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Started by W0NWILL, July 08, 2012, 01:10:54 AM

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The leader whacked his axe handle over Wing's head, knocking him out, "Gorrim! Gerrim outta here!" The tribe scurried to obey. "Wing, wewe you goin'? I's goo' fun hewe!" "Wing!" Breersk shouted.

OOC: I asked for permission to PP Wing.


  Wing did nothing, obviously, seeing as he was unconscious.  All that he could do was watch birds and stars flying around in his head.  It hurt.
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"They took him!" The tribe had just about vanished. "Bweewsk, what happen'?"


  Wing groaned involuntarily; his head throbbing.  He had woken up, but he couldn't open his eyes or move.  It hurt too badly.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"Kitticat wakkeyupup! Bounim, gagim." The creatures wound a dirty gag around his mouth and tied his forepaws together, "We gorrim!"


  Wing's eyes shot wide open.  "Mph!  Mph!"  He tried to spit the gag out, but choked on it.  He then proceeded to try and tear the ropes binding him, but to no avail.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"Wesill norra home. Gerrim home an' gerryerselves home." The tribe's home was a bowl-shaped valley, hidden amidst the shrubbery, "Purrim inna prisoncav."


  "Pwmmcvv? (Prisoncav?)"  Wing struggled even more; being now fully awake.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"Quiet, kitticat, or we bes killin' an' eatcha!" They dragged Wing to a natural cave under a tree, the tree was huge, making it look like there was fallen leaves level with the ground on all sides. There was a crude cell door covering it, crude but effective.


  Wing started screaming, trying to get someone to hear him.  He didn't like Breersk all that much, but right now Breersk would be a welcome sight.  Much better than the stinky creatures.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"Quiet! If you don't quiet down, they'll eat us quicker!" "Burr hurr, that'n be roight, 'member ee heghoggie? Poor creeture." The speakers were a young shrew and an old mole.


  OOC:  Were the gag and bonds removed?  Or is he still bound and gagged?
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


OOC: They were removed.

BIC: "But what does it matter, we'll be killed, all the same." A hare had spoken, "If we're lucky, they'll kill us swiftly." He was tall and dark.


  OOC:  Okay, thanks!

  BIC:  Wing cowered in a corner.  "Eat us?  'O awe yew?"
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


The shrew shot a glare at the hare, "Aye, we're like you, we were captured to be fattened up and ate." The mole nodded, "Boi roight, they bes smart varmints, they put us'ns in ee cage unner ee soil so we carn't dig oot."