The summer solstice

Started by Griffen, June 20, 2012, 06:25:51 AM

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OOC: that post had two or three mistakes in it, one, you just walked onto a tavern on the last post, so you are not at the gardens, two, there is one deadbeast, and one deadbeast only, the other two are alive, and three, there are only 5 people in the garden, you listed 6, and four, i don't think it's a tent.


Sorry. Excuse my stupidity

BIC:Razer looked around the tavern. There was a weasel in there.(Lursh)

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


OOC: its ok skyblade, lol every one makes mistakes. im surprissed i havn't made that many, im playing like 10,000 people hahaha  :D


Tavern Tender (around Razer and Lursh)

"yes, the tavern is open." he told the creature near the door. today was a slow day, only fifteen creatures were in the tavern when, on a good day it would be filled up to fifty or sixty.

Master Chay (around Seth)

the first student stopped rolling and just laid there, just like the third. "congrats, you have passed the test of Poi." he congratulated the second student. she opened her eyes and took a deep breath, the first breath that Seth had seen her take.


"what?  I just came here for some tea." Seth admitted, wondering what just happened.


Master Chay (around Seth)

he poured a cup of hot tea in to three tea cups, he gave one to the student that lived, and offered one to Seth "you have found what you have been seeking."


"yes, i have, and now i want to know what you do here, other than making tea, of course, by the way, you make good tea." Seth replied.


master Chay (around Seth)

"why thank you." the chipmunk smiled (thats right! he's a chipmunk!!) "i am a teacher here at the Academy. me and my students just finished our graduation ceremony. Leah will be moving on till her next stage in my class... as for the other two... they will be disposed of."


OOC: you mentioned that there where two other students, yet you killed two out of three.  Has one survived or will Seth not be the only new student? 

BIC: "so... what do you teach?" Seth asked.


OOC: i belive is i said there was Chay and two students. one was dead, another was rolling on the ground then died. and the last one (named Leah) survived. and when he said students he was refuring to the dead ones also.


Master Chay (around Seth)

"i teach about the mind and body." he said while sipping some of the tea "are you interested in taking my class?" he asked Seth


OOC:Thanks Griffen  :)  and can you describe the Tavern Tender and Master Chay a bit please? thank you

BIC:Razer nodded impatiently. "What do you serve?" she asked.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


OOC: ok, the tavern tender is a full grown rat. hes not a student and since he is part of the staff messing with him (trying to hurt him) will end up leaving you dead.

Master chay, he is a small chipmunk who lives in a small room next to the garden, which he takes care of. he teaches small classes. (1-5 at the most.) he has been teaching here for around 20 years and not much more is know about him. only his students really know him and they wont tell anyone about him.


Tavern Tender (around Razer and Lursh)

"well, it depends on what you drink." he smiled while washing a few dishes.

OOC: hope those descriptions helped.

PS: your not near the Garden


"okay.  Where do i start?" Seth asked.


OOC:They did. Thank you

BIC:Razer shrugged."anything that's not disgusting or poisoned. oh, and I'm not a vegetarian either.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


OOC: vegan and vegetarian are different, vegetarians are willing to eat non-plants, as long as it's not meat, so vegetarians are willing to eat dairy products, but vegans are much more picky.  What I'm saying is that vegans are a subcategory of vegetarians, not the same thing.


Master Chay and Leah (around Seth)

Leah almost spat up the tea threw her nose. she started to laugh. "i'll come back to the garden tomorrow. have fun training.. him." Leah was still laughing when she left.

a smile crossed Master Chay's face. he poured another cup of hot tea into a new tea cup. this time he used a different pot of tea. "drink." he offered to Seth "dont worry, it wont kill you, just a little test to see if you can be trained or not."

OOC: well thier kinda alike, and welcome


Tavern Tender (around Lurch and Razer)

"lets see if you'll like this one.." he said while pouring some type of drink into a cup, taking a match to the counter he lit the drink, small flames flickered on the drink.

OOC: i keep trying to post this but y'all keep posting lol  ;D but dont stop post hahaha