
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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Vermin Badger series discussions

Started by cairn destop, July 06, 2012, 06:58:02 PM

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Well I love your works, they are really amazing. I copy every new chapter on a flashdrive so I can read it in my room. It's really good and powerful and your characters show soo much presonalitys and drama. I also like the new idea of how Redwall runs. It's amazing and unique. Thank you for writing this.
Fun. is a fantastic band.

cairn destop

Glad you are enjoying this series.  If you ever have a question, either on the story, or the technical portion of the writings, don't hesitate to post.  I usually reply within 48 hours.

The next installment is a one-chapter holiday special.  I'll be posting in December.
Retirement:  What I earned from a lifetime of work.

cairn destop

It saddens me to announce the death of my computer.  If I can continue getting access to the library computer, the upload schedule will be met, but later in the day.

Sorry for any inconvenience.
Retirement:  What I earned from a lifetime of work.

cregga rose eyes

Um, I only write as a hobby, but I think your rules are a little harsh. I mean yes they most likely are accurate, but I think (such as your rule on adverbs or weather) that it is not bad to add some color to a story.
Drifting with the wind
I usually go by LakeLake nowadays


Oh, poor computer! I hope you can maybe get a new one soon.
Fun. is a fantastic band.

cairn destop

Quote from: cregga rose eyes on November 07, 2012, 08:24:26 PM
Um, I only write as a hobby, but I think your rules are a little harsh. I mean yes they most likely are accurate, but I think (such as your rule on adverbs or weather) that it is not bad to add some color to a story.

I'm in full agreement.  Some of these "commandments" come from Saint Stephen King. (genuflect, genuflect, sing the hallalua chorus)  Writers take his words as law since he is a published author.  Not me.  If you read my material, I'm breaking his rules all the time.  I've always believed moderation. 

You mentioned weather.  His "commandment" should be ignored if the weather has some affect on the story or is used to establish the setting.  At least that's my opinion.

And it's nice meeting somebody who looks at writting as an enjoyable hobby.
Retirement:  What I earned from a lifetime of work.

cairn destop

Quote from: redwallgurl on November 07, 2012, 08:36:32 PM
Oh, poor computer! I hope you can maybe get a new one soon.

A replacement is on order.  Anticipated date is Monday or Tuesday.
Retirement:  What I earned from a lifetime of work.

cairn destop

The reason the story has slowed is due to the recent death of my computer.  It necessitated trips to the library to upload.  Unfortunately, their computers believe this site unreliable and blocked it.  I finally have a new computer at home.

One good thing has come of this.  Now, the uploads on this site and another writing site have been coordinated.  My three uploads a week will commence on Monday.

My apology for any inconvenience.  For those who are Americans, hope you enjoyed the holiday.  Keep safe this Black Friday.
Retirement:  What I earned from a lifetime of work.


I'm at chapter four of The Price of Defeat, and so far, it's great!  :)

cairn destop

Appreciate the read and comment.  As I've said earlier, will gladly discuss any of the technical points, and will respond to all questions.

Completion date is December 21,2012.
Retirement:  What I earned from a lifetime of work.

cairn destop

It is time for the next installment in my Vermin Badger Series.  This story is a fairly short one, fifteen chapters.  Like my last story, chapters will be released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

In consideration of your fellow readers, please post all comments here.  I will respond within a few days.
Retirement:  What I earned from a lifetime of work.

cairn destop

My apology for not keeping the story updated.  Illness, both mine and that of my 85 year old mother has distracted me.  Story will resume Monday.  Again, sorry for the inconvenience.
Retirement:  What I earned from a lifetime of work.


cairn destop

Retirement:  What I earned from a lifetime of work.

cairn destop

As always, am willing to explain or discuss anything related to this series, including the current story, The New Arrivals.
Retirement:  What I earned from a lifetime of work.