Infinite Skies: A Legend of Reedbind (OOC sign up)

Started by BrookSkimmer, July 06, 2012, 05:22:18 AM

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This is a "non-canon" RP. You will see why as you read on. Do not sign up unless you wish to participate in the "non-canon" part of this thread.

Plot Design This RP is a story that is being told to a bunch of young otters before bed. This is why the thread is labled as a legend. I will make my first post as the "story teller" and then launch into the RP from there.

Setting at the Beginning: Holt Reedbind
An otter holt in the estuary lands not far from Salamandastron. Because this holt rests in estuary land it contains a mixing of river otters and sea otters. The holt is usually the home of around fifty otters. There are usually more river otters than sea otters. Some otters call Reedbind home permanently, other are nomadic and stop in for short amounts of time.

Reedbind is constructed into the rocky outcrops of a tidal inlet. It is made out of the rock of the area and also out of floating mats of reed that are tied to make sturdy living areas.

Story line: The RP will take place at the beginning of summer. A group of otter explorers decide to climb a mountain inland of their Holt as odd avian activity has been spotted there. Upon arrival at the top of the mountain the group is met by an group of mysteriously large eagles. These eagles, a tribe called the Kreevars, are large enough to carry an otter in flight.

The Kreevars ask for the otter's help in battle against another tribe of eagles. The Scarlaks are evil and have been stealing the nestlings from the Kreevars. The otters pledge to help the eagles and fly with them to engage the Scarlaks in battle.

The rest will be decided as we go.

Characters Needed:
Shring Reefrudder: Male sea otter leader of the holt. Mate of Eloyna.
40 years old (played by Brookskimmer)

Eloyna Reefrudder: Female river otter leader of the holt. Mate of Shring.
40 years old. (played by Brookskimmer)

Otter 1: Male sea otter that will go on the adventure
(played by Flandor)
Name: Elgar Whitewhisker
Species: Sea Otter
Age: 42 seasons
Gender: Male
Occupation: Recorder

Appearance: Elgar is a slim and wiry sea otter.  He could be described as being mostly brain and not very much brawn.  He is slightly shorter than average, with narrow shoulders.  However, his eyes are bright and inquisitive, and give the impression that the gears are always turning in his head.  Elgar has average brown fur, but his muzzle and whiskers are flecked with white, a family trait and their namesake.  He wears a plain, faded blue tunic but has a very clean and orderly appearance about him.  His whiskers and fur are always neatly combed.  

Personality: Elgar is incredibly well-mannered and refined for a sea otter.  He lacks the boistrous and rough manner of many of his bretheren, instead enjoying peace and study.  He feels a strong loyalty to his kin, however, and has dedicated himself to preserving the otter lore and history of the holt.  He is well-spoken and well-read, and loves to tell stories and teach youngsters.  Elgar likes order and cleanliness, and his favorite games are those that require strategy and thinking.  He isn't aloof or rude to his fellows, but he does often feel like a bit of a black-sheep, not quite fitting the otter stereotype.  Many of the otters find him a little strange.

Strengths: Good at math, writing, and reading.  Well-spoken and polite.  Strong swimmer.  Wise with age.
Weaknesses: Can seem cold or condescending to others.  Not a talented fighter, unused to much physical exertion.  Is a terrible cook and has no experience surviving in the wilderness.

Likes: Books, stories, puzzles, writing, relaxing with a quiet cup of tea, hot soup.
Dislikes: Hot weather, rowdiness, loud creatures, ignorance, being dirty and unkempt, having things out of order.

History: Elgar was born at Holt Reedbind, the son of two rather unremarkable sea otters.  He was always "different" as a young kit, preferring always to play quietly on his own, read, or talk with the elders.  His peers annoyed him, and he was ever confused about their playful and carefree natures.  When he reached 15 seasons, he travelled with a few other otters to Redwall.  While they visited and left again short after, Elgar opted to stay several seasons to study and learn.  He spent much time with the Recorder at the Abbey, improving his writing and reading every book he could get his paws on, as they were scarce at the Holt.  He very much enjoyed the quiet and peaceful existance at Redwall, but in his 22nd season he began to feel homesick.  He felt he could provide an invalueable service to his tribe using his new found recording skills, and shortly travelled home again to live for good.  He has never taken a mate but is on good terms with most of the otters there, and rarely feels lonely.

Otter 2: Female river otter that will go on the adventure
(played by Rainshadow)
Name:  Shadow Wildfire
Age:  17
Gender:  Female
Occupation:  Lives at Holt Reedbind, excellent hunter
Appearance:  Jet black fur with white flame mark on forehead, stormy grey eyes, dark purple tunic

Strengths:  Excellent with the black bow and arrows she has, excellent swimmer, and very good with the dagger
Weaknesses:  Has a scar on her back that acts up when she exerts herself too much, at times unsure of herself
Likes/Dislikes:  Likes hotroot soup, Dibbuns, water.  Dislikes noise, annoying creatures, evil.

Personality:  Quiet, kind, doesn't trust people easily, at times unsure of herself

History:  Is a wanderer, used to live at Redwall, but grew tired of that life, daughter of the Skipper of Redwall

Otter 3: Male sea otter that will go with the adventure
(played by Brookskimmer)
Name: Bilky Rushtide
Age: 14
Species: Sea otter
Occupation: Cook in training at Holt Reedbind
Other: Light brown in color. Black paws. Carries javelin and sling.

Otter 4: Male river otter that will go on the adventure
(played by Skipper)
Name:Rigg, nephew of Oakpaw
Occupation:Lives at the Holt
Appearance:Looks like an average European otter

Strengths:Using his two small axes (good for throwing and close up fighting) stealth.
Weaknesses:Battle strategies and pressure.
Likes/Dislikes:Hates doing boring things, likes adventure and action, hates being lonely, likes praise and hates being scolded.

Personality:Rigg is a helpful otter and sometimes tries to keep his feelings hidden. He likes to be noticed from time to time and hates being lonely or being scolded.

History:Rigg was sent to Holt Reedbind to be raised by his uncle, they have a close connection and are more like father and son.

Hare 1: Female hare that will go on the adventure
(meets up with otters as they journey to the mountain)
(played by Wonwill)
Name: Castiona
Age: 35 seasons
Gender: Female
Occupation: Hare one
Appearance: Sandy coloured with white, brown, black and grey flecks

Strengths: Has pretty much every weapon know, and can use any of them, brave and smart
Weaknesses: So many weapons that the ones she isn't using may get in the way, terrible at ranged combat, is hasty
Likes: Loyalty and honor
Dislikes: Cheats and vermin

Personality: she's hasty, she wouldn't think on things before jumping in, but she's loyal and brave

History: Came from the far north, thus she has a highlander accent, was somehow washed ashore near Salamandastron and was raised there.

Hare 2: Male hare that will go on the adventure
(meets up with otters as they journey to the mountain)
(played by Leatho Shellhound)
Name: HolmOak
Age:14 seasons
Gender: male
Occupation: Regimental Boxing Hare Champion of the Long  Patrol
Appearance:white fur, with a black tunic and a belt with a dagger, blue eyes
Strengths: Boxing, kicking, and running
Weaknesses: swimming
Likes/Dislikes: Likes those who are nice to him and is kind to those who don't. Dislikes those who hurt his friends.

Personality: He looks on the bright side of things.

History: was born at Salamandastron and was looking for adventure

Eagle 1: Leader of the Kreevars
(played by Danflorreguba)
Name: Jerrith Stiler (sty-ler)
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Occupation: Leader of Kreevars
Appearance: Golden eagle:

Strengths: Flight, speed, strategist
Weaknesses: Doesn't trust ANY beast from ANY species without some hard work on their part. Can be synical, gets angry easily.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Honor, Soup, Flying, Fresh air, friends. Dislikes: Cowardice, olives, tomatoes, walking, stale/unmoving air, enemies.

Personality: Can be harsh at times, but usually nice to get along with (assuming you have his trust), thinks things through (usually) thoughtful, known for showing kindness and hospitality to those stuck in his region... But only while they are stuck... Unless they gain his trust.

History: Born and bred in the mountain regions that he now commands. Grew up fighting, showed promise at an early age. Lost his father at age 19, and took over command at 24.

Eagle 2: Leader of the Skarlaks
(played by Wonwill)
Name: Lumaq
Species: Eagle
Gender: Male
Age: ?
Occupation: Leader of Scarlaks
Appearance: Bald eagle
Personality: Sore winner and loser, leads the Scarlaks with an iron claw, enjoys dealing out punishments (I'm terrible at describing personalities)
Strengths: Strong, good reactions, physical strength
Weaknesses: Quick to anger, is a bit of an idiot, relies on the brains of his second in command
Likes: The flesh of chicks and eggs, winning
Dislikes: Losing, the Kreevars
History: Comes from a forest far away, went to travel, killed the leader of the Scarlaks in single combat and bullied the others into following him, has led for a while.

1) If you don't want to follow the rules, then feel free to choose another RP to play in.

2) Posts must be at least seven sentences each, minimum. More is usually preferred when you can. A good place to aim for is two decent paragraphs. This is to keep the RP detailed and interesting and to make it read like a real story. I have nothing against any RP that's mostly one-liners, I just would like this one to contain longer posts.

3) Godmoding is strictly forbidden. Powerplaying is acceptable only when prior permission has been granted by the player whose character will be affected. If you don't know what these words mean, they are explained in the RP rules topic.

4) Character profiles MUST be approved before you post in the RP thread. I reserve the right to deny any profile I don't think has been thought out or that doesn't follow the template listed below in the section on character creation.


Please copy and paste the following into your application post, completed.  
(tell me which character position you want from the list above)





I would like to be otter 4 please (I like how it's set out as a story ;))
Name:Rigg, nephew of Oakpaw
Occupation:Lives at the Holt
Appearance:Looks like an average European otter

Strengths:Using his two small axes (good for throwing and close up fighting) stealth.
Weaknesses:Battle strategies and pressure.
Likes/Dislikes:Hates doing boring things, likes adventure and action, hates being lonely, likes praise and hates being scolded.

Personality:Rigg is a helpful otter and sometimes tries to keep his feelings hidden. He likes to be noticed from time to time and hates being lonely or being scolded.

History:Rigg was sent to Holt Reedbind to be raised by his uncle, they have a close connection and are more like father and son.


Hey! You stole my rules XD (kidding)

I gotta think up a character but ill be back! (Hm.. Idk if ill be any good playing a female...)
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer


I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


I think you have to play any of the characters BrookSkimmer posted ^ which is an otter or hare

oh yeah, i forgot the eagles. Sorry!

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Flandor: I can change one of the remaining otters to male for you if you'd like. Oh and for the rules... imitation is the sincerest form of flattery... at least when it comes to copying rules  ;D

AbbotAlf: No you don't have to be an otter. Did you not read the character list? You can play otter, hare, or eagle. You must fill out the joining template correctly if you wish to attend this RP.


I'd love to play a male sea otter if that's ok?
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer


Yes! Tis fine. Choose whichever one you want and I'll change it to a male character for you. Glad to have you aboard!


Excellent :) I'll dream up a character and have a profile up this afternoon.
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer

Dannflower Reguba

"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


DanflorReguba: Yes you can. I'll reserve it for you. Just fill out the joining template when you can.

Dannflower Reguba

Here's the beggining. I might not be able to finish it or need help.

Name: Jerrith Stiler (sty-ler)
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Occupation: Leader of Kreevars
Appearance: Golden eagle:

Strengths: Flight, speed, strategist
Weaknesses: Doesn't trust ANY beast from ANY species without some hard work on their part. Can be synical, gets angry easily.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Honor, Soup, Flying, Fresh air, friends. Dislikes: Cowardice, olives, tomatoes, walking, stale/unmoving air, enemies.

Personality: Can be harsh at times, but usually nice to get along with (assuming you have his trust), thinks things through (usually) thoughtful, known for showing kindness and hospitality to those stuck in his region... But only while they are stuck... Unless they gain his trust.

History: Born and bred in the mountain regions that he now commands. Grew up fighting, showed promise at an early age. Lost his father at age 19, and took over command at 24.

That good?
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Leatho Shellhound

Can I be a hare?


Name: HolmOak
Age:14 seasons
Gender: male
Occupation: Regimental Boxing Hare Champion of the Long  Patrol
Appearance:white fur, with a black tunic and a belt with a dagger, blue eyes
Strengths: Boxing, kicking, and running
Weaknesses: swimming
Likes/Dislikes: Likes those who are nice to him and is kind to those who don't. Dislikes those who hurt his friends.

Personality: He looks on the bright side of things.

History: was born at Salamandastron and was looking for adventure

I hope you like it.  :-\
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  I have a question.  What is non-canon?  Also, I would like to play the second otter, I just need to come up with an application.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Non-canon: Would be things that do not fit into the Redwall universe. i.e. Flying on the back of an eagle.

I'll reserve otter 2 for you!

@Shellhound, you are in!

Now just looking for a female hare and the leader eagle for the Skarlaks!