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The Lost Adventures of Martin the Warrior

Started by W0NWILL, June 19, 2012, 03:50:14 AM

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*comes back to life* I could not be dead during a time of such epicness. This is amazing, please post more soon!
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


Thanks, and I will. But that's all I have written right now that's on, but I'll post ahead.


Book Two: The North Coast

Chapter 11

"Lord Highving. A strange creature has fallen outside, outside."
"Bring them in, in. Ve do not refuse hospitality to any creature, creature."
"This creature is injured, injured. Ve need healer, healer."
Lord Highwing motioned for some of his creatures to come, then turned to the original one, "You get vone vho knows healers arts, Vantig. The rest of you get the creature, creature. Dari, you help the healer, healer." Vantig nodded and flew silently away. The bats massed around the creature, carrying it into their cave.


Pallum had broken through the bounds that Felldoh had weakened and was running so he could be well away from Noonvale by morning. Pallum the Peaceful was going to rally the Fur and Freedom fighters again!


"Triffle!" Scrilio lunged to the cliff, and was just about to jump over the cliff's edge when Martin grabbed his paw and pulled him away from the edge.
"Scrilio, She's gone, look down." Scrilio peered over the edge and saw the jagged rocks below. "No one could've survived that. She will be remembered."
Castiona came up and stuck her claymores in the ground and ordered to the hares standing back, grieving on their faces to get a boulder on the edge of the cliff. "So we can place a marker fer memries."
After that they stared at the marker until Martin said, "R-Rose taught me a Noonvale song for burials. I can't sing half as good as her, but I'll try." He cleared his throat and sang in a halting voice (that was frankly, terrible)

You have not left,
in memories you will live.
We will not bereft,
There was so much you had to give.
You will come again,
Noonvale will wait.
Walk the spirit trail,
We won't forget,
Your loved will prevail,
Do not fret.
You will come again,
Noonvale will wait.
Now go to sunny hills,
And quiet streams.
Where the air stills,
Living forever in dreams.
You will come again,
For your home is here.

There was a silence broken only by the sniffs of the younger Long Patrol hares and Scrilio. The older members kept a somewhat stiff upper lip, but it was hard, for they all had fond memories.
What they didn't notice was the small ledge jutting out ten feet down the cliff face.


Dari was an odd bat, in a way. Large for his age, wise as well, yet he was not an officer in lord Highwings court. Never wanted to be. He only fought when he needed, feeling that Ares would like that. And he could see dimly, bats were usually blind. So when the bushy-tailed thing had fallen on him, he did the sensible thing, check over its hurts, then got Lord Highwing.

"It vill live, live. It may not be the same, but it vill live, live." The healer commented to Dari.
"Good, good."
"Vhat is the status of it's ving?"
"It's ving is a strange ving, there is no ving-part to fly, to fly. I think it is called an arm, an arm. It is used for climbing, and grasping. It's arm is sprained, sprained."
"Very vell, very vell. I shall set it in a sling, in a sling."
"It is vaking up, up. It must have great spirit to vake up after this, after this."
"What are you?" She knew it was a rude question, but time to get the facts straight.
"Ve are bats, bats. Vhat are you, you?"
"I'm a squirrel, I think you can see that."
"Vhats a squirrel? I have never seen one before, before"
"I'm a squirrel! Why do I hurt?"
The younger and larger bat chuckled, "I think you vould hurt after you fell on me, on me. You are lucky you didn't fall from a much higher height."
The older bat swatted him with her wing, "Stop gossiping with it and hold its ving still, still."
"Umm, I don't hurt that much, just sores and stuff,"
"and your arm, arm." Dari cut in.
"Yes, and I'm not an it, I'm a her."
"I put your ving in a sling, sling. Dari vill go vith you and help you around the cave, the cave You vill live, after you stay here for seven sunrises, sunrises. That should be enough for your ving to heal."
"Marm, it's an arm." She corrected the old bat.
The squirrel introduced herself to Dari, "I'm Triffle, I need to get out as soon as possible, my home has been taken by vermin."
Dari replied, "I understand what it is like to lose someone close to you, to you."
"My brother, Ares. I vas fortunate to be his brother, brother. I feel there is much I still need to do for him, for him."
"I'm sorry."


They marched northward for six days. On the seventh night, Fatigo, the hare galloper came panting up to Martin and the sergeants in their lead position and threw a salute. "Sah'n'marms! I saw vermin up ahead, enough to make a decent scrape, wot! Looks like they're settin' upon a hedgehog."
Castiona grinned, "Ah'm in the mood tah kill a couple vermin. An' tah free a 'edge'og, thet just makes tha deal sweeter." She hoisted her buckler from her back and took her dirk from its special holder on the strap of the buckler. She then tied the dirk to the handle of her small battleaxe. Tila simply clenched and unclenched her paws several times.
Martin readied his sword, and Pallum squinted his eyes comically.
Gonff nudged Dinny and imitated Pallum perfectly. Dinny shook with barely suppressed laughter.

They crept through the undergrowth growing closer to the hedgehog and the vermin. Martin started the charge. "Redwaaall!" Martin faced three at the same time, a rat, a stoat, and a fox. He feinted at the rat's head, then with a deft movement, with a flash of steel, the rat had the sword through his middle. He took off the fox's head with his blade. He charged the stoat before dodging to the left, but the stoat dodged with him and was given a second to raise his sling, but before he was able to whack at the warrior Martin was saved by the hedgehog, he rolled into the stoat causing great discomfort before Martin was able to drive his sword between the stoats eyes.
The battle over, the Long Patrol group sat down to rest, and (of course) eat. Martin nodded at the hedgehog, "Thanks for saving me, mate."
"Oh, it ain't nothin', you saved me, could I be so forward as to ask you a favour?"
"Have you heard of  the Fur and Freedom fighters?"
"How could I not?"
"Could you help save Noonvale? I'm gathering them again, I have yet to find the Rambling Rosehip Players, I'm getting the Pygmy Shrews later because they're closer to Noonvale."
"Of course, I came back up north to do just that, save Noonvale."
"Hello there, Martin matey!" Gonff skipped over, "You getting to know this hedgehog?"
Martin smiled, "Aye."
"Martin!" The hedgehog exclaimed, "Martin, get in the firelight."
They walked over and the hedgehog danced in delight, "Knew you would come! I knew it! Can't you recognize your old friend, it's me, Pallum!"
Martin smiled and hugged the hedgehog gingerly, "Pallum, great to see you. Though it was rather dark there, good to see you."

A/N: We have bats, with german accents! That Noonvale song that was sang when Triffle fell, I wrote it. Also, Dari is the work of eulaliaaaa's imagination, and I would like to thank eulaliaaaa for letting me use him. Expect slower updates, that's all I had stored away. ~W0NWILL


Oh well, I will have to live with slower updates. This was amazing--when Triffle fell was a real heart-stopper, until I saw the ledge part. I love the bats' German accent, and that Noonvale song was very well written. *applauds*
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.



Sooooo...have you read my Pondicherry fanfiction? And when do you think you'll have your next chapter up?
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


It could take a while, and I'll try your fanfiction.


In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


ARRGH! People are asking for more on several of my fanfictions! Where is my coauthor when I need her?


3 words.

great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :o :o

I'm so glad you're writing what happened in between!!!! This is awesome I'm loving it!!! I love how all the characters are coming together quickly and Love the bat's german accent! This is one of my fav fanfics!!!
                         PLEASE WRITE MORE SOON! ;D ;D ;D
Doctor Who
Beyond the Western Deep
Ranger's Apprentice
Lord of the Rings
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Book Thief
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
And many many more...


Can't say no to that.

EDIT: I will probally update this Friday or Saturday or sometime around there.


I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


Don't pressure me, I'll discontinue it. ;) Don't worry, I have to find my co-writer, I wonder if she's been murdered...



Well, I've finally gotten off my lazy butt, and my co-writer has appeared again. There's going to be many more updates now.