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The summer solstice

Started by Griffen, June 20, 2012, 06:25:51 AM

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Quote from: Griffen on June 26, 2012, 01:40:37 AM

@skyblade: you dont know that he is the Professor, because you have never met him.

The Professor (around Razer)

he looked at her, "why yes i am." he chuckled  "and what should i call this lovely creature who is also curious?"

OOC: :P  I forget alot of stuff

BIC:Razer relaxed a bit. To beasts who respected her she respected back, but to beasts who didn't.....what happened to them was not a pretty story. "I'm Razer." she answered. "And who are you? Are you part of the Academy?"

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


OOC: yes we know he is a big fox, but a size doesn't matter that much.


Black December (around Devil and Liesal)

she deflected the first three. "now for the big finally.." she said as the last three flew towards her, December took a deep breath. the three daggers stopped right in front of her, falling slowly to the ground. her eyes twitched and the edges around them started to turn black. her vision was going slightly fuzzy... the price of magic was sometimes  uncontrollable.

The Professor (around Razer)

"well hello Razer, i have heard a lot about you." he smiled

OOC: i saw Andrew and Abbotalf0805 arguing in the other forums, do not bring that type of hostility to my forms! im not joking, its uncalled for. Shut UP, you guys may use that when ever but on my forums that type of talking is prohibited. you got a problem, talk through emails... the rest of us that like to get on Redwall and take a break from every thing don't want to see you guys fighting, got it?

PS: if you have a problem with something in my forms that might lead to an argument between others, just email me, thanks


Devil threw the next three knives. one went right through December's cape, one went through her hood right by her face and the last landed in a tree right next to her. Devil grunted and whipped out his sythe and slowly walked forward.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


OOC: she has a barrer around her, the just fall to the ground when the get close to her. and were inside so there isn't any trees.


Black December

"you like that new trick?" she asked Liesal, she doesn't show off much.. but today she wanted to show the power she had been training on for the last few years. "and you.." she said while watching Devil walk closer  pulling out his sword.

OOC: OOPS!!! just noticed you don't have daggers, or a sythe lol your character only has a sword.. just a regular sword. but i will let you have those daggers lol.

PS: your out now though because you threw them at December.


OOC: um.. ok then..

Devil walked fowrd slowly and started whirling his sword around like a windmill with great speed. He said, "I have some tricks up my sleeve too.."
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


OOC: How much IC time has passed since i last used Seth?


OOC: its in your profile, you only said a regular sword. and no you dont have any tricks lol, magic like that was never tought to your character. the only characters that know magic are Black December and Liesal (i know what your planning on doing haha)

PS: andrew email me, we still have to talk about your power for Liesal

PPS: none really, there still having a little fight at the tavern


I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


OOC: fight who? you want to fight Seth? or do you want to fight December? because you already fighting December lol

PS: its best if all the new comers didn't start fighting the students because they know magic (most of them, but why risk it?) and all of y'all dont know any, yet.


"are you kidding me?" she asked as Devil came closer. she wanted to use her main power and just end this... but that would give her biggest strength away.


Devil asked while he advanced, "i asked you a question and you didn't answer earlier, who are you?"
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


OOC: what materials are the dorms made out of?


Black December

"didn't you hear what the swift fox told you? you dont get to ask the questions around here." she answered while drinking some kind of potion.

OOC: rock/wood probably, why? do you want it to made out of something else?


Devil stopped and looked at her for a while and said, "Ok then.." he turned around and left. He then went back to the tavern after collecting his knives.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


OOC: Can Seth not wait a few days to use a forge?  Sorry if my questions are annoying you, but...


Black December

certain things can pierce her shield. objects shot or throw at high speeds, heavy objects... this fox threw them pretty fast, but she stopped them, barely. "what a odd fox.." she said while walking towards Liesal. "im gonna go back to the Dorm." she told him while walking away. she was tired, she hasn't used that power in many fights it had took its toll really fast. she didn't let anyone notice. (the only person who can notice her weariness is Seth.)

OOC: its find if you ask questions, and you can break into one of the forges if you want. no one guards them... however a few gangs are near them so watch out.