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Leatho Shellhound's Art Requests

Started by Leatho Shellhound, June 11, 2012, 09:47:51 PM

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Are you willing to take a non-Redwall request? I'd like a drawing of a Tiefling, an Aasimar, and a Centaur... I'll post more details if you're willing. :)

And I like this latest batch of stuff. Verde is looking a little green... Is he feeling alright? XD

Leatho Shellhound

Thank you ever one, you all are such an encouragement to me. :D

Quote from: Jetthebinturong on July 27, 2014, 12:51:20 PM
Would you be open to taking another non-Redwall request?

Depends on what it is.

Quote from: rusvulthesaber on July 28, 2014, 04:20:52 AM
Are you willing to take a non-Redwall request? I'd like a drawing of a Tiefling, an Aasimar, and a Centaur... I'll post more details if you're willing. :)

And I like this latest batch of stuff. Verde is looking a little green... Is he feeling alright? XD

Post the descriptions, then I'll see. :)
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Well I was hoping for these guys from left to right

Artemis Black-Warlock, marks include pointed ears and short brown fur. Long brown hair, darker than her fur, yellow eyes. Black tank top, jeans, barefoot. Wields two sai daggers (Second tallest)

Jeremiah Swift/Jay-Warlock, marks include black skin, pointed tail and glowing yellow eyes. Short black hair, wearing a red t-shirt, blue trousers and white trainers. No weapon (Shortest)

Solomon Farr/Sol-Warlock, marks include light green skin and inability to grow hair. Deep blue eyes, wearing a black suit and fancy shoes. Wielding bo-staff (Fourth tallest)

Ezekiel Low/Zeke-Warlock, marks include golden bat wings, deep purple eyes, clawed fingers, short curved horns and fangs. Short brown hair, thin, wearing a white t-shirt, blue jeans and black trainers. Sword in one hand, fireball in the other (Fifth tallest)

Gabriel Smith/Gabe-Vampire, black, bald, brown eyes, tall, muscly. Black t-shirt, jeans, red trainers. Wielding katana (Tallest)

Catherine White/Cathy-Vampire, very pale, long black hair, blue eyes, tall, black dress. Wielding stiletto dagger (Sixth tallest)

Tynahri-Faerie, pale skin, short, dark green hair, brilliant blue eyes. Wearing a green t-shirt and blue jeans, blue trainers. Wielding scimitar (Third tallest)

Kyswyn-Faerie, pale skin, long, dark green hair, brilliant blue eyes. Wearing a white t-shirt and red trousers, flip-flops. Wielding three kunai (Second shortest)

When it says Jay has black skin, it means the actual colour not the skin colour, when it says Gabriel has black skin it means the skin colour not the actual colour.

Zeke's sword is similar to Orcrist from the Hobbit movies
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Leatho Shellhound

@Jetthebinturong, Sorry but I'm going to have to say no to that group. For one I dislike drawing Warlocks and vampire. They'er more or less on the dark side of fantasy creatures, that and the fact that they are in modern clothing.

But I'd be happy to draw some thing else for you.
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Fair enough


This is going to sound really weird but would you take a Star Wars request?
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Name: Vevila
Species: Tiefling (Humans with whatever small portion of demonic blood runs in their family)
Clothing: Black clothing with lots of pockets and hoods. Hooded enchanted cloak that slowly shifts between black and purple. When triggered, the cloak shifts into a pair of bird wings of the same description.
Gender: Female
Physical description: She is fairly small, but strong and agile. She has pale purple skin, violet eyes, and black hair. Her hair is long, sometimes showing over her shoulders, though it's usualy concealed by her hood.
Weapons: She has a shapeshifting weapon that is usually in the form of a flaming longsword.
Other: She is a Rogue, she also has the ability to 'Mirrorwalk,' or become ethereal and pass through solid objects and such. She has twelve fingers, and a magic ring on each of them. She has a lot of magical items and such, her rings, cloak, and sword being some of them.

Name: Illeses Lightbringer
Species: Aasimar (As a Tiefling, but with celestial (Or angelic, same thing basically) blood instead of demonic)
Clothing: Metal scale mail, whie and gold cloth where there isn't armor.
Gender: Male
Physical description: He looks much like a human, but with orange eyes, white hair, pale gold skin, and sharp angular features. His hair is short and fairly standard, he has medium length hair and a well-trimmed paladin-esque beard.
Weapons: He wields a Consecrated Longsword- Basically a sword that looks holy in some way, it has a yellow pommelstone. Maybe draw a crossbow on his back, he uses an enchanted crossbow as well.
Other: He's a Paladin.

Name: Nitor Steelhoof
Species: Centaur
Clothing: Leather armor on his human half.
Gender: Male
Physical Description: His horse half is a dark brown, his human half is tan skinned with dark brown hair and blue eyes. He stands about seven feet tall, slightly taller than his companions. He has medium-long wild hair and is almost clean shaven.
Weapons: He has a scimitar with a serrated back edge and a green pommelstone.
Other: He is a Druid, maybe his left hand is glowing with faint green light?

If you could draw these all seperately, that'd be appreciated. If not, that makes sense, this is Redwall forum, after all, not D&D forum. :)

Leatho Shellhound

@Jetthebinturong, sure  :)

@rusvulthesaber, will do
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How long will it be until my request is done?

Leatho Shellhound

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Wonwill looks particularly good! Great drawings. :)

Season Namer 2014


Lovely lot of detail on the pic with the tortoise! I really like how you've drawn the female sable, too, - the way you've coloured the fur actually looks rather fur like! and works well against the smoother dress (with the great addition of shading). :)

Season Namer 2014


Could I change the non-Redwall request that I haven't actually made yet to this family picture?

Name: Tenang Raja

Age: 16

Appearance (facial):  He's white and has brown hair and eyes

Appearance (clothing): Tenang wears a simple white tunic with gold spiral designs along the hem, neck and sleeve edges. The sleeves reach about halfway down his arm. His tunic is belted by a black belt with a gold buckle. He wears silver bracers around his forearms. He wears black leggings and tall, battered leather boots that stop just below the knee. He is left handed and wears a simple yet elegant shamshir on his right hip and a long, curved dagger at the back of his waist. 

Personality: Tenang is quite quiet and withdrawn, particularly around those he doesn't know, Kejam and his his parents. His favourite activity is reading, particularly epic histories of wars and quests. When Tenang gets riled up he fumes silently rather than exploding into rage. He despises Kejam and finds Intelek slightly boring.

Role in family: Second youngest child

Name: Pembaris Raja

Age: 54 

Appearance (facial): He has deeply tanned skin, long brown hair, brown eyes and a small beard that covers his chin

Appearance (clothing): A large, open, black coat that reaches just below the knees, a dark red shirt, black leggings and brown, leather boots. He wears a dahong palay strapped across his back

Bio to date: Pembaris is the latest in a long line to inherit the position as leader of house Raja, he has ruled for thirteen years since his father passed away. When Kejam was twelve, Pembaris passed down the family sword as is their tradition though he dearly wished that it had not been Kejam who was the first born, when Kejam inherited the throne he would destroy the peace that the Rajas had built up over the years.

Relations (married, single etc): Married to Ratu Raja 

Role in family: Leader

Name: Ratu Raja

Age: 56 

Appearance (facial): She is white, has a bob haircut of brown hair and hazel eyes

Appearance (clothing): Imagine an ancient Egyptian style dress in a dark teal colour and your pretty much there. She wears a thick gold necklace two gold bracelets on her right hand and a gold amethyst ring on her middle finger. (She swears with style XD)

Bio to date: Not much to say really, the Rajas are reclusive and don't get out much so it is safe to assume she lead the same kind of life. Before becoming a Raja however she was a woman living in the town in the heart of the forest. On one of his few visits to the town she met Pembaris and it was love at first sight (cliché)

Relations (married, single etc): Married to Pembaris Raja

Personality: Ratu may seem cold and uncaring but the truth is she is probably just stressed, she doesn't have a lot of time to spend with the children and is always doing something on royal business.

Role in family: Wife of the leader

Name: Kejam Raja

Age: 21

Appearance (facial): He has slightly tanned skin, brown hair and orange eyes

Appearance (clothing): Kejam wears a black tunic on top of a tunic of chainmail. The black tunic has a gold trim on the hem, neck and sleeves which end just above his elbows. He wears a black onyx ring on his right ring finger. He also wears a black cloak which matches the tunic and round metal shoulderpads. He is right handed and wears the scimitar of house Raja on his left hip.

Bio to date: Kejam was always angry and brutal. Abnormally tall when he was young, he intimidated people even then. When he was twelve he was given the sword of house Raja which only served to grow his lust for power. Nowadays all he does is plot his actions for when he takes the throne either that or spends time with Ruthis Estarion, usually horse riding which is a shared interest of theirs.

Relations (married, single etc): Single

Personality: Though he may seem completely brutal (which he is) that is not his only defining quality, Kejam can in fact be quite cunning and manipulative when he needs to be. He also enjoys fine foods, drinking, hunting and horseriding.

Role in family: Eldest son, heir to the throne

Name: Intelek Raja

Age: 19

Appearance (facial): She has a slight tan, brown eyes and long black hair which she wears in a plait over her left shoulder. She wears round glasses

Appearance (clothing): Basically a white version of Ratu's dress. She also wears round glasses and keeps ten throwing knives at the back of her belt at all times. .

Relations (married, single etc): Forever alone

Personality: Intelek is a complete nerd, she is obsessed with history and romance books. She is incredibly intelligent, thoughtful and calm. Despite all of this she is a mean shot with throwing knives.

Role in family: Second eldest child

Name: Panas Kepala Raja

Age: 17   

Appearance (facial): He is white, has brown hair and amber eyes

Appearance (clothing): Panas wears a dark orange tunic underneath a hard-leather body plate and an orange cloak as well as black leggings and tall leather boots. He also wears leather bracers and has a pair of matching Kampilan swords strapped across his back.

Bio to date: Panas has always been the glue between the children, and it is due to him that the siblings have such close relationships with each other (apart from Kejam but seriously, screw Kejam). Though he is close to all of his siblings he has always been closest to Tenang who affectionately nicknamed him Kep, he in turn calls his little brother Ten. 

Relations (married, single etc): Unmentioned girlfriend

Personality: Panas is brash, hot-headed and headstrong, he always tries to speak his mind and doesn't give a damn what anyone else thinks. He is perhaps the only one in the family who openly shows the disdain he feels towards Kejam and is the only one who ever stands up to him aside from their father. Panas' favourite pastime is drinking, followed closely by sword fighting and then feasting. Whenever he and Jaymes Estarion are together, their meetings invariably end in drinking contests.

Role in family: Middle child

Name: Comel Raja

Age: 13

Appearance (facial): She is slightly tanned, has long black hair which she wears in pigtails. She has brown eyes

Appearance (clothing): She usually goes barefoot. She wears loose white trousers and a red sleeveless coat with a white top underneath. On the inside of her coat, hidden in secret folds she keeps two long daggers.

Bio to date: Not much, reclusive Raja family=boring childhood

Relations (married, single etc): Single, she IS thirteen you know

Role in family: Youngest child

Name: Jahat Raja

Age: 48

Appearance (facial): Basically Liam Neeson as Rahs Al Ghul in Batman Begins

Appearance (clothing): He also wears the ninja garb that Rahs wears when he's teaching Bruce on the ice (If you don't know what that looks like I would suggest looking it up on Google) He wears a panabas strapped across his back

Bio to date: Boring life, married, became a widower, taught son to be a jerk

Relations (married, single etc): Widower

Personality: Jahat is power hungry and cruel. He doesn't give a damn about anybody except himself, Kejam and Peleceh, his son.

Role in family: Brother of Pembaris, father of Peleceh Raja, uncle of the other Raja children

Name: Peleceh Raja

Age: 16

Appearance (facial): He is white, has dark brown hair and blue eyes

Appearance (clothing): He wears an olive green tunic, brown leggings, tall leather boots, an olive green hooded cloak. He is right handed and wears a straight Kalis sword on his left hip

Bio to date: His father taught him to be a jerk. When he first met Kejam he began sucking up instantly out of fear as a result after these many years, Kejam allows him to hang around

Relations (married, single etc): Single 

Role in family: Son of Jahat, cousin of the main Raja children

Name: Berhati Baik Raja

Age: 50

Appearance (facial): Basically this

Appearance (clothing): He wears a brown pirate coat on top of a blue silk shirt. He wears brown leggings and tall boots. He wears a plain shortsword on his left hip.

Bio to date: He's a Raja, what do you think his life was like?

Relations (married, single etc): Single

Personality: Berhati is very kind and gentle and loves all of the Raja children (except Kejam, but seriously, screw Kejam) but holds a special fondness for Panas and Tenang. Despite his kind and loving nature, Berhati is a fierce swordsman and is even better than Pembaris.

Role in family: Brother of Pembaris, uncle of the Raja children

Name: Armas

Age: 15 

Appearance (facial):  He is white, has almost white hair and pale blue eyes

Appearance (clothing): A black jacket and trousers made of a strange material, shiny black shoes, wears a sword on his left hip.   

Personality: Armas is quite quiet and gentle though he completely transforms when he is with Tenang, they both become more talkative and passionate and much less withdrawn. 

Role in family: Servant, personal bodyguard of Tenang Raja

It would be good if Tenang, Armas, Berhati and Panas are together. Tenang should be standing next to Armas. Pembaris and Ratu should be standing next to each other. Kejam, Jahat and Peleceh should be together.

"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Would you mind if I posted some of these on my Redwall Instagram account? They're really good!
The Chinese Fireball, ooooh!

Leatho Shellhound

Quote from: saxophone_cat on August 25, 2014, 05:29:29 AM
Would you mind if I posted some of these on my Redwall Instagram account? They're really good!

Sure, as long as you give me credit. :D
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Leatho Shellhound

Quote from: Jetthebinturong on August 24, 2014, 11:03:28 PM
Could I change the non-Redwall request that I haven't actually made yet to this family picture?

Name: Tenang Raja

Age: 16

Appearance (facial):  He's white and has brown hair and eyes

Appearance (clothing): Tenang wears a simple white tunic with gold spiral designs along the hem, neck and sleeve edges. The sleeves reach about halfway down his arm. His tunic is belted by a black belt with a gold buckle. He wears silver bracers around his forearms. He wears black leggings and tall, battered leather boots that stop just below the knee. He is left handed and wears a simple yet elegant shamshir on his right hip and a long, curved dagger at the back of his waist. 

Personality: Tenang is quite quiet and withdrawn, particularly around those he doesn't know, Kejam and his his parents. His favourite activity is reading, particularly epic histories of wars and quests. When Tenang gets riled up he fumes silently rather than exploding into rage. He despises Kejam and finds Intelek slightly boring.

Role in family: Second youngest child

Name: Pembaris Raja

Age: 54 

Appearance (facial): He has deeply tanned skin, long brown hair, brown eyes and a small beard that covers his chin

Appearance (clothing): A large, open, black coat that reaches just below the knees, a dark red shirt, black leggings and brown, leather boots. He wears a dahong palay strapped across his back

Bio to date: Pembaris is the latest in a long line to inherit the position as leader of house Raja, he has ruled for thirteen years since his father passed away. When Kejam was twelve, Pembaris passed down the family sword as is their tradition though he dearly wished that it had not been Kejam who was the first born, when Kejam inherited the throne he would destroy the peace that the Rajas had built up over the years.

Relations (married, single etc): Married to Ratu Raja 

Role in family: Leader

Name: Ratu Raja

Age: 56 

Appearance (facial): She is white, has a bob haircut of brown hair and hazel eyes

Appearance (clothing): Imagine an ancient Egyptian style dress in a dark teal colour and your pretty much there. She wears a thick gold necklace two gold bracelets on her right hand and a gold amethyst ring on her middle finger. (She swears with style XD)

Bio to date: Not much to say really, the Rajas are reclusive and don't get out much so it is safe to assume she lead the same kind of life. Before becoming a Raja however she was a woman living in the town in the heart of the forest. On one of his few visits to the town she met Pembaris and it was love at first sight (cliché)

Relations (married, single etc): Married to Pembaris Raja

Personality: Ratu may seem cold and uncaring but the truth is she is probably just stressed, she doesn't have a lot of time to spend with the children and is always doing something on royal business.

Role in family: Wife of the leader

Name: Kejam Raja

Age: 21

Appearance (facial): He has slightly tanned skin, brown hair and orange eyes

Appearance (clothing): Kejam wears a black tunic on top of a tunic of chainmail. The black tunic has a gold trim on the hem, neck and sleeves which end just above his elbows. He wears a black onyx ring on his right ring finger. He also wears a black cloak which matches the tunic and round metal shoulderpads. He is right handed and wears the scimitar of house Raja on his left hip.

Bio to date: Kejam was always angry and brutal. Abnormally tall when he was young, he intimidated people even then. When he was twelve he was given the sword of house Raja which only served to grow his lust for power. Nowadays all he does is plot his actions for when he takes the throne either that or spends time with Ruthis Estarion, usually horse riding which is a shared interest of theirs.

Relations (married, single etc): Single

Personality: Though he may seem completely brutal (which he is) that is not his only defining quality, Kejam can in fact be quite cunning and manipulative when he needs to be. He also enjoys fine foods, drinking, hunting and horseriding.

Role in family: Eldest son, heir to the throne

Name: Intelek Raja

Age: 19

Appearance (facial): She has a slight tan, brown eyes and long black hair which she wears in a plait over her left shoulder. She wears round glasses

Appearance (clothing): Basically a white version of Ratu's dress. She also wears round glasses and keeps ten throwing knives at the back of her belt at all times. .

Relations (married, single etc): Forever alone

Personality: Intelek is a complete nerd, she is obsessed with history and romance books. She is incredibly intelligent, thoughtful and calm. Despite all of this she is a mean shot with throwing knives.

Role in family: Second eldest child

Name: Panas Kepala Raja

Age: 17   

Appearance (facial): He is white, has brown hair and amber eyes

Appearance (clothing): Panas wears a dark orange tunic underneath a hard-leather body plate and an orange cloak as well as black leggings and tall leather boots. He also wears leather bracers and has a pair of matching Kampilan swords strapped across his back.

Bio to date: Panas has always been the glue between the children, and it is due to him that the siblings have such close relationships with each other (apart from Kejam but seriously, screw Kejam). Though he is close to all of his siblings he has always been closest to Tenang who affectionately nicknamed him Kep, he in turn calls his little brother Ten. 

Relations (married, single etc): Unmentioned girlfriend

Personality: Panas is brash, hot-headed and headstrong, he always tries to speak his mind and doesn't give a [darn] what anyone else thinks. He is perhaps the only one in the family who openly shows the disdain he feels towards Kejam and is the only one who ever stands up to him aside from their father. Panas' favourite pastime is drinking, followed closely by sword fighting and then feasting. Whenever he and Jaymes Estarion are together, their meetings invariably end in drinking contests.

Role in family: Middle child

Name: Comel Raja

Age: 13

Appearance (facial): She is slightly tanned, has long black hair which she wears in pigtails. She has brown eyes

Appearance (clothing): She usually goes barefoot. She wears loose white trousers and a red sleeveless coat with a white top underneath. On the inside of her coat, hidden in secret folds she keeps two long daggers.

Bio to date: Not much, reclusive Raja family=boring childhood

Relations (married, single etc): Single, she IS thirteen you know

Role in family: Youngest child

Name: Jahat Raja

Age: 48

Appearance (facial): Basically Liam Neeson as Rahs Al Ghul in Batman Begins

Appearance (clothing): He also wears the ninja garb that Rahs wears when he's teaching Bruce on the ice (If you don't know what that looks like I would suggest looking it up on Google) He wears a panabas strapped across his back

Bio to date: Boring life, married, became a widower, taught son to be a jerk

Relations (married, single etc): Widower

Personality: Jahat is power hungry and cruel. He doesn't give a [darn] about anybody except himself, Kejam and Peleceh, his son.

Role in family: Brother of Pembaris, father of Peleceh Raja, uncle of the other Raja children

Name: Peleceh Raja

Age: 16

Appearance (facial): He is white, has dark brown hair and blue eyes

Appearance (clothing): He wears an olive green tunic, brown leggings, tall leather boots, an olive green hooded cloak. He is right handed and wears a straight Kalis sword on his left hip

Bio to date: His father taught him to be a jerk. When he first met Kejam he began sucking up instantly out of fear as a result after these many years, Kejam allows him to hang around

Relations (married, single etc): Single 

Role in family: Son of Jahat, cousin of the main Raja children

Name: Berhati Baik Raja

Age: 50

Appearance (facial): Basically this

Appearance (clothing): He wears a brown pirate coat on top of a blue silk shirt. He wears brown leggings and tall boots. He wears a plain shortsword on his left hip.

Bio to date: He's a Raja, what do you think his life was like?

Relations (married, single etc): Single

Personality: Berhati is very kind and gentle and loves all of the Raja children (except Kejam, but seriously, screw Kejam) but holds a special fondness for Panas and Tenang. Despite his kind and loving nature, Berhati is a fierce swordsman and is even better than Pembaris.

Role in family: Brother of Pembaris, uncle of the Raja children

Name: Armas

Age: 15 

Appearance (facial):  He is white, has almost white hair and pale blue eyes

Appearance (clothing): A black jacket and trousers made of a strange material, shiny black shoes, wears a sword on his left hip.   

Personality: Armas is quite quiet and gentle though he completely transforms when he is with Tenang, they both become more talkative and passionate and much less withdrawn. 

Role in family: Servant, personal bodyguard of Tenang Raja

It would be good if Tenang, Armas, Berhati and Panas are together. Tenang should be standing next to Armas. Pembaris and Ratu should be standing next to each other. Kejam, Jahat and Peleceh should be together.

I'll give it a try...
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