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The Recruiting Sergeants

Started by Flandor, July 02, 2012, 01:28:44 AM

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Character: Dougie
Location: Barrow

Dougie was having a hard time suppressing a grin.  This young hare was so like many of the other ones at the mountain, full of energy and personality.  He'd make a fine recruit once they knocked some obedience and self-control into him.  Dougie couldn't much fault him for his excitability, as he himself often found it impossible to sit still or be quiet.

"Oh corks! The name's Resher Scutbob Fornsueth...though most about 'er call me Resh. My business is t- me business is gettin' away from bally Barrow teh see a bit o' the world. I mean, I would like to join yer bally ranks...sah!"

The young hare, Resh apparently, saluted him several times more.  At that, Dougie couldn't help but laugh.

"No need to be throwing salutes about, Resh m'boy.  I'm no officer.  Sergeant Douglass T. Jolloper, at your service.  You can call me Sergeant Jolloper, of course.  The sour fellow over there is Sgt. Forepaw.  So! You think you're cut out for the patrol, eh?"
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer


Character: Resher Scutbob Fornsueth
Location: Barrow

The young hare could not help but look slightly crestfallen as the Long Patroller laughed at his salutes. He had so been hoping to make and good impression on these hares, and it seemed all he amounted to was entertainment.

"No need to be throwing salutes about, Resh m'boy.  I'm no officer.  Sergeant Douglass T. Jolloper, at your service.  You can call me Sergeant Jolloper, of course.  The sour fellow over there is Sgt. Forepaw.  So! You think you're cut out for the patrol, eh?

At these words Resh brightened completely. This chap didn't seem half bad. Sergeant Jolloper eh? Seemed like a decent sort of beast. He followed the Sergeant's gesture towards Forepaw, wondering just how sour he really was.

"Jolly pleased to meet'cha Sergeant Jolloper...sah." Resh waggled his ears trying to decide what to say next. "I uh...I do believe I'm cut out fer life in the jolly ol' Patrol wot! I can run, jump, and I do bally well believe I can fight! Er...ah...sah!"

The young hare turned an ear as he picked up the words of a creature speaking to Forepaw. By the sound of it, he was not the only one wanting to join the ranks. If it came to picking and choosing, Resh hoped with all his heart he would be chosen.

Something Horrifying

Character: Dmitri
Location: Barrow, Village Square

Dmitri didn't want to admit it to himself, but if he hadn't found Barrow, he probably would have starved. The small farming village had turned out to be an extremely fortunate discovery for the hungry young rat, with its surrounding farmland, plentiful vegetable gardens, and occasional baked goods cooling on windowsills (or in unattended kitchens near windows, if he was feeling particularly bold). It had only been a couple of days, but so far he had managed to escape detection, and was feeling pretty smug about it.

In a fine mood from the lovely, bright morning, Dmitri peeked around the side of a building, towards the village square. My, what have we here? Almost every beast in the formerly bustling square had their attention fixed firmly upon either a bit of paper attached to the door of town hall, or upon two military-looking hares, who Dmitri quickly decided he'd best avoid.

Before the rat could make any further observations, however, a third hare came dashing onto the scene and crashed into a cart of apples, sending the fruit flying everywhere. Snatching up a rogue apple that rolled past him before it could be missed, Dmitri snickered quietly at the comical accident.

Slipping from one hiding place to another, the rat noticed another stroke of luck—a baker had left his stall to help his friend gather up the fallen apples. In doing so, he'd left his own goods unattended! After a quick glance around to be sure no one was watching, Dmitri went for it. Darting out from behind the next stall, he grabbed as much bread as he reasoned was subtle enough not to be easily missed, then slipped back out of sight again. Resorting to stealing in order to feed himself made him feel sort of cheap, but at least he was good at it, he told himself.

Fanfics: Blackness (complete) --- Recovery (in progress)
Art: Art Thread --- MS Paint Redwall


Character: Thorn
Location: Barrow

Thorn stared hard at the young maid for a long while, considering her words. When he spoke, he spoke slowly and carefully, considering each word. "Hmm... so it's been a dream of yours to join despite this being the first time we've gone recruiting non-hares... Well, you do seem capable enough... Just remember though that there'll be a lot of hard work in front of you. But, if you're okay with that, then welcome aboard!" He threw a salute at the new recruit, secretly hoping he had done the right thing.

Character: Oaka
Location: The river

Oaka had managed to catch a huge one. He had been fishing for so long, but this was the biggest fish he had ever managed to catch. Smiling broadly, he leapt up on to his feet and skipped off towards his house. This'll roast well! he thought to himself.
Received mostly negative reviews.


Malti Zia was bursting with pride. She was accepted into the famous Long Patrol. She smiled happily and threw a smart salute. Standing up straight she followed the Long Patrol. "Thank you sir! I wont let you down!" She thought quickly about what could come if she joined the Patrol. She had suffered worse and survived. What could she loose?
Fun. is a fantastic band.


Bruntil smiled in reply.  "Oi'll wash oop then!"  Paw washing completed by all in question,  they started toward the pub.  Bruntil frowned.  "Whurr'd everybeast go?  Et's moighty silent-like fur this toime of day." 

As they approached the town's small center, even the mole's shortsightedness allowed him to see the press of creatures. What was this all about?  He saw a couple new postings.  Oh no.  The long patrol?  Here?  They were brave beasts, anyone knew this but they were stuffy, pompous, arrogant, and given to far too much marching and parading, at least according to Bruntil.  He glanced questionably at Brigg and Corgan, "Oi diden know about this."

Dannflower Reguba

Ashe was just as confused as Bruntil... Though his view of them wasn't quite as negative. The black squirrel was listening in on multiple loud conversations trying to pick up on what was happening here. The Long Patrol? In BARROW?! What would they want in a small farm town?
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Character: Brigg
Location: Barrow

Brigg ambled happily down the path with his father and Bruntil.  He had beer and salted potatoes on his mind, and was looking very much forward to lunch at the pub.  He was confused to see none of his neighbors at work, and nodded when Bruntil spoke, sharing his apprehension.

As it turned out, all of his neighbors were in the village square.  What must have been everybeast in town was gathered in the small square, talking in a rather hushed manner and milling about near the entrance to the town hall.  It didn't bode well, Brigg thought.  If there was ever a crowd in town, there was either a festival, wedding or funeral, and this didn't seem to be any of the three.

Brigg noticed the two hares almost immediately.  They wore military tunics and stood off to the side, observing the crowd and speaking with a few young creatures.  Brigg recognized Resher, a hare near his own age.

He looked at his father and Bruntil, puzzled, as they came to a stop near the edge of the crowd. 

"What the divvil d'ye suppose all the commotion's about?"


Character: Dougie
Location: Barrow

Dougie listened to Resh speak, nodding.  He folded his arms over his chest.  Such enthusiasm! He was sure the young hare would make a fine recruit.  After all, there was a reason the Long Patrol had always kept its ranks purely made up of hares like him.

To be honest, Thorn and he wouldn't be turning away anyone.  As the poster stated, any beast who wasn't sickly or mentally damaged would be welcomed into the ranks, especially those who were yet young and full of energy.  He worried whether these country beasts would do well in the highly disciplined atmosphere of the Patrol, but with danger on the horizon and horrifically depleted numbers, they honestly had no choice.

He held out a paw to Resh.

"Well then lad, welcome to the Patrol, wot!" He dug about in his haversack and pulled out a small bit of parchment and a stick of charcoal.  "I'll just need you to sign this contract.  We'll be movin' out tomorrow, so you have tonight to say your goodbyes and whatnot."

The contract detailed the pledge of loyalty to the patrol, and signified that the recruit was agreeing to serve their Badger Lord under any circumstance, no matter what the order may be. 
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer

Tiria Wildlough

Trina felt tired just thinking about joining any sort of army. She turned to go. The ottermaid felt slightly sorry for the youngbeasts who were so eager.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.

Dannflower Reguba

Ashe was busy trying to catch the jist of the sudden introduction of Long Patrol hares to Barrow when he spotted Bruntil. The black squirrel finally had someone that he could talk to out of the frenzy of the crowd, "Bruntil! Hey Bruntil!" He tried to call above the noisy crowd to the kindly mole.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


"Well then lad, welcome to the Patrol, wot! I'll just need you to sign this contract.  We'll be movin' out tomorrow, so you have tonight to say your goodbyes and whatnot."

The hare's paw trembled slightly as he moved from a position of salute to taking the Long Patroller's offered paw. He sucked in a breath to steady himself and clasped Dougie's paw tightly. The shake started lightly but then a smile spread over Resh's features and he began to pump his paw up and down in a heartily.

"I bally well say! Thank ye sah! Won't let'cha down sah! Ready to march on the marrow sah!"

Resh's eyes sparkled in admiration of the Long Patrollers as the thought hit him; soon he would be a Long Patrol hare! Resh, the son of the turnip farmer. The one everybeast knew as a trouble maker and pastie nipper. The young rip who had never done well at studies and day dreamed while pulling weeds from the turnip patch! He would show them all! Everybeast in Barrow would soon see him in a Long Patrol uniform, groomed and marching carrying a... uh-oh! The hare's ears drooped for a moment. He didn't have a proper weapon. His only option was a little knife used for farming tasks.

"Just a tick Sergeant Jolloper. I-I...don't have a bally weapon...that won't be a problem...will it...sah?"

The hare looked at the Sergeant with bright eyes, wondering if his lack of armament would keep him from the ranks. 


Bruntil shook his head.  "Et's ee Longen Patrol.  They lukkin' fur new recrewts."  The mole's stubborn side crept in.  He wasn't frivolous enough to go prancing about the countryside.  As to why anybeast should want to be in a traveling band of fighters was beyond him.  It struck him as curious, though, that the Long Patrol was looking for non-hare candidates.  He'd never heard of that happening before. This aroused his curiosity, and he tried to edge closer to a notice where even his eyes could read it properly.  He chuckled. "Wut you'm say abowt et?" He nudged Brigg and Corgan.
Bruntil turned as he heard a voice calling his name.  He scanned the crowd.  He broke into a smile again as he saw Ashe.  He waved his digging claw.  "Maister Ashee! Gurt seasons, you been long gone!  Bain't a normal day today, no zurr."

Dannflower Reguba

Phew! He'd gotten his freinds attention... Now he had to make his way through a large crowd to him..... The black squirrel had to work his way, jostling, and being jostled, to get to his good friend. When he finally made it out of the mass of creatures he replied with a smile to match Bruntils', "Yes my friend, it has been quite a long time, and I apologize. I visited Southsward like I said I would do eventually, though I hadn't planned on doing it this time."

OOC: Sorry again, but I need to show Calaron this..... Do you mind modifying your post? I kinda have to dissapear.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Something Horrifying

After his successful escape, Dmitri stopped briefly to enjoy a snack and stuff the rest of the stolen bread into the small pack he'd been carrying on his back. Later that night after it was dark he'd do a bit more sneaking around to see what else he could scrounge up, but for now he wasn't going to risk it.

The young rat wondered what the fuss had been about in the square, with the hares and the crowd. He knew it might be kind of dangerous, but he was feeling confident after the successful theft, and eventually his curiosity and boredom got the better of him. Carefully, Dmitri made his way back to the edge of the square, still keeping mostly out of sight, but somewhat counting on the fact that everybeast seemed distracted. He tried to get a better look at the hares. Obviously military creatures, so what might they be up to in this little farming vil—

"ACK!" Thud.

Dmitri looked up from ground where he had fallen, wide-eyed and a little stunned. Watching the hares, he hadn't been looking where he was going...and had walked straight into Brigg.

Fanfics: Blackness (complete) --- Recovery (in progress)
Art: Art Thread --- MS Paint Redwall


Character: Dougie
Location: Barrow

Dougie considered looking aghast and telling Resh he absolutely needed a weapon or he wouldn't be allowed to join.  However, the young hare looked so upset he couldn't bring himself to joke about it.  He smiled.  Resh really reminded him of himself at that age, bursting with energy.

"Nope, no prior weapon training necessary, says so on the notice there, wot? We'll fix you up with something once we put you through some drills and decide what suits you."

He glanced about at the other creatures in the square.  Aside from the otter speaking to Thorn, and Resh, there seemed to be little to no interest from the country folk.  Dougie sighed.  Looked like he'd have to remind them why they would have to fight.  Frankly, if vermin took Salamandastron, soon there'd be no Barrow left.


Character: Brigg
Location: Barrow

Brigg scratched at his ear, a bit puzzled.  The Long Patrol? He'd heard tales about them, of course.  They were known to be dangerous fighters.  Why would they want to recruit a bunch of farmers? Surely they could find better prospects elsewhere.  Brigg knew his village well and he could think of only a few beasts cut out for soldiering, and most of them had fields to tend and families to feed. 

"Sure, I dunno what they'd want wid Barrow folk.  Ain't none of us much for fightin'."

He tried to get a better look at the goings on and the notice.  Though he was taller than most of the villagers, he was stuck on the edge of the throng and couldn't see much.  Somebeast called out for Bruntil, and he smiled at a pitch black squirrel who hurried over and greeted the mole.  He was waiting for Bruntil to introduce him when he was suddenly knocked forward.  Somebeast had run into his back and trod on his tail.  He yelped slightly, startled.

"What the divvil...?"

He turned about and saw a creature who looked a surprising amount like himself.  Brigg had never seen another rat before, and it was a strange experience for him.  The rat was black, and smaller than he was.  Brigg rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, giving the rat a half-smile.

"Ah sure, friend, are ye alright? Come up outta the dust there."

Brigg extended his paw to him to help him up.

Corgan had been paying attention to the goings on in the square, but at the commotion he arrived at Brigg's side, aghast.  He snatched up a rock from the ground, with a snarl on his features that Brigg had never seen.  Brigg watched his father's reaction with confusion, unsure of what the problem was.

Corgan began shouting at the rat.  "Git outta here, ye thief! Away wid ye! You think we're so dumb we don' realize when somebeast's been sneakin' about stealin' food? Ye vermin!"  With that, he chucked the rock in the rat's direction. 

Brigg stood, stunned.  "Da, he ain't done anythin'..."
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer