
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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The Recruiting Sergeants

Started by Flandor, July 02, 2012, 01:28:44 AM

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Tiria Wildlough

Trina turned to look at Corgan. 'No, he didn't do nothing. Don't hurt him. He's just an honest creature like the rest of us.'
She looked at Dmitri. 'Are you alright? The rock didn't hit you, did it?'
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I'm not a hipster.


Character: Walnut Strider

Location: Eastern Mossflower, somewhere in the woods

If anyone would be choosing what day he should spend on travelling, then he would probably pick this one. The morning was warm, but not excessively hot. The wind carried all beautiful smells of spring and sounds of chirping birds. All those things could fill any beast with boundless energy. Walnut was no different. He was marching on the narrow path through the woods. He was carrying a walking staff in one paw, and a bag of his supplies and belongings on his back. He was a traveler, a traveler without any real destination in his mind. He was just going where this road was leading him and wondering what he might see at its end.

This was a good day for traveling.


Character: Furff

Location: Eastern Mossflower

Furff was a late riser, she emerged from her hole in the base of a tree. Shaking loose dirt off her tunic, she retrieved her supplies and headed west, for no particular reason. Sweat dripped from her snout, she hated any sort of warm weather. She spotted a hare, or was it a rabbit? She hid behind a tree, she wasn't keen at anybeast noticing her, not after all that had happened.


Character: Walnut Strider

Location: Eastern Mossflower, somewhere in the woods

Walnut noticed a few blackberry bushes by the road. He came closer and saw that these shrubs had many ripe fruits on them. What luck!, rabbit thought with a smile. He put down his staff and bag. He picked a few blackberries and ate them.

"Mmm... tasty," he said to himself and took a few more. Then he got an idea. Why not fill the pockets of his dark green tunic with blackberries, so he would have something to eat along the way? Yes, that was a good thought. He started picking more fruits and putting them in his pockets, while a few blackberries found their way into his mouth.


"Burr hurr, they'm burries seem quoit 'lishous. Moind if'n Oi cud 'ave summ?"
Furff wasn't a social beast, but when it came to food, she'd do anything. She curtsied and tugged her snout. Might as well do the job properly. "Oi won' take much. Jusk 'nough to feed Oi furr eewhoile."


When another creature showed up unexpectedly, Walnut almost jumped back, startled. He calmed down when he saw, that the new beast was a mole. It took him a moment or two to understand what she had said.

"Oh, please do. Help yourself to them," he said with a polite bow. He look curiously at the mole. He had never seen any of her kind with his own eyes. There had been a few pictures of them in one of the books his parents kept in their home burrow, so that's how he recognized her species. To be truthful, in all of his life Walnut had only met members of one kind (other than rabbits): squirrels. Greenweed Warren wasn't the most visited place in the Mossflower.

"I am Walnut," he introduced himself to mole, remembering of good manners.


"Moi name's Furff." Furff said offhandedly, she was busy stuffing berries into her sack, "Oi bes ee travler." Her sack was bulging when she had finished and there was few berries left on the bush, "Boi now." She turned to go.


"Really? I'm also a traveler," Walnut said, picking his bag and staff from the ground and following Furff. "Maybe we could travel together? Where are you heading?" Then he thought with embarrassment that molemaiden might not desire his company. He came to a halt.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to impose myself on you, Miss Furff."


"Oi suppose, but 'ly furr ee likkle bit, burr aye? Wurr urr you'm goning?" Furff slung her pack over her shoulder. "An' call Oi jus' Furff."


Ooc: Needed posts are from redwallgurl, Calaron, Brookskimmer and Something Horrifying.  No rush, just keeping things organized here :)

Brookskimmer: Check :D
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer


Character: Resher Scutbob Fornsueth
Location: Barrow

"Nope, no prior weapon training necessary, says so on the notice there, wot? We'll fix you up with something once we put you through some drills and decide what suits you."

The hare's ears stood straight up and a smile returned to his features as the sergeant responded to his request. Not only would they allow him into the ranks they would "fix him up with something" once he had been through some drills. The young hare's mind began to fill with all the sorts of ideas that a young hare's mind would when it came to weaponry. Resh began to mutter words as he smiled at Dougie.

"I jolly well say wot! Resher the Blade, that's whot they'll call me. I fine sabre... no a broadsword. Yes, that's ticket. Slice and dice the vermin so I will eh eh? No no... make it a fine set of bow and arrows. Deadeye Fornsueth, that's the name! I'll snuff out the vermin like this..." He motioned like he had a bow and arrows in paw. "One, two, thr-" As he released another "arrow" he realized he'd been talking out loud. Resh cleared his throat and threw a salute.

"Eh...wot! Sorry 'bout that ol' chap... I-I mean Sergeant sah! Jest a bit o' the jitters I'm afraid.  So, you say we leave on the morrow? Best pop home an' kiss the mater and pater fair well. "

Resh dropped his salute and bounded back towards the farm house. It would be his last evening at home for who knew how long. The young hare positively quivered with excitement.

OOC: I'm going to post next when the story line shifts to the next day. Looking forward to RPing with these other characters soon!


Malit Zia still stood to attention not knowing what to do. She had no where to room tonight and wasn't sure if she should hang out with the Sergeant. Deciding that they would still need to recruit more creatures she curtsied politely saying,

"Well thank you sah, if you don't need me anymore I'll be off. You must be very busy."

She returned to standing to attention waiting to be dismissed. She didn't want to be on the bad side of these hares already. 
Fun. is a fantastic band.

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: Sorry for posting an OOC: in the RP, but not everyone checks the OOC: often enough to see this. I'm going to be gone from the 19th- the 28th. I'll be around for the morning of the 19th, and the evening of the 28th.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Walnut smiled as Furff allowed him to join her. He had left his home warren barely a few days ago, but even that short time alone had been enough for him to miss having other creatures around.

"I thought of going to Redwall Abbey," he responded to Furff question, his ears twitching slightly from excitement. He had heard many stories about that famous place. "Or to Salamandastron. I have yet to decide."


"Oi've already been thur, Oi jusk wanta go roond an' see ee wurld, but we'm kin go to 'lamingdstone(Salamandastron). Wot d ye think, zurr Wurlnut?" Furff dug some berries out of her sack, passed a few to Walnut and comenced stuffing her face.