
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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Started by Lainet, July 04, 2012, 02:13:06 AM

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The blacksmith scratched his head, contemplating what weapon would suit Breersk.  "Ah take any yous want.  I 'aven't sold anything for a long while.  There's some nice short swords 'ere- easy to use an' lethal.  Small rapiers, daggers 'n' such."
When someone says they've never heard of Redwall... I feel like crying for them.
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Breersk took a broad sword and tried to swing it. "Sorry sir, I can't swing it, maybe a sword isn't right for me."

OOC: he leaves here with two axes, one way or another


Tetra went back to her ship after her crew was asleep and watched the stars.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.

Leatho Shellhound

The Soumaya had just sailed into the harbor.
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Tetra saw Soumaya sail into the port and she ran to the inn. SHe ran into her crew's rooms and said, "Get up boys! The Soumaya is in port!" Then her crew members go tup and readied there gear. Some of them were a little irritated by being awakened by a 13 year old mousemaiden. 
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


The blacksmith shook his head.  "No no no.  That ain't right at all... The sword don't seem t'be your thing.  We got other things, like spears 'n' axes.  'Ow about you check those out?" he suggested.
When someone says they've never heard of Redwall... I feel like crying for them.
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Tetra's crew ran to the shore and got ready to fight. Tetra went up to the young otter maid (forgot her name) and said, "Heres your money." She flipped her a gold coin and walked out.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


Breersk went over to another section of the wall and grabbed twin axes off. Each was set with a dark green jade stone.


Lainet snatched the coin and glared at Tetra as she walked out.  Just then, she heard dockworkers calling her.  She ran out of the inn to see the Soumaya- another ship she undoubtedly had to help escort into the Port.  The otter silently hoped that the captain of this ship was better than Tetra.

Nodding approvingly, the blacksmith said, "Those seem to suit ye better.  Give 'em a swing, see how they feel."
When someone says they've never heard of Redwall... I feel like crying for them.
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Breersk swung them, then flung one, it landed deep in the wooden wall. "How much?" he asked.


Tetra watched the ship pull into port and she told her crew, "Just watch 'em boys. Don't attack until I say.."
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


The blacksmith smiled at Breersk, impressed by his skill even though he was just starting out.  "Hm, well I'm feelin' generous t'day.  You can just have 'em.  Sound good?" he said.

Lainet lashed her tail back and forth, curiosity tainting her features.  "Now what could that mouse be up to..." she muttered, watching Tetra as she and her crew waited for the Soumaya.
When someone says they've never heard of Redwall... I feel like crying for them.
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Tetra was very good at hearing things and turned around and said to Lainet, "Don't ask."
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


The ottermaid rolled her eyes and said, "Just don't cause trouble."  She then walked over to chat nonchalantly with some dockworkers.
When someone says they've never heard of Redwall... I feel like crying for them.
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"That a bad question to ask me." said Tetra.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.