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The summer solstice

Started by Griffen, June 20, 2012, 06:25:51 AM

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I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


OOC: Andrew, do not say anything about this character im about to use!! im gonna use him even though this isn't my master plan Rp.

Legion (on a mountain)

Legion could see the Academy, it was down in a valley, on a mountain almost the same size as the one he was on. snow covered this mountin and a wind blew hard, but no snow cam close to touching him, it just melted. "with a single snow flake, a creature will fall, but with a blizzard, who can stand?" Legion spoke to know one, he rose his staff into the air and snow started to fall over the Academy.

Black December

For partying hard last night she was up pretty early. she sneaked out of her room without waking Liesal and went to a window. a storm had come from no where within the last hour and, since then snowed thirteen feet. this a blizzard, one much like last years, and the year before that. it kills of two thirds of the students, making room for more. "snow.." she whispered while seeing a hare trying to crawl up the mountain, soon it was covered.

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: But how can a *****************! BIC:

The blowing winds woke up Streak, "Another Blizzard?" She thought out loud, "Hmmm same time as the past few years, strange."
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


OOC: i know! perfect place to use him! i wasn't planning on using him in this Rp but why not, want me to email you about the plot or do you want it to be a surprise?

Black December

December went away from the window, today she had class. just her and Shaffa. she was his best student, not only in her class but in all the other classes he tought. The Professor had often tried to get others to kill her because she wont conform to the "Call".


OOC: what sort of schedule do academy students have?  Also, help with Schrodinger would be helpful.

BIC: Seth woke up, remembering the class with Chay, he started heading to the gardens.



OOC: if you want to go to class then you can go, if you dont want to you dont have to. thats basically the schedule, unless a teacher makes a certain date.


Master Chay (around seth)

he just started to boil water for the tea when Seth came in. "hello, did you enjoy the feast?"

Fire (around Razer)

he tripped while getting out of his bed, waking Razer up. "my bad." he said while picking up some supplies that had spelt. it was almost all the way dark, no light was in the room because the blizzard blocked it.


OOC: okay.

BIC: "It was a better alternative to starving." Seth said, hoping that Master Chay was not the cook, not expecting him to be, but as he thought up a reply to help fix the hypothetical problem, he also thought how it always helps to be prepared.

OOC: I'm assuming that the cook for the tavern did it, but Seth doesn't know for sure, unless it was announced at the feast.


Master Chay and Leah

"i dont think we've properly met, im Leah." she said while sticking out her hand. "Leah will be training with us today, she has made her first tea today and would like us to try it." Master Chay told him


"okay, ordinary tea, or the dream tea?" Seth asked, expecting the answer to be the training tea.  "oh, and i forgot to mention.  Nice to meet you" he corrected himself



"haha, its gonna be dream tea, i hope." she smiled while pouring the tea into three cups.


Seth drank the tea as soon as he got the cup "well, it tastes-" The effects started, putting him to sleep mid-sentence.


Master Chay and Leah

the three of them were falling, ten thousand feet below was the ground.

"Ahhhhh!" Master Chay screamed while spinning out of control. "Guys! do as i do! do as i do!" she screemed at them while turning her belly to face the ground while spreading her arms and legs out, slowing her down and making her have control of the descent.


OOC: sorry i havent been able topost in awhile
Vater had been quiet most of the time watching the events unfold. She was in her domitory full after the feast. She watched the blizzard form the window and was ready to go on a mission.
Fun. is a fantastic band.


Device wandered the grounds looking for the Professor. He had some questions to ask.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


OOC: device? dont you mean devil?