic and a black belt, with a long, black hooded cloak on top.  On her ears there are two small blue earrings (like studs, with one in each ear), and she has a white, translucent stone necklace.

Personality:  Ash is a quiet creature at times, preferring to work on her own or with a small group of beasts.  But once you get to know her, she's a great beast to hang around.  She has a good sense of humour and enjoys thinking about things.  She is a pretty good fighter, but she doesn't enjoy fighting.  She'll only do it if absolutely necessary.
On an off note, Ash is very good at fishing.

 Her sword looks like this, only the pommel is adorned with a single blood-red garnet:

 Her dagger looks like this, only with a black hilt:

 Her necklace is like this, only a white stone:

Holm Wildfire
Name:  Holm Wildfire

Gender:  Male

Species:  Wildcat

Weapon:  A scimitar that's sheathed by his left hip, as well as a sling.

Appearance:  While Holm has his brother's long black fur and icy blue eyes, his build is not the same.  While his brother and father have the warrior's structure, Holm is tall and wiry, taking on his mother's appearance.
 Clothing wise, Holm wears a purple tunic and dark brownish trousers, with a black overcoat and a dark blue scarf.

Other:  The tom isn't a social beast, and prefers his own company to others.  He's silent and driven, as well as cranky and prone to being bored.

Children of Holm
Name:  Cedar

Species:  Wildcat

Gender:  Male

Occupation:  Thief

Appearance:  Cedar is a tall and lanky wildcat, having dark brown fur with black stripes.  He has a strange, thin, white flame-like stripe running from his nose all the way to his ears.  Cedar has forest green eyes that are said to be slightly hypnotic.  If you stare at them for too long, you might just give yourself a nasty headache!  He has multiple piercings on his ears, each a small silver ring.  He wears a dark, forest green tunic with a double black belt; the buckles are also silver.  He has a black cloak with a hood that is always over his head.  Over that cloak is Cedar's black quiver, filled with arrows of dark colors.  Some are flecked with blood.

Personality:  Cedar is a very stubborn wildcat, and he doesn't take orders well.  He is very proud of himself, though he's really done nothing to be proud of.  Cedar isn't much of a fighter, as he prefers to stand away from the battle and hide.  More than anything else, Cedar is a coward.  He is terrified of being found by a Redwaller and taken back to the Abbey, so he tries to hide as much as he can.  Cedar is stealthy and clever, and amazingly he is very well mannered.

Weapon:  Cedar stole a very fine yew bow that is dyed black, and he is a very good archer.  The wildcat also owns a black dagger that is usually hard to see, since it's hidden by his cloak.  Cedar is a master of stealth, and he uses that to his advantage.

Moon Wildfire
Name:  Moon

Gender:  Female

Species:  Wildcat

Weapons:  Moon's favourite choice of weapon would be the battleaxe, and she carries a large one around when she leaves the abbey.

Appearance:  The she-cat's sandy colored fur with darker streaks and bright green eyes set her apart from the rest of the Wildfire family, but she is happy with being different.  Her body type is short, but muscular enough to swing two-handed weapons.  She's more like her father than her mother.
 A green knee-length tunic covers Moon's body, and her axe is fastened to her back by means of a brown shoulder belt.

Personality:  Stern and serious; it's hard to get this queen to laugh.  But she does have a soft spot for Dibbuns, and often you'll find her wishing she'd chosen the life of a mother instead of the life of the warrior.

Enjorlas Wildfire
Name:  Enjorlas Wildfire

Gender:  Male

Species:  Wildcat

Appearance:  Enjorlas, or "Enjy", as his siblings call him, is a tall and sturdy wildcat like his father, with grey fur and piercing blue eyes.  He wears a leather tunic.

Weapon:  None, but he is a ferocious fighter with his claws and teeth.

Personality:  Friendly to those that are friendly to him. Rebellious, and he has something like the bloodwrath.

 *Wipes sweat off of brow*  Phew!  I think that's all of them!  So, yeah, they're put in order of birth (except for Ash and Cedar, because they're the third generation, so I put them beside their parents.), but I'm sure I got Enjorlas in the wrong spot.  Can't quite remember which place he was in, so now he's the second youngest.  ::)

 But, yeah, you can put them in whatever pose you'd like.  I remember there being another fan genealogy that you drew awhile back with mice, so you could do that if you want to.  (And age doesn't matter.  By the time Ash and Cedar would be adults, the rest of the family would be kinda old, so you can just draw them all in their prime.  ;))
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Leatho Shellhound

@Rain, 'k, looks good. Oh Enjorlas is the youngest, Moon comes after Holm

@AbbotAlf, I could try. ;)
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Quote from: Leatho Shellhound on February 24, 2014, 07:12:05 PM
@Rain, 'k, looks good. Oh Enjorlas is the youngest, Moon comes after Holm

  Scary that you know more about the Wildfire family than I do.  :o  :P
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Leatho Shellhound

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Quote from: Jetthebinturong on February 23, 2014, 02:41:31 PM
:o :o :o Those are so awesome! Especially Demi

If you wouldn't mind could you put Makintab in a background? If you will could it be a wintry forest and he's standing in the snow in some combat position? Maybe put some shadows of enemies at the front of the picture? ONLY if you wouldn't mind, it is, after all, called a request

Glad to! Only it may take longer.

"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

The Skarzs

May I make a request? He's from my fan fiction, Mossflower Falls

Name: Grungath Deathcaller
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf
Age: 23
Size: Tall and strong but not overly large
Appearance: Tall, well built creature; a black cloak covers all of him, but his head, and seen underneath is a coat of black chain mail. In one paw is a massive broadsword. His face is almost noble, one that is used to being obeyed, but unhidden is his natural cruelty to all.
Stance: Ready fighting position
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Leatho Shellhound

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The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.